Source code for grafei.model.edge_features

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import sys
import numpy as np

[docs] def compute_doca(name_values): """ Computes DOCA between two tracks. Args: name_values (dict): Dictionary of numpy arrays containing px, py, pz, x, y, z. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array containing doca values. """ eps = 1e-7 px = name_values["px"] py = name_values["py"] pz = name_values["pz"] x = name_values["x"] y = name_values["y"] z = name_values["z"] p = np.array([px, py, pz]).T r = np.array([x, y, z]).T n_parts = len(px) # Momenta cross-product v = np.cross(p, p[:, None]).reshape(-1, 3) # Norm of each cross-product v_norm = np.linalg.norm(v, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1)) # Suppress divide by 0 warnings in the diagonal (anyway it will be ignored) v_norm[v_norm == 0] = 1 v_u = v / v_norm # Difference in 3-positions dr = np.subtract(r, r[:, None]).reshape(-1, 3) # Dot products between r and v_u dr_x_vu = (, v_u.T).diagonal().reshape((1, -1)) ) # Doca computed here doca = np.linalg.norm(v_u * dr_x_vu.T - dr * (v_norm < eps), axis=1).reshape( n_parts, n_parts ) # Remove diagonal elements and flatten return doca[~np.eye(doca.shape[0], dtype=bool)]
[docs] def compute_cosTheta(name_values): """ Computes cosinus of angle between two tracks. Args: name_values (dict): Dictionary of numpy arrays containing p, px, py, pz. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array containing cosinus of theta values. """ ux = name_values["px"] / name_values["p"] uy = name_values["py"] / name_values["p"] uz = name_values["pz"] / name_values["p"] u = np.array([ux, uy, uz]).T costheta = np.inner(u, u) # Remove diagonal elements and flatten return costheta[~np.eye(costheta.shape[0], dtype=bool)]
# Put here available features with respective functions (prepend edge_ to the name) available_features = { "edge_costheta": compute_cosTheta, "edge_doca": compute_doca, } def _available_edge_features(feat, name_values): """ Returns value of edge feature if contained in dictionary available_features. """ if feat not in available_features: sys.exit( "Requested edge feature not available, but you could add it in grafei/data/!" ) return available_features[feat](name_values)
[docs] def compute_edge_features(edge_feature_names, features, x): """ Computes a series of edge features starting from node features. Args: edge_feature_names (list): List of edge features names. features (list): List of node feature names. x (numpy.ndarray): Array of node features. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of edge features. """ # Will be filled and converted to np.ndarray of shape [E, F_e] with # E=nodes*(nodes-1) (assume no self-interactions) and F_e number of edge features edge_features = [] # Remove `feat_` from feature names features = [f.replace("feat_", "") for f in features] # Associate node feature names with values name_values = dict(zip(features, x.T)) # Compute edge features for feat in edge_feature_names: feature_values = _available_edge_features(feat, name_values) edge_features.append(feature_values) return np.array(edge_features).T