Source code for grafei.model.geometric_layers

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch_scatter import scatter

def _init_weights(layer, normalize):
    Initializes the weights and biases.
    for m in layer.modules():
        if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
            if not normalize:
        elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm1d) or isinstance(m, nn.LayerNorm):

[docs] class EdgeLayer(nn.Module): """ Updates edge features in MetaLayer: .. math:: e_{ij}^{'} = \\phi^{e}(e_{ij}, v_{i}, v_{j}, u), where :math:`\\phi^{e}` is a neural network of the form .. figure:: figs/MLP_structure.png :width: 42em :align: center Args: nfeat_in_dim (int): Node features input dimension (number of node features in input). efeat_in_dim (int): Edge features input dimension (number of edge features in input). gfeat_in_dim (int): Gloabl features input dimension (number of global features in input). efeat_hid_dim (int): Edge features dimension in hidden layers. efeat_out_dim (int): Edge features output dimension. num_hid_layers (int): Number of hidden layers. dropout (float): Dropout rate :math:`r \\in [0,1]`. normalize (str): Type of normalization (batch/layer). :return: Updated edge features tensor. :rtype: `Tensor <>`_ """ def __init__( self, nfeat_in_dim, efeat_in_dim, gfeat_in_dim, efeat_hid_dim, efeat_out_dim, num_hid_layers, dropout, normalize=True, ): """ Initialization. """ super(EdgeLayer, self).__init__() #: Non-linear activation self.nonlin_function = F.elu #: Number of hidden layers self.num_hid_layers = num_hid_layers #: Dropout probability self.dropout_prob = dropout #: Normalization self.normalize = normalize #: Linear input layer self.lin_in = nn.Linear( efeat_in_dim + 2 * nfeat_in_dim + gfeat_in_dim, efeat_hid_dim ) #: Intermediate linear layers self.lins_hid = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Linear(efeat_hid_dim, efeat_hid_dim) for _ in range(self.num_hid_layers) ] ) #: Output linear layer self.lin_out = nn.Linear(efeat_hid_dim, efeat_out_dim, bias=not normalize) if normalize: #: Batch normalization self.norm = nn.BatchNorm1d(efeat_out_dim) _init_weights(self, normalize) def forward(self, src, dest, edge_attr, u, batch): """ Called internally by PyTorch to propagate the input through the network. - src, dest: [E, F_x], where E is the number of edges. - edge_attr: [E, F_e] - u: [B, F_u], where B is the number of graphs. - batch: [E] with max entry B - 1. """ out = ([edge_attr, src, dest, u[batch]], dim=1) if u.shape != torch.Size([0]) else[edge_attr, src, dest], dim=1) ) out = self.nonlin_function(self.lin_in(out)) out = F.dropout(out, self.dropout_prob, out_skip = out for lin_hid in self.lins_hid: out = self.nonlin_function(lin_hid(out)) out = F.dropout(out, self.dropout_prob, if self.num_hid_layers > 1: out += out_skip if self.normalize: out = self.nonlin_function(self.norm(self.lin_out(out))) else: out = self.nonlin_function(self.lin_out(out)) return out
[docs] class NodeLayer(nn.Module): """ Updates node features in MetaLayer: .. math:: v_{i}^{'} = \\phi^{v}(v_{i}, \\rho^{e \\to v}(v_{i}), u) with .. math:: \\rho^{e \\to v}(v_{i}) = \\frac{\\sum_{j=1,\\ j \\neq i}^{N} (e_{ji} + e _{ij})}{2 \\cdot (N-1)}, where :math:`\\phi^{v}` is a neural network of the form .. figure:: figs/MLP_structure.png :width: 42em :align: center Args: nfeat_in_dim (int): Node features input dimension (number of node features in input). efeat_in_dim (int): Edge features input dimension (number of edge features in input). gfeat_in_dim (int): Gloabl features input dimension (number of global features in input). nfeat_hid_dim (int): Node features dimension in hidden layers. nfeat_out_dim (int): Node features output dimension. num_hid_layers (int): Number of hidden layers. dropout (float): Dropout rate :math:`r \\in [0,1]`. normalize (str): Type of normalization (batch/layer). :return: Updated node features tensor. :rtype: `Tensor <>`_ """ def __init__( self, nfeat_in_dim, efeat_in_dim, gfeat_in_dim, nfeat_hid_dim, nfeat_out_dim, num_hid_layers, dropout, normalize=True, ): """ Initialization. """ super(NodeLayer, self).__init__() #: Non-linear activation self.nonlin_function = F.elu #: Number of hidden layers self.num_hid_layers = num_hid_layers #: Dropout probability self.dropout_prob = dropout #: Normalize self.normalize = normalize #: Input linear layer self.lin_in = nn.Linear( gfeat_in_dim + nfeat_in_dim + efeat_in_dim, nfeat_hid_dim ) #: Intermediate linear layers self.lins_hid = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Linear(nfeat_hid_dim, nfeat_hid_dim) for _ in range(self.num_hid_layers) ] ) #: Output linear layer self.lin_out = nn.Linear(nfeat_hid_dim, nfeat_out_dim, bias=not normalize) if normalize: #: Batch normalization self.norm = nn.BatchNorm1d(nfeat_out_dim) _init_weights(self, normalize) def forward(self, x, edge_index, edge_attr, u, batch): """ Called internally by PyTorch to propagate the input through the network. - x: [N, F_x], where N is the number of nodes. - edge_index: [2, E] with max entry N - 1. - edge_attr: [E, F_e] - u: [B, F_u] - batch: [N] with max entry B - 1. Edge labels are averaged (dim_size = N: number of nodes in the graph) """ out = scatter( edge_attr, edge_index[1], dim=0, dim_size=batch.size(0), reduce="mean" ) out = ([x, out, u[batch]], dim=1) if u.shape != torch.Size([0]) else[x, out], dim=1) ) out = self.nonlin_function(self.lin_in(out)) out = F.dropout(out, self.dropout_prob, out_skip = out for lin_hid in self.lins_hid: out = self.nonlin_function(lin_hid(out)) out = F.dropout(out, self.dropout_prob, if self.num_hid_layers > 1: out += out_skip if self.normalize: out = self.nonlin_function(self.norm(self.lin_out(out))) else: out = self.nonlin_function(self.lin_out(out)) return out
[docs] class GlobalLayer(nn.Module): """ Updates node features in MetaLayer: .. math:: u_{i}^{'} = \\phi^{u}(\\rho^{e \\to u}(e), \\rho^{v \\to u}(v), u) with .. math:: \\rho^{e \\to u}(e) = \\frac{\\sum_{i,j=1,\\ i \\neq j}^{N} e_{ij}}{N \\cdot (N-1)},\\\\ \\rho^{v \\to u}(e) = \\frac{\\sum_{i=1}^{N} v_{i}}{N}, where :math:`\\phi^{u}` is a neural network of the form .. figure:: figs/MLP_structure.png :width: 42em :align: center Args: nfeat_in_dim (int): Node features input dimension (number of node features in input). efeat_in_dim (int): Edge features input dimension (number of edge features in input). gfeat_in_dim (int): Gloabl features input dimension (number of global features in input). nfeat_hid_dim (int): Global features dimension in hidden layers. nfeat_out_dim (int): Global features output dimension. num_hid_layers (int): Number of hidden layers. dropout (float): Dropout rate :math:`r \\in [0,1]`. normalize (str): Type of normalization (batch/layer). :return: Updated global features tensor. :rtype: `Tensor <>`_ """ def __init__( self, nfeat_in_dim, efeat_in_dim, gfeat_in_dim, gfeat_hid_dim, gfeat_out_dim, num_hid_layers, dropout, normalize=True, ): """ Initialization. """ super(GlobalLayer, self).__init__() #: Non-linear activation self.nonlin_function = F.elu #: Number of hidden layers self.num_hid_layers = num_hid_layers #: Dropout probability self.dropout_prob = dropout #: Normalization self.normalize = normalize #: Input linear layer self.lin_in = nn.Linear( nfeat_in_dim + efeat_in_dim + gfeat_in_dim, gfeat_hid_dim ) #: Intermediate linear layers self.lins_hid = nn.ModuleList( [ nn.Linear(gfeat_hid_dim, gfeat_hid_dim) for _ in range(self.num_hid_layers) ] ) #: Output linear layer self.lin_out = nn.Linear(gfeat_hid_dim, gfeat_out_dim, bias=not normalize) if normalize: #: Batch normalization self.norm = nn.BatchNorm1d(gfeat_out_dim) _init_weights(self, normalize) def forward(self, x, edge_index, edge_attr, u, batch): """ Called internally by Pytorch to propagate the input through the network. - x: [N, F_x], where N is the number of nodes. - edge_index: [2, E] with max entry N - 1. - edge_attr: [E, F_e] - u: [B, F_u] - batch: [N] with max entry B - 1. Nodes are averaged over graph """ node_mean = scatter( x, batch, dim=0, reduce="mean" ) # Edges are averaged over nodes edge_mean = scatter( edge_attr, edge_index[1], dim=0, reduce="mean" ) # Edges are averaged over graph edge_mean = scatter( edge_mean, batch, dim=0, reduce="mean" ) out = ([u, node_mean, edge_mean], dim=1) if u.shape != torch.Size([0]) else[node_mean, edge_mean], dim=1) ) out = self.nonlin_function(self.lin_in(out)) out = F.dropout(out, self.dropout_prob, out_skip = out for lin_hid in self.lins_hid: out = self.nonlin_function(lin_hid(out)) out = F.dropout(out, self.dropout_prob, if self.num_hid_layers > 1: out += out_skip if self.normalize: out = self.nonlin_function(self.norm(self.lin_out(out))) else: out = self.lin_out(out) return out