# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
import itertools
import numpy as np
import yaml
import warnings
import basf2 as b2
from ROOT import Belle2
from variables import variables as vm
import torch
from torch_geometric.data import Batch
from grafei.modules.LCASaverModule import get_object_list, write_hist
from grafei.model.geometric_network import GraFEIModel
from grafei.model.normalize_features import normalize_features
from grafei.model.edge_features import compute_edge_features
from grafei.model.lca_to_adjacency import lca_to_adjacency, InvalidLCAMatrix, select_good_decay
from grafei.model.tree_utils import masses_to_classes
action="ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message="Mean of empty slice.*"
class GraFEIModule(b2.Module):
Applies graFEI model to a particle list in basf2.
GraFEI information is stored as extraInfos.
particle_list (str): Name of particle list.
cfg_path (str): Path to config file. If `None` the config file in the global tag is used.
param_file (str): Path to parameter file containing the model. If `None` the parameter file in the global tag is used.
sig_side_lcas (list): List containing LCAS matrix of signal-side.
sig_side_masses (list): List containing mass hypotheses of signal-side.
gpu (bool): Whether to run on a GPU.
payload_config_name (str): Name of config file payload. The default should be kept, except in basf2 examples.
payload_model_name (str): Name of model file payload. The default should be kept, except in basf2 examples.
def __init__(
#: Input particle list
self.particle_list = particle_list
#: Config yaml file path
self.cfg_path = cfg_path
#: PyTorch parameter file path
self.param_file = param_file
#: Chosen sig-side LCAS
self.sig_side_lcas = torch.tensor(sig_side_lcas) if sig_side_lcas else None
#: Chosen sig-side mass hypotheses
self.sig_side_masses = sig_side_masses
#: If running on GPU
self.gpu = gpu
#: Config file name in the payload
self.payload_config_name = payload_config_name
#: Model file name in the payload
self.payload_model_name = payload_model_name
def initialize(self):
Called at the beginning.
# Get weights and configs from the DB if they are not provided from the user
if not self.cfg_path:
config = Belle2.DBAccessorBase(
Belle2.DBStoreEntry.c_RawFile, self.payload_config_name, True
self.cfg_path = config.getFilename()
if not self.param_file:
model = Belle2.DBAccessorBase(
Belle2.DBStoreEntry.c_RawFile, self.payload_model_name, True
self.param_file = model.getFilename()
#: Figure out if we re running on data or MC
self.storeTrueInfo = Belle2.Environment.Instance().isMC()
#: Figure out which device all this is running on - CPU or GPU
self.device = torch.device(
"cuda" if (self.gpu and torch.cuda.is_available()) else "cpu"
# Load configs
cfg_file = open(self.cfg_path, "r")
#: Config file
self.configs = yaml.safe_load(cfg_file)
#: Top MC particle
self.mc_particle = None
#: Max LCAS level
self.max_level = None
# B or Ups reco? 0 = Ups, 1 = B0, 2 = B+
if self.configs["model"]["B_reco"] == 0:
self.mc_particle = "Upsilon(4S):MC"
self.max_level = 6
elif self.configs["model"]["B_reco"] == 1:
self.mc_particle = "B0:MC"
self.max_level = 5
elif self.configs["model"]["B_reco"] == 2:
self.mc_particle = "B+:MC"
self.max_level = 5
b2.B2FATAL("The B_reco setting in the config file is incorrect.")
#: Normalize features
self.normalize = self.configs["dataset"]["config"]["normalize"]
#: Mixed precision
self.use_amp = self.configs["train"][
] and self.device == torch.device("cuda")
#: Node features
self.node_features = self.configs["dataset"]["config"]["features"]
#: Edge features
self.edge_features = self.configs["dataset"]["config"]["edge_features"]
#: Global features
self.glob_features = self.configs["dataset"]["config"]["global_features"]
# Naming convention
self.node_features = [f"feat_{name}" for name in self.node_features] if self.node_features else []
self.edge_features = [f"edge_{name}" for name in self.edge_features] if self.edge_features else []
self.glob_features = [f"glob_{name}" for name in self.glob_features] if self.glob_features else []
#: Discarded node features
self.discarded_features = ["feat_x", "feat_y", "feat_z", "feat_px", "feat_py", "feat_p"]
# Extract the number of features
n_infeatures = len(self.node_features)
e_infeatures = len(self.edge_features)
g_infeatures = len(self.glob_features)
#: The model
# The correct edge_classes is taken from the config file
self.model = GraFEIModel(
# Load paramaters' values
torch.load(self.param_file, map_location=self.device)["model"]
# Activate evaluation mode
# Push model to GPU in case
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Model structure:\n", {self.model})
def event(self):
Called at the beginning of each event.
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "---- Processing new event ----")
# Get the B candidate list
candidate_list = get_object_list(Belle2.PyStoreObj(self.particle_list).obj())
# Get the particle candidate(s)
for candidate in candidate_list:
# Get FSPs
p_list = get_object_list(candidate.getFinalStateDaughters())
# Number of FSPs
n_nodes = len(p_list)
# Particle nature
masses = np.array([abs(p.getPDGCode()) for p in p_list])
# Number of charged and photons
graFEI_nFSP = n_nodes
graFEI_nPhotons_preFit = (masses == 22).sum()
graFEI_nCharged_preFit = graFEI_nFSP - graFEI_nPhotons_preFit
graFEI_nElectrons_preFit = (masses == 11).sum()
graFEI_nMuons_preFit = (masses == 13).sum()
graFEI_nPions_preFit = (masses == 211).sum()
graFEI_nKaons_preFit = (masses == 321).sum()
graFEI_nProtons_preFit = (masses == 2212).sum()
graFEI_nLeptons_preFit = graFEI_nElectrons_preFit + graFEI_nMuons_preFit
graFEI_nOthers_preFit = graFEI_nCharged_preFit - \
(graFEI_nLeptons_preFit + graFEI_nPions_preFit + graFEI_nKaons_preFit + graFEI_nProtons_preFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nFSP", graFEI_nFSP)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nCharged_preFit", graFEI_nCharged_preFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPhotons_preFit", graFEI_nPhotons_preFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nElectrons_preFit", graFEI_nElectrons_preFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nMuons_preFit", graFEI_nMuons_preFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPions_preFit", graFEI_nPions_preFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nKaons_preFit", graFEI_nKaons_preFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nProtons_preFit", graFEI_nProtons_preFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nLeptons_preFit", graFEI_nLeptons_preFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nOthers_preFit", graFEI_nOthers_preFit)
# Trivial decay tree
if n_nodes < 2:
f"Skipping candidate with {n_nodes} reconstructed FSPs"
# Initialize node features array
x_nodes = np.empty((n_nodes, len(self.node_features)))
x_dis = np.empty((n_nodes, len(self.discarded_features)))
# Fill node features array
for p, particle in enumerate(p_list):
for f, feat in enumerate(self.node_features):
feat = feat[feat.find("feat_") + 5:]
x_nodes[p, f] = vm.evaluate(feat, particle)
for f, feat in enumerate(self.discarded_features):
feat = feat[feat.find("feat_") + 5:]
x_dis[p, f] = vm.evaluate(feat, particle)
b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Node features:\n", x_nodes)
# Fill edge features array
x_edges = (compute_edge_features(self.edge_features, self.node_features + self.discarded_features,
np.concatenate([x_nodes, x_dis], axis=1)) if self.edge_features != [] else [])
edge_index = torch.tensor(list(itertools.permutations(range(n_nodes), 2)), dtype=torch.long)
b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Edge features:\n", x_edges)
# Fill global features # TODO: get them from basf2
x_global = (
np.array([[n_nodes]], dtype=float)
if self.glob_features != []
else []
b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Global features:\n", x_global)
# Fill tensor to assign each node to a graph (trivial since we have only one graph per decay)
torch_batch = torch.zeros(size=[n_nodes], dtype=torch.long)
# Set nans to zero, this is a surrogate value, may change in future
np.nan_to_num(x_nodes, copy=False)
np.nan_to_num(x_edges, copy=False)
np.nan_to_num(x_global, copy=False)
# Normalize any features that should be
if self.normalize is not None:
# Convert everything to torch tensors and/or send to some device in case
x = torch.tensor(x_nodes, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
edge_index = edge_index.t().contiguous().to(self.device)
edge_attr = torch.tensor(x_edges, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
u = torch.tensor(x_global, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
torch_batch = torch_batch.to(self.device)
# Create Batch object to be passed to model
batch = Batch(
x=x, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr, u=u, batch=torch_batch
# Evaluate model
with torch.no_grad():
x_pred, e_pred, u_pred = self.model(batch)
# if self.use_amp:
# with autocast(enabled=True):
# x_pred, e_pred, u_pred = self.model(batch)
# else:
# x_pred, e_pred, u_pred = self.model(batch)
# Select edges from predictions
edge_probs = torch.softmax(e_pred, dim=1)
edge_probability, predicted_LCA = edge_probs.max(dim=1)
# Select masses from predictions
mass_probs = torch.softmax(x_pred, dim=1)
mass_probability, predicted_masses = mass_probs.max(dim=1)
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Predicted mass classes:\n", predicted_masses)
b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Mass class probabilities:\n", mass_probability)
# Count number of predicted particles for each mass hypothesis
graFEI_nPhotons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 6).sum()
graFEI_nCharged_postFit = graFEI_nFSP - graFEI_nPhotons_postFit
graFEI_nElectrons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 1).sum()
graFEI_nMuons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 2).sum()
graFEI_nPions_postFit = (predicted_masses == 3).sum()
graFEI_nKaons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 4).sum()
graFEI_nProtons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 5).sum()
graFEI_nLeptons_postFit = graFEI_nElectrons_postFit + graFEI_nMuons_postFit
graFEI_nOthers_postFit = (predicted_masses == 0).sum()
# Assign new mass hypotheses as extraInfo
for i, p in enumerate(p_list):
p.addExtraInfo("graFEI_massHypothesis", predicted_masses[i])
# Get square matrices
edge_probability_square = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
edge_index, edge_probability
predicted_LCA_square = torch.sparse_coo_tensor(
edge_index, predicted_LCA, dtype=int
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Predicted LCA:\n", predicted_LCA_square)
b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Edge class probabilities:\n", edge_probability_square)
# Remove symmetric elements from probability
edge_probability_unique = edge_probability_square[
edge_probability_square.tril(diagonal=-1) > 0
# Get particles predicted as matched by the model
predicted_matched = np.array(
[False if torch.all(i == 0) else True for i in predicted_LCA_square]
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Predicted matched particles:\n", predicted_matched)
# Same but ignoring photons
predicted_matched_noPhotons = predicted_matched[masses != 22]
# Get number of predicted as unmatched
graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched = (~predicted_matched).sum()
graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched_noPhotons = (
if predicted_matched_noPhotons.size != 0
else 0
# Get LCA of predicted matched only
predicted_LCA_square_matched = predicted_LCA_square[predicted_matched]
predicted_LCA_square_matched = predicted_LCA_square_matched[:, predicted_matched]
# Get predicted masses of predicted matched only
predicted_masses_matched = predicted_masses[predicted_matched]
# Check if LCA describes a tree graph
graFEI_validTree = 0
if not torch.all(predicted_LCA_square == 0):
adjacency = lca_to_adjacency(predicted_LCA_square_matched)
graFEI_validTree = 1
except InvalidLCAMatrix:
# Check if event is good, depending on the chosen sig-side LCA matrix/masses
graFEI_goodEvent = 0
if graFEI_validTree:
# Check if the event is good
good_decay, root_level, sig_side_fsps = select_good_decay(predicted_LCA_square_matched,
graFEI_goodEvent = int((self.max_level == root_level) and good_decay)
if graFEI_goodEvent:
# Find sig- and tag-side FSPs (1 = sig-side, 0 = tag-side)
p_list_matched = list(np.array(p_list)[predicted_matched])
for i, particle in enumerate(p_list_matched):
if i in sig_side_fsps:
particle.addExtraInfo("graFEI_sigSide", 1)
particle.addExtraInfo("graFEI_sigSide", 0)
b2.B2DEBUG(11, "This LCA describes a valid tree")
"Predicted LCA on matched particles:\n",
b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Adjacency matrix:\n", adjacency)
# Particles not assigned to B decays get -1
for particle in p_list:
if not particle.hasExtraInfo("graFEI_sigSide"):
particle.addExtraInfo("graFEI_sigSide", -1)
# Define B probabilities
graFEI_probEdgeProd = edge_probability_unique.prod().item()
graFEI_probEdgeMean = edge_probability_unique.mean().item()
graFEI_probEdgeGeom = torch.pow(edge_probability_unique.prod(), 1/n_nodes).item()
# Add extra info for each B candidate
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_probEdgeProd", graFEI_probEdgeProd)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_probEdgeMean", graFEI_probEdgeMean)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_probEdgeGeom", graFEI_probEdgeGeom)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_validTree", graFEI_validTree)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_goodEvent", graFEI_goodEvent)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPhotons_postFit", graFEI_nPhotons_postFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nCharged_postFit", graFEI_nCharged_postFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nElectrons_postFit", graFEI_nElectrons_postFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nMuons_postFit", graFEI_nMuons_postFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPions_postFit", graFEI_nPions_postFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nKaons_postFit", graFEI_nKaons_postFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nProtons_postFit", graFEI_nProtons_postFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nLeptons_postFit", graFEI_nLeptons_postFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nOthers_postFit", graFEI_nOthers_postFit)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched", graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched_noPhotons", graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched_noPhotons)
# Add MC truth information
if self.storeTrueInfo:
# Get the true IDs of the ancestors (if it's a B)
parentID = np.array([vm.evaluate("ancestorBIndex", p) for p in p_list], dtype=int)
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Ancestor true ID:\n", parentID)
# Get particle indices
p_indices = np.array(
p.getMCParticle().getArrayIndex() if parentID[i] >= 0 else -1
for (i, p) in enumerate(p_list)
# Get particle masses
p_masses = masses_to_classes(
p.getMCParticle().getPDG() if parentID[i] >= 0 else -1
for (i, p) in enumerate(p_list)
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "True mass classes:\n", p_masses)
# And primary information
evt_primary = np.array(
if parentID[i] >= 0
else False
for (i, p) in enumerate(p_list)
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Is primary particle:\n", evt_primary)
# Get unique B indices associated to each predicted matched particle which is also a primary
# The idea is that if a primary particle coming from the other B is categorized as unmatched,
# then it's ok and the decay could still have a perfectLCA
B_indices = parentID[np.logical_and(evt_primary, predicted_matched)]
10, "Ancestor ID of predicted matched particles:\n", B_indices
B_indices = list(set(B_indices))
# Initialize truth-matching variables
graFEI_truth_perfectLCA = 0 # 1 if LCA perfectly reconstructed
graFEI_truth_isSemileptonic = -1 # 0 if hadronic, 1 is semileptonic, -1 if not matched
graFEI_truth_nFSP = -1 # Number of true FSPs
graFEI_truth_perfectMasses = int((predicted_masses.numpy() == p_masses).all()
) # Check if all the masses are predicted correctly
graFEI_truth_nPhotons = (p_masses == 6).sum()
graFEI_truth_nElectrons = (p_masses == 1).sum()
graFEI_truth_nMuons = (p_masses == 2).sum()
graFEI_truth_nPions = (p_masses == 3).sum()
graFEI_truth_nKaons = (p_masses == 4).sum()
graFEI_truth_nProtons = (p_masses == 5).sum()
graFEI_truth_nOthers = (p_masses == 0).sum()
# Get the generated B's
gen_list = Belle2.PyStoreObj(self.mc_particle)
# Iterate over generated Ups
if self.mc_particle == "Upsilon(4S):MC" and gen_list.getListSize() > 1:
f"Found {gen_list.getListSize()} true Upsilon(4S) in the generated MC (??)")
if gen_list.getListSize() > 0:
# Here we look if the candidate has a perfectly reconstructed LCA
for genP in gen_list.obj():
mcp = genP.getMCParticle()
# If storing true info on B decays and we have matched paricles coming
# from different Bs the decay will not have a perfectLCA
if self.mc_particle != "Upsilon(4S):MC" and len(B_indices) != 1:
# Get array index of MC particle
array_index = mcp.getArrayIndex()
# If we are reconstructing Bs, skip the other in the event
if self.mc_particle != "Upsilon(4S):MC" and array_index != B_indices[0]:
# Write leaf history
) = write_hist(
# Skip B decays with trivial LCA (should be always false except for B -> nunu ?)
if len(leaf_hist) < 2:
# Initialize LCA...
true_LCA_square = np.zeros(
[len(leaf_hist), len(leaf_hist)], dtype=int
# Number of true FSPs
graFEI_truth_nFSP = len(leaf_hist)
# ... and fill it!
for x, y in itertools.combinations(enumerate(leaf_hist), 2):
intersection = [
i for i in leaf_hist[x[1]] if i in leaf_hist[y[1]]
true_LCA_square[x[0], y[0]] = levels[intersection[-1]]
true_LCA_square[y[0], x[0]] = levels[intersection[-1]]
x_leaves = p_indices
y_leaves = list(leaf_hist.keys())
# Get LCA indices in order that the leaves appear in reconstructed particles
# Secondaries aren't in the LCA leaves list so they get a 0
locs = np.array(
np.where(y_leaves == i)[0].item()
if (i in y_leaves)
else 0
for i in x_leaves
# Insert dummy rows for secondaries
true_LCA_square = true_LCA_square[locs, :][:, locs]
# Set everything that's not primary (unmatched and secondaries) rows.cols to 0
# Note we only consider the subset of leaves that made it into x_rows
x_rows = np.array(
vm.evaluate("ancestorBIndex", p) == array_index
for p in p_list
) if self.mc_particle != "Upsilon(4S):MC" else evt_primary
primaries_from_right_cand = np.logical_and(evt_primary, x_rows)
# Set the rows
true_LCA_square = np.where(
primaries_from_right_cand, true_LCA_square, 0
# Set the columns
true_LCA_square = np.where(
primaries_from_right_cand[:, None], true_LCA_square, 0
# Convert LCA to tensor
true_LCA_square = torch.tensor(true_LCA_square, dtype=int)
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "True LCA:\n", true_LCA_square)
# Check if perfect LCA
if (true_LCA_square == predicted_LCA_square).all():
graFEI_truth_perfectLCA = 1
b2.B2DEBUG(10, "LCA perfectly reconstructed!")
# Assign semileptonic flag
graFEI_truth_isSemileptonic = int(semilep_flag)
# Perfect event = perfectLCA and perfectMasses
graFEI_truth_perfectEvent = int(graFEI_truth_perfectLCA and graFEI_truth_perfectMasses)
# Write extra info
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_perfectLCA", graFEI_truth_perfectLCA)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_perfectMasses", graFEI_truth_perfectMasses)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_perfectEvent", graFEI_truth_perfectEvent)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_isSemileptonic", graFEI_truth_isSemileptonic)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nFSP", graFEI_truth_nFSP)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nPhotons", graFEI_truth_nPhotons)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nElectrons", graFEI_truth_nElectrons)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nMuons", graFEI_truth_nMuons)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nPions", graFEI_truth_nPions)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nKaons", graFEI_truth_nKaons)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nProtons", graFEI_truth_nProtons)
candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nOthers", graFEI_truth_nOthers)