Source code for grafei.modules.GraFEIModule

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import itertools
import numpy as np
import yaml
import warnings
import basf2 as b2
from ROOT import Belle2
from variables import variables as vm
import torch
from import Batch
from grafei.modules.LCASaverModule import get_object_list, write_hist
from grafei.model.geometric_network import GraFEIModel
from grafei.model.normalize_features import normalize_features
from grafei.model.edge_features import compute_edge_features
from grafei.model.lca_to_adjacency import lca_to_adjacency, InvalidLCAMatrix, select_good_decay
from grafei.model.tree_utils import masses_to_classes

    action="ignore", category=RuntimeWarning, message="Mean of empty slice.*"

[docs] class GraFEIModule(b2.Module): """ Applies graFEI model to a particle list in basf2. GraFEI information is stored as extraInfos. Args: particle_list (str): Name of particle list. cfg_path (str): Path to config file. If `None` the config file in the global tag is used. param_file (str): Path to parameter file containing the model. If `None` the parameter file in the global tag is used. sig_side_lcas (list): List containing LCAS matrix of signal-side. sig_side_masses (list): List containing mass hypotheses of signal-side. gpu (bool): Whether to run on a GPU. payload_config_name (str): Name of config file payload. The default should be kept, except in basf2 examples. payload_model_name (str): Name of model file payload. The default should be kept, except in basf2 examples. """ def __init__( self, particle_list, cfg_path=None, param_file=None, sig_side_lcas=None, sig_side_masses=None, gpu=False, payload_config_name="graFEIConfigFile", payload_model_name="graFEIModelFile", ): """ Initialization. """ super().__init__() #: Input particle list self.particle_list = particle_list #: Config yaml file path self.cfg_path = cfg_path #: PyTorch parameter file path self.param_file = param_file #: Chosen sig-side LCAS self.sig_side_lcas = torch.tensor(sig_side_lcas) if sig_side_lcas else None #: Chosen sig-side mass hypotheses self.sig_side_masses = sig_side_masses #: If running on GPU self.gpu = gpu #: Config file name in the payload self.payload_config_name = payload_config_name #: Model file name in the payload self.payload_model_name = payload_model_name def initialize(self): """ Called at the beginning. """ # Get weights and configs from the DB if they are not provided from the user if not self.cfg_path: config = Belle2.DBAccessorBase( Belle2.DBStoreEntry.c_RawFile, self.payload_config_name, True ) self.cfg_path = config.getFilename() if not self.param_file: model = Belle2.DBAccessorBase( Belle2.DBStoreEntry.c_RawFile, self.payload_model_name, True ) self.param_file = model.getFilename() #: Figure out if we re running on data or MC self.storeTrueInfo = Belle2.Environment.Instance().isMC() #: Figure out which device all this is running on - CPU or GPU self.device = torch.device( "cuda" if (self.gpu and torch.cuda.is_available()) else "cpu" ) # Load configs cfg_file = open(self.cfg_path, "r") #: Config file self.configs = yaml.safe_load(cfg_file) #: Top MC particle self.mc_particle = None #: Max LCAS level self.max_level = None # B or Ups reco? 0 = Ups, 1 = B0, 2 = B+ if self.configs["model"]["B_reco"] == 0: self.mc_particle = "Upsilon(4S):MC" self.max_level = 6 elif self.configs["model"]["B_reco"] == 1: self.mc_particle = "B0:MC" self.max_level = 5 elif self.configs["model"]["B_reco"] == 2: self.mc_particle = "B+:MC" self.max_level = 5 else: b2.B2FATAL("The B_reco setting in the config file is incorrect.") #: Normalize features self.normalize = self.configs["dataset"]["config"]["normalize"] #: Mixed precision self.use_amp = self.configs["train"][ "mixed_precision" ] and self.device == torch.device("cuda") #: Node features self.node_features = self.configs["dataset"]["config"]["features"] #: Edge features self.edge_features = self.configs["dataset"]["config"]["edge_features"] #: Global features self.glob_features = self.configs["dataset"]["config"]["global_features"] # Naming convention self.node_features = [f"feat_{name}" for name in self.node_features] if self.node_features else [] self.edge_features = [f"edge_{name}" for name in self.edge_features] if self.edge_features else [] self.glob_features = [f"glob_{name}" for name in self.glob_features] if self.glob_features else [] #: Discarded node features self.discarded_features = ["feat_x", "feat_y", "feat_z", "feat_px", "feat_py", "feat_p"] # Extract the number of features n_infeatures = len(self.node_features) e_infeatures = len(self.edge_features) g_infeatures = len(self.glob_features) #: The model # The correct edge_classes is taken from the config file self.model = GraFEIModel( nfeat_in_dim=n_infeatures, efeat_in_dim=e_infeatures, gfeat_in_dim=g_infeatures, **self.configs["model"], ) # Load paramaters' values self.model.load_state_dict( torch.load(self.param_file, map_location=self.device)["model"] ) # Activate evaluation mode self.model.eval() # Push model to GPU in case b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Model structure:\n", {self.model}) def event(self): """ Called at the beginning of each event. """ b2.B2DEBUG(10, "---- Processing new event ----") # Get the B candidate list candidate_list = get_object_list(Belle2.PyStoreObj(self.particle_list).obj()) # Get the particle candidate(s) for candidate in candidate_list: # Get FSPs p_list = get_object_list(candidate.getFinalStateDaughters()) # Number of FSPs n_nodes = len(p_list) # Particle nature masses = np.array([abs(p.getPDGCode()) for p in p_list]) # Number of charged and photons graFEI_nFSP = n_nodes graFEI_nPhotons_preFit = (masses == 22).sum() graFEI_nCharged_preFit = graFEI_nFSP - graFEI_nPhotons_preFit graFEI_nElectrons_preFit = (masses == 11).sum() graFEI_nMuons_preFit = (masses == 13).sum() graFEI_nPions_preFit = (masses == 211).sum() graFEI_nKaons_preFit = (masses == 321).sum() graFEI_nProtons_preFit = (masses == 2212).sum() graFEI_nLeptons_preFit = graFEI_nElectrons_preFit + graFEI_nMuons_preFit graFEI_nOthers_preFit = graFEI_nCharged_preFit - \ (graFEI_nLeptons_preFit + graFEI_nPions_preFit + graFEI_nKaons_preFit + graFEI_nProtons_preFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nFSP", graFEI_nFSP) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nCharged_preFit", graFEI_nCharged_preFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPhotons_preFit", graFEI_nPhotons_preFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nElectrons_preFit", graFEI_nElectrons_preFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nMuons_preFit", graFEI_nMuons_preFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPions_preFit", graFEI_nPions_preFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nKaons_preFit", graFEI_nKaons_preFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nProtons_preFit", graFEI_nProtons_preFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nLeptons_preFit", graFEI_nLeptons_preFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nOthers_preFit", graFEI_nOthers_preFit) # Trivial decay tree if n_nodes < 2: b2.B2WARNING( f"Skipping candidate with {n_nodes} reconstructed FSPs" ) continue # Initialize node features array x_nodes = np.empty((n_nodes, len(self.node_features))) x_dis = np.empty((n_nodes, len(self.discarded_features))) # Fill node features array for p, particle in enumerate(p_list): for f, feat in enumerate(self.node_features): feat = feat[feat.find("feat_") + 5:] x_nodes[p, f] = vm.evaluate(feat, particle) for f, feat in enumerate(self.discarded_features): feat = feat[feat.find("feat_") + 5:] x_dis[p, f] = vm.evaluate(feat, particle) b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Node features:\n", x_nodes) # Fill edge features array x_edges = (compute_edge_features(self.edge_features, self.node_features + self.discarded_features, np.concatenate([x_nodes, x_dis], axis=1)) if self.edge_features != [] else []) edge_index = torch.tensor(list(itertools.permutations(range(n_nodes), 2)), dtype=torch.long) b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Edge features:\n", x_edges) # Fill global features # TODO: get them from basf2 x_global = ( np.array([[n_nodes]], dtype=float) if self.glob_features != [] else [] ) b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Global features:\n", x_global) # Fill tensor to assign each node to a graph (trivial since we have only one graph per decay) torch_batch = torch.zeros(size=[n_nodes], dtype=torch.long) # Set nans to zero, this is a surrogate value, may change in future np.nan_to_num(x_nodes, copy=False) np.nan_to_num(x_edges, copy=False) np.nan_to_num(x_global, copy=False) # Normalize any features that should be if self.normalize is not None: normalize_features( self.normalize, self.node_features, x_nodes, self.edge_features, x_edges, self.glob_features, x_global, ) # Convert everything to torch tensors and/or send to some device in case x = torch.tensor(x_nodes, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device) edge_index = edge_index.t().contiguous().to(self.device) edge_attr = torch.tensor(x_edges, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device) u = torch.tensor(x_global, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device) torch_batch = # Create Batch object to be passed to model batch = Batch( x=x, edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr, u=u, batch=torch_batch ) # Evaluate model with torch.no_grad(): x_pred, e_pred, u_pred = self.model(batch) # if self.use_amp: # with autocast(enabled=True): # x_pred, e_pred, u_pred = self.model(batch) # else: # x_pred, e_pred, u_pred = self.model(batch) # Select edges from predictions edge_probs = torch.softmax(e_pred, dim=1) edge_probability, predicted_LCA = edge_probs.max(dim=1) # Select masses from predictions mass_probs = torch.softmax(x_pred, dim=1) mass_probability, predicted_masses = mass_probs.max(dim=1) b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Predicted mass classes:\n", predicted_masses) b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Mass class probabilities:\n", mass_probability) # Count number of predicted particles for each mass hypothesis graFEI_nPhotons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 6).sum() graFEI_nCharged_postFit = graFEI_nFSP - graFEI_nPhotons_postFit graFEI_nElectrons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 1).sum() graFEI_nMuons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 2).sum() graFEI_nPions_postFit = (predicted_masses == 3).sum() graFEI_nKaons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 4).sum() graFEI_nProtons_postFit = (predicted_masses == 5).sum() graFEI_nLeptons_postFit = graFEI_nElectrons_postFit + graFEI_nMuons_postFit graFEI_nOthers_postFit = (predicted_masses == 0).sum() # Assign new mass hypotheses as extraInfo for i, p in enumerate(p_list): p.addExtraInfo("graFEI_massHypothesis", predicted_masses[i]) # Get square matrices edge_probability_square = torch.sparse_coo_tensor( edge_index, edge_probability ).to_dense() predicted_LCA_square = torch.sparse_coo_tensor( edge_index, predicted_LCA, dtype=int ).to_dense() b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Predicted LCA:\n", predicted_LCA_square) b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Edge class probabilities:\n", edge_probability_square) # Remove symmetric elements from probability edge_probability_unique = edge_probability_square[ edge_probability_square.tril(diagonal=-1) > 0 ] # Get particles predicted as matched by the model predicted_matched = np.array( [False if torch.all(i == 0) else True for i in predicted_LCA_square] ) b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Predicted matched particles:\n", predicted_matched) # Same but ignoring photons predicted_matched_noPhotons = predicted_matched[masses != 22] # Get number of predicted as unmatched graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched = (~predicted_matched).sum() graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched_noPhotons = ( (~predicted_matched_noPhotons).sum() if predicted_matched_noPhotons.size != 0 else 0 ) # Get LCA of predicted matched only predicted_LCA_square_matched = predicted_LCA_square[predicted_matched] predicted_LCA_square_matched = predicted_LCA_square_matched[:, predicted_matched] # Get predicted masses of predicted matched only predicted_masses_matched = predicted_masses[predicted_matched] # Check if LCA describes a tree graph graFEI_validTree = 0 if not torch.all(predicted_LCA_square == 0): try: adjacency = lca_to_adjacency(predicted_LCA_square_matched) graFEI_validTree = 1 except InvalidLCAMatrix: pass # Check if event is good, depending on the chosen sig-side LCA matrix/masses graFEI_goodEvent = 0 if graFEI_validTree: # Check if the event is good good_decay, root_level, sig_side_fsps = select_good_decay(predicted_LCA_square_matched, predicted_masses_matched, self.sig_side_lcas, self.sig_side_masses) graFEI_goodEvent = int((self.max_level == root_level) and good_decay) if graFEI_goodEvent: # Find sig- and tag-side FSPs (1 = sig-side, 0 = tag-side) p_list_matched = list(np.array(p_list)[predicted_matched]) for i, particle in enumerate(p_list_matched): if i in sig_side_fsps: particle.addExtraInfo("graFEI_sigSide", 1) else: particle.addExtraInfo("graFEI_sigSide", 0) b2.B2DEBUG(11, "This LCA describes a valid tree") b2.B2DEBUG( 11, "Predicted LCA on matched particles:\n", predicted_LCA_square_matched, ) b2.B2DEBUG(11, "Adjacency matrix:\n", adjacency) # Particles not assigned to B decays get -1 for particle in p_list: if not particle.hasExtraInfo("graFEI_sigSide"): particle.addExtraInfo("graFEI_sigSide", -1) # Define B probabilities graFEI_probEdgeProd = graFEI_probEdgeMean = edge_probability_unique.mean().item() graFEI_probEdgeGeom = torch.pow(, 1/n_nodes).item() # Add extra info for each B candidate candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_probEdgeProd", graFEI_probEdgeProd) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_probEdgeMean", graFEI_probEdgeMean) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_probEdgeGeom", graFEI_probEdgeGeom) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_validTree", graFEI_validTree) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_goodEvent", graFEI_goodEvent) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPhotons_postFit", graFEI_nPhotons_postFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nCharged_postFit", graFEI_nCharged_postFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nElectrons_postFit", graFEI_nElectrons_postFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nMuons_postFit", graFEI_nMuons_postFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPions_postFit", graFEI_nPions_postFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nKaons_postFit", graFEI_nKaons_postFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nProtons_postFit", graFEI_nProtons_postFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nLeptons_postFit", graFEI_nLeptons_postFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nOthers_postFit", graFEI_nOthers_postFit) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched", graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched_noPhotons", graFEI_nPredictedUnmatched_noPhotons) # Add MC truth information if self.storeTrueInfo: # Get the true IDs of the ancestors (if it's a B) parentID = np.array([vm.evaluate("ancestorBIndex", p) for p in p_list], dtype=int) b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Ancestor true ID:\n", parentID) # Get particle indices p_indices = np.array( [ p.getMCParticle().getArrayIndex() if parentID[i] >= 0 else -1 for (i, p) in enumerate(p_list) ] ) # Get particle masses p_masses = masses_to_classes( np.array( [ p.getMCParticle().getPDG() if parentID[i] >= 0 else -1 for (i, p) in enumerate(p_list) ] ) ) b2.B2DEBUG(10, "True mass classes:\n", p_masses) # And primary information evt_primary = np.array( [ p.getMCParticle().isPrimaryParticle() if parentID[i] >= 0 else False for (i, p) in enumerate(p_list) ] ) b2.B2DEBUG(10, "Is primary particle:\n", evt_primary) # Get unique B indices associated to each predicted matched particle which is also a primary # The idea is that if a primary particle coming from the other B is categorized as unmatched, # then it's ok and the decay could still have a perfectLCA B_indices = parentID[np.logical_and(evt_primary, predicted_matched)] b2.B2DEBUG( 10, "Ancestor ID of predicted matched particles:\n", B_indices ) B_indices = list(set(B_indices)) # Initialize truth-matching variables graFEI_truth_perfectLCA = 0 # 1 if LCA perfectly reconstructed graFEI_truth_isSemileptonic = -1 # 0 if hadronic, 1 is semileptonic, -1 if not matched graFEI_truth_nFSP = -1 # Number of true FSPs graFEI_truth_perfectMasses = int((predicted_masses.numpy() == p_masses).all() ) # Check if all the masses are predicted correctly graFEI_truth_nPhotons = (p_masses == 6).sum() graFEI_truth_nElectrons = (p_masses == 1).sum() graFEI_truth_nMuons = (p_masses == 2).sum() graFEI_truth_nPions = (p_masses == 3).sum() graFEI_truth_nKaons = (p_masses == 4).sum() graFEI_truth_nProtons = (p_masses == 5).sum() graFEI_truth_nOthers = (p_masses == 0).sum() # Get the generated B's gen_list = Belle2.PyStoreObj(self.mc_particle) # Iterate over generated Ups if self.mc_particle == "Upsilon(4S):MC" and gen_list.getListSize() > 1: b2.B2WARNING( f"Found {gen_list.getListSize()} true Upsilon(4S) in the generated MC (??)") if gen_list.getListSize() > 0: # Here we look if the candidate has a perfectly reconstructed LCA for genP in gen_list.obj(): mcp = genP.getMCParticle() # If storing true info on B decays and we have matched paricles coming # from different Bs the decay will not have a perfectLCA if self.mc_particle != "Upsilon(4S):MC" and len(B_indices) != 1: break # Get array index of MC particle array_index = mcp.getArrayIndex() # If we are reconstructing Bs, skip the other in the event if self.mc_particle != "Upsilon(4S):MC" and array_index != B_indices[0]: continue # Write leaf history ( leaf_hist, levels, _, _, semilep_flag, ) = write_hist( particle=mcp, leaf_hist={}, levels={}, hist=[], pdg={}, leaf_pdg={}, semilep_flag=False, ) # Skip B decays with trivial LCA (should be always false except for B -> nunu ?) if len(leaf_hist) < 2: continue # Initialize LCA... true_LCA_square = np.zeros( [len(leaf_hist), len(leaf_hist)], dtype=int ) # Number of true FSPs graFEI_truth_nFSP = len(leaf_hist) # ... and fill it! for x, y in itertools.combinations(enumerate(leaf_hist), 2): intersection = [ i for i in leaf_hist[x[1]] if i in leaf_hist[y[1]] ] true_LCA_square[x[0], y[0]] = levels[intersection[-1]] true_LCA_square[y[0], x[0]] = levels[intersection[-1]] x_leaves = p_indices y_leaves = list(leaf_hist.keys()) # Get LCA indices in order that the leaves appear in reconstructed particles # Secondaries aren't in the LCA leaves list so they get a 0 locs = np.array( [ np.where(y_leaves == i)[0].item() if (i in y_leaves) else 0 for i in x_leaves ], dtype=int, ) # Insert dummy rows for secondaries true_LCA_square = true_LCA_square[locs, :][:, locs] # Set everything that's not primary (unmatched and secondaries) rows.cols to 0 # Note we only consider the subset of leaves that made it into x_rows x_rows = np.array( [ vm.evaluate("ancestorBIndex", p) == array_index for p in p_list ] ) if self.mc_particle != "Upsilon(4S):MC" else evt_primary primaries_from_right_cand = np.logical_and(evt_primary, x_rows) # Set the rows true_LCA_square = np.where( primaries_from_right_cand, true_LCA_square, 0 ) # Set the columns true_LCA_square = np.where( primaries_from_right_cand[:, None], true_LCA_square, 0 ) # Convert LCA to tensor true_LCA_square = torch.tensor(true_LCA_square, dtype=int) b2.B2DEBUG(10, "True LCA:\n", true_LCA_square) # Check if perfect LCA if (true_LCA_square == predicted_LCA_square).all(): graFEI_truth_perfectLCA = 1 b2.B2DEBUG(10, "LCA perfectly reconstructed!") # Assign semileptonic flag graFEI_truth_isSemileptonic = int(semilep_flag) # Perfect event = perfectLCA and perfectMasses graFEI_truth_perfectEvent = int(graFEI_truth_perfectLCA and graFEI_truth_perfectMasses) # Write extra info candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_perfectLCA", graFEI_truth_perfectLCA) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_perfectMasses", graFEI_truth_perfectMasses) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_perfectEvent", graFEI_truth_perfectEvent) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_isSemileptonic", graFEI_truth_isSemileptonic) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nFSP", graFEI_truth_nFSP) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nPhotons", graFEI_truth_nPhotons) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nElectrons", graFEI_truth_nElectrons) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nMuons", graFEI_truth_nMuons) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nPions", graFEI_truth_nPions) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nKaons", graFEI_truth_nKaons) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nProtons", graFEI_truth_nProtons) candidate.addExtraInfo("graFEI_truth_nOthers", graFEI_truth_nOthers)