Source code for grafei.modules.LCASaverModule

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import basf2 as b2
import numpy as np
import copy
from itertools import combinations
from variables import variables as vm

[docs] def get_object_list(pointerVec): """ Workaround to avoid memory problems in basf2. Args: pointerVec: Input particle list. Returns: list: Output python list. """ from ROOT import Belle2 objList = [] size = ( pointerVec.getListSize() if isinstance(pointerVec, Belle2.ParticleList) else len(pointerVec) ) for i in range(size): objList.append(pointerVec[i]) return objList
[docs] def pdg_to_lca_converter(pdg): """ Converts PDG code to LCAS classes. .. tip:: If you want to modify the LCAS classes, it's here. Don't forget to update the number of edge classes accordingly in the yaml file. Args: pdg (int): PDG code to convert. Returns: int or None: Corresponding LCAS class, or None if PDG not present in ``pdg_lca_match``. """ # MC PDG code pdg_lca_match = { 443: 1, # J/psi 111: 1, # pi^0 310: 2, # K_S^0 # 130: 2, #K_L^0 421: 3, # D^0 411: 3, # D^+ 431: 3, # D_s^+ 413: 4, # D^+* 423: 4, # D^0* 433: 4, # D_s^*+ 521: 5, # B^+ 511: 5, # B^0 300553: 6, # Upsilon(4S) } pdg = abs(pdg) if pdg in pdg_lca_match: return pdg_lca_match[pdg] else: return None
def _update_levels(levels, hist, pdg): """ Assigns LCAS level to each particle in the decay tree. Arguments are automatically set. """ for i, n in enumerate(hist): if n in levels.keys(): continue lca = pdg_to_lca_converter(pdg[n]) if lca: levels[n] = lca else: for j in range(i + 1): lca = pdg_to_lca_converter(pdg[hist[i - j]]) if lca: levels[n] = lca break return levels
[docs] def write_hist( particle, leaf_hist={}, levels={}, hist=[], pdg={}, leaf_pdg={}, semilep_flag=False, ): """ Recursive function to traverse down to the leaves saving the history. Args: particle: The current particle being inspected. Other arguments are automatically set. """ neutrino_pdgs = [12, 14, 16, 18] # Check if there's any neutrinos in the tree and set semileptonic flag # Need to only include primary particle since they're what couns in the LCA if (abs(particle.getPDG()) in neutrino_pdgs) and particle.isPrimaryParticle(): semilep_flag = True # Need to create a true copy, no just a ref to the object hist = copy.deepcopy(hist) leaf_hist = copy.deepcopy(leaf_hist) leaf_pdg = copy.deepcopy(leaf_pdg) levels = copy.deepcopy(levels) pdg = copy.deepcopy(pdg) # Below is deciding what to save to the LCA matrix # If primary or secondary with no daughters: # save # If primary with no primary daughters: # save and continue down daughters # else: # continue down daughters # Check if we're a primary particle with no primary daughters prim_no_prim_daughters = ( len( [d for d in get_object_list(particle.getDaughters()) if d.isPrimaryParticle()] ) == 0 ) # If it's a leaf we save it # Also check that it has no primary daughters if ( # particle.isPrimaryParticle() and (particle.getNDaughters() == 0) or prim_no_prim_daughters # Even if saving secondaries we need to record primaries with no primary daughters ): # Won't save neutrinos or very low energy photons to LCA if abs(particle.getPDG()) not in neutrino_pdgs and not ( particle.getPDG() == 22 and particle.getEnergy() < 1e-4 ): # Leaves get their history added leaf_hist[particle.getArrayIndex()] = hist leaf_pdg[particle.getArrayIndex()] = particle.getPDG() # And now that we have a full history down to the leaf # we can update the levels levels = _update_levels(levels, hist, pdg) # Here is deciding whether to continue traversing down the decay tree # Don't want to do this if all daughters are secondaries since we're not saving them if ( particle.getNDaughters() != 0 ) and not prim_no_prim_daughters: # Don't travers if all daughters are secondaries # Only append primaries to history if particle.isPrimaryParticle(): hist.append(particle.getArrayIndex()) # Save all PDG values of the in between primary particles pdg[particle.getArrayIndex()] = particle.getPDG() # Now iterate over daughters passing history down daughters = get_object_list(particle.getDaughters()) for daughter in daughters: ( leaf_hist, levels, pdg, leaf_pdg, semilep_flag, ) = write_hist( daughter, leaf_hist, levels, hist, pdg, leaf_pdg, semilep_flag, ) return ( leaf_hist, levels, pdg, leaf_pdg, semilep_flag, )
[docs] class LCASaverModule(b2.Module): """ Save Lowest Common Ancestor matrix of each MC Particle in the given list. Args: particle_lists (list): Name of particle lists to save features of. features (list): List of features to save for each particle. mcparticle_list (str): Name of particle list to build LCAs from (will use as root). output_file (str): Path to output file to save. """ def __init__( self, particle_lists, features, mcparticle_list, output_file, ): """ Initialization. """ super().__init__() #: Input particle lists self.particle_lists = particle_lists #: Features to save self.features = features #: MC particle list (Upsilon, B0, B+) self.mcparticle_list = mcparticle_list #: Output file name self.output_file = output_file #: Max number of particles # It doesn't actually matter what this is as long as it's bigger than # the number of particles in any events we'll encounter. ROOT won't save all entries. self.max_particles = 500 def initialize(self): """ Called once at the beginning. """ from ROOT import Belle2, TFile, TTree #: Event info self.eventinfo = Belle2.PyStoreObj("EventMetaData") #: ROOT output file self.root_outfile = TFile(self.output_file, "recreate") #: ROOT tree self.tree = TTree("Tree", "tree") #: Event number self.event_num = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32) self.tree.Branch("event", self.event_num, "event/I") #: bool containing information whether we reconstruct B or Upsilon self.isB = np.zeros(1, dtype=bool) self.tree.Branch("isB", self.isB, "isB/b") #: Truth information self.truth_dict = {} # We assume at most two LCA matrices for event for i in [1, 2]: self.truth_dict[f"n_LCA_leaves_{i}"] = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32) self.truth_dict[f"LCA_leaves_{i}"] = np.zeros( self.max_particles, dtype=np.int32 ) self.tree.Branch( f"n_LCA_leaves_{i}", self.truth_dict[f"n_LCA_leaves_{i}"], f"n_LCA_leaves_{i}/I", ) self.tree.Branch( f"LCA_leaves_{i}", self.truth_dict[f"LCA_leaves_{i}"], f"LCA_leaves_{i}[n_LCA_leaves_{i}]/I", ) self.truth_dict[f"n_LCA_{i}"] = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32) self.truth_dict[f"LCAS_{i}"] = np.zeros( self.max_particles**2, dtype=np.uint8 ) self.tree.Branch(f"n_LCA_{i}", self.truth_dict[f"n_LCA_{i}"], f"n_LCA_{i}/I") self.tree.Branch( f"LCAS_{i}", self.truth_dict[f"LCAS_{i}"], f"LCAS_{i}[n_LCA_{i}]/b" ) # Feature data #: Number of particles self.n_particles = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32) self.tree.Branch("n_particles", self.n_particles, "n_particles/I") #: Particle-is-primary flag self.primary = np.zeros(self.max_particles, dtype=bool) self.tree.Branch("primary", self.primary, "primary[n_particles]/O") #: Leaves in event self.leaves = np.zeros(self.max_particles, dtype=np.int32) self.tree.Branch("leaves", self.leaves, "leaves[n_particles]/I") #: B index self.b_index = np.zeros(self.max_particles, dtype=np.int32) self.tree.Branch("b_index", self.b_index, "b_index[n_particles]/I") #: Features dictionary self.feat_dict = {} for feat in self.features: self.feat_dict[feat] = np.zeros(self.max_particles, np.float32) self.tree.Branch( f"feat_{feat}", self.feat_dict[feat], f"feat_{feat}[n_particles]/F" ) #: True MC PDG self.mc_pdg = np.zeros(self.max_particles, np.float32) self.tree.Branch("mcPDG", self.mc_pdg, "mcPDG[n_particles]/F") def _reset_LCA(self): """ Resets the value of the LCA to 0. """ for p_index in [1, 2]: self.truth_dict[f"LCAS_{p_index}"][: self.max_particles**2] *= 0 self.truth_dict[f"n_LCA_leaves_{p_index}"][0] *= 0 self.truth_dict[f"LCA_leaves_{p_index}"][: self.max_particles] *= 0 self.truth_dict[f"n_LCA_{p_index}"][0] *= 0 def event(self): """ Called for each event. """ from ROOT import Belle2 # noqa: make Belle2 namespace available from ROOT.Belle2 import PyStoreObj # Get the particle list (note this is a regular Particle list, not MCParticle) p_list = PyStoreObj(self.mcparticle_list) self.event_num[0] = self.eventinfo.getEvent() # Is Upsilon flag if self.mcparticle_list == "Upsilon(4S):MC": self.isB[0] = 0 elif self.mcparticle_list == "B0:MC": self.isB[0] = 1 elif self.mcparticle_list == "B+:MC": self.isB[0] = 2 # Create the LCA # IMPORTANT: The ArrayIndex is 0-based. # mcplist contains the root particles we are to create LCAs from # Reset the LCA list so if only one B is there it does not carry an older version over self._reset_LCA() if p_list.getListSize() > 0: for part in p_list.obj(): # Get the corresponding MCParticle mcp = part.getMCParticle() # In this way the LCA variables in the ntuples will be labelled _1 and _2 # If we train on B decays these will correspond to the two B's # while if we train on the Upsilon, _1 will correspond to it and _2 will remain empty # becaus getArrayIndex() gives 0 for the Upsilon and 1, 2 for the B's array_index = 1 if self.isB[0] == 0 else mcp.getArrayIndex() # Call function to write history of leaves in the tree. # It internally calls function update_levels to find and save the level of each particle in the tree. # Necessary step to build the LCA. ( lcas_leaf_hist, lcas_levels, _, _, _, ) = write_hist( particle=mcp, leaf_hist={}, levels={}, hist=[], pdg={}, leaf_pdg={}, semilep_flag=False, ) lcas = np.zeros([len(lcas_leaf_hist), len(lcas_leaf_hist)]) for x, y in combinations(enumerate(lcas_leaf_hist), 2): lcas_intersection = [ i for i in lcas_leaf_hist[x[1]] if i in lcas_leaf_hist[y[1]] ] lcas[x[0], y[0]] = lcas_levels[lcas_intersection[-1]] lcas[y[0], x[0]] = lcas_levels[lcas_intersection[-1]] self.truth_dict[f"LCAS_{array_index}"][: lcas.size] = lcas.flatten() self.truth_dict[f"n_LCA_leaves_{array_index}"][0] = len(lcas_leaf_hist.keys()) self.truth_dict[f"LCA_leaves_{array_index}"][ : len(lcas_leaf_hist.keys()) ] = list(lcas_leaf_hist.keys()) self.truth_dict[f"n_LCA_{array_index}"][0] = lcas.size # ### Create the features # Where we'll append features evt_feats = {f: [] for f in self.features} # Ideally this would be saved in evt_feat_dict but the -1 for unmatched # particles messes that up evt_leaf_dict = { "leaves": [], "primary": [], "b_index": [], "mc_pdg": [], } # IMPORTANT: The ArrayIndex is 0-based. # mcplist contains the root particles we are to create LCAs from for p_list_name in self.particle_lists: # Get the particle list (note this is a regular Particle list, not MCParticle) p_list = PyStoreObj(p_list_name) for particle in p_list.obj(): # Get the B parent index, set to -1 if particle has no MC match b_index = int(vm.evaluate("ancestorBIndex", particle)) # Need this to reorder LCA later, returns -1 if no MC match if b_index >= 0: p_index = particle.getMCParticle().getArrayIndex() p_primary = particle.getMCParticle().isPrimaryParticle() # Save particle's PDG code mc_pdg = particle.getMCParticle().getPDG() else: p_index = -1 p_primary = False mc_pdg = 0 evt_leaf_dict["primary"].append(p_primary) evt_leaf_dict["leaves"].append(p_index) evt_leaf_dict["b_index"].append(b_index) evt_leaf_dict["mc_pdg"].append(mc_pdg) for feat in self.features: evt_feats[feat].append(vm.evaluate(feat, particle)) n_particles = len(evt_leaf_dict["primary"]) self.n_particles[0] = n_particles self.primary[:n_particles] = evt_leaf_dict["primary"] self.leaves[:n_particles] = evt_leaf_dict["leaves"] self.b_index[:n_particles] = evt_leaf_dict["b_index"] self.mc_pdg[:n_particles] = evt_leaf_dict["mc_pdg"] for feat in self.features: self.feat_dict[feat][:n_particles] = evt_feats[feat] # Add number of final state particles # Write everything to the TTree self.tree.Fill() def terminate(self): """ Called at the end. """ self.root_outfile.Write() self.root_outfile.Close()