Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
9 /* Own header. */
10 #include <tracking/trackExtrapolateG4e/TrackExtrapolateG4e.h>
12 /* Basf2 headers. */
13 #include <ecl/geometry/ECLGeometryPar.h>
14 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
15 #include <framework/datastore/StoreObjPtr.h>
16 #include <framework/geometry/BFieldManager.h>
17 #include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
18 #include <genfit/Exception.h>
19 #include <klm/dataobjects/bklm/BKLMElementNumbers.h>
20 #include <klm/dataobjects/bklm/BKLMStatus.h>
21 #include <klm/bklm/geometry/GeometryPar.h>
22 #include <klm/bklm/geometry/Module.h>
23 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMChannelIndex.h>
24 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMMuidLikelihood.h>
25 #include <klm/dataobjects/KLMMuidHit.h>
26 #include <klm/dataobjects/eklm/EKLMAlignmentHit.h>
27 #include <klm/muid/MuidBuilder.h>
28 #include <klm/muid/MuidElementNumbers.h>
29 #include <mdst/dataobjects/ECLCluster.h>
30 #include <mdst/dataobjects/KLMCluster.h>
31 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
32 #include <simulation/kernel/ExtCylSurfaceTarget.h>
33 #include <simulation/kernel/ExtManager.h>
35 /* CLHEP headers. */
36 #include <CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h>
37 #include <CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h>
38 #include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
40 /* Geant4 headers. */
41 #include <G4ErrorFreeTrajState.hh>
42 #include <G4ErrorMatrix.hh>
43 #include <G4ErrorPropagatorData.hh>
44 #include <G4ErrorSymMatrix.hh>
45 #include <G4ParticleTable.hh>
46 #include <G4PhysicalVolumeStore.hh>
47 #include <G4Point3D.hh>
48 #include <G4StateManager.hh>
49 #include <G4Step.hh>
50 #include <G4StepPoint.hh>
51 #include <G4ThreeVector.hh>
52 #include <G4TouchableHandle.hh>
53 #include <G4Track.hh>
54 #include <G4UImanager.hh>
55 #include <G4VPhysicalVolume.hh>
56 #include <G4VTouchable.hh>
58 /* C++ headers. */
59 #include <algorithm>
60 #include <cmath>
61 #include <iostream>
63 #define TWOPI (2.0*M_PI)
64 #define PI_8 (0.125*M_PI)
65 #define DEPTH_RPC 9
66 #define DEPTH_SCINT 11
68 using namespace Belle2;
73 {
74  if (m_Singleton == nullptr)
76  return m_Singleton;
77 }
80  m_ExtInitialized(false), // initialized later
81  m_MuidInitialized(false), // initialized later
82  m_MeanDt(0.0), // initialized later
83  m_MaxDt(0.0), // initialized later
84  m_MagneticField(0.0), // initialized later
85  m_MaxDistSqInVariances(0.0), // initialized later
86  m_MaxKLMTrackClusterDistance(0.0), // initialized later
87  m_MaxECLTrackClusterDistance(0.0), // initialized later
88  m_MinPt(0.0), // initialized later
89  m_MinKE(0.0), // initialized later
90  m_ExtMgr(nullptr), // initialized later
91  m_HypothesesExt(nullptr), // initialized later
92  m_HypothesesMuid(nullptr), // initialized later
93  m_DefaultHypotheses(nullptr), // initialized later
94  m_EnterExit(nullptr), // initialized later
95  m_BKLMVolumes(nullptr), // initialized later
96  m_TargetExt(nullptr), // initialized later
97  m_TargetMuid(nullptr), // initialized later
98  m_MinRadiusSq(0.0), // initialized later
99  m_OffsetZ(0.0), // initialized later
100  m_BarrelNSector(0), // initialized later
101  m_BarrelMaxR(0.0), // initialized later
102  m_BarrelMinR(0.0), // initialized later
103  m_BarrelHalfLength(0.0), // initialized later
104  m_OutermostActiveBarrelLayer(0), // initialized later
105  m_BarrelScintVariance(0.0), // initialized later
106  m_EndcapMaxR(0.0), // initialized later
107  m_EndcapMinR(0.0), // initialized later
108  m_EndcapMiddleZ(0.0), // initialized later
109  m_EndcapHalfLength(0.0), // initialized later
110  m_OutermostActiveForwardEndcapLayer(0), // initialized later
111  m_OutermostActiveBackwardEndcapLayer(0), // initialized later
112  m_EndcapScintVariance(0.0), // initialized later
113  m_eklmTransformData(nullptr) // initialized later
114 {
115  for (int j = 0; j < BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber() + 1; ++j) {
116  m_BarrelPhiStripVariance[j] = 0.0;
117  m_BarrelZStripVariance[j] = 0.0;
118  m_BarrelPhiStripVariance[j] = 0.0;
119  m_EndcapModuleMiddleZ[j] = 0.0;
120  }
121  for (int s = 0; s < BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber() + 1; ++s) {
122  for (int j = 0; j < BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber() + 1; ++j) {
123  m_BarrelModuleMiddleRadius[0][s][j] = 0.0;
124  m_BarrelModuleMiddleRadius[1][s][j] = 0.0;
125  }
126  m_BarrelSectorPerp[s] = G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
127  m_BarrelSectorPhi[s] = G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
128  }
131 }
134 {
135 }
137 // Initialize for EXT
138 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::initialize(double minPt, double minKE,
139  std::vector<Const::ChargedStable>& hypotheses)
140 {
141  m_ExtInitialized = true;
143  // Define required objects, register the new ones and relations
145  m_tracks.isRequired();
146  m_extHits.registerInDataStore();
147  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_extHits);
149  // Save the magnetic field z component (gauss) at the origin
150  m_MagneticField = BFieldManager::getField(0, 0, 0).Z() / Unit::T * CLHEP::tesla / CLHEP::gauss;
152  // Convert user cutoff values to geant4 units
153  m_MinPt = std::max(0.0, minPt) * CLHEP::GeV;
154  m_MinKE = std::max(0.0, minKE) * CLHEP::GeV;
156  // Save pointer to the list of particle hypotheses for EXT extrapolation
157  m_HypothesesExt = &hypotheses;
159  // Define the list of volumes that will have their entry and/or
160  // exit points stored during the extrapolation.
161  registerVolumes();
163  // Store the address of the ExtManager (used later)
166  // Set up the EXT-specific geometry (might have already been done by MUID)
167  if (m_TargetExt == nullptr) {
168  if (!m_COILGeometryPar.isValid())
169  B2FATAL("Coil geometry data are not available.");
170  double offsetZ = m_COILGeometryPar->getGlobalOffsetZ();
171  double rMinCoil = m_COILGeometryPar->getCryoRmin();
172  double halfLength = m_COILGeometryPar->getCryoLength();
173  m_COILGeometryPar.addCallback([this, &offsetZ, &rMinCoil, &halfLength]() {
174  offsetZ = m_COILGeometryPar->getGlobalOffsetZ();
175  rMinCoil = m_COILGeometryPar->getCryoRmin();
176  halfLength = m_COILGeometryPar->getCryoLength();
177  });
178  m_TargetExt = new Simulation::ExtCylSurfaceTarget(rMinCoil, offsetZ - halfLength, offsetZ + halfLength);
179  G4ErrorPropagatorData::GetErrorPropagatorData()->SetTarget(m_TargetExt);
180  }
181  if (!m_BeamPipeGeo.isValid())
182  B2FATAL("Beam pipe geometry data are not available.");
183  double beampipeRadius = m_BeamPipeGeo->getParameter("Lv2OutBe.R2") * CLHEP::cm; // mm
184  m_BeamPipeGeo.addCallback([this, &beampipeRadius]() {
185  beampipeRadius = m_BeamPipeGeo->getParameter("Lv2OutBe.R2") * CLHEP::cm;
186  });
187  m_MinRadiusSq = beampipeRadius * beampipeRadius; // mm^2
188 }
190 // Initialize for MUID
191 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::initialize(double meanDt, double maxDt, double maxKLMTrackHitDistance,
192  double maxKLMTrackClusterDistance, double maxECLTrackClusterDistance,
193  double minPt, double minKE, bool addHitsToRecoTrack,
194  std::vector<Const::ChargedStable>& hypotheses)
195 {
196  m_MuidInitialized = true;
197  m_addHitsToRecoTrack = addHitsToRecoTrack;
199  // Define required objects, register the new ones and relations
200  m_eclClusters.isRequired();
201  m_klmHit2ds.isRequired();
202  m_klmClusters.isRequired();
204  m_tracks.isRequired();
205  m_extHits.registerInDataStore();
206  m_klmMuidLikelihoods.registerInDataStore();
207  m_klmMuidHits.registerInDataStore();
208  m_trackClusterSeparations.registerInDataStore();
209  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_extHits);
210  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_klmMuidLikelihoods);
211  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_klmMuidHits);
212  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_klmHit2ds);
213  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_trackClusterSeparations);
214  m_tracks.registerRelationTo(m_klmClusters);
215  m_klmClusters.registerRelationTo(m_trackClusterSeparations);
216  m_eclClusters.registerRelationTo(m_extHits);
219  // Save the in-time cut's central value and width for valid hits
220  m_MeanDt = meanDt;
221  m_MaxDt = maxDt;
223  // Save the magnetic field z component (gauss) at the origin
224  m_MagneticField = BFieldManager::getField(0, 0, 0).Z() / Unit::T * CLHEP::tesla / CLHEP::gauss;
226  // Convert from sigma to variance for hit-position uncertainty
227  m_MaxDistSqInVariances = maxKLMTrackHitDistance * maxKLMTrackHitDistance;
229  // Convert user cutoff values to geant4 units
230  m_MaxKLMTrackClusterDistance = std::max(0.0, maxKLMTrackClusterDistance) * CLHEP::cm; // mm
231  m_MaxECLTrackClusterDistance = std::max(0.0, maxECLTrackClusterDistance) * CLHEP::cm; // mm
232  m_MinPt = std::max(0.0, minPt) * CLHEP::GeV;
233  m_MinKE = std::max(0.0, minKE) * CLHEP::GeV;
235  // Save pointer to the list of particle hypotheses for EXT extrapolation
236  m_HypothesesMuid = &hypotheses;
238  // Define the list of volumes that will have their entry and/or
239  // exit points stored during the extrapolation.
240  registerVolumes();
242  // Store the address of the ExtManager (used later)
245  // Set up the EXT-specific geometry (might have already been done by EXT)
246  if (m_TargetExt == nullptr) {
247  if (!m_COILGeometryPar.isValid())
248  B2FATAL("Coil geometry data are not available.");
249  double offsetZ = m_COILGeometryPar->getGlobalOffsetZ();
250  double rMinCoil = m_COILGeometryPar->getCryoRmin();
251  double halfLength = m_COILGeometryPar->getCryoLength();
252  m_COILGeometryPar.addCallback([this, &offsetZ, &rMinCoil, &halfLength]() {
253  offsetZ = m_COILGeometryPar->getGlobalOffsetZ();
254  rMinCoil = m_COILGeometryPar->getCryoRmin();
255  halfLength = m_COILGeometryPar->getCryoLength();
256  });
257  m_TargetExt = new Simulation::ExtCylSurfaceTarget(rMinCoil, offsetZ - halfLength, offsetZ + halfLength);
258  G4ErrorPropagatorData::GetErrorPropagatorData()->SetTarget(m_TargetExt);
259  }
260  if (!m_BeamPipeGeo.isValid())
261  B2FATAL("Beam pipe geometry data are not available.");
262  double beampipeRadius = m_BeamPipeGeo->getParameter("Lv2OutBe.R2") * CLHEP::cm; // mm
263  m_BeamPipeGeo.addCallback([this, &beampipeRadius]() {
264  beampipeRadius = m_BeamPipeGeo->getParameter("Lv2OutBe.R2") * CLHEP::cm;
265  });
266  m_MinRadiusSq = beampipeRadius * beampipeRadius; // mm^2
268  // Set up the MUID-specific geometry
270  const EKLM::GeometryData& eklmGeometry = EKLM::GeometryData::Instance();
271  m_BarrelHalfLength = bklmGeometry->getHalfLength() * CLHEP::cm; // in G4 units (mm)
272  m_EndcapHalfLength = 0.5 * eklmGeometry.getSectionPosition()->getLength(); // in G4 units (mm)
273  m_OffsetZ = bklmGeometry->getOffsetZ() * CLHEP::cm; // in G4 units (mm)
274  double minZ = m_OffsetZ - (m_BarrelHalfLength + 2.0 * m_EndcapHalfLength);
275  double maxZ = m_OffsetZ + (m_BarrelHalfLength + 2.0 * m_EndcapHalfLength);
276  m_BarrelNSector = bklmGeometry->getNSector();
277  m_BarrelMaxR = bklmGeometry->getOuterRadius() * CLHEP::cm / std::cos(M_PI / m_BarrelNSector); // in G4 units (mm)
279  G4ErrorPropagatorData::GetErrorPropagatorData()->SetTarget(m_TargetMuid);
281  m_BarrelHalfLength /= CLHEP::cm; // now in G4e units (cm)
282  m_EndcapHalfLength /= CLHEP::cm; // now in G4e units (cm)
283  m_OffsetZ /= CLHEP::cm; // now in G4e units (cm)
284  m_BarrelMinR = bklmGeometry->getGap1InnerRadius(); // in G4e units (cm)
285  m_BarrelMaxR /= CLHEP::cm; // now in G4e units (cm)
286  m_EndcapMinR = eklmGeometry.getSectionPosition()->getInnerR() / CLHEP::cm; // in G4e units (cm)
287  m_EndcapMaxR = eklmGeometry.getSectionPosition()->getOuterR() / CLHEP::cm; // in G4e units (cm)
288  m_EndcapMiddleZ = m_BarrelHalfLength + m_EndcapHalfLength; // in G4e units (cm)
290  // Measurement uncertainties and acceptance windows
291  double width = eklmGeometry.getStripGeometry()->getWidth() / CLHEP::cm; // in G4e units (cm)
292  m_EndcapScintVariance = width * width / 12.0;
293  width = bklmGeometry->getScintHalfWidth() * 2.0; // in G4e units (cm)
294  m_BarrelScintVariance = width * width / 12.0;
295  for (int layer = 1; layer <= BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber(); ++layer) {
296  const bklm::Module* module =
297  bklmGeometry->findModule(BKLMElementNumbers::c_ForwardSection, 1, layer);
298  width = module->getPhiStripWidth(); // in G4e units (cm)
299  m_BarrelPhiStripVariance[layer - 1] = width * width / 12.0;
300  width = module->getZStripWidth(); // in G4e units (cm)
301  m_BarrelZStripVariance[layer - 1] = width * width / 12.0;
302  }
304  // KLM geometry (for associating KLM hit with extrapolated crossing point)
306  for (int sector = 1; sector <= BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber(); ++sector) {
307  double phi = M_PI_4 * (sector - 1);
308  m_BarrelSectorPerp[sector - 1].set(std::cos(phi), std::sin(phi), 0.0);
309  m_BarrelSectorPhi[sector - 1].set(-std::sin(phi), std::cos(phi), 0.0);
310  }
312  for (KLMChannelIndex& klmLayer : klmLayers) {
313  if (klmLayer.getSubdetector() == KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
314  m_BarrelModuleMiddleRadius[klmLayer.getSection()][klmLayer.getSector() - 1][klmLayer.getLayer() - 1] =
315  bklmGeometry->getActiveMiddleRadius(klmLayer.getSection(), klmLayer.getSector(), klmLayer.getLayer()); // in G4e units (cm)
316  }
317  double dz(eklmGeometry.getLayerShiftZ() / CLHEP::cm); // in G4e units (cm)
318  double z0((eklmGeometry.getSectionPosition()->getZ()
319  + eklmGeometry.getLayerShiftZ()
320  - 0.5 * eklmGeometry.getSectionPosition()->getLength()
321  - 0.5 * eklmGeometry.getLayerPosition()->getLength()) / CLHEP::cm); // in G4e units (cm)
323  1; // zero-based counting
325  1; // zero-based counting
326  for (int layer = 1; layer <= EKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber(); ++layer) {
327  m_EndcapModuleMiddleZ[layer - 1] = z0 + dz * (layer - 1); // in G4e units (cm)
328  }
331 }
334 {
335  B2DEBUG(20, (byMuid ? "muid" : "ext"));
336  if (byMuid) {
337  if (!m_klmChannelStatus.isValid())
338  B2FATAL("KLM channel status data are not available.");
339  if (!m_klmStripEfficiency.isValid())
340  B2FATAL("KLM strip efficiency data are not available.");
341  if (!m_klmLikelihoodParameters.isValid())
342  B2FATAL("KLM likelihood parameters are not available.");
343  std::vector<int> muidPdgCodes = MuidElementNumbers::getPDGVector();
344  if (!m_MuidBuilderMap.empty()) {
345  if (m_klmLikelihoodParameters.hasChanged()) { /* Clear m_MuidBuilderMap if KLMLikelihoodParameters payload changed. */
346  for (auto const& muidBuilder : m_MuidBuilderMap)
347  delete muidBuilder.second;
348  m_MuidBuilderMap.clear();
349  } else /* Return if m_MuidBuilderMap is already initialized. */
350  return;
351  }
352  for (int pdg : muidPdgCodes)
353  m_MuidBuilderMap.insert(std::pair<int, MuidBuilder*>(pdg, new MuidBuilder(pdg)));
354  }
355 }
357 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::event(bool byMuid)
358 {
360  // Put geant4 in proper state (in case this module is in a separate process)
361  if (G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState() == G4State_Idle) {
362  G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->SetNewState(G4State_GeomClosed);
363  }
365  G4ThreeVector directionAtIP, positionG4e, momentumG4e;
366  G4ErrorTrajErr covG4e(5); // initialized to zeroes
368  // Loop over the reconstructed tracks
369  // Do extrapolation for each hypothesis of each reconstructed track.
370  if (byMuid) { // event() called by Muid module
371  G4ErrorPropagatorData::GetErrorPropagatorData()->SetTarget(m_TargetMuid);
372  std::vector<std::pair<ECLCluster*, G4ThreeVector> > eclClusterInfo(m_eclClusters.getEntries());
373  for (int c = 0; c < m_eclClusters.getEntries(); ++c) {
374  eclClusterInfo[c].first = m_eclClusters[c];
375  eclClusterInfo[c].second = G4ThreeVector(m_eclClusters[c]->getClusterPosition().X(),
376  m_eclClusters[c]->getClusterPosition().Y(),
377  m_eclClusters[c]->getClusterPosition().Z()) * CLHEP::cm;
378  }
379  std::vector<std::pair<KLMCluster*, G4ThreeVector> > klmClusterInfo(m_klmClusters.getEntries());
380  for (int c = 0; c < m_klmClusters.getEntries(); ++c) {
381  klmClusterInfo[c].first = m_klmClusters[c];
382  klmClusterInfo[c].second = G4ThreeVector(m_klmClusters[c]->getClusterPosition().X(),
383  m_klmClusters[c]->getClusterPosition().Y(),
384  m_klmClusters[c]->getClusterPosition().Z()) * CLHEP::cm;
385  }
386  // Keep track of (re-)use of BKLMHit2ds
387  std::vector<std::map<const Track*, double> > bklmHitUsed(m_klmHit2ds.getEntries());
388  for (auto& b2track : m_tracks) {
389  for (const auto& hypothesis : *m_HypothesesMuid) {
390  int pdgCode = hypothesis.getPDGCode();
391  if (hypothesis == Const::electron || hypothesis == Const::muon)
392  pdgCode = -pdgCode;
393  G4ErrorFreeTrajState g4eState("g4e_mu+", G4ThreeVector(), G4ThreeVector()); // will be updated
394  ExtState extState = getStartPoint(b2track, pdgCode, g4eState);
395  swim(extState, g4eState, &eclClusterInfo, &klmClusterInfo, &bklmHitUsed);
396  } // Muid hypothesis loop
397  } // Muid track loop
398  } else { // event() called by Ext module
399  G4ErrorPropagatorData::GetErrorPropagatorData()->SetTarget(m_TargetExt);
400  for (auto& b2track : m_tracks) {
401  for (const auto& hypothesis : *m_HypothesesExt) {
402  int pdgCode = hypothesis.getPDGCode();
403  if (hypothesis == Const::electron || hypothesis == Const::muon) pdgCode = -pdgCode;
404  G4ErrorFreeTrajState g4eState("g4e_mu+", G4ThreeVector(), G4ThreeVector()); // will be updated
405  ExtState extState = getStartPoint(b2track, pdgCode, g4eState);
406  swim(extState, g4eState);
407  } // Ext hypothesis loop
408  } // Ext track loop
409  } // byMuid
411 }
414 {
415 }
418 {
419  if (m_DefaultHypotheses != nullptr)
420  delete m_DefaultHypotheses;
421  if (byMuid) {
422  delete m_TargetMuid;
423  for (auto const& muidBuilder : m_MuidBuilderMap)
424  delete muidBuilder.second;
425  }
426  if (m_TargetExt != nullptr) {
427  delete m_TargetExt;
428  m_TargetExt = nullptr;
429  }
430  if (m_EnterExit != nullptr) {
431  delete m_EnterExit;
432  delete m_BKLMVolumes;
434  m_EnterExit = nullptr;
435  m_BKLMVolumes = nullptr;
436  }
437 }
439 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::extrapolate(int pdgCode, // signed for charge
440  double tof, // in ns (from IP to position)
441  // DIVOT bool isCosmic, // true for back-extrapolation
442  const G4ThreeVector& position, // in cm (genfit2 units)
443  const G4ThreeVector& momentum, // in GeV/c (genfit2 units)
444  const G4ErrorSymMatrix& covariance) // (6x6) using cm, GeV/c (genfit2 units)
445 {
446  bool isCosmic = false; // DIVOT
447  if ((!m_ExtInitialized) && (!m_MuidInitialized)) {
448  // No EXT nor MUID module in analysis path ==> mimic ext::initialize() with reasonable defaults.
449  // The default values are taken from the EXT module's parameter definitions.
451  extMgr->Initialize("Ext", "default", 0.0, 0.25, false, 0, std::vector<std::string>());
452  // Redefine geant4e step length, magnetic field step limitation (fraction of local curvature radius),
453  // and kinetic energy loss limitation (maximum fractional energy loss) by communicating with
454  // the geant4 UI. (Commands were defined in ExtMessenger when physics list was set up.)
455  // *NOTE* If module muid runs after this, its G4UImanager commands will override these.
456  G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/geant4e/limits/stepLength 250 mm");
457  G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/geant4e/limits/magField 0.001");
458  G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/geant4e/limits/energyLoss 0.05");
459  m_DefaultHypotheses = new std::vector<Const::ChargedStable>; // not used
460  initialize(0.1, 0.002, *m_DefaultHypotheses);
461  }
463  // Put geant4 in proper state (in case this module is in a separate process)
464  if (G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->GetCurrentState() == G4State_Idle) {
465  G4StateManager::GetStateManager()->SetNewState(G4State_GeomClosed);
466  }
468  G4ErrorPropagatorData::GetErrorPropagatorData()->SetTarget(m_TargetExt);
470  // Do extrapolation for selected hypothesis (pion, electron, muon, kaon, proton,
471  // deuteron) for the selected track until calorimeter exit.
473  G4ThreeVector positionG4e = position * CLHEP::cm; // convert from genfit2 units (cm) to geant4 units (mm)
474  G4ThreeVector momentumG4e = momentum * CLHEP::GeV; // convert from genfit2 units (GeV/c) to geant4 units (MeV/c)
475  if (isCosmic)
476  momentumG4e = -momentumG4e;
477  G4ErrorSymMatrix covarianceG4e(5, 0); // in Geant4e units (GeV/c, cm)
478  fromPhasespaceToG4e(momentum, covariance, covarianceG4e);
479  G4String nameG4e("g4e_" + G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(pdgCode)->GetParticleName());
480  G4ErrorFreeTrajState g4eState(nameG4e, positionG4e, momentumG4e, covarianceG4e);
481  ExtState extState = { nullptr, pdgCode, isCosmic, tof, 0.0, // for EXT and MUID
482  momentumG4e.unit(), 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false // for MUID only
483  };
484  swim(extState, g4eState);
485 }
487 // Swim one track for MUID until it stops or leaves the KLM-bounding cylinder
488 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::swim(ExtState& extState, G4ErrorFreeTrajState& g4eState,
489  const std::vector<std::pair<ECLCluster*, G4ThreeVector> >* eclClusterInfo,
490  const std::vector<std::pair<KLMCluster*, G4ThreeVector> >* klmClusterInfo,
491  std::vector<std::map<const Track*, double> >* bklmHitUsed)
492 {
493  if (extState.pdgCode == 0)
494  return;
495  if (g4eState.GetMomentum().perp() <= m_MinPt)
496  return;
497  if (m_TargetMuid->GetDistanceFromPoint(g4eState.GetPosition()) < 0.0)
498  return;
499  G4ParticleDefinition* particle = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(extState.pdgCode);
500  double mass = particle->GetPDGMass();
501  double minPSq = (mass + m_MinKE) * (mass + m_MinKE) - mass * mass;
502  // Create structures for ECLCluster-Track matching
503  std::vector<double> eclClusterDistance;
504  std::vector<ExtHit> eclHit1, eclHit2, eclHit3;
505  if (eclClusterInfo != nullptr) {
506  eclClusterDistance.resize(eclClusterInfo->size(), 1.0E10); // "positive infinity"
507  ExtHit tempExtHit(extState.pdgCode, Const::EDetector::ECL, 0, EXT_FIRST,
508  extState.isCosmic, 0.0,
509  G4ThreeVector(), G4ThreeVector(), G4ErrorSymMatrix(6));
510  eclHit1.resize(eclClusterInfo->size(), tempExtHit);
511  eclHit2.resize(eclClusterInfo->size(), tempExtHit);
512  eclHit3.resize(eclClusterInfo->size(), tempExtHit);
513  }
514  // Create structures for KLMCluster-Track matching
515  std::vector<TrackClusterSeparation> klmHit;
516  if (klmClusterInfo != nullptr) {
517  klmHit.resize(klmClusterInfo->size()); // initialize each to huge distance
518  }
519  KLMMuidLikelihood* klmMuidLikelihood = m_klmMuidLikelihoods.appendNew(); // rest of this object will be filled later
520  klmMuidLikelihood->setPDGCode(extState.pdgCode);
521  if (extState.track != nullptr)
522  extState.track->addRelationTo(klmMuidLikelihood);
523  G4ErrorMode propagationMode = (extState.isCosmic ? G4ErrorMode_PropBackwards : G4ErrorMode_PropForwards);
524  m_ExtMgr->InitTrackPropagation(propagationMode);
525  while (true) {
526  const G4int errCode = m_ExtMgr->PropagateOneStep(&g4eState, propagationMode);
527  G4Track* track = g4eState.GetG4Track();
528  const G4Step* step = track->GetStep();
529  const G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = step->GetPreStepPoint();
530  const G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = step->GetPostStepPoint();
531  G4TouchableHandle preTouch = preStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle();
532  G4VPhysicalVolume* pVol = preTouch->GetVolume();
533  const G4int preStatus = preStepPoint->GetStepStatus();
534  const G4int postStatus = postStepPoint->GetStepStatus();
535  G4ThreeVector pos = track->GetPosition(); // this is at postStepPoint
536  G4ThreeVector mom = track->GetMomentum(); // ditto
537  // Ignore the zero-length step by PropagateOneStep() at each boundary
538  if (extState.isCosmic) mom = -mom;
539  if (step->GetStepLength() > 0.0) {
540  double dt = step->GetDeltaTime();
541  double dl = step->GetStepLength() / track->GetMaterial()->GetRadlen();
542  if (preStatus == fGeomBoundary) { // first step in this volume?
543  if (m_TargetExt->GetDistanceFromPoint(pos) < 0.0) { // only hits outside ECL during muid
544  if (m_EnterExit->find(pVol) != m_EnterExit->end()) {
545  createExtHit(EXT_ENTER, extState, g4eState, preStepPoint, preTouch);
546  }
547  }
548  }
549  if (extState.isCosmic) {
550  extState.tof -= dt;
551  extState.length -= dl;
552  } else {
553  extState.tof += dt;
554  extState.length += dl;
555  }
556  if (postStatus == fGeomBoundary) { // last step in this volume?
557  if (m_TargetExt->GetDistanceFromPoint(pos) < 0.0) { // only hits outside ECL during muid
558  if (m_EnterExit->find(pVol) != m_EnterExit->end()) {
559  createExtHit(EXT_EXIT, extState, g4eState, postStepPoint, preTouch);
560  }
561  }
562  }
563  if (createMuidHit(extState, g4eState, klmMuidLikelihood, bklmHitUsed)) {
564  // Force geant4e to update its G4Track from the Kalman-updated state
565  m_ExtMgr->GetPropagator()->SetStepN(0);
566  }
567  if (eclClusterInfo != nullptr) {
568  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < eclClusterInfo->size(); ++c) {
569  G4ThreeVector eclPos((*eclClusterInfo)[c].second);
570  G4ThreeVector prePos(preStepPoint->GetPosition());
571  G4ThreeVector diff(prePos - eclPos);
572  double distance = diff.mag();
573  if (distance < m_MaxECLTrackClusterDistance) {
574  // fallback ECLNEAR in case no ECLCROSS is found
575  if (distance < eclClusterDistance[c]) {
576  eclClusterDistance[c] = distance;
577  G4ErrorSymMatrix covariance(6, 0);
578  fromG4eToPhasespace(g4eState, covariance);
579  eclHit3[c].update(EXT_ECLNEAR, extState.tof, pos / CLHEP::cm, mom / CLHEP::GeV, covariance);
580  }
581  // find position of crossing of the track with the ECLCluster's sphere
582  if (eclHit1[c].getStatus() == EXT_FIRST) {
583  if (pos.mag2() >= eclPos.mag2()) {
584  double r = eclPos.mag();
585  double preD = prePos.mag() - r;
586  double postD = pos.mag() - r;
587  double f = postD / (postD - preD);
588  G4ThreeVector midPos = pos + (prePos - pos) * f;
589  double tof = extState.tof + dt * f * (extState.isCosmic ? +1 : -1); // in ns, at end of step
590  G4ErrorSymMatrix covariance(6, 0);
591  fromG4eToPhasespace(g4eState, covariance);
592  eclHit1[c].update(EXT_ECLCROSS, tof, midPos / CLHEP::cm, mom / CLHEP::GeV, covariance);
593  }
594  }
595  }
596  // find closest distance to the radial line to the ECLCluster
597  if (eclHit2[c].getStatus() == EXT_FIRST) {
598  G4ThreeVector delta(pos - prePos);
599  G4ThreeVector perp(eclPos.cross(delta));
600  double perpMag2 = perp.mag2();
601  if (perpMag2 > 1.0E-10) {
602  double dist = std::fabs(diff * perp) / std::sqrt(perpMag2);
603  if (dist < m_MaxECLTrackClusterDistance) {
604  double f = eclPos * (prePos.cross(perp)) / perpMag2;
605  if ((f > -0.5) && (f <= 1.0)) {
606  G4ThreeVector midPos(prePos + f * delta);
607  double length = extState.length + dl * (1.0 - f) * (extState.isCosmic ? +1 : -1);
608  G4ErrorSymMatrix covariance(6, 0);
609  fromG4eToPhasespace(g4eState, covariance);
610  eclHit2[c].update(EXT_ECLDL, length, midPos / CLHEP::cm, mom / CLHEP::GeV, covariance);
611  }
612  }
613  }
614  }
615  }
616  }
617  if (klmClusterInfo != nullptr) {
618  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < klmClusterInfo->size(); ++c) {
619  G4ThreeVector klmPos = (*klmClusterInfo)[c].second;
620  G4ThreeVector separation = klmPos - pos;
621  double distance = separation.mag();
622  if (distance < klmHit[c].getDistance()) {
623  klmHit[c].setDistance(distance);
624  klmHit[c].setTrackClusterAngle(mom.angle(separation));
625  klmHit[c].setTrackClusterSeparationAngle(mom.angle(klmPos));
626  klmHit[c].setTrackRotationAngle(extState.directionAtIP.angle(mom));
627  klmHit[c].setTrackClusterInitialSeparationAngle(extState.directionAtIP.angle(klmPos));
628  }
629  }
630  }
631  }
632  // Post-step momentum too low?
633  if (errCode || (mom.mag2() < minPSq)) {
634  break;
635  }
636  // Detect escapes from the imaginary target cylinder.
637  if (m_TargetMuid->GetDistanceFromPoint(pos) < 0.0) {
638  break;
639  }
640  // Stop extrapolating as soon as the track curls inward too much
641  if (pos.perp2() < m_MinRadiusSq) {
642  break;
643  }
644  } // track-extrapolation "infinite" loop
646  m_ExtMgr->EventTermination(propagationMode);
648  finishTrack(extState, klmMuidLikelihood, (g4eState.GetPosition().z() > m_OffsetZ));
650  if (eclClusterInfo != nullptr) {
651  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < eclClusterInfo->size(); ++c) {
652  if (eclHit1[c].getStatus() != EXT_FIRST) {
653  ExtHit* h = m_extHits.appendNew(eclHit1[c]);
654  (*eclClusterInfo)[c].first->addRelationTo(h);
655  if (extState.track != nullptr) {
656  extState.track->addRelationTo(h);
657  }
658  }
659  if (eclHit2[c].getStatus() != EXT_FIRST) {
660  ExtHit* h = m_extHits.appendNew(eclHit2[c]);
661  (*eclClusterInfo)[c].first->addRelationTo(h);
662  if (extState.track != nullptr) {
663  extState.track->addRelationTo(h);
664  }
665  }
666  if (eclHit3[c].getStatus() != EXT_FIRST) {
667  ExtHit* h = m_extHits.appendNew(eclHit3[c]);
668  (*eclClusterInfo)[c].first->addRelationTo(h);
669  if (extState.track != nullptr) {
670  extState.track->addRelationTo(h);
671  }
672  }
673  }
674  }
676  if (klmClusterInfo != nullptr) {
677  // here we set a relation only to the closest KLMCluster
678  // and we don't set any relation if the distance is too large
679  double minDistance = m_MaxKLMTrackClusterDistance;
680  unsigned int closestCluster = 0;
681  for (unsigned int c = 0; c < klmClusterInfo->size(); ++c) {
682  if (klmHit[c].getDistance() > 1.0E9) {
683  continue;
684  }
685  TrackClusterSeparation* h = m_trackClusterSeparations.appendNew(klmHit[c]);
686  (*klmClusterInfo)[c].first->addRelationTo(h); // relation KLMCluster to TrackSep
687  if (extState.track != nullptr) {
688  extState.track->addRelationTo(h); // relation Track to TrackSep
689  }
690  if (klmHit[c].getDistance() < minDistance) {
691  closestCluster = c;
692  minDistance = klmHit[c].getDistance();
693  }
694  }
695  if (minDistance < m_MaxKLMTrackClusterDistance) {
696  // set the relation Track to KLMCluster, using the distance as weight
697  // but for being consistent with the basf2 conventions, store the distance in cm
698  if (extState.track != nullptr) {
699  extState.track->addRelationTo((*klmClusterInfo)[closestCluster].first, 1. / (minDistance / CLHEP::cm));
700  }
701  }
702  }
704 }
706 // Swim one track for EXT until it stops or leaves the ECL-bounding cylinder
707 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::swim(ExtState& extState, G4ErrorFreeTrajState& g4eState)
708 {
709  if (extState.pdgCode == 0)
710  return;
711  if (g4eState.GetMomentum().perp() <= m_MinPt)
712  return;
713  if (m_TargetExt->GetDistanceFromPoint(g4eState.GetPosition()) < 0.0)
714  return;
715  G4ParticleDefinition* particle = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(extState.pdgCode);
716  double mass = particle->GetPDGMass();
717  double minPSq = (mass + m_MinKE) * (mass + m_MinKE) - mass * mass;
718  G4ErrorMode propagationMode = (extState.isCosmic ? G4ErrorMode_PropBackwards : G4ErrorMode_PropForwards);
719  m_ExtMgr->InitTrackPropagation(propagationMode);
720  while (true) {
721  const G4int errCode = m_ExtMgr->PropagateOneStep(&g4eState, propagationMode);
722  G4Track* track = g4eState.GetG4Track();
723  const G4Step* step = track->GetStep();
724  const G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = step->GetPreStepPoint();
725  const G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = step->GetPostStepPoint();
726  G4TouchableHandle preTouch = preStepPoint->GetTouchableHandle();
727  G4VPhysicalVolume* pVol = preTouch->GetVolume();
728  const G4int preStatus = preStepPoint->GetStepStatus();
729  const G4int postStatus = postStepPoint->GetStepStatus();
730  G4ThreeVector pos = track->GetPosition(); // this is at postStepPoint
731  G4ThreeVector mom = track->GetMomentum(); // ditto
732  // First step on this track?
733  if (extState.isCosmic)
734  mom = -mom;
735  if (preStatus == fUndefined) {
736  if (m_EnterExit->find(pVol) != m_EnterExit->end()) {
737  createExtHit(EXT_FIRST, extState, g4eState, preStepPoint, preTouch);
738  }
739  }
740  // Ignore the zero-length step by PropagateOneStep() at each boundary
741  if (step->GetStepLength() > 0.0) {
742  double dt = step->GetDeltaTime();
743  double dl = step->GetStepLength() / track->GetMaterial()->GetRadlen();
744  if (preStatus == fGeomBoundary) { // first step in this volume?
745  if (m_EnterExit->find(pVol) != m_EnterExit->end()) {
746  createExtHit(EXT_ENTER, extState, g4eState, preStepPoint, preTouch);
747  }
748  }
749  if (extState.isCosmic) {
750  extState.tof -= dt;
751  extState.length -= dl;
752  } else {
753  extState.tof += dt;
754  extState.length += dl;
755  }
756  // Last step in this volume?
757  if (postStatus == fGeomBoundary) {
758  if (m_EnterExit->find(pVol) != m_EnterExit->end()) {
759  createExtHit(EXT_EXIT, extState, g4eState, postStepPoint, preTouch);
760  }
761  }
762  }
763  // Post-step momentum too low?
764  if (errCode || (mom.mag2() < minPSq)) {
765  if (m_EnterExit->find(pVol) != m_EnterExit->end()) {
766  createExtHit(EXT_STOP, extState, g4eState, postStepPoint, preTouch);
767  }
768  break;
769  }
770  // Detect escapes from the imaginary target cylinder.
771  if (m_TargetExt->GetDistanceFromPoint(pos) < 0.0) {
772  if (m_EnterExit->find(pVol) != m_EnterExit->end()) {
773  createExtHit(EXT_ESCAPE, extState, g4eState, postStepPoint, preTouch);
774  }
775  break;
776  }
777  // Stop extrapolating as soon as the track curls inward too much
778  if (pos.perp2() < m_MinRadiusSq) {
779  break;
780  }
781  } // track-extrapolation "infinite" loop
783  m_ExtMgr->EventTermination(propagationMode);
785 }
787 // Register the list of volumes for which entry/exit point is to be saved during extrapolation
789 {
790  G4PhysicalVolumeStore* pvStore = G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance();
791  if (pvStore->size() == 0) {
792  B2FATAL("No geometry defined. Please create the geometry first.");
793  }
794  if (m_EnterExit != nullptr) // Only do this once
795  return;
796  m_EnterExit = new std::map<G4VPhysicalVolume*, enum VolTypes>;
797  m_BKLMVolumes = new std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>;
798  for (std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>::iterator iVol = pvStore->begin();
799  iVol != pvStore->end(); ++iVol) {
800  const G4String name = (*iVol)->GetName();
801  // Do not store ExtHits in CDC, so let's start from TOP and ARICH.
802  // TOP doesn't have one envelope; it has 16 "TOPModule"s
803  if (name.find("TOPModule") != std::string::npos) {
804  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_TOP1;
805  }
806  // TOP quartz bar (=sensitive)
807  else if (name.find("_TOPPrism_") != std::string::npos ||
808  name.find("_TOPBarSegment") != std::string::npos ||
809  name.find("_TOPMirrorSegment") != std::string::npos) {
810  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_TOP2;
811  }
812  // TOP quartz glue (not sensitive?)
813  else if (name.find("TOPBarSegment1Glue") != std::string::npos ||
814  name.find("TOPBarSegment2Glue") != std::string::npos ||
815  name.find("TOPMirrorSegmentGlue") != std::string::npos) {
816  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_TOP3;
817  // ARICH volumes
818  } else if (name == "ARICH.AerogelSupportPlate") {
819  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_ARICH1;
820  } else if (name == "ARICH.AerogelImgPlate") {
821  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_ARICH2;
822  } else if (name.find("ARICH.HAPDWindow") != std::string::npos) {
823  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_ARICH3;
824  }
825  // ECL crystal
826  else if (name.find("lv_barrel_crystal_") != std::string::npos ||
827  name.find("lv_forward_crystal_") != std::string::npos ||
828  name.find("lv_backward_crystal_") != std::string::npos) {
829  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_ECL;
830  }
831  // Barrel KLM: BKLM.Layer**GasPhysical for RPCs or BKLM.Layer**ChimneyGasPhysical for RPCs
832  // BKLM.ScintActiveType*Physical for scintillator strips
833  else if (, 5, "BKLM.") == 0) {
834  if (name.find("GasPhysical") != std::string::npos) {
835  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_BKLM1;
836  } else if (name.find("ScintActiveType") != std::string::npos) {
837  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_BKLM2;
838  } else if ((name.find("ScintType") != std::string::npos) ||
839  (name.find("ElectrodePhysical") != std::string::npos)) {
840  m_BKLMVolumes->push_back(*iVol);
841  }
842  }
843  // Endcap KLM: StripSensitive_*
844  else if (, 14, "StripSensitive") == 0) {
845  (*m_EnterExit)[*iVol] = VOLTYPE_EKLM;
846  }
847  }
849 }
851 // Convert the physical volume to integer(-like) identifiers
852 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::getVolumeID(const G4TouchableHandle& touch, Const::EDetector& detID, int& copyID)
853 {
855  // default values
856  detID = Const::EDetector::invalidDetector;
857  copyID = 0;
859  G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = touch->GetVolume(0);
860  std::map<G4VPhysicalVolume*, enum VolTypes>::iterator it = m_EnterExit->find(pv);
861  if (it == m_EnterExit->end())
862  return;
864  switch (it->second) {
865  case VOLTYPE_CDC:
866  detID = Const::EDetector::CDC;
867  copyID = pv->GetCopyNo();
868  return;
869  case VOLTYPE_TOP1:
870  detID = Const::EDetector::TOP;
871  copyID = -(pv->GetCopyNo()); // negative to distinguish module and quartz hits
872  return;
873  case VOLTYPE_TOP2:
874  detID = Const::EDetector::TOP;
875  if (touch->GetHistoryDepth() >= 1)
876  copyID = touch->GetVolume(1)->GetCopyNo();
877  return;
878  case VOLTYPE_TOP3:
879  detID = Const::EDetector::TOP;
880  if (touch->GetHistoryDepth() >= 2)
881  copyID = touch->GetVolume(2)->GetCopyNo();
882  return;
883  case VOLTYPE_ARICH1:
884  detID = Const::EDetector::ARICH;
885  copyID = 12345;
886  return;
887  case VOLTYPE_ARICH2:
888  detID = Const::EDetector::ARICH;
889  copyID = 6789;
890  return;
891  case VOLTYPE_ARICH3:
892  detID = Const::EDetector::ARICH;
893  if (touch->GetHistoryDepth() >= 2)
894  copyID = touch->GetVolume(2)->GetCopyNo();
895  return;
896  case VOLTYPE_ECL:
897  detID = Const::EDetector::ECL;
899  return;
900  case VOLTYPE_BKLM1: // BKLM RPCs
901  detID = Const::EDetector::BKLM;
902  if (touch->GetHistoryDepth() == DEPTH_RPC) {
903  // int plane = touch->GetCopyNumber(0);
904  int layer = touch->GetCopyNumber(4);
905  int sector = touch->GetCopyNumber(6);
906  int section = touch->GetCopyNumber(7);
907  copyID = BKLMElementNumbers::moduleNumber(section, sector, layer);
908  }
909  return;
910  case VOLTYPE_BKLM2: // BKLM scints
911  detID = Const::EDetector::BKLM;
912  if (touch->GetHistoryDepth() == DEPTH_SCINT) {
913  int strip = touch->GetCopyNumber(1);
914  int plane = (touch->GetCopyNumber(2) == BKLM_INNER) ?
917  int layer = touch->GetCopyNumber(6);
918  int sector = touch->GetCopyNumber(8);
919  int section = touch->GetCopyNumber(9);
921  section, sector, layer, plane, strip);
922  BKLMStatus::setMaximalStrip(copyID, strip);
923  }
924  return;
925  case VOLTYPE_EKLM:
926  detID = Const::EDetector::EKLM;
928  touch->GetVolume(7)->GetCopyNo(),
929  touch->GetVolume(6)->GetCopyNo(),
930  touch->GetVolume(5)->GetCopyNo(),
931  touch->GetVolume(4)->GetCopyNo(),
932  touch->GetVolume(1)->GetCopyNo());
933  return;
934  }
936 }
938 ExtState TrackExtrapolateG4e::getStartPoint(const Track& b2track, int pdgCode, G4ErrorFreeTrajState& g4eState)
939 {
940  ExtState extState = {&b2track, pdgCode, false, 0.0, 0.0, // for EXT and MUID
941  G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 1), 0.0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, false // for MUID only
942  };
943  RecoTrack* recoTrack = b2track.getRelatedTo<RecoTrack>();
944  if (recoTrack == nullptr) {
945  B2WARNING("Track without associated RecoTrack: skipping extrapolation for this track.");
946  extState.pdgCode = 0; // prevent start of extrapolation in swim()
947  return extState;
948  }
949  const genfit::AbsTrackRep* trackRep = recoTrack->getCardinalRepresentation();
950  // check for a valid track fit
951  if (!recoTrack->wasFitSuccessful(trackRep)) {
952  B2WARNING("RecoTrack fit failed for cardinal representation: skipping extrapolation for this track.");
953  extState.pdgCode = 0; // prevent start of extrapolation in swim()
954  return extState;
955  }
956  int charge = int(trackRep->getPDGCharge());
957  if (charge != 0) {
958  extState.pdgCode *= charge;
959  } else {
960  charge = 1; // should never happen but persist if it does
961  }
962  TVector3 firstPosition, firstMomentum, lastPosition, lastMomentum; // initialized to zeroes
963  TMatrixDSym firstCov(6), lastCov(6); // initialized to zeroes
964  try {
965  const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane& firstState = recoTrack->getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromFirstHit(trackRep);
966  trackRep->getPosMomCov(firstState, firstPosition, firstMomentum, firstCov);
967  const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane& lastState = recoTrack->getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromLastHit(trackRep);
968  trackRep->getPosMomCov(lastState, lastPosition, lastMomentum, lastCov);
969  // in genfit units (cm, GeV/c)
970  extState.tof = lastState.getTime(); // DIVOT: must be revised when IP profile (reconstructed beam spot) become available!
971  if (lastPosition.Mag2() < firstPosition.Mag2()) {
972  firstPosition = lastPosition;
973  firstMomentum = -lastMomentum;
974  firstCov = lastCov;
975  trackRep->getPosMomCov(firstState, lastPosition, lastMomentum, lastCov);
976  lastMomentum *= -1.0; // extrapolate backwards instead of forwards
977  extState.isCosmic = true;
978  extState.tof = firstState.getTime(); // DIVOT: must be revised when IP profile (reconstructed beam spot) become available!
979  }
981  G4ParticleDefinition* particle = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle(extState.pdgCode);
982  if (extState.pdgCode != trackRep->getPDG()) {
983  double pSq = lastMomentum.Mag2();
984  double mass = particle->GetPDGMass() / CLHEP::GeV;
985  extState.tof *= std::sqrt((pSq + mass * mass) / (pSq + lastState.getMass() * lastState.getMass()));
986  }
988  extState.directionAtIP.set(firstMomentum.Unit().X(), firstMomentum.Unit().Y(), firstMomentum.Unit().Z());
989  if (m_MagneticField != 0.0) { // in gauss
990  double radius = (firstMomentum.Perp() * CLHEP::GeV / CLHEP::eV) / (CLHEP::c_light * charge * m_MagneticField); // in cm
991  double centerPhi = extState.directionAtIP.phi() - M_PI_2;
992  double centerX = firstPosition.X() + radius * std::cos(centerPhi);
993  double centerY = firstPosition.Y() + radius * std::sin(centerPhi);
994  double pocaPhi = atan2(charge * centerY, charge * centerX) + M_PI;
995  double ipPerp = extState.directionAtIP.perp();
996  if (ipPerp > 0.0) {
997  extState.directionAtIP.setX(+std::sin(pocaPhi) * ipPerp);
998  extState.directionAtIP.setY(-std::cos(pocaPhi) * ipPerp);
999  }
1000  } else {
1001  // No field: replace flaky covariance matrix with a diagonal one measured in 1.5T field
1002  // for a 10 GeV/c track ... and replace momentum magnitude with fixed 10 GeV/c
1003  lastCov *= 0.0;
1004  lastCov[0][0] = 5.0E-5;
1005  lastCov[1][1] = 1.0E-7;
1006  lastCov[2][2] = 5.0E-4;
1007  lastCov[3][3] = 3.5E-3;
1008  lastCov[4][4] = 3.5E-3;
1009  lastMomentum = lastMomentum.Unit() * 10.0;
1010  }
1012  G4ThreeVector posG4e(lastPosition.X() * CLHEP::cm, lastPosition.Y() * CLHEP::cm,
1013  lastPosition.Z() * CLHEP::cm); // in Geant4 units (mm)
1014  G4ThreeVector momG4e(lastMomentum.X() * CLHEP::GeV, lastMomentum.Y() * CLHEP::GeV,
1015  lastMomentum.Z() * CLHEP::GeV); // in Geant4 units (MeV/c)
1016  G4ErrorSymMatrix covG4e(5, 0); // in Geant4e units (GeV/c, cm)
1017  fromPhasespaceToG4e(lastMomentum, lastCov, covG4e); // in Geant4e units (GeV/c, cm)
1018  g4eState.SetData("g4e_" + particle->GetParticleName(), posG4e, momG4e);
1019  g4eState.SetParameters(posG4e, momG4e); // compute private-state parameters from momG4e
1020  g4eState.SetError(covG4e);
1021  } catch (const genfit::Exception&) {
1022  B2WARNING("genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane() exception: skipping extrapolation for this track. initial momentum = ("
1023  << firstMomentum.X() << "," << firstMomentum.Y() << "," << firstMomentum.Z() << ")");
1024  extState.pdgCode = 0; // prevent start of extrapolation in swim()
1025  }
1027  return extState;
1028 }
1031 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::fromG4eToPhasespace(const G4ErrorFreeTrajState& g4eState, G4ErrorSymMatrix& covariance)
1032 {
1034  // Convert Geant4e covariance matrix with parameters 1/p, lambda, phi, yT, zT (in GeV/c, radians, cm)
1035  // to phase-space covariance matrix with parameters x, y, z, px, py, pz (in GeV/c, cm)
1036  // (1/p) = 1/sqrt( px^2 + py^2 + pz^2 )
1037  // phi = atan( py / px )
1038  // lambda = asin( pz / sqrt( px^2 + py^2 + pz^2 )
1039  // xT = x * cos(lambda) * cos(phi) + y * cos(lambda) * sin(phi) + z * sin(lambda)
1040  // yT = -x * sin(phi) + y * cos(phi)
1041  // zT = -x * sin(lambda) * cos(phi) - y * sin(lambda) * sin(phi) + z * cos(lambda)
1043  G4ErrorFreeTrajParam param = g4eState.GetParameters();
1044  double p = 1.0 / (param.GetInvP() * CLHEP::GeV); // in GeV/c
1045  double pSq = p * p;
1046  double lambda = param.GetLambda(); // in radians
1047  double sinLambda = std::sin(lambda);
1048  double cosLambda = std::cos(lambda);
1049  double phi = param.GetPhi(); // in radians
1050  double sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
1051  double cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
1053  // Transformation Jacobian 6x5 from Geant4e 5x5 to phase-space 6x6
1055  G4ErrorMatrix jacobian(6, 5, 0); // All entries are initialized to 0
1057  jacobian(4, 1) = -pSq * cosLambda * cosPhi; // @(px)/@(1/p)
1058  jacobian(5, 1) = -pSq * cosLambda * sinPhi; // @(py)/@(1/p)
1059  jacobian(6, 1) = -pSq * sinLambda; // @(pz)/@(1/p)
1061  jacobian(4, 2) = -p * sinLambda * cosPhi; // @(px)/@(lambda)
1062  jacobian(5, 2) = -p * sinLambda * sinPhi; // @(py)/@(lambda)
1063  jacobian(6, 2) = p * cosLambda; // @(pz)/@(lambda)
1065  jacobian(4, 3) = -p * cosLambda * sinPhi; // @(px)/@(phi)
1066  jacobian(5, 3) = p * cosLambda * cosPhi; // @(py)/@(phi)
1068  jacobian(1, 4) = -sinPhi; // @(x)/@(yT)
1069  jacobian(2, 4) = cosPhi; // @(y)/@(yT)
1071  jacobian(1, 5) = -sinLambda * cosPhi; // @(x)/@(zT)
1072  jacobian(2, 5) = -sinLambda * sinPhi; // @(y)/@(zT)
1073  jacobian(3, 5) = cosLambda; // @(z)/@(zT)
1075  G4ErrorTrajErr g4eCov = g4eState.GetError();
1076  covariance.assign(g4eCov.similarity(jacobian));
1078 }
1080 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::fromPhasespaceToG4e(const TVector3& momentum, const TMatrixDSym& covariance, G4ErrorTrajErr& covG4e)
1081 {
1083  // Convert phase-space covariance matrix with parameters x, y, z, px, py, pz (in genfit2 units: cm, GeV/c)
1084  // to Geant4e covariance matrix with parameters 1/p, lambda, phi, yT, zT (in geant4e units: GeV/c, radians, cm)
1085  // xT = x * cos(lambda) * cos(phi) + y * cos(lambda) * sin(phi) + z * sin(lambda)
1086  // yT = -x * sin(phi) + y * cos(phi)
1087  // zT = -x * sin(lambda) * cos(phi) - y * sin(lambda) * sin(phi) + z * cos(lambda)
1088  // (1/p) = 1/sqrt( px^2 + py^2 + pz^2 )
1089  // phi = atan( py / px )
1090  // lambda = asin( pz / sqrt( px^2 + py^2 + pz^2 )
1092  G4ErrorSymMatrix temp(6, 0);
1093  for (int k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
1094  for (int j = k; j < 6; ++j) {
1095  temp[j][k] = covariance[j][k];
1096  }
1097  }
1099  double pInvSq = 1.0 / momentum.Mag2();
1100  double pInv = std::sqrt(pInvSq);
1101  double pPerpInv = 1.0 / momentum.Perp();
1102  double sinLambda = momentum.CosTheta();
1103  double cosLambda = std::sqrt(1.0 - sinLambda * sinLambda);
1104  double phi = momentum.Phi();
1105  double cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
1106  double sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
1108  // Transformation Jacobian 5x6 from phase-space 6x6 to Geant4e 5x5
1109  G4ErrorMatrix jacobian(5, 6, 0); // All entries are initialized to 0
1111  jacobian(1, 4) = -pInvSq * cosLambda * cosPhi; // @(1/p)/@(px)
1112  jacobian(1, 5) = -pInvSq * cosLambda * sinPhi; // @(1/p)/@(py)
1113  jacobian(1, 6) = -pInvSq * sinLambda; // @(1/p)/@(pz)
1115  jacobian(2, 4) = -pInv * sinLambda * cosPhi; // @(lambda)/@(px)
1116  jacobian(2, 5) = -pInv * sinLambda * sinPhi; // @(lambda)/@(py)
1117  jacobian(2, 6) = pInv * cosLambda; // @(lambda)/@(pz)
1119  jacobian(3, 4) = -pPerpInv * sinPhi; // @(phi)/@(px)
1120  jacobian(3, 5) = pPerpInv * cosPhi; // @(phi)/@(py)
1122  jacobian(4, 1) = -sinPhi; // @(yT)/@(x)
1123  jacobian(4, 2) = cosPhi; // @(yT)/@(y)
1125  jacobian(5, 1) = -sinLambda * cosPhi; // @(zT)/@(x)
1126  jacobian(5, 2) = -sinLambda * sinPhi; // @(zT)/@(y)
1127  jacobian(5, 3) = cosLambda; // @(zT)/@(z)
1129  covG4e = temp.similarity(jacobian);
1131 }
1133 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::fromPhasespaceToG4e(const G4ThreeVector& momentum, const G4ErrorSymMatrix& covariance,
1134  G4ErrorTrajErr& covG4e)
1135 {
1137  // Convert phase-space covariance matrix with parameters x, y, z, px, py, pz (in genfit2 units: cm, GeV/c)
1138  // to Geant4e covariance matrix with parameters 1/p, lambda, phi, yT, zT (in geant4e units: GeV/c, radians, cm)
1139  // xT = x * cos(lambda) * cos(phi) + y * cos(lambda) * sin(phi) + z * sin(lambda)
1140  // yT = -x * sin(phi) + y * cos(phi)
1141  // zT = -x * sin(lambda) * cos(phi) - y * sin(lambda) * sin(phi) + z * cos(lambda)
1142  // (1/p) = 1/sqrt( px^2 + py^2 + pz^2 )
1143  // phi = atan( py / px )
1144  // lambda = asin( pz / sqrt( px^2 + py^2 + pz^2 )
1146  G4ErrorSymMatrix temp(covariance);
1148  double pInvSq = 1.0 / momentum.mag2();
1149  double pInv = std::sqrt(pInvSq);
1150  double pPerpInv = 1.0 / momentum.perp();
1151  double sinLambda = momentum.cosTheta();
1152  double cosLambda = std::sqrt(1.0 - sinLambda * sinLambda);
1153  double phi = momentum.phi();
1154  double cosPhi = std::cos(phi);
1155  double sinPhi = std::sin(phi);
1157  // Transformation Jacobian 5x6 from phase-space 6x6 to Geant4e 5x5
1158  G4ErrorMatrix jacobian(5, 6, 0);
1160  jacobian(1, 4) = -pInvSq * cosLambda * cosPhi; // @(1/p)/@(px)
1161  jacobian(1, 5) = -pInvSq * cosLambda * sinPhi; // @(1/p)/@(py)
1162  jacobian(1, 6) = -pInvSq * sinLambda; // @(1/p)/@(pz)
1164  jacobian(2, 4) = -pInv * sinLambda * cosPhi; // @(lambda)/@(px)
1165  jacobian(2, 5) = -pInv * sinLambda * sinPhi; // @(lambda)/@(py)
1166  jacobian(2, 6) = pInv * cosLambda; // @(lambda)/@(pz)
1168  jacobian(3, 4) = -pPerpInv * sinPhi; // @(phi)/@(px)
1169  jacobian(3, 5) = pPerpInv * cosPhi; // @(phi)/@(py)
1171  jacobian(4, 1) = -sinPhi; // @(yT)/@(x)
1172  jacobian(4, 2) = cosPhi; // @(yT)/@(y)
1174  jacobian(5, 1) = -sinLambda * cosPhi; // @(zT)/@(x)
1175  jacobian(5, 2) = -sinLambda * sinPhi; // @(zT)/@(y)
1176  jacobian(5, 3) = cosLambda; // @(zT)/@(z)
1177  covG4e = temp.similarity(jacobian);
1179 }
1181 // write another volume-entry or volume-exit point on extrapolated track
1183  const G4ErrorFreeTrajState& g4eState,
1184  const G4StepPoint* stepPoint, const G4TouchableHandle& touch)
1185 {
1186  Const::EDetector detID(Const::EDetector::invalidDetector);
1187  int copyID(0);
1188  getVolumeID(touch, detID, copyID);
1189  G4ThreeVector pos(stepPoint->GetPosition() / CLHEP::cm);
1190  G4ThreeVector mom(stepPoint->GetMomentum() / CLHEP::GeV);
1191  if (extState.isCosmic)
1192  mom = -mom;
1193  G4ErrorSymMatrix covariance(6, 0);
1194  fromG4eToPhasespace(g4eState, covariance);
1195  ExtHit* extHit = m_extHits.appendNew(extState.pdgCode, detID, copyID, status,
1196  extState.isCosmic, extState.tof,
1197  pos, mom, covariance);
1198  // If called standalone, there will be no associated track
1199  if (extState.track != nullptr)
1200  extState.track->addRelationTo(extHit);
1201 }
1203 // Write another volume-entry point on track.
1204 // The track state will be modified here by the Kalman fitter.
1206 bool TrackExtrapolateG4e::createMuidHit(ExtState& extState, G4ErrorFreeTrajState& g4eState, KLMMuidLikelihood* klmMuidLikelihood,
1207  std::vector<std::map<const Track*, double> >* bklmHitUsed)
1208 {
1210  Intersection intersection;
1211  intersection.hit = -1;
1212  intersection.chi2 = -1.0;
1213  intersection.position = g4eState.GetPosition() / CLHEP::cm;
1214  intersection.momentum = g4eState.GetMomentum() / CLHEP::GeV;
1215  G4ThreeVector prePos = g4eState.GetG4Track()->GetStep()->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() / CLHEP::cm;
1216  G4ThreeVector oldPosition(prePos.x(), prePos.y(), prePos.z());
1217  double r = intersection.position.perp();
1218  double z = std::fabs(intersection.position.z() - m_OffsetZ);
1220  // Is the track in the barrel?
1221  if ((r > m_BarrelMinR) && (r < m_BarrelMaxR) && (z < m_BarrelHalfLength)) {
1222  // Did the track cross the inner midplane of a detector module?
1223  if (findBarrelIntersection(extState, oldPosition, intersection)) {
1224  fromG4eToPhasespace(g4eState, intersection.covariance);
1225  if (findMatchingBarrelHit(intersection, extState.track)) {
1226  (*bklmHitUsed)[intersection.hit].insert(std::pair<const Track*, double>(extState.track, intersection.chi2));
1227  extState.extLayerPattern |= (0x00000001 << intersection.layer);
1228  float layerBarrelEfficiency = 1.;
1229  for (int plane = 0; plane <= BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalPlaneNumber(); plane++) {
1230  layerBarrelEfficiency *= m_klmStripEfficiency->getBarrelEfficiency(
1232  intersection.sector + 1, intersection.layer + 1, plane, 1);
1233  }
1234  klmMuidLikelihood->setExtBKLMEfficiencyValue(intersection.layer, layerBarrelEfficiency);
1235  if (extState.lastBarrelExtLayer < intersection.layer) {
1236  extState.lastBarrelExtLayer = intersection.layer;
1237  }
1238  extState.hitLayerPattern |= (0x00000001 << intersection.layer);
1239  if (extState.lastBarrelHitLayer < intersection.layer) {
1240  extState.lastBarrelHitLayer = intersection.layer;
1241  }
1242  // If the updated point is outside the barrel, discard it and the Kalman-fitter adjustment
1243  r = intersection.position.perp();
1244  z = std::fabs(intersection.position.z() - m_OffsetZ);
1245  if ((r <= m_BarrelMinR) || (r >= m_BarrelMaxR) || (z >= m_BarrelHalfLength)) {
1246  intersection.chi2 = -1.0;
1247  }
1248  } else {
1249  // Record a no-hit track crossing if this step is strictly within a barrel sensitive volume
1250  std::vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>::iterator j = find(m_BKLMVolumes->begin(), m_BKLMVolumes->end(),
1251  g4eState.GetG4Track()->GetVolume());
1252  if (j != m_BKLMVolumes->end()) {
1253  bool isDead = true; // by default, the nearest orthogonal strips are dead
1254  int section = intersection.isForward ?
1257  int sector = intersection.sector + 1; // from 0-based to 1-based enumeration
1258  int layer = intersection.layer + 1; // from 0-based to 1-based enumeration
1259  const bklm::Module* m = bklm::GeometryPar::instance()->findModule(section, sector, layer); // uses 1-based enumeration
1260  if (m) {
1261  const CLHEP::Hep3Vector localPosition = m->globalToLocal(intersection.position); // uses and returns position in cm
1262  int zStrip = m->getZStripNumber(localPosition);
1263  int phiStrip = m->getPhiStripNumber(localPosition);
1264  if (zStrip >= 0 && phiStrip >= 0) {
1265  uint16_t channel1, channel2;
1267  section, sector, layer,
1270  section, sector, layer,
1271  BKLMElementNumbers::c_PhiPlane, phiStrip);
1272  enum KLMChannelStatus::ChannelStatus status1, status2;
1273  status1 = m_klmChannelStatus->getChannelStatus(channel1);
1274  status2 = m_klmChannelStatus->getChannelStatus(channel2);
1275  if (status1 == KLMChannelStatus::c_Unknown ||
1276  status2 == KLMChannelStatus::c_Unknown)
1277  B2ERROR("No KLM channel status data."
1278  << LogVar("Section", section)
1279  << LogVar("Sector", sector)
1280  << LogVar("Layer", layer)
1281  << LogVar("Z strip", zStrip)
1282  << LogVar("Phi strip", phiStrip));
1283  isDead = (status1 == KLMChannelStatus::c_Dead ||
1284  status2 == KLMChannelStatus::c_Dead);
1285  }
1286  }
1287  if (!isDead) {
1288  extState.extLayerPattern |= (0x00000001 << intersection.layer); // valid extrapolation-crossing of the layer but no matching hit
1289  float layerBarrelEfficiency = 1.;
1290  for (int plane = 0; plane <= BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalPlaneNumber(); plane++) {
1291  layerBarrelEfficiency *= m_klmStripEfficiency->getBarrelEfficiency(
1293  intersection.sector + 1, intersection.layer + 1, plane, 1);
1294  }
1295  klmMuidLikelihood->setExtBKLMEfficiencyValue(intersection.layer, layerBarrelEfficiency);
1296  } else {
1297  klmMuidLikelihood->setExtBKLMEfficiencyValue(intersection.layer, 0);
1298  }
1299  if (extState.lastBarrelExtLayer < intersection.layer) {
1300  extState.lastBarrelExtLayer = intersection.layer;
1301  }
1302  }
1303  }
1304  }
1305  }
1307  // Is the track in the endcap?
1308  if ((r > m_EndcapMinR) && (std::fabs(z - m_EndcapMiddleZ) < m_EndcapHalfLength)) {
1309  // Did the track cross the inner midplane of a detector module?
1310  if (findEndcapIntersection(extState, oldPosition, intersection)) {
1311  fromG4eToPhasespace(g4eState, intersection.covariance);
1312  if (findMatchingEndcapHit(intersection, extState.track)) {
1313  extState.extLayerPattern |= (0x00008000 << intersection.layer);
1314  float layerEndcapEfficiency = 1.;
1315  for (int plane = 1; plane <= EKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalPlaneNumber(); plane++) {
1316  layerEndcapEfficiency *= m_klmStripEfficiency->getEndcapEfficiency(
1318  intersection.sector + 1, intersection.layer + 1, plane, 1);
1319  }
1320  klmMuidLikelihood->setExtEKLMEfficiencyValue(intersection.layer, layerEndcapEfficiency);
1321  if (extState.lastEndcapExtLayer < intersection.layer) {
1322  extState.lastEndcapExtLayer = intersection.layer;
1323  }
1324  extState.hitLayerPattern |= (0x00008000 << intersection.layer);
1325  if (extState.lastEndcapHitLayer < intersection.layer) {
1326  extState.lastEndcapHitLayer = intersection.layer;
1327  }
1328  // If the updated point is outside the endcap, discard it and the Kalman-fitter adjustment
1329  r = intersection.position.perp();
1330  z = std::fabs(intersection.position.z() - m_OffsetZ);
1331  if ((r <= m_EndcapMinR) || (r >= m_EndcapMaxR) || (std::fabs(z - m_EndcapMiddleZ) >= m_EndcapHalfLength)) {
1332  intersection.chi2 = -1.0;
1333  }
1334  } else {
1335  bool isDead = true;
1336  int result, strip1, strip2;
1338  intersection.position, &strip1, &strip2);
1339  if (result == 0) {
1340  uint16_t channel1, channel2;
1341  channel1 = m_klmElementNumbers->channelNumberEKLM(strip1);
1342  channel2 = m_klmElementNumbers->channelNumberEKLM(strip2);
1343  enum KLMChannelStatus::ChannelStatus status1, status2;
1344  status1 = m_klmChannelStatus->getChannelStatus(channel1);
1345  status2 = m_klmChannelStatus->getChannelStatus(channel2);
1346  if (status1 == KLMChannelStatus::c_Unknown ||
1347  status2 == KLMChannelStatus::c_Unknown)
1348  B2ERROR("Incomplete KLM channel status data.");
1349  isDead = (status1 == KLMChannelStatus::c_Dead ||
1350  status2 == KLMChannelStatus::c_Dead);
1351  }
1352  if (!isDead) {
1353  extState.extLayerPattern |= (0x00008000 << intersection.layer); // valid extrapolation-crossing of the layer but no matching hit
1354  float layerEndcapEfficiency = 1.;
1355  for (int plane = 1; plane <= EKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalPlaneNumber(); plane++) {
1356  layerEndcapEfficiency *= m_klmStripEfficiency->getEndcapEfficiency(
1358  intersection.sector + 1, intersection.layer + 1, plane, 1);
1359  }
1360  klmMuidLikelihood->setExtEKLMEfficiencyValue(intersection.layer, layerEndcapEfficiency);
1361  } else {
1362  klmMuidLikelihood->setExtEKLMEfficiencyValue(intersection.layer, 0);
1363  }
1364  if (extState.lastEndcapExtLayer < intersection.layer) {
1365  extState.lastEndcapExtLayer = intersection.layer;
1366  }
1367  }
1368  }
1369  }
1371  // Create a new MuidHit and RelationEntry between it and the track.
1372  // Adjust geant4e's position, momentum and covariance based on matching hit and tell caller to update the geant4e state.
1373  if (intersection.chi2 >= 0.0) {
1374  TVector3 tpos(intersection.position.x(), intersection.position.y(), intersection.position.z());
1375  TVector3 tposAtHitPlane(intersection.positionAtHitPlane.x(),
1376  intersection.positionAtHitPlane.y(),
1377  intersection.positionAtHitPlane.z());
1378  KLMMuidHit* klmMuidHit = m_klmMuidHits.appendNew(extState.pdgCode, intersection.inBarrel, intersection.isForward,
1379  intersection.sector,
1380  intersection.layer, tpos,
1381  tposAtHitPlane, extState.tof, intersection.time, intersection.chi2);
1382  if (extState.track != nullptr) { extState.track->addRelationTo(klmMuidHit); }
1383  G4Point3D newPos(intersection.position.x() * CLHEP::cm,
1384  intersection.position.y() * CLHEP::cm,
1385  intersection.position.z() * CLHEP::cm);
1386  g4eState.SetPosition(newPos);
1387  G4Vector3D newMom(intersection.momentum.x() * CLHEP::GeV,
1388  intersection.momentum.y() * CLHEP::GeV,
1389  intersection.momentum.z() * CLHEP::GeV);
1390  g4eState.SetMomentum(newMom);
1391  G4ErrorTrajErr covG4e;
1392  fromPhasespaceToG4e(intersection.momentum, intersection.covariance, covG4e);
1393  g4eState.SetError(covG4e);
1394  extState.chi2 += intersection.chi2;
1395  extState.nPoint += 2; // two (orthogonal) independent hits per detector layer
1396  return true;
1397  }
1399  // Tell caller that the geant4e state was not modified.
1400  return false;
1402 }
1404 bool TrackExtrapolateG4e::findBarrelIntersection(ExtState& extState, const G4ThreeVector& oldPosition, Intersection& intersection)
1405 {
1406  // Be generous: allow outward-moving intersection to be in the dead space between
1407  // largest sensitive-volume Z and m_BarrelHalfLength, not necessarily in a geant4 sensitive volume
1408  if (std::fabs(intersection.position.z() - m_OffsetZ) > m_BarrelHalfLength)
1409  return false;
1410  double phi = intersection.position.phi();
1411  if (phi < 0.0)
1412  phi += TWOPI;
1413  if (phi > TWOPI - PI_8)
1414  phi -= TWOPI;
1415  int sector = (int)((phi + PI_8) / M_PI_4);
1416  int section = intersection.position.z() > m_OffsetZ ?
1419  double oldR = oldPosition * m_BarrelSectorPerp[sector];
1420  double newR = intersection.position * m_BarrelSectorPerp[sector];
1421  for (int layer = extState.firstBarrelLayer; layer <= m_OutermostActiveBarrelLayer; ++layer) {
1422  if (newR < m_BarrelModuleMiddleRadius[section][sector][layer]) break;
1423  if (oldR <= m_BarrelModuleMiddleRadius[section][sector][layer]) {
1424  extState.firstBarrelLayer = layer + 1; // ratchet outward for next call's loop starting value
1425  if (extState.firstBarrelLayer > m_OutermostActiveBarrelLayer) extState.escaped = true;
1426  intersection.inBarrel = true;
1427  intersection.isForward = intersection.position.z() > m_OffsetZ;
1428  intersection.layer = layer;
1429  intersection.sector = sector;
1430  return true;
1431  }
1432  }
1433  return false;
1434 }
1436 bool TrackExtrapolateG4e::findEndcapIntersection(ExtState& extState, const G4ThreeVector& oldPosition, Intersection& intersection)
1437 {
1438  // Be generous: allow intersection to be in the dead space between m_EndcapMinR and innermost
1439  // sensitive-volume radius or between outermost sensitive-volume radius and m_EndcapMaxR,
1440  // not necessarily in a geant4 sensitive volume
1441  if (oldPosition.perp() > m_EndcapMaxR)
1442  return false;
1443  if (intersection.position.perp() < m_EndcapMinR)
1444  return false;
1445  double oldZ = std::fabs(oldPosition.z() - m_OffsetZ);
1446  double newZ = std::fabs(intersection.position.z() - m_OffsetZ);
1447  bool isForward = intersection.position.z() > m_OffsetZ;
1448  int outermostLayer = isForward ? m_OutermostActiveForwardEndcapLayer
1450  for (int layer = extState.firstEndcapLayer; layer <= outermostLayer; ++layer) {
1451  if (newZ < m_EndcapModuleMiddleZ[layer])
1452  break;
1453  if (oldZ <= m_EndcapModuleMiddleZ[layer]) {
1454  extState.firstEndcapLayer = layer + 1; // ratchet outward for next call's loop starting value
1455  if (extState.firstEndcapLayer > outermostLayer)
1456  extState.escaped = true;
1457  intersection.inBarrel = false;
1458  intersection.isForward = isForward;
1459  intersection.layer = layer;
1461  isForward ? 2 : 1, intersection.position) - 1;
1462  return true;
1463  }
1464  }
1465  return false;
1466 }
1470 {
1471  G4ThreeVector extPos0(intersection.position);
1472  double diffBestMagSq = 1.0E60;
1473  int bestHit = -1;
1474  int matchingLayer = intersection.layer + 1;
1475  G4ThreeVector n(m_BarrelSectorPerp[intersection.sector]);
1476  for (int h = 0; h < m_klmHit2ds.getEntries(); ++h) {
1477  KLMHit2d* hit = m_klmHit2ds[h];
1478  if (hit->getSubdetector() != KLMElementNumbers::c_BKLM)
1479  continue;
1480  if (hit->getLayer() != matchingLayer)
1481  continue;
1482  if (hit->isOutOfTime())
1483  continue;
1484  if (std::fabs(hit->getTime() - m_MeanDt) > m_MaxDt)
1485  continue;
1486  G4ThreeVector diff(hit->getPositionX() - intersection.position.x(),
1487  hit->getPositionY() - intersection.position.y(),
1488  hit->getPositionZ() - intersection.position.z());
1489  double dn = diff * n; // in cm
1490  if (std::fabs(dn) < 2.0) {
1491  // Hit and extrapolated point are in the same sector
1492  diff -= n * dn;
1493  if (diff.mag2() < diffBestMagSq) {
1494  diffBestMagSq = diff.mag2();
1495  bestHit = h;
1496  extPos0 = intersection.position;
1497  }
1498  } else {
1499  // Accept a nearby hit in adjacent sector
1500  if (std::fabs(dn) > 50.0)
1501  continue;
1502  int sector = hit->getSector() - 1;
1503  int dSector = abs(intersection.sector - sector);
1504  if ((dSector != +1) && (dSector != m_BarrelNSector - 1))
1505  continue;
1506  // Use the normal vector of the adjacent (hit's) sector
1507  G4ThreeVector nHit(m_BarrelSectorPerp[sector]);
1508  int section = intersection.isForward ?
1511  double dn2 = intersection.position * nHit - m_BarrelModuleMiddleRadius[section][sector][intersection.layer];
1512  dn = diff * nHit + dn2;
1513  if (std::fabs(dn) > 1.0)
1514  continue;
1515  // Project extrapolated track to the hit's plane in the adjacent sector
1516  G4ThreeVector extDir(intersection.momentum.unit());
1517  double extDirA = extDir * nHit;
1518  if (std::fabs(extDirA) < 1.0E-6)
1519  continue;
1520  G4ThreeVector projection = extDir * (dn2 / extDirA);
1521  if (projection.mag() > 15.0)
1522  continue;
1523  diff += projection - nHit * dn;
1524  if (diff.mag2() < diffBestMagSq) {
1525  diffBestMagSq = diff.mag2();
1526  bestHit = h;
1527  extPos0 = intersection.position - projection;
1528  }
1529  }
1530  }
1532  if (bestHit >= 0) {
1533  KLMHit2d* hit = m_klmHit2ds[bestHit];
1534  intersection.isForward = (hit->getSection() == 1);
1535  intersection.sector = hit->getSector() - 1;
1536  intersection.time = hit->getTime();
1537  double localVariance[2] = {m_BarrelScintVariance, m_BarrelScintVariance};
1538  if (hit->inRPC()) {
1539  int nStrips = hit->getPhiStripMax() - hit->getPhiStripMin() + 1;
1540  double dn = nStrips - 1.5;
1541  double factor = std::pow((0.9 + 0.4 * dn * dn), 1.5) * 0.60; // measured-in-Belle resolution
1542  localVariance[0] = m_BarrelPhiStripVariance[intersection.layer] * factor;
1543  nStrips = hit->getZStripMax() - hit->getZStripMin() + 1;
1544  dn = nStrips - 1.5;
1545  factor = std::pow((0.9 + 0.4 * dn * dn), 1.5) * 0.55; // measured-in-Belle resolution
1546  localVariance[1] = m_BarrelZStripVariance[intersection.layer] * factor;
1547  } else {
1548  int nStrips = hit->getPhiStripMax() - hit->getPhiStripMin() + 1;
1549  localVariance[0] *= (nStrips * nStrips); // variance inflated for multi-strip hit
1550  nStrips = hit->getZStripMax() - hit->getZStripMin() + 1;
1551  localVariance[1] *= (nStrips * nStrips); // variance inflated for multi-strip hit
1552  }
1553  G4ThreeVector hitPos(hit->getPositionX(), hit->getPositionY(),
1554  hit->getPositionZ());
1555  adjustIntersection(intersection, localVariance, hitPos, extPos0);
1556  if (intersection.chi2 >= 0.0) {
1557  intersection.hit = bestHit;
1558  hit->isOnTrack(true);
1559  if (track != nullptr) {
1560  track->addRelationTo(hit);
1561  RecoTrack* recoTrack = track->getRelatedTo<RecoTrack>();
1562  if (m_addHitsToRecoTrack) {
1563  recoTrack->addBKLMHit(hit, recoTrack->getNumberOfTotalHits() + 1);
1564  }
1565  }
1566  }
1567  }
1568  return intersection.chi2 >= 0.0;
1570 }
1573 {
1574  double diffBestMagSq = 1.0E60;
1575  int bestHit = -1;
1576  int matchingLayer = intersection.layer + 1;
1577  int matchingEndcap = (intersection.isForward ? 2 : 1);
1578  G4ThreeVector n(0.0, 0.0, (intersection.isForward ? 1.0 : -1.0));
1579  for (int h = 0; h < m_klmHit2ds.getEntries(); ++h) {
1580  KLMHit2d* hit = m_klmHit2ds[h];
1581  if (hit->getSubdetector() != KLMElementNumbers::c_EKLM)
1582  continue;
1583  if (hit->getLayer() != matchingLayer)
1584  continue;
1585  if (hit->getSection() != matchingEndcap)
1586  continue;
1587  // DIVOT no such function for EKLM!
1588  // if (hit->isOutOfTime()) continue;
1589  if (std::fabs(hit->getTime() - m_MeanDt) > m_MaxDt)
1590  continue;
1591  G4ThreeVector diff(hit->getPositionX() - intersection.position.x(),
1592  hit->getPositionY() - intersection.position.y(),
1593  hit->getPositionZ() - intersection.position.z());
1594  double dn = diff * n; // in cm
1595  if (std::fabs(dn) > 2.0)
1596  continue;
1597  diff -= n * dn;
1598  if (diff.mag2() < diffBestMagSq) {
1599  diffBestMagSq = diff.mag2();
1600  bestHit = h;
1601  }
1602  }
1604  if (bestHit >= 0) {
1605  KLMHit2d* hit = m_klmHit2ds[bestHit];
1606  intersection.hit = bestHit;
1607  intersection.isForward = (hit->getSection() == 2);
1608  intersection.sector = hit->getSector() - 1;
1609  intersection.time = hit->getTime();
1610  double localVariance[2] = {m_EndcapScintVariance, m_EndcapScintVariance};
1611  int nStrips = hit->getXStripMax() - hit->getXStripMin() + 1;
1612  localVariance[0] *= (nStrips * nStrips); // variance inflated for multi-strip hit
1613  nStrips = hit->getYStripMax() - hit->getYStripMin() + 1;
1614  localVariance[1] *= (nStrips * nStrips); // variance inflated for multi-strip hit
1615  G4ThreeVector hitPos(hit->getPositionX(), hit->getPositionY(), hit->getPositionZ());
1616  adjustIntersection(intersection, localVariance, hitPos, intersection.position);
1617  if (intersection.chi2 >= 0.0) {
1618  // DIVOT no such function for EKLM!
1619  // hit->isOnTrack(true);
1620  if (track != nullptr) {
1621  track->addRelationTo(hit);
1622  RecoTrack* recoTrack = track->getRelatedTo<RecoTrack>();
1623  if (m_addHitsToRecoTrack) {
1624  for (const EKLMAlignmentHit& alignmentHit : hit->getRelationsFrom<EKLMAlignmentHit>()) {
1625  recoTrack->addEKLMHit(&alignmentHit, recoTrack->getNumberOfTotalHits() + 1);
1626  }
1627  }
1628  }
1629  }
1630  }
1631  return intersection.chi2 >= 0.0;
1633 }
1635 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::adjustIntersection(Intersection& intersection, const double localVariance[2],
1636  const G4ThreeVector& hitPos, const G4ThreeVector& extPos0)
1637 {
1638  // Use the gain matrix formalism to get the corrected track parameters.
1639  // R. Fruhwirth, Application of Kalman Filtering, NIM A262 (1987) 444-450
1640  // Equations (7)
1641  // x_k^{k-1} = extPar[] 6 elements before filtering
1642  // C_k^{k-1} = extCov[] 6x6 symmetric before filtering
1643  // r_k^{k-1} = residual[] 2 elements before filtering
1644  // h_k = 2x6 projects cartesian coordinates to measurement-plane coordinates
1645  // H_k = @h_k/@x = jacobian[] 2x6 Jacobian of projection to measurement plane
1646  // R_k^{k-1} = correction[] 2x2 before Invert()
1647  // G_k = R^(-1) = correction[] 2x2 after Invert()
1648  // K_k = gain[] 6x2 Kalman gain matrix
1649  // x_k = extPar[] 6 elements after filtering
1650  // C_k = extCov[] 6x6 symmetric after filtering
1651  // r_k = residual[] 2 elements after filtering
1652  // Use the relation K*H*C = (C*H^T*R^-1)*H*C = C*(H^T*R^-1*H)*C^T
1654  // In most cases, extPos0 is the same as intersection.position. They differ only when
1655  // the nearest BKLM hit is in the sector adjacent to that of intersection.position.
1656  G4ThreeVector extPos(extPos0);
1657  G4ThreeVector extMom(intersection.momentum);
1658  G4ThreeVector extDir(extMom.unit());
1659  G4ThreeVector diffPos(hitPos - extPos);
1660  G4ErrorSymMatrix extCov(intersection.covariance);
1661  // Track parameters (x,y,z,px,py,pz) before correction
1662  G4ErrorMatrix extPar(6, 1); // initialized to all zeroes
1663  extPar[0][0] = extPos.x();
1664  extPar[1][0] = extPos.y();
1665  extPar[2][0] = extPos.z();
1666  extPar[3][0] = extMom.x();
1667  extPar[4][0] = extMom.y();
1668  extPar[5][0] = extMom.z();
1669  G4ThreeVector nA; // unit vector normal to the readout plane
1670  G4ThreeVector nB; // unit vector along phi- or x-readout direction (for barrel or endcap)
1671  G4ThreeVector nC; // unit vector along z- or y-readout direction (for barrel or endcap)
1672  if (intersection.inBarrel) {
1673  nA = m_BarrelSectorPerp[intersection.sector];
1674  nB = m_BarrelSectorPhi[intersection.sector];
1675  nC = G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
1676  } else {
1677  double out = (intersection.isForward ? 1.0 : -1.0);
1678  nA = G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, out);
1679  nB = G4ThreeVector(out, 0.0, 0.0);
1680  nC = G4ThreeVector(0.0, out, 0.0);
1681  }
1682  // Don't adjust the extrapolation if the track is nearly tangent to the readout plane.
1683  double extDirA = extDir * nA;
1684  if (std::fabs(extDirA) < 1.0E-6)
1685  return;
1686  double extDirBA = extDir * nB / extDirA;
1687  double extDirCA = extDir * nC / extDirA;
1688  // Move the extrapolated coordinate (at most a tiny amount!) to the plane of the hit.
1689  // If the moved point is outside the KLM, don't do Kalman filtering.
1690  G4ThreeVector move = extDir * ((diffPos * nA) / extDirA);
1691  extPos += move;
1692  diffPos -= move;
1693  intersection.positionAtHitPlane = extPos;
1694  // Projection jacobian onto the nB-nC measurement plane
1695  G4ErrorMatrix jacobian(2, 6); // initialized to all zeroes
1696  jacobian[0][0] = nB.x() - nA.x() * extDirBA;
1697  jacobian[0][1] = nB.y() - nA.y() * extDirBA;
1698  jacobian[0][2] = nB.z() - nA.z() * extDirBA;
1699  jacobian[1][0] = nC.x() - nA.x() * extDirCA;
1700  jacobian[1][1] = nC.y() - nA.y() * extDirCA;
1701  jacobian[1][2] = nC.z() - nA.z() * extDirCA;
1702  // Residuals of EXT track and KLM hit on the nB-nC measurement plane
1703  G4ErrorMatrix residual(2, 1); // initialized to all zeroes
1704  residual[0][0] = diffPos.x() * jacobian[0][0] + diffPos.y() * jacobian[0][1] + diffPos.z() * jacobian[0][2];
1705  residual[1][0] = diffPos.x() * jacobian[1][0] + diffPos.y() * jacobian[1][1] + diffPos.z() * jacobian[1][2];
1706  // Measurement errors in the detector plane
1707  G4ErrorSymMatrix hitCov(2, 0); // initialized to all zeroes
1708  hitCov[0][0] = localVariance[0];
1709  hitCov[1][1] = localVariance[1];
1710  // No magnetic field: increase the hit uncertainty
1711  if (m_MagneticField == 0.0) {
1712  hitCov[0][0] *= 10.0;
1713  hitCov[1][1] *= 10.0;
1714  }
1715  // Now get the correction matrix: combined covariance of EXT and KLM hit.
1716  // 1st dimension = nB, 2nd dimension = nC.
1717  G4ErrorSymMatrix correction(extCov.similarity(jacobian) + hitCov);
1718  // Ignore the best hit if it is too far from the extrapolated-track intersection in the hit's plane
1719  if (residual[0][0] * residual[0][0] > correction[0][0] * m_MaxDistSqInVariances)
1720  return;
1721  if (residual[1][0] * residual[1][0] > correction[1][1] * m_MaxDistSqInVariances)
1722  return;
1723  int fail = 0;
1724  correction.invert(fail);
1725  if (fail != 0)
1726  return;
1727  // Matrix inversion succeeeded and is reasonable.
1728  // Evaluate chi-squared increment assuming that the Kalman filter
1729  // won't be able to adjust the extrapolated track's position (fall-back).
1730  intersection.chi2 = (correction.similarityT(residual))[0][0];
1731  // Do the Kalman filtering
1732  G4ErrorMatrix gain((extCov * jacobian.T()) * correction);
1733  G4ErrorSymMatrix HRH(correction.similarityT(jacobian));
1734  extCov -= HRH.similarity(extCov);
1735  extPar += gain * residual;
1736  extPos.set(extPar[0][0], extPar[1][0], extPar[2][0]);
1737  extMom.set(extPar[3][0], extPar[4][0], extPar[5][0]);
1738  // Calculate the chi-squared increment using the Kalman-filtered state
1739  correction = hitCov - extCov.similarity(jacobian);
1740  correction.invert(fail);
1741  if (fail != 0)
1742  return;
1743  diffPos = hitPos - extPos;
1744  residual[0][0] = diffPos.x() * jacobian[0][0] + diffPos.y() * jacobian[0][1] + diffPos.z() * jacobian[0][2];
1745  residual[1][0] = diffPos.x() * jacobian[1][0] + diffPos.y() * jacobian[1][1] + diffPos.z() * jacobian[1][2];
1746  intersection.chi2 = (correction.similarityT(residual))[0][0];
1747  // Update the position, momentum and covariance of the point
1748  // Project the corrected extrapolation to the plane of the original
1749  // extrapolation's intersection.position. (Note: intersection.position is the same as
1750  // extPos0 in all cases except when nearest BKLM hit is in adjacent
1751  // sector, for which extPos0 is a projected position to the hit's plane.)
1752  // Also, leave the momentum magnitude unchanged.
1753  intersection.position = extPos + extDir * (((intersection.position - extPos) * nA) / extDirA);
1754  intersection.momentum = intersection.momentum.mag() * extMom.unit();
1755  intersection.covariance = extCov;
1756 }
1758 void TrackExtrapolateG4e::finishTrack(const ExtState& extState, KLMMuidLikelihood* klmMuidLikelihood, bool isForward)
1759 {
1760  /* Done with this track: compute KLM likelihoods and fill the relative dataobject. */
1761  int lastExtLayer = extState.lastBarrelExtLayer + extState.lastEndcapExtLayer + 1;
1763  isForward, extState.escaped, extState.lastBarrelExtLayer, extState.lastEndcapExtLayer);
1764  klmMuidLikelihood->setOutcome(outcome);
1765  klmMuidLikelihood->setIsForward(isForward);
1766  klmMuidLikelihood->setBarrelExtLayer(extState.lastBarrelExtLayer);
1767  klmMuidLikelihood->setEndcapExtLayer(extState.lastEndcapExtLayer);
1768  klmMuidLikelihood->setBarrelHitLayer(extState.lastBarrelHitLayer);
1769  klmMuidLikelihood->setEndcapHitLayer(extState.lastEndcapHitLayer);
1770  klmMuidLikelihood->setExtLayer(lastExtLayer);
1771  klmMuidLikelihood->setHitLayer(((extState.lastEndcapHitLayer == -1) ?
1772  extState.lastBarrelHitLayer :
1773  extState.lastBarrelExtLayer + extState.lastEndcapHitLayer + 1));
1774  klmMuidLikelihood->setChiSquared(extState.chi2);
1775  klmMuidLikelihood->setDegreesOfFreedom(extState.nPoint);
1776  klmMuidLikelihood->setExtLayerPattern(extState.extLayerPattern);
1777  klmMuidLikelihood->setHitLayerPattern(extState.hitLayerPattern);
1778  /* Do KLM likelihood calculation. */
1779  if (outcome != MuidElementNumbers::c_NotReached) { /* Extrapolation reached KLM sensitive volume. */
1780  double denom = 0.0;
1781  int charge = klmMuidLikelihood->getCharge();
1782  std::vector<int> signedPdgVector = MuidElementNumbers::getPDGVector(charge);
1783  std::map<int, double> mapPdgPDF;
1784  for (int pdg : signedPdgVector) {
1785  auto search = m_MuidBuilderMap.find(pdg);
1786  if (search == m_MuidBuilderMap.end())
1787  B2FATAL("Something went wrong: PDF for PDG code " << pdg << " not found!");
1788  double pdf = (search->second)->getPDF(klmMuidLikelihood);
1789  denom += pdf;
1790  mapPdgPDF.insert(std::pair<int, double>(std::abs(pdg), pdf));
1791  }
1792  if (denom < 1.0E-20)
1793  klmMuidLikelihood->setJunkPDFValue(true); /* Anomaly: should be very rare. */
1794  else {
1795  for (auto const& [pdg, pdf] : mapPdgPDF) {
1796  klmMuidLikelihood->setPDFValue(pdf, std::abs(pdg));
1797  if (pdf > 0.0)
1798  klmMuidLikelihood->setLogL(std::log(pdf), std::abs(pdg));
1799  }
1800  }
1801  }
1802 }
static KLMChannelNumber channelNumber(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane, int strip)
Get channel number.
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerNumber()
Get maximal layer number (1-based).
static constexpr int getMaximalSectorNumber()
Get maximal sector number (1-based).
static KLMModuleNumber moduleNumber(int section, int sector, int layer, bool fatalError=true)
Get module number.
static constexpr int getMaximalPlaneNumber()
Get maximal plane number (0-based).
static void setMaximalStrip(int &module, int strip)
Set maximal strip number.
Definition: BKLMStatus.h:49
static const ChargedStable muon
muon particle
Definition: Const.h:651
Enum for identifying the detector components (detector and subdetector).
Definition: Const.h:42
static const ChargedStable electron
electron particle
Definition: Const.h:650
static ECLGeometryPar * Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the ECLGeometryPar instance.
int ECLVolumeToCellID(const G4VTouchable *)
Get Cell Id (LEP: new way)
This dataobject is used only for EKLM alignment.
int getMaximalDetectorLayerNumber(int section) const
Get maximal detector layer number.
static const EKLMElementNumbers & Instance()
int stripNumber(int section, int layer, int sector, int plane, int strip) const
Get strip number.
static constexpr int getMaximalLayerNumber()
Get maximal layer number.
static constexpr int getMaximalPlaneNumber()
Get maximal plane number.
double getOuterR() const
Get outer radius.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:129
double getInnerR() const
Get inner radius.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:112
double getZ() const
Get Z coordinate.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:197
double getLength() const
Get length.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:146
double getWidth() const
Get width.
const StripGeometry * getStripGeometry() const
Get strip geometry data.
double getLayerShiftZ() const
Get Z distance between two layers.
const ElementPosition * getLayerPosition() const
Get position data for layers.
const ElementPosition * getSectionPosition() const
Get position data for sections.
EKLM geometry data.
Definition: GeometryData.h:38
static const GeometryData & Instance(enum DataSource dataSource=c_Database, const GearDir *gearDir=nullptr)
static const TransformDataGlobalAligned & Instance()
int getStripsByIntersection(const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &intersection, int *strip1, int *strip2) const
Find strips by intersection.
int getSectorByPosition(int section, const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &position) const
Get sector by position.
Store one Ext hit as a ROOT object.
Definition: ExtHit.h:32
KLM channel index.
Channel status.
@ c_Dead
Dead channel (no signal).
@ c_Unknown
Unknown status (no data).
KLMChannelNumber channelNumberBKLM(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane, int strip) const
Get channel number for BKLM.
static const KLMElementNumbers & Instance()
KLMChannelNumber channelNumberEKLM(int section, int sector, int layer, int plane, int strip) const
Get channel number for EKLM.
KLM 2d hit.
Definition: KLMHit2d.h:33
Store one muon-identification hit in the KLM as a ROOT object.
Definition: KLMMuidHit.h:24
Class to store the likelihoods from KLM with additional informations related to the extrapolation.
void setExtLayer(int layer)
Set the outermost EKLM layer crossed in the extrapolation.
void setExtLayerPattern(unsigned int pattern)
Set the pattern of the layers crossed in the extrapolation.
void setLogL(double logL, int pdg)
Set the log-likelihood.
void setExtEKLMEfficiencyValue(int layer, float efficiency)
Set the efficiency of a given EKLM layer.
void setExtBKLMEfficiencyValue(int layer, float efficiency)
Set the efficiency of a given BKLM layer.
void setChiSquared(double chiSquared)
Set the chi-squared of the extrapolation.
void setHitLayerPattern(unsigned int pattern)
Set the pattern of the layers actually crossed by the track.
void setBarrelExtLayer(int layer)
Set the outermost BKLM layer crossed in the extrapolation.
void setIsForward(bool isForward)
Set if this extrapolation is in forward or backward B/EKLM.
void setJunkPDFValue(bool flag)
Set the junk flag (1 if junk, 0 if not).
void setPDGCode(int pdg)
Set the PDG code of the particle hypothesis used during the extrapolation.
void setDegreesOfFreedom(int dof)
Set the number of degrees of freedom (= 2 times the number of KLM hits) for the chi-square computatio...
int getCharge() const
Get the charge of the particle hypothesis used during the extrapolation.
void setPDFValue(double pdfValue, int pdg)
Set the normalized PDF.
void setEndcapExtLayer(int layer)
Set the outermost EKLM layer crossed in the extrapolation.
void setBarrelHitLayer(int layer)
Set the outermost BKLM layer actually crossed by the track.
void setOutcome(unsigned int outcome)
Set the outcome of this extrapolation.
void setHitLayer(int layer)
Set the outermost KLM layer actually crossed by the track.
void setEndcapHitLayer(int layer)
Set the outermost EKLM layer actually crossed by the track.
Build the Muid likelihoods starting from the hit pattern and the transverse scattering in the KLM.
Definition: MuidBuilder.h:29
static unsigned int calculateExtrapolationOutcome(bool isForward, bool escaped, int lastBarrelLayer, int lastEndcapLayer)
Calculate the track extrapolation outcome.
static std::vector< int > getPDGVector()
Get a vector with all the hypothesis PDG codes used for Muid.
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:79
bool addBKLMHit(const UsedBKLMHit *bklmHit, const unsigned int sortingParameter, OriginTrackFinder foundByTrackFinder=OriginTrackFinder::c_undefinedTrackFinder)
Adds a bklm hit with the given information to the reco track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:286
bool wasFitSuccessful(const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Returns true if the last fit with the given representation was successful.
bool addEKLMHit(const UsedEKLMHit *eklmHit, const unsigned int sortingParameter, OriginTrackFinder foundByTrackFinder=OriginTrackFinder::c_undefinedTrackFinder)
Adds an eklm hit with the given information to the reco track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:300
const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane & getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromLastHit(const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Return genfit's MeasuredStateOnPlane for the last hit in a fit useful for extrapolation of measuremen...
static void registerRequiredRelations(StoreArray< RecoTrack > &recoTracks, std::string const &pxdHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &svdHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &cdcHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &bklmHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &eklmHitsStoreArrayName="", std::string const &recoHitInformationStoreArrayName="")
Convenience method which registers all relations required to fully use a RecoTrack.
genfit::AbsTrackRep * getCardinalRepresentation() const
Get a pointer to the cardinal track representation. You are not allowed to modify or delete it!
Definition: RecoTrack.h:631
const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane & getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromFirstHit(const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Return genfit's MeasuredStateOnPlane for the first hit in a fit useful for extrapolation of measureme...
unsigned int getNumberOfTotalHits() const
Return the number of cdc + svd + pxd + bklm + eklm hits.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:436
void addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).
TO * getRelatedTo(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the object to which this object has a relation.
Defines a closed cylinder for the geant4e "target", the surface that encloses the volume within which...
virtual G4double GetDistanceFromPoint(const G4ThreeVector &point, const G4ThreeVector &direc) const
Get the distance from a point to the cylinder along direc.
It is the main interface for the user to define the setup and start the propagation.
Definition: ExtManager.h:50
static ExtManager * GetManager()
Get pointer to the instance of this singleton class (create if needed)
void RunTermination()
Terminate a run and set state to G4ErrorState_Init.
void EventTermination(G4ErrorMode)
Terminate an event and set state to G4ErrorState_Init.
void InitTrackPropagation(G4ErrorMode)
Initialize for propagation of a track and set state to G4ErrorState_Propagating.
void Initialize(const char[], const std::string &, double, double, bool, int, const std::vector< std::string > &)
Initialize Geant4 and Geant4e.
G4int PropagateOneStep(G4ErrorTrajState *currentTS, G4ErrorMode mode=G4ErrorMode_PropForwards)
Propagate a track by one step.
G4ErrorPropagator * GetPropagator() const
Get the propagator.
Definition: ExtManager.h:76
bool isRequired(const std::string &name="")
Ensure this array/object has been registered previously.
Store one Track-KLMCluster separation as a ROOT object.
geant4e-based track extrapolation.
double m_BarrelScintVariance
BKLM scintillator strip position variance (cm^2)
double m_EndcapHalfLength
half-length (cm) of either endcap
double m_MaxKLMTrackClusterDistance
user-defined maximum distance (mm) between KLMCluster and associated track (for KLID)
Simulation::ExtCylSurfaceTarget * m_TargetMuid
virtual "target" cylinder for MUID (boundary beyond which extrapolation ends)
ExtState getStartPoint(const Track &, int, G4ErrorFreeTrajState &)
Get the start point for a new reconstructed track with specific PDG hypothesis.
bool createMuidHit(ExtState &, G4ErrorFreeTrajState &, KLMMuidLikelihood *, std::vector< std::map< const Track *, double > > *)
Create another MUID extrapolation hit for a track candidate.
int m_OutermostActiveForwardEndcapLayer
outermost forward-endcap layer that is active for muon identification (user-defined)
static TrackExtrapolateG4e * getInstance()
Get the singleton's address.
void beginRun(bool flag)
Perform beginning-of-run actions.
void initialize(double minPt, double minKE, std::vector< Const::ChargedStable > &hypotheses)
Initialize for track extrapolation by the EXT module.
double m_BarrelMaxR
maximum radius (cm) of the barrel
G4ThreeVector m_BarrelSectorPhi[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()+1]
azimuthal unit vector of each barrel sector
StoreArray< KLMMuidLikelihood > m_klmMuidLikelihoods
KLM muid likelihoods.
int m_OutermostActiveBackwardEndcapLayer
outermost backward-endcap layer that is active for muon identification (user-defined)
static TrackExtrapolateG4e * m_Singleton
Stores pointer to the singleton class.
std::vector< Const::ChargedStable > * m_DefaultHypotheses
Default ChargedStable hypotheses (needed as call argument but not used)
const std::vector< Const::ChargedStable > * m_HypothesesExt
ChargedStable hypotheses for EXT.
double m_MagneticField
Magnetic field z component (gauss) at origin.
double m_BarrelHalfLength
half-length (cm) of the barrel
StoreArray< KLMCluster > m_klmClusters
KLM clusters.
double m_MaxDt
Coincidence window half-width for in-time KLM hits (ns)
double m_BarrelMinR
minimum radius (cm) of the barrel
bool findEndcapIntersection(ExtState &, const G4ThreeVector &, Intersection &)
Find the intersection point of the track with the crossed EKLM plane.
void endRun(bool flag)
Perform end-of-run actions.
void finishTrack(const ExtState &, KLMMuidLikelihood *, bool)
Complete muon identification after end of track extrapolation.
double m_BarrelModuleMiddleRadius[2][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()+1][BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()+1]
hit-plane radius (cm) at closest distance to IP of each barrel end | sector | layer
double m_BarrelPhiStripVariance[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()+1]
BKLM RPC phi-measuring strip position variance (cm^2) by layer.
double m_MinRadiusSq
Minimum squared radius (cm) outside of which extrapolation will continue.
StoreArray< KLMMuidHit > m_klmMuidHits
KLM muid hits.
void terminate(bool flag)
Terminates this singleton.
void createExtHit(ExtHitStatus, const ExtState &, const G4ErrorFreeTrajState &, const G4StepPoint *, const G4TouchableHandle &)
Create another EXT extrapolation hit for a track candidate.
bool findMatchingEndcapHit(Intersection &, const Track *)
Find the matching EKLM 2D hit nearest the intersection point of the track with the crossed EKLM plane...
double m_EndcapMiddleZ
midpoint along z (cm) of the forward endcap from the KLM midpoint
const EKLMElementNumbers * m_eklmElementNumbers
EKLM element numbers.
const std::vector< Const::ChargedStable > * m_HypothesesMuid
ChargedStable hypotheses for MUID.
void fromPhasespaceToG4e(const G4ThreeVector &, const G4ErrorSymMatrix &, G4ErrorTrajErr &)
Convert the phasespace covariance to geant4e covariance.
double m_OffsetZ
offset (cm) along z axis of KLM midpoint from IP
const KLMElementNumbers * m_klmElementNumbers
KLM element numbers.
std::vector< G4VPhysicalVolume * > * m_BKLMVolumes
Pointers to BKLM geant4 sensitive (physical) volumes.
int m_OutermostActiveBarrelLayer
outermost barrel layer that is active for muon identification (user-defined)
G4ThreeVector m_BarrelSectorPerp[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalSectorNumber()+1]
normal unit vector of each barrel sector
bool findMatchingBarrelHit(Intersection &, const Track *)
Find the matching BKLM 2D hit nearest the intersection point of the track with the crossed BKLM plane...
double m_EndcapModuleMiddleZ[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()+1]
hit-plane z (cm) of each IP layer relative to KLM midpoint
void getVolumeID(const G4TouchableHandle &, Const::EDetector &, int &)
Get the physical volume information for a geant4 physical volume.
DBObjPtr< KLMLikelihoodParameters > m_klmLikelihoodParameters
Conditions-database object for KLM likelihood parameters.
double m_MaxECLTrackClusterDistance
user-defined maximum distance (mm) between ECLCluster and associated track (for EID)
double m_EndcapScintVariance
EKLM scintillator strip position variance (cm^2)
StoreArray< TrackClusterSeparation > m_trackClusterSeparations
Track cluster sepration.
StoreArray< Track > m_tracks
void event(bool flag)
Performs track extrapolation for all tracks in one event.
double m_MinPt
Minimum transverse momentum in MeV/c for extrapolation to be started.
StoreArray< ECLCluster > m_eclClusters
ECL clusters.
bool m_addHitsToRecoTrack
Parameter to add the found hits also to the reco tracks or not. Is turned off by default.
int m_BarrelNSector
Number of barrel sectors.
StoreArray< KLMHit2d > m_klmHit2ds
KLM 2d hits.
std::map< G4VPhysicalVolume *, enum VolTypes > * m_EnterExit
Pointers to geant4 physical volumes whose entry/exit points will be saved.
bool m_MuidInitialized
Flag to indicate that MUID initialize() has been called.
StoreArray< RecoTrack > m_recoTracks
Reco tracks.
double m_EndcapMinR
minimum radius (cm) of the endcaps
StoreArray< ExtHit > m_extHits
Ext hits.
std::map< int, MuidBuilder * > m_MuidBuilderMap
PDF for the charged final state particle hypotheses.
void extrapolate(int pdgCode, double tof, const G4ThreeVector &position, const G4ThreeVector &momentum, const G4ErrorSymMatrix &covariance)
Performs track extrapolation for a single track (specified in genfit2 units).
constructor is hidden; user calls TrackExtrapolateG4e::getInstance() instead
double m_MeanDt
Mean hit - trigger time (ns)
double m_EndcapMaxR
maximum radius (cm) of the endcaps
Simulation::ExtCylSurfaceTarget * m_TargetExt
virtual "target" cylinder for EXT (boundary beyond which extrapolation ends)
bool findBarrelIntersection(ExtState &, const G4ThreeVector &, Intersection &)
Find the intersection point of the track with the crossed BKLM plane.
bool m_ExtInitialized
Flag to indicate that EXT initialize() has been called.
DBObjPtr< KLMChannelStatus > m_klmChannelStatus
Conditions-database object for KLM channel status.
double m_MinKE
Minimum kinetic energy in MeV for extrapolation to continue.
void registerVolumes()
Register the list of geant4 physical volumes whose entry/exit points will be saved during extrapolati...
void fromG4eToPhasespace(const G4ErrorFreeTrajState &, G4ErrorSymMatrix &)
Convert the geant4e 5x5 covariance to phasespace 6x6 covariance.
Simulation::ExtManager * m_ExtMgr
Pointer to the ExtManager singleton.
DBObjPtr< KLMStripEfficiency > m_klmStripEfficiency
Conditions-database object for KLM strip efficiency.
DBObjPtr< COILGeometryPar > m_COILGeometryPar
Conditions-database object for COIL geometry.
double m_MaxDistSqInVariances
user-defined maximum squared-distance (in number of variances) for matching hit to extrapolation
double m_BarrelZStripVariance[BKLMElementNumbers::getMaximalLayerNumber()+1]
BKLM RPC z-measuring strip position variance (cm^2) by layer.
void swim(ExtState &, G4ErrorFreeTrajState &, const std::vector< std::pair< ECLCluster *, G4ThreeVector > > *, const std::vector< std::pair< KLMCluster *, G4ThreeVector > > *, std::vector< std::map< const Track *, double > > *)
Swim a single track (MUID) until it stops or leaves the target cylinder.
void adjustIntersection(Intersection &, const double *, const G4ThreeVector &, const G4ThreeVector &)
Nudge the track using the matching hit.
const EKLM::TransformDataGlobalAligned * m_eklmTransformData
EKLM transformation data.
DBObjPtr< BeamPipeGeo > m_BeamPipeGeo
Conditions-database object for beam pipe geometry.
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Definition: Track.h:25
static const double T
Definition: Unit.h:120
Provides BKLM geometry parameters for simulation, reconstruction etc (from Gearbox or DataBase)
Definition: GeometryPar.h:37
const Module * findModule(int section, int sector, int layer) const
Get the pointer to the definition of a module.
double getScintHalfWidth(void) const
Get the height of the entire volume of a scintillator strip (including TiO2 coating)
Definition: GeometryPar.h:118
double getGap1InnerRadius(void) const
Get the radius of the inner tangent circle of gap 0 (innermost)
Definition: GeometryPar.h:211
double getOuterRadius(void) const
Get the radius of the inscribed circle of the outer polygon.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:187
double getOffsetZ(void) const
Get the global shift along a of the entire BKLM.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:157
int getNSector(void) const
Get the number of sectors of the BKLM.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:175
double getHalfLength(void) const
Get the half-length along z of the BKLM.
Definition: GeometryPar.h:181
double getActiveMiddleRadius(int section, int sector, int layer) const
Get the radial midpoint of the detector module's active volume of specified layer.
static GeometryPar * instance(void)
Static method to get a reference to the singleton GeometryPar instance.
Define the geometry of a BKLM module Each sector [octant] contains Modules.
Definition: Module.h:76
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
Abstract base class for a track representation.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:66
double getPDGCharge() const
Get the charge of the particle of the pdg code.
int getPDG() const
Get the pdg code.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:272
virtual void getPosMomCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &mom, TMatrixDSym &cov) const =0
Translates MeasuredStateOnPlane into 3D position, momentum and 6x6 covariance.
Exception class for error handling in GENFIT (provides storage for diagnostic information)
Definition: Exception.h:48
#StateOnPlane with additional covariance matrix.
static void getField(const double *pos, double *field)
return the magnetic field at a given position.
Definition: BFieldManager.h:91
double sqrt(double a)
sqrt for double
Definition: beamHelpers.h:28
Define state of extrapolation for each recorded hit.
Definition: ExtHit.h:27
ARICH Img plate.
TOP quartz.
TOP glue.
ARICH HAPD window.
BKLM scintillator.
ARICH aerogel.
TOP container.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Data structure to define extrapolation state.
int lastEndcapExtLayer
MUID: outermost endcap layer crossed by the extrapolated track.
double chi2
MUID: accumulated chi-squared of all in-plane transverse deviations between extrapolation and matchin...
G4ThreeVector directionAtIP
MUID: initial direction of track, used for KLID.
int nPoint
MUID: accumulated number of points with matching 2D hits.
int lastEndcapHitLayer
MUID: outermost endcap layer with a matching hit.
bool isCosmic
True for back-propagation of a cosmic ray.
int firstEndcapLayer
MUID: outermost barrel layer encountered by the extrapolated track in the prior steps.
int extLayerPattern
MUID: accumulated bit pattern of layers crossed by the extrapolated track.
int pdgCode
Particle hypothesis that is being extrapolated.
double length
Length from start of extrapolation (rad lengths), updated during extrapolation.
bool escaped
MUID: flag to indicate that the extrapolated track escaped from the KLM.
int firstBarrelLayer
MUID: outermost barrel layer encountered by the extrapolated track in the prior steps.
int lastBarrelHitLayer
MUID: outermost barrel layer with a matching hit.
int hitLayerPattern
MUID: accumulated bit pattern of layers with matching hits.
int lastBarrelExtLayer
MUID: outermost barrel layer crossed by the extrapolated track.
double tof
Time of flight from IP (ns), updated during extrapolation.
const Track * track
Pointer to the reconstructed track.
intersection of muid-extrapolated track with a KLM layer
int sector
sector number (0..7 for barrel, 0..3 for endcap) of this point
G4ThreeVector momentum
extrapolated-track momentum (GeV/c) at this intersection
double chi2
chi-squared value of transverse deviation between extrapolated and measured hit positions
bool inBarrel
flag to indicate if this point is in the barrel (true) or endcap (false)
int hit
index in {B,E}KLMHit2ds of matching hit
G4ThreeVector positionAtHitPlane
extrapolated-track position (cm) projected to the 2D hit's midplane
G4ThreeVector position
extrapolated-track global position (cm) of this intersection
G4ErrorSymMatrix covariance
extrapolated-track phase-space covariance matrix at this intersection
bool isForward
flag to indicate if this point is in the forward (true) or backward (false) end
double time
time (ns) of matching BKLMHit2d
int layer
layer number (0..14 for barrel, 0..13 for endcap) of this point