Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <tracking/trackFitting/trackBuilder/factories/TrackBuilder.h>
11 #include <framework/datastore/StoreArray.h>
12 #include <mdst/dataobjects/MCParticle.h>
13 #include <mdst/dataobjects/HitPatternVXD.h>
14 #include <mdst/dataobjects/HitPatternCDC.h>
15 #include <mdst/dataobjects/Track.h>
16 #include <mdst/dataobjects/TrackFitResult.h>
17 #include <cdc/dataobjects/CDCRecoHit.h>
18 #include <pxd/reconstruction/PXDRecoHit.h>
19 #include <svd/reconstruction/SVDRecoHit.h>
20 #include <svd/reconstruction/SVDRecoHit2D.h>
21 #include <tracking/dataobjects/RecoTrack.h>
23 #include <TMatrixDSym.h>
25 #include <genfit/FitStatus.h>
26 #include <genfit/KalmanFitterInfo.h>
27 #include <genfit/Track.h>
28 #include <genfit/TrackPoint.h>
29 #include <genfit/MeasuredStateOnPlane.h>
30 #include <genfit/FieldManager.h>
32 using namespace Belle2;
35  const bool useClosestHitToIP, const bool useBFieldAtHit)
36 {
40  const auto& trackReps = recoTrack.getRepresentations();
41  B2DEBUG(27, trackReps.size() << " track representations available.");
42  Track newTrack(recoTrack.getQualityIndicator());
44  bool repAlreadySet = false;
45  unsigned int repIDPlusOne = 0;
46  for (const auto& trackRep : trackReps) {
47  repIDPlusOne++;
49  // Check if the fitted particle type is in our charged stable set.
50  const Const::ParticleType particleType(std::abs(trackRep->getPDG()));
51  if (not Const::chargedStableSet.contains(particleType)) {
52  B2DEBUG(27, "Track fitted with hypothesis that is not a ChargedStable (PDG code = " << particleType.getPDGCode() << ")");
53  continue;
54  }
56  // Check if the fit worked.
57  if (not recoTrack.wasFitSuccessful(trackRep)) {
58  B2DEBUG(27, "The fit with the given track representation (" << std::abs(trackRep->getPDG()) <<
59  ") was not successful. Skipping ...");
60  continue;
61  }
63  if (not repAlreadySet) {
64  RecoTrackGenfitAccess::getGenfitTrack(recoTrack).setCardinalRep(repIDPlusOne - 1);
65  repAlreadySet = true;
66  }
68  // Extrapolate the tracks to the perigee.
70  try {
71  if (useClosestHitToIP) {
72  msop = recoTrack.getMeasuredStateOnPlaneClosestTo(ROOT::Math::XYZVector(0, 0, 0), trackRep);
73  } else {
74  msop = recoTrack.getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromFirstHit(trackRep);
75  }
76  } catch (genfit::Exception& exception) {
77  B2WARNING(exception.what());
78  continue;
79  } catch (const std::runtime_error& er) {
80  B2WARNING("Runtime error encountered: " << er.what());
81  continue;
82  } catch (...) {
83  B2WARNING("Undefined exception encountered.");
84  continue;
85  }
87  genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane extrapolatedMSoP = msop;
88  try {
89  extrapolatedMSoP.extrapolateToLine(m_beamSpot, m_beamAxis);
90  } catch (...) {
91  B2WARNING("Could not extrapolate the fit result for pdg " << particleType.getPDGCode() <<
92  " to the perigee point. Why, I don't know.");
93  continue;
94  }
96  // Build track fit result.
98  TVector3 poca(0., 0., 0.);
99  TVector3 dirInPoca(0., 0., 0.);
100  TMatrixDSym cov(6);
101  extrapolatedMSoP.getPosMomCov(poca, dirInPoca, cov);
102  B2DEBUG(29, "Point of closest approach: " << poca.x() << " " << poca.y() << " " << poca.z());
103  B2DEBUG(29, "Track direction in POCA: " << dirInPoca.x() << " " << dirInPoca.y() << " " << dirInPoca.z());
105  const int charge = recoTrack.getTrackFitStatus(trackRep)->getCharge();
106  const double pValue = recoTrack.getTrackFitStatus(trackRep)->getPVal();
107  const double nDF = recoTrack.getTrackFitStatus(trackRep)->getNdf();
109  double Bx, By, Bz; // In cgs units
110  if (useBFieldAtHit) {
111  const B2Vector3D& hitPosition = msop.getPos();
112  genfit::FieldManager::getInstance()->getFieldVal(hitPosition.X(), hitPosition.Y(), hitPosition.Z(), Bx, By, Bz);
113  } else {
114  genfit::FieldManager::getInstance()->getFieldVal(poca.X(), poca.Y(), poca.Z(), Bx, By, Bz);
115  }
116  Bz = Bz / 10.; // In SI-Units
118  const uint64_t hitPatternCDCInitializer = getHitPatternCDCInitializer(recoTrack, trackRep);
119  const uint32_t hitPatternVXDInitializer = getHitPatternVXDInitializer(recoTrack, trackRep);
121  const auto newTrackFitResult = trackFitResults.appendNew(
122  ROOT::Math::XYZVector(poca), ROOT::Math::XYZVector(dirInPoca), cov, charge, particleType, pValue, Bz,
123  hitPatternCDCInitializer, hitPatternVXDInitializer, nDF
124  );
126  const int newTrackFitResultArrayIndex = newTrackFitResult->getArrayIndex();
127  newTrack.setTrackFitResultIndex(particleType, newTrackFitResultArrayIndex);
128  }
130  B2DEBUG(27, "Number of fitted hypothesis = " << newTrack.getNumberOfFittedHypotheses());
131  if (newTrack.getNumberOfFittedHypotheses() > 0) {
132  Track* addedTrack = tracks.appendNew(newTrack);
133  addedTrack->addRelationTo(&recoTrack);
134  return true;
135  } else {
136  B2DEBUG(28, "No valid fit for any given hypothesis. No Track is added to the Tracks StoreArray.");
137  }
138  return true;
139 }
142 uint32_t TrackBuilder::getHitPatternVXDInitializer(const RecoTrack& recoTrack, const genfit::AbsTrackRep* representation)
143 {
144  HitPatternVXD hitPatternVXD;
146  const auto& hitPointsWithMeasurements = recoTrack.getHitPointsWithMeasurement();
147  int nNotFittedVXDhits = 0;
149  for (const auto& trackPoint : hitPointsWithMeasurements) { // Loop on TrackPoint
151  genfit::KalmanFitterInfo* kalmanInfo = trackPoint->getKalmanFitterInfo(representation);
153  for (size_t measurementId = 0; measurementId < trackPoint->getNumRawMeasurements(); measurementId++) { //Loop on raw measurement
155  genfit::AbsMeasurement* absMeas = trackPoint->getRawMeasurement(measurementId);
157  PXDRecoHit* pxdHit = dynamic_cast<PXDRecoHit*>(absMeas);
158  SVDRecoHit* svdHit = dynamic_cast<SVDRecoHit*>(absMeas);
159  SVDRecoHit2D* svdHit2D = dynamic_cast<SVDRecoHit2D*>(absMeas);
161  if (!pxdHit && !svdHit2D && !svdHit)
162  continue; // consider only VXD hits
164  if (kalmanInfo) {
166  if (kalmanInfo->getNumMeasurements() > 1)
167  B2WARNING("VXD TrackPoint contains more than one KalmanFitterInfo: only the first will be considered");
169  const double weight = kalmanInfo->getWeights().at(0); // only 1st KalmanFitterInfo considered
170  if (weight < 1.e-9)
171  continue; // skip kfinfo with negligible weight
173  if (pxdHit) {
174  const int layerNumber = pxdHit->getSensorID().getLayerNumber();
175  const int currentHits = hitPatternVXD.getPXDLayer(layerNumber, HitPatternVXD::PXDMode::normal);
176  hitPatternVXD.setPXDLayer(layerNumber, currentHits + 1, HitPatternVXD::PXDMode::normal);
177  }
179  if (svdHit2D) {
180  const int layerNumber = svdHit2D->getSensorID().getLayerNumber();
181  const auto& currentHits = hitPatternVXD.getSVDLayer(layerNumber);
182  hitPatternVXD.setSVDLayer(layerNumber, currentHits.first + 1, currentHits.second + 1);
183  } else if (svdHit) {
184  const int layerNumber = svdHit->getSensorID().getLayerNumber();
185  const auto& currentHits = hitPatternVXD.getSVDLayer(layerNumber);
187  if (svdHit->isU())
188  hitPatternVXD.setSVDLayer(layerNumber, currentHits.first + 1, currentHits.second);
189  else
190  hitPatternVXD.setSVDLayer(layerNumber, currentHits.first, currentHits.second + 1);
191  }
193  } // end of if kalmanInfo
194  else {
195  // i.e. if !kalmanInfo)
196  ++nNotFittedVXDhits; // counts TrackPoints with VXD hits without KalmanFitterInfo
197  continue;
198  }
200  } // end of loop on raw measurements
201  } // end of loop on TrackPoint
203  if (nNotFittedVXDhits > 0) {
204  B2DEBUG(27, " No KalmanFitterInfo associated to some TrackPoints with VXD hits, not filling the HitPatternVXD");
205  B2DEBUG(27, nNotFittedVXDhits << " had no FitterInfo");
206  }
207  return hitPatternVXD.getInteger();
208 }
211 uint64_t TrackBuilder::getHitPatternCDCInitializer(const RecoTrack& recoTrack, const genfit::AbsTrackRep* representation)
212 {
213  HitPatternCDC hitPatternCDC;
215  int nCDChits = 0;
216  int nNotFittedCDChits = 0;
218  const auto& hitPointsWithMeasurements = recoTrack.getHitPointsWithMeasurement();
220  for (const auto& trackPoint : hitPointsWithMeasurements) { // Loop on TrackPoint
222  genfit::KalmanFitterInfo* kalmanInfo = trackPoint->getKalmanFitterInfo(representation);
224  for (size_t measurementId = 0; measurementId < trackPoint->getNumRawMeasurements(); measurementId++) { //Loop on raw measurement
226  genfit::AbsMeasurement* absMeas = trackPoint->getRawMeasurement(measurementId);
227  CDCRecoHit* cdcHit = dynamic_cast<CDCRecoHit*>(absMeas);
229  if (!cdcHit)
230  continue; // consider only CDC hits
232  if (kalmanInfo) {
233  bool isValidWeight = false;
234  for (unsigned int kfinfoId = 0; kfinfoId < kalmanInfo->getNumMeasurements(); kfinfoId++) { // Loop on KalmanFitterInfo
235  const double weight = kalmanInfo->getWeights().at(kfinfoId);
236  if (weight < 1.e-9)
237  continue; // skip kfinfo with negligible weight
238  else {
239  isValidWeight = true;
240  B2DEBUG(27, "CDC: " << nCDChits << "\t" << cdcHit->getWireID().getEWire() << "\t" << kfinfoId << "\t" << weight);
241  break;
242  }
243  } // end of KalmanFitterInfo loop
245  if (isValidWeight) { // fill nCDChits only one time per each raw measurement
246  WireID wire = cdcHit->getWireID();
247  hitPatternCDC.setLayer(wire.getICLayer());
248  nCDChits++; // counts CDC hits where there is KalmanFitterInfo and not negligible weight
249  }
251  } // end of if kalmanInfo
252  else {
253  // i.e. if !kalmanInfo)
254  ++nNotFittedCDChits; // counts TrackPoints with CDC hits without KalmanFitterInfo
255  continue;
256  }
258  } // end of loop on raw measurements
259  } // end of loop on TrackPoint
261  if (nNotFittedCDChits > 0) {
262  B2DEBUG(27, " No KalmanFitterInfo associated to some TrackPoints with CDC hits, not filling the HitPatternCDC");
263  B2DEBUG(27, nNotFittedCDChits << " out of " << nCDChits << " had no FitterInfo");
264  }
265  hitPatternCDC.setNHits(nCDChits);
267  return hitPatternCDC.getInteger();
269 }
DataType Z() const
access variable Z (= .at(2) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:435
DataType X() const
access variable X (= .at(0) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:431
DataType Y() const
access variable Y (= .at(1) without boundary check)
Definition: B2Vector3.h:433
This class is used to transfer CDC information to the track fit.
Definition: CDCRecoHit.h:32
WireID getWireID() const
Getter for WireID object.
Definition: CDCRecoHit.h:49
The ParticleType class for identifying different particle types.
Definition: Const.h:399
int getPDGCode() const
PDG code.
Definition: Const.h:464
static const ParticleSet chargedStableSet
set of charged stable particles
Definition: Const.h:609
Hit pattern of CDC hits within a track.
Definition: HitPatternCDC.h:35
void setNHits(unsigned short nHits)
Sets the 8 MSBs to the total number of hits in the CDC.
void setLayer(const unsigned short layer)
Set bit corresponding to layer to true.
ULong64_t getInteger() const
Getter for underlying integer type.
Hit pattern of the VXD within a track.
Definition: HitPatternVXD.h:37
unsigned int getInteger() const
Getter for the underlying integer.
Definition: HitPatternVXD.h:58
void setSVDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, unsigned short uHits, unsigned short vHits)
Set the number of hits in a specific layer of the SVD.
void setPXDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, unsigned short nHits, const PXDMode &mode=PXDMode::normal)
Set the number of hits in a specific layer of the PXD.
unsigned short getPXDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, const PXDMode &mode=PXDMode::normal) const
Get the number of hits in a specific layer of the PXD.
std::pair< const unsigned short, const unsigned short > getSVDLayer(const unsigned short layerId) const
Get the number of hits in a specific layer of the SVD.
PXDRecoHit - an extended form of PXDCluster containing geometry information.
Definition: PXDRecoHit.h:49
VxdID getSensorID() const
Get the compact ID.
Definition: PXDRecoHit.h:101
static genfit::Track & getGenfitTrack(RecoTrack &recoTrack)
Give access to the RecoTrack's genfit::Track.
This is the Reconstruction Event-Data Model Track.
Definition: RecoTrack.h:79
const genfit::FitStatus * getTrackFitStatus(const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Return the track fit status for the given representation or for the cardinal one. You are not allowed...
Definition: RecoTrack.h:621
bool wasFitSuccessful(const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Returns true if the last fit with the given representation was successful.
const std::vector< genfit::TrackPoint * > & getHitPointsWithMeasurement() const
Return a list of measurements and track points, which can be used e.g. to extrapolate....
Definition: RecoTrack.h:708
const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane & getMeasuredStateOnPlaneClosestTo(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &closestPoint, const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr)
Return genfit's MasuredStateOnPlane, that is closest to the given point useful for extrapolation of m...
const std::vector< genfit::AbsTrackRep * > & getRepresentations() const
Return a list of track representations. You are not allowed to modify or delete them!
Definition: RecoTrack.h:638
float getQualityIndicator() const
Get the quality index attached to this RecoTrack given by one of the reconstruction algorithms....
Definition: RecoTrack.h:841
const genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane & getMeasuredStateOnPlaneFromFirstHit(const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr) const
Return genfit's MeasuredStateOnPlane for the first hit in a fit useful for extrapolation of measureme...
void addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).
SVDRecoHit - an extended form of SVDHit containing geometry information.
Definition: SVDRecoHit2D.h:46
VxdID getSensorID() const
Get the compact ID.
Definition: SVDRecoHit2D.h:100
SVDRecoHit - an extended form of SVDHit containing geometry information.
Definition: SVDRecoHit.h:47
bool isU() const
Is the coordinate u or v?
Definition: SVDRecoHit.h:91
VxdID getSensorID() const
Get the compact ID.
Definition: SVDRecoHit.h:82
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: StoreArray.h:246
static uint32_t getHitPatternVXDInitializer(const RecoTrack &recoTrack, const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr)
Get the HitPattern in the VXD.
bool storeTrackFromRecoTrack(RecoTrack &recoTrack, const bool useClosestHitToIP=false, const bool useBFieldAtHit=false)
Stores a Belle2 Track from a Reco Track.
B2Vector3D m_beamSpot
Extrapolation target, origin.
Definition: TrackBuilder.h:91
std::string m_trackColName
TrackColName (output).
Definition: TrackBuilder.h:87
static uint64_t getHitPatternCDCInitializer(const RecoTrack &recoTrack, const genfit::AbsTrackRep *representation=nullptr)
Get the HitPattern in the CDC.
std::string m_trackFitResultColName
TrackFitResultColName (output).
Definition: TrackBuilder.h:89
B2Vector3D m_beamAxis
Extrapolation target, positive z direction.
Definition: TrackBuilder.h:93
Class that bundles various TrackFitResults.
Definition: Track.h:25
void setTrackFitResultIndex(const Const::ChargedStable &chargedStable, short index)
Set an index (for positive values) or unavailability-code (index = -1) for a specific mass hypothesis...
Definition: Track.h:174
unsigned int getNumberOfFittedHypotheses() const
Returns the number of fitted hypothesis which are stored in this track.
baseType getLayerNumber() const
Get the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:96
Class to identify a wire inside the CDC.
Definition: WireID.h:34
unsigned short getICLayer() const
Getter for continuous layer numbering.
unsigned short getEWire() const
Getter for encoded wire number.
Definition: WireID.h:154
Contains the measurement and covariance in raw detector coordinates.
Abstract base class for a track representation.
Definition: AbsTrackRep.h:66
Exception class for error handling in GENFIT (provides storage for diagnostic information)
Definition: Exception.h:48
virtual const char * what() const noexcept
Standard error message handling for exceptions. use like "std::cerr << e.what();".
TVector3 getFieldVal(const TVector3 &position)
This does NOT use the cache!
Definition: FieldManager.h:63
static FieldManager * getInstance()
Get singleton instance.
Definition: FieldManager.h:119
virtual double getPVal() const
Get the p value of the fit.
Definition: FitStatus.h:128
double getCharge() const
Get the fitted charge.
Definition: FitStatus.h:118
double getNdf() const
Get the degrees of freedom of the fit.
Definition: FitStatus.h:122
Collects information needed and produced by a AbsKalmanFitter implementations and is specific to one ...
std::vector< double > getWeights() const
Get weights of measurements.
#StateOnPlane with additional covariance matrix.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.