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Debug output for CDCDedxPID module. More...

#include <CDCDedxTrack.h>

Inheritance diagram for CDCDedxTrack:
RelationsInterface< BASE >

Public Member Functions

 CDCDedxTrack ()
 Default constructor.
void addDedx (int nhitscombined, int wirelongesthit, int layer, double distance, double dedxValue)
 add dE/dx information for a CDC layer
void addHit (int lwire, int wire, int layer, double doca, double docaRS, double enta, double entaRS, int adcCount, int adcbaseCount, double dE, double path, double dedx, double cellHeight, double cellHalfWidth, int driftT, double driftD, double driftDRes, double wiregain, double twodcor, double onedcor, int foundByTrackFinder, double weightPionHypo, double weightKaonHypo, double weightProtHypo)
 Add a single hit to the object.
double trackID () const
 Return the track ID.
double getPDG () const
 Get the identity of the particle.
double getDedx () const
 Get dE/dx truncated mean for this track.
double getDedxNoSat () const
 Get dE/dx truncated mean without the saturation correction for this track.
double getDedxError () const
 Get the error on the dE/dx truncated mean for this track.
double getDedxMean () const
 Get the dE/dx mean for this track.
std::vector< double > getDedxList () const
 Return the vector of dE/dx values for this track.
double getMomentum () const
 Return the track momentum valid in the CDC.
double getCosTheta () const
 Return cos(theta) for this track.
int getCharge () const
 Return the charge for this track.
double getInjectionTime () const
 Return cos(theta) for this track.
double getInjectionRing () const
 Return cos(theta) for this track.
double getLength () const
 Return the total path length for this track.
double getCosineCorrection () const
 Return the cosine correction for this track.
double getCosEdgeCorrection () const
 Return the cosine correction for this track.
double getRunGain () const
 Return the run gain for this track.
double getScaleFactor () const
 Return the scale factor for this track.
double getTimeMean () const
 Return the injection gain for this track.
double getTimeReso () const
 Return the injection reso for this track.
double getSimulatedDedx () const
 Get the track-level MC dE/dx mean for this track.
void setDedx (double mean)
 Set the dE/dx truncated average for this track.
void setDedxNoSat (double mean)
 Set the dE/dx truncated average without the saturation correction for this track.
void setDedxError (double error)
 Set the error on the dE/dx truncated mean for this track.
void setDedxMean (double mean)
 Set the dE/dx mean for this track.
void setSimulatedDedx (double dedx)
 Set the track level MC dE/dx mean for this track.
int getNLayerHits () const
 Return the number of layer hits for this track.
double getNLayerHitsUsed () const
 Return the number of hits used to determine the truncated mean.
int getNHitsCombined (int i) const
 Return the number of hits combined per layer.
int getWireLongestHit (int i) const
 Return the wire number of the longest hit per layer.
int getLayer (int i) const
 Return the (global) layer number for a layer hit.
double getLayerPath (int i) const
 Return the distance travelled in this layer.
double getLayerDedx (int i) const
 Return the total dE/dx for this layer.
void setLayerDedx (int i, double dedx)
 Set the total dE/dx for this layer.
int size () const
 Return the number of hits for this track.
int getWireInLayer (int i) const
 Return the sensor ID for this hit: wire number in the layer.
int getWire (int i) const
 Return the sensor ID for this hit: wire number for CDC (0-14336)
int getHitLayer (int i) const
 Return the (global) layer number for a hit.
double getPath (int i) const
 Return the path length through the cell for this hit.
double getDedx (int i) const
 Return the dE/dx value for this hit.
int getADCCount (int i) const
 Return the adcCount for this hit.
int getADCBaseCount (int i) const
 Return the base adcCount (no non-linearity) for this hit.
double getNonLADCCorrection (int i) const
 Return the factor introduce for adcCount (non-linearity) correction.
double getDoca (int i) const
 Return the distance of closest approach to the sense wire for this hit.
double getEnta (int i) const
 Return the entrance angle in the CDC cell for this hit.
double getDocaRS (int i) const
 Return rescaled doca value for cell height=width assumption.
double getEntaRS (int i) const
 Return rescaled enta value for cell height=width assumption.
int getDriftT (int i) const
 Return the drift time for this hit.
double getDE (int i) const
 Return the ionization charge collected for this hit.
double getCellHeight (int i) const
 Return the height of the CDC cell.
double getCellHalfWidth (int i) const
 Return the half-width of the CDC cell.
double getDriftD (int i) const
 Return the drift distance for this hit.
double getDriftDRes (int i) const
 Return the drift distance resolution for this hit.
double getWireGain (int i) const
 Return the wire gain for this hit.
double getTwoDCorrection (int i) const
 Return the 2D correction for this hit.
double getOneDCorrection (int i) const
 Return the 1D correction for this hit.
int getFoundByTrackFinder (int i) const
 Return the TrackFinder which added the given hit to track.
double getWeightPionHypo (int i) const
 Return the max weights from KalmanFitterInfo using pion hypothesis.
double getWeightKaonHypo (int i) const
 Return the max weights from KalmanFitterInfo using kaon hypothesis.
double getWeightProtonHypo (int i) const
 Return the max weights from KalmanFitterInfo using proton hypothesis.
double getChi (int i) const
 Return the PID (chi) value.
double getPmean (int i) const
 Return the PID (predicted mean) value.
double getPreso (int i) const
 Return the PID (predicted reso) value.
void setDedx (int i, double dedx)
 Set the dE/dx value for this hit.
void addRelationTo (const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).
void addRelationTo (const TObject *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Add a relation from this object to another object (no caching, can be quite slow).
void copyRelations (const RelationsInterface< BASE > *sourceObj)
 Copies all relations of sourceObj (pointing from or to sourceObj) to this object (including weights).
template<class TO >
RelationVector< TO > getRelationsTo (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the relations that point from this object to another store array.
template<class FROM >
RelationVector< FROM > getRelationsFrom (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the relations that point from another store array to this object.
template<class T >
RelationVector< T > getRelationsWith (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the relations between this object and another store array.
template<class TO >
TO * getRelatedTo (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the object to which this object has a relation.
template<class FROM >
FROM * getRelatedFrom (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the object from which this object has a relation.
template<class T >
T * getRelated (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get the object to or from which this object has a relation.
template<class TO >
std::pair< TO *, float > getRelatedToWithWeight (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get first related object & weight of relation pointing to an array.
template<class FROM >
std::pair< FROM *, float > getRelatedFromWithWeight (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get first related object & weight of relation pointing from an array.
template<class T >
std::pair< T *, float > getRelatedWithWeight (const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
 Get first related object & weight of relation pointing from/to an array.
virtual std::string getName () const
 Return a short name that describes this object, e.g.
virtual std::string getInfoHTML () const
 Return a short summary of this object's contents in HTML format.
std::string getInfo () const
 Return a short summary of this object's contents in raw text format.
std::string getArrayName () const
 Get name of array this object is stored in, or "" if not found.
int getArrayIndex () const
 Returns this object's array index (in StoreArray), or -1 if not found.

Protected Member Functions

TClonesArray * getArrayPointer () const
 Returns the pointer to the raw DataStore array holding this object (protected since these arrays are easy to misuse).

Private Member Functions

 ClassDef (CDCDedxTrack, 17)
 Debug output for CDCDedxPID module.

Private Attributes

int m_track
 ID number of the Track.
int m_charge
 particle charge from tracking (+1 or -1)
double m_cosTheta
 cos(theta) for the track
double m_p
 momentum at the IP
double m_pCDC
 momentum at the inner layer of the CDC
double m_length
 total distance travelled by the track
double m_injring
 injection ring type of track's event
double m_injtime
 time since last injection of track's event
double m_pdg
double m_mcmass
 MC PID mass.
double m_motherPDG
 MC PID of mother particle.
double m_pTrue
 MC true momentum.
double m_cosThetaTrue
 MC true cos(theta)
double m_simDedx
 track level MC dE/dx truncated mean
double m_scale
 scale factor to make electrons ~1
double m_cosCor
 calibration cosine correction
double m_cosEdgeCor
 calibration cosine edge correction
double m_runGain
 calibration run gain
double m_timeGain
 calibration injection time gain
double m_timeReso
 calibration injection time gain
std::vector< double > m_hWireGain
 calibration hit gain (indexed on number of hits)
std::vector< double > m_hTwodCor
 calibration 2-D correction (indexed on number of hits)
std::vector< double > m_hOnedCor
 calibration 1-D correction (indexed on number of hits)
double m_predmean [Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]
 predicted dE/dx truncated mean
double m_predres [Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]
 predicted dE/dx resolution
double m_dedxAvg
 dE/dx mean value per track
double m_dedxAvgTruncated
 dE/dx truncated mean per track
double m_dedxAvgTruncatedNoSat
 dE/dx truncated mean per track without the saturation correction
double m_dedxAvgTruncatedErr
 standard deviation of m_dedxAvgTruncated
double m_cdcChi [Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]
 chi values for each particle type
double m_cdcLogl [Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]
 log likelihood for each particle, not including momentum prior
int m_lNHitsUsed
 number of hits on this track used for truncated mean
std::vector< int > m_lNHitsCombined
 number of hits combined in the layer
std::vector< int > m_lWireLongestHit
 wire id for the longest hit in the layer
std::vector< int > m_lLayer
 layer id corresponding to dedx
std::vector< double > m_lPath
 distance flown through active medium in current segment
std::vector< double > m_lDedx
 extracted dE/dx (arb.
std::vector< int > m_hLWire
 wire ID within the layer
std::vector< int > m_hWire
 continuous wire ID in the CDC
std::vector< int > m_hLayer
 layer number
std::vector< double > m_hPath
 path length in the CDC cell
std::vector< double > m_hDedx
 charge per path length (dE/dx)
std::vector< int > m_hADCCount
 adcCount per hit
std::vector< int > m_hADCBaseCount
 adcCount base count (uncorrected) per hit
std::vector< double > m_hDoca
 distance of closest approach to sense wire
std::vector< double > m_hEnta
 entrance angle in CDC cell
std::vector< double > m_hDocaRS
 distance of closest approach to sense wire after rescalling cell L=W
std::vector< double > m_hEntaRS
 entrance angle in CDC cell after rescalling cell L=W
std::vector< double > m_hdE
 charge per hit
std::vector< int > m_hDriftT
 drift time for each hit
std::vector< double > m_hDriftD
 drift distance for each hit
std::vector< double > m_hDriftDRes
 drift distance resolution for each hit
std::vector< int > m_hFoundByTrackFinder
 the 'found by track finder' flag for the given hit
std::vector< double > m_hWeightPionHypo
 weight for pion hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo
std::vector< double > m_hWeightKaonHypo
 weight for kaon hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo
std::vector< double > m_hWeightProtHypo
 weight for proton hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo
std::vector< double > m_hCellHeight
 height of the CDC cell
std::vector< double > m_hCellHalfWidth
 half-width of the CDC cell
 Cache of the data store entry to which this object belongs.
int m_cacheArrayIndex
 Cache of the index in the TClonesArray to which this object belongs.


class CDCDedxPIDModule
class CDCDedxScanModule
class CDCDedxCorrectionModule

Detailed Description

Debug output for CDCDedxPID module.

Contains information of individual hits belonging to a track

Definition at line 25 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CDCDedxTrack()

CDCDedxTrack ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 33 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

33 :
35 m_track(0), m_charge(0), m_cosTheta(0), m_p(0), m_pCDC(0), m_length(0.0), m_injring(-1),
36 m_injtime(-1), m_pdg(-999), m_mcmass(0), m_motherPDG(0), m_pTrue(0), m_cosThetaTrue(0),
39 {
42 // set default values for all particles
43 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize; i++) {
44 m_predmean[i] = 0.0;
45 m_predres[i] = 0.0;
46 m_cdcChi[i] = -999.;
47 m_cdcLogl[i] = 0.0;
48 }
49 }
double m_cdcChi[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]
chi values for each particle type
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:329
double m_mcmass
MC PID mass.
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:304
double m_cosEdgeCor
calibration cosine edge correction
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:313
double m_dedxAvgTruncated
dE/dx truncated mean per track
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:326
double m_p
momentum at the IP
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:296
double m_dedxAvgTruncatedErr
standard deviation of m_dedxAvgTruncated
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:328
double m_dedxAvgTruncatedNoSat
dE/dx truncated mean per track without the saturation correction
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:327
int m_lNHitsUsed
number of hits on this track used for truncated mean
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:334
double m_simDedx
track level MC dE/dx truncated mean
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:308
double m_cosCor
calibration cosine correction
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:312
double m_predres[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]
predicted dE/dx resolution
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:322
double m_motherPDG
MC PID of mother particle.
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:305
double m_runGain
calibration run gain
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:314
double m_timeGain
calibration injection time gain
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:315
double m_timeReso
calibration injection time gain
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:316
double m_pdg
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:303
double m_cosTheta
cos(theta) for the track
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:295
double m_scale
scale factor to make electrons ~1
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:311
double m_pCDC
momentum at the inner layer of the CDC
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:297
double m_length
total distance travelled by the track
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:298
double m_injring
injection ring type of track's event
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:299
double m_cdcLogl[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]
log likelihood for each particle, not including momentum prior
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:330
double m_dedxAvg
dE/dx mean value per track
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:325
int m_charge
particle charge from tracking (+1 or -1)
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:294
double m_pTrue
MC true momentum.
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:306
int m_track
ID number of the Track.
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:293
double m_injtime
time since last injection of track's event
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:300
double m_predmean[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]
predicted dE/dx truncated mean
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:321
double m_cosThetaTrue
MC true cos(theta)
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:307
static const unsigned int c_SetSize
Number of elements (for use in array bounds etc.)
Definition: Const.h:615
RelationsInterface< TObject > RelationsObject
Provides interface for getting/adding relations to objects in StoreArrays.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addDedx()

void addDedx ( int  nhitscombined,
int  wirelongesthit,
int  layer,
double  distance,
double  dedxValue 

add dE/dx information for a CDC layer

Definition at line 52 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

53 {
54 m_lNHitsCombined.push_back(nhitscombined);
55 m_lWireLongestHit.push_back(wirelongesthit);
56 m_lLayer.push_back(layer);
57 m_lPath.push_back(distance);
58 m_lDedx.push_back(dedxValue);
60 m_length += distance;
61 }
std::vector< int > m_lWireLongestHit
wire id for the longest hit in the layer
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:336
std::vector< int > m_lNHitsCombined
number of hits combined in the layer
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:335
std::vector< double > m_lPath
distance flown through active medium in current segment
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:338
std::vector< double > m_lDedx
extracted dE/dx (arb.
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:339
std::vector< int > m_lLayer
layer id corresponding to dedx
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:337

◆ addHit()

void addHit ( int  lwire,
int  wire,
int  layer,
double  doca,
double  docaRS,
double  enta,
double  entaRS,
int  adcCount,
int  adcbaseCount,
double  dE,
double  path,
double  dedx,
double  cellHeight,
double  cellHalfWidth,
int  driftT,
double  driftD,
double  driftDRes,
double  wiregain,
double  twodcor,
double  onedcor,
int  foundByTrackFinder,
double  weightPionHypo,
double  weightKaonHypo,
double  weightProtHypo 

Add a single hit to the object.

Definition at line 64 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

68 {
70 m_hLWire.push_back(lwire);
71 m_hWire.push_back(wire);
72 m_hLayer.push_back(layer);
73 m_hPath.push_back(path);
74 m_hDedx.push_back(dedx);
75 m_hADCCount.push_back(adcCount);
76 m_hADCBaseCount.push_back(adcbaseCount);
77 m_hDoca.push_back(doca);
78 m_hDocaRS.push_back(docaRS);
79 m_hEnta.push_back(enta);
80 m_hEntaRS.push_back(entaRS);
81 m_hDriftT.push_back(driftT);
82 m_hdE.push_back(dE);
83 m_hCellHeight.push_back(cellHeight);
84 m_hCellHalfWidth.push_back(cellHalfWidth);
85 m_hDriftD.push_back(driftD);
86 m_hDriftDRes.push_back(driftDRes);
87 m_hWireGain.push_back(wiregain);
88 m_hTwodCor.push_back(twodcor);
89 m_hOnedCor.push_back(onedcor);
90 m_hFoundByTrackFinder.push_back(foundByTrackFinder);
91 m_hWeightPionHypo.push_back(weightPionHypo);
92 m_hWeightKaonHypo.push_back(weightKaonHypo);
93 m_hWeightProtHypo.push_back(weightProtHypo);
94 }
std::vector< double > m_hOnedCor
calibration 1-D correction (indexed on number of hits)
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:320
std::vector< double > m_hDocaRS
distance of closest approach to sense wire after rescalling cell L=W
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:351
std::vector< double > m_hDoca
distance of closest approach to sense wire
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:349
std::vector< double > m_hDedx
charge per path length (dE/dx)
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:346
std::vector< double > m_hCellHeight
height of the CDC cell
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:362
std::vector< double > m_hEnta
entrance angle in CDC cell
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:350
std::vector< int > m_hLayer
layer number
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:344
std::vector< int > m_hADCCount
adcCount per hit
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:347
std::vector< double > m_hWeightKaonHypo
weight for kaon hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:359
std::vector< int > m_hADCBaseCount
adcCount base count (uncorrected) per hit
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:348
std::vector< int > m_hLWire
wire ID within the layer
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:342
std::vector< int > m_hDriftT
drift time for each hit
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:354
std::vector< int > m_hFoundByTrackFinder
the 'found by track finder' flag for the given hit
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:357
std::vector< double > m_hTwodCor
calibration 2-D correction (indexed on number of hits)
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:319
std::vector< double > m_hWeightPionHypo
weight for pion hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:358
std::vector< double > m_hDriftD
drift distance for each hit
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:355
std::vector< double > m_hDriftDRes
drift distance resolution for each hit
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:356
std::vector< double > m_hPath
path length in the CDC cell
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:345
std::vector< double > m_hWeightProtHypo
weight for proton hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:360
std::vector< double > m_hEntaRS
entrance angle in CDC cell after rescalling cell L=W
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:352
std::vector< double > m_hWireGain
calibration hit gain (indexed on number of hits)
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:318
std::vector< double > m_hCellHalfWidth
half-width of the CDC cell
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:363
std::vector< int > m_hWire
continuous wire ID in the CDC
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:343
std::vector< double > m_hdE
charge per hit
Definition: CDCDedxTrack.h:353

◆ addRelationTo() [1/2]

void addRelationTo ( const RelationsInterface< BASE > *  object,
float  weight = 1.0,
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).

objectThe object to which the relation should point.
weightThe weight of the relation.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming

Definition at line 142 of file RelationsObject.h.

143 {
144 if (object)
146 object, object->m_cacheDataStoreEntry, object->m_cacheArrayIndex, weight, namedRelation);
147 }
void addRelation(const TObject *fromObject, StoreEntry *&fromEntry, int &fromIndex, const TObject *toObject, StoreEntry *&toEntry, int &toIndex, float weight, const std::string &namedRelation)
Add a relation from an object in a store array to another object in a store array.
static DataStore & Instance()
Instance of singleton Store.
DataStore::StoreEntry * m_cacheDataStoreEntry
Cache of the data store entry to which this object belongs.
int m_cacheArrayIndex
Cache of the index in the TClonesArray to which this object belongs.

◆ addRelationTo() [2/2]

void addRelationTo ( const TObject *  object,
float  weight = 1.0,
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Add a relation from this object to another object (no caching, can be quite slow).

objectThe object to which the relation should point.
weightThe weight of the relation.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming

Definition at line 155 of file RelationsObject.h.

156 {
157 StoreEntry* toEntry = nullptr;
158 int toIndex = -1;
159 DataStore::Instance().addRelation(this, m_cacheDataStoreEntry, m_cacheArrayIndex, object, toEntry, toIndex, weight, namedRelation);
160 }

◆ copyRelations()

void copyRelations ( const RelationsInterface< BASE > *  sourceObj)

Copies all relations of sourceObj (pointing from or to sourceObj) to this object (including weights).

Useful if you want to make a complete copy of a StoreArray object to make modifications to it, but retain all information on linked objects.

Note: this only works if sourceObj inherits from the same base (e.g. RelationsObject), and only for related objects that also inherit from the same base.

Definition at line 170 of file RelationsObject.h.

171 {
172 if (!sourceObj)
173 return;
174 auto fromRels = sourceObj->getRelationsFrom<RelationsInterface<BASE>>("ALL");
175 for (unsigned int iRel = 0; iRel < fromRels.size(); iRel++) {
176 fromRels.object(iRel)->addRelationTo(this, fromRels.weight(iRel));
177 }
179 auto toRels = sourceObj->getRelationsTo<RelationsInterface<BASE>>("ALL");
180 for (unsigned int iRel = 0; iRel < toRels.size(); iRel++) {
181 this->addRelationTo(toRels.object(iRel), toRels.weight(iRel));
182 }
183 }
void addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Add a relation from this object to another object (with caching).

◆ getADCBaseCount()

int getADCBaseCount ( int  i) const

Return the base adcCount (no non-linearity) for this hit.

Definition at line 221 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

221{ return m_hADCBaseCount[i]; }

◆ getADCCount()

int getADCCount ( int  i) const

Return the adcCount for this hit.

Definition at line 218 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

218{ return m_hADCCount[i]; }

◆ getArrayIndex()

int getArrayIndex ( ) const

Returns this object's array index (in StoreArray), or -1 if not found.

Definition at line 385 of file RelationsObject.h.

386 {
388 return m_cacheArrayIndex;
389 }
bool findStoreEntry(const TObject *object, StoreEntry *&entry, int &index)
Find an object in an array in the data store.

◆ getArrayName()

std::string getArrayName ( ) const

Get name of array this object is stored in, or "" if not found.

Definition at line 377 of file RelationsObject.h.

◆ getArrayPointer()

TClonesArray * getArrayPointer ( ) const

Returns the pointer to the raw DataStore array holding this object (protected since these arrays are easy to misuse).

Definition at line 418 of file RelationsObject.h.

419 {
422 return nullptr;
424 }
TClonesArray * getPtrAsArray() const
Return ptr cast to TClonesArray.

◆ getCellHalfWidth()

double getCellHalfWidth ( int  i) const

Return the half-width of the CDC cell.

Definition at line 248 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

248{ return m_hCellHalfWidth[i]; }

◆ getCellHeight()

double getCellHeight ( int  i) const

Return the height of the CDC cell.

Definition at line 245 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

245{ return m_hCellHeight[i]; }

◆ getCharge()

int getCharge ( ) const

Return the charge for this track.

Definition at line 124 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

124{ return m_charge; }

◆ getChi()

double getChi ( int  i) const

Return the PID (chi) value.

Definition at line 279 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

279{ return m_cdcChi[i]; }

◆ getCosEdgeCorrection()

double getCosEdgeCorrection ( ) const

Return the cosine correction for this track.

Definition at line 139 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

139{ return m_cosEdgeCor; }

◆ getCosineCorrection()

double getCosineCorrection ( ) const

Return the cosine correction for this track.

Definition at line 136 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

136{ return m_cosCor; }

◆ getCosTheta()

double getCosTheta ( ) const

Return cos(theta) for this track.

Definition at line 121 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

121{ return m_cosTheta; }

◆ getDE()

double getDE ( int  i) const

Return the ionization charge collected for this hit.

Definition at line 242 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

242{ return m_hdE[i]; }

◆ getDedx() [1/2]

double getDedx ( ) const

Get dE/dx truncated mean for this track.

Definition at line 103 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

103{ return m_dedxAvgTruncated; }

◆ getDedx() [2/2]

double getDedx ( int  i) const

Return the dE/dx value for this hit.

Definition at line 215 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

215{ return m_hDedx[i]; }

◆ getDedxError()

double getDedxError ( ) const

Get the error on the dE/dx truncated mean for this track.

Definition at line 109 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

109{ return m_dedxAvgTruncatedErr; }

◆ getDedxList()

std::vector< double > getDedxList ( ) const

Return the vector of dE/dx values for this track.

Definition at line 115 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

115{ return m_hDedx; }

◆ getDedxMean()

double getDedxMean ( ) const

Get the dE/dx mean for this track.

Definition at line 112 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

112{ return m_dedxAvg; }

◆ getDedxNoSat()

double getDedxNoSat ( ) const

Get dE/dx truncated mean without the saturation correction for this track.

Definition at line 106 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

106{ return m_dedxAvgTruncatedNoSat; }

◆ getDoca()

double getDoca ( int  i) const

Return the distance of closest approach to the sense wire for this hit.

Definition at line 227 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

227{ return m_hDoca[i]; }

◆ getDocaRS()

double getDocaRS ( int  i) const

Return rescaled doca value for cell height=width assumption.

Definition at line 233 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

233{ return m_hDocaRS[i]; }

◆ getDriftD()

double getDriftD ( int  i) const

Return the drift distance for this hit.

Definition at line 251 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

251{ return m_hDriftD[i]; }

◆ getDriftDRes()

double getDriftDRes ( int  i) const

Return the drift distance resolution for this hit.

Definition at line 254 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

254{ return m_hDriftDRes[i]; }

◆ getDriftT()

int getDriftT ( int  i) const

Return the drift time for this hit.

Definition at line 239 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

239{ return m_hDriftT[i]; }

◆ getEnta()

double getEnta ( int  i) const

Return the entrance angle in the CDC cell for this hit.

Definition at line 230 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

230{ return m_hEnta[i]; }

◆ getEntaRS()

double getEntaRS ( int  i) const

Return rescaled enta value for cell height=width assumption.

Definition at line 236 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

236{ return m_hEntaRS[i]; }

◆ getFoundByTrackFinder()

int getFoundByTrackFinder ( int  i) const

Return the TrackFinder which added the given hit to track.

Int value corresponds to values of enum Belle2::RecoHitInformation::OriginTrackFinder

Definition at line 267 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

267{ return m_hFoundByTrackFinder[i]; }

◆ getHitLayer()

int getHitLayer ( int  i) const

Return the (global) layer number for a hit.

Definition at line 209 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

209{ return m_hLayer[i]; }

◆ getInfo()

std::string getInfo ( ) const

Return a short summary of this object's contents in raw text format.

Returns the contents of getInfoHTML() while translating line-breaks etc.

: You don't need to implement this function (it's not virtual), getInfoHTML() is enough.

Definition at line 370 of file RelationsObject.h.

371 {
373 }
virtual std::string getInfoHTML() const
Return a short summary of this object's contents in HTML format.
std::string htmlToPlainText(const std::string &html)
See RelationsObject::getInfo()

◆ getInfoHTML()

virtual std::string getInfoHTML ( ) const

Return a short summary of this object's contents in HTML format.

Reimplement this in your own class to provide useful output for display or debugging purposes. For example, you might do something like:

std::stringstream out;
out << "<b>PDG</b>: " << m_pdg << "<br>";
out << "<b>Covariance Matrix</b>: " << HTML::getString(getCovariance5()) << "<br>";
return out.str();
std::string getString(const TMatrixFBase &matrix, int precision=2, bool color=true)
get HTML table representing a matrix.
See also
Particle::getInfoHTML() for a more complex example.
HTML for some utility functions.
Use getInfo() to get a raw text version of this output.

Reimplemented in Particle, Cluster, MCParticle, PIDLikelihood, SoftwareTriggerResult, Track, TrackFitResult, TRGSummary, and RecoTrack.

Definition at line 362 of file RelationsObject.h.

362{ return ""; }

◆ getInjectionRing()

double getInjectionRing ( ) const

Return cos(theta) for this track.

Definition at line 130 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

130{ return m_injring; }

◆ getInjectionTime()

double getInjectionTime ( ) const

Return cos(theta) for this track.

Definition at line 127 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

127{ return m_injtime; }

◆ getLayer()

int getLayer ( int  i) const

Return the (global) layer number for a layer hit.

Definition at line 186 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

186{ return m_lLayer[i]; }

◆ getLayerDedx()

double getLayerDedx ( int  i) const

Return the total dE/dx for this layer.

Definition at line 192 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

192{ return m_lDedx[i]; }

◆ getLayerPath()

double getLayerPath ( int  i) const

Return the distance travelled in this layer.

Definition at line 189 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

189{ return m_lPath[i]; }

◆ getLength()

double getLength ( ) const

Return the total path length for this track.

Definition at line 133 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

133{ return m_length; }

◆ getMomentum()

double getMomentum ( ) const

Return the track momentum valid in the CDC.

Definition at line 118 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

118{ return m_pCDC; }

◆ getName()

virtual std::string getName ( ) const

Return a short name that describes this object, e.g.

pi+ for an MCParticle.

Reimplemented in Particle, MCParticle, and SpacePoint.

Definition at line 344 of file RelationsObject.h.

344{ return ""; }

◆ getNHitsCombined()

int getNHitsCombined ( int  i) const

Return the number of hits combined per layer.

Definition at line 180 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

180{ return m_lNHitsCombined[i]; }

◆ getNLayerHits()

int getNLayerHits ( ) const

Return the number of layer hits for this track.

Definition at line 174 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

174{ return m_lDedx.size(); }

◆ getNLayerHitsUsed()

double getNLayerHitsUsed ( ) const

Return the number of hits used to determine the truncated mean.

Definition at line 177 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

177{ return m_lNHitsUsed; }

◆ getNonLADCCorrection()

double getNonLADCCorrection ( int  i) const

Return the factor introduce for adcCount (non-linearity) correction.

Definition at line 224 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

224{ return (m_hADCBaseCount[i] * 1.0) / m_hADCCount[i]; }

◆ getOneDCorrection()

double getOneDCorrection ( int  i) const

Return the 1D correction for this hit.

Definition at line 263 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

263{ return m_hOnedCor[i]; }

◆ getPath()

double getPath ( int  i) const

Return the path length through the cell for this hit.

Definition at line 212 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

212{ return m_hPath[i]; }

◆ getPDG()

double getPDG ( ) const

Get the identity of the particle.

Definition at line 100 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

100{ return m_pdg; }

◆ getPmean()

double getPmean ( int  i) const

Return the PID (predicted mean) value.

Definition at line 282 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

282{ return m_predmean[i]; }

◆ getPreso()

double getPreso ( int  i) const

Return the PID (predicted reso) value.

Definition at line 285 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

285{ return m_predres[i]; }

◆ getRelated()

T * getRelated ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the object to or from which this object has a relation.

Template Parameters
TThe class of objects to or from which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array to or from which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class T will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type T are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
The first related object or a null pointer.

Definition at line 278 of file RelationsObject.h.

279 {
281 T::Class(), name, namedRelation).object);
282 }
@ c_BothSides
Combination of c_FromSide and c_ToSide.
Definition: DataStore.h:79
Belle2::RelationEntry getRelationWith(ESearchSide searchSide, const TObject *object, StoreEntry *&entry, int &index, const TClass *withClass, const std::string &withName, const std::string &namedRelation)
Get the first relation between an object and another object in a store array.
TObject * object
Pointer to the object.
Definition: RelationEntry.h:32

◆ getRelatedFrom()

FROM * getRelatedFrom ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the object from which this object has a relation.

Template Parameters
FROMThe class of objects from which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array from which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class FROM will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type FROM are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
The first related object or a null pointer.

Definition at line 263 of file RelationsObject.h.

264 {
266 m_cacheArrayIndex, FROM::Class(), name, namedRelation).object);
267 }
@ c_FromSide
Return relations/objects pointed from (to a given object).
Definition: DataStore.h:77

◆ getRelatedFromWithWeight()

std::pair< FROM *, float > getRelatedFromWithWeight ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get first related object & weight of relation pointing from an array.

Template Parameters
FROMThe class of objects from which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array from which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class FROM will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type FROM are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
Pair of first related object and the relation weight, or (NULL, 1.0) if none found.

Definition at line 314 of file RelationsObject.h.

316 {
318 FROM::Class(), name, namedRelation);
319 return std::make_pair(static_cast<FROM*>(entry.object), entry.weight);
320 }

◆ getRelatedTo()

TO * getRelatedTo ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the object to which this object has a relation.

Template Parameters
TOThe class of objects to which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array to which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class TO will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type TO are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
The first related object or a null pointer.

Definition at line 248 of file RelationsObject.h.

249 {
251 TO::Class(), name, namedRelation).object);
252 }
@ c_ToSide
Return relations/objects pointed to (from a given object).
Definition: DataStore.h:78

◆ getRelatedToWithWeight()

std::pair< TO *, float > getRelatedToWithWeight ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get first related object & weight of relation pointing to an array.

Template Parameters
TOThe class of objects to which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array to which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class TO will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type TO are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
Pair of first related object and the relation weight, or (NULL, 1.0) if none found.

Definition at line 297 of file RelationsObject.h.

299 {
301 TO::Class(), name, namedRelation);
302 return std::make_pair(static_cast<TO*>(entry.object), entry.weight);
303 }

◆ getRelatedWithWeight()

std::pair< T *, float > getRelatedWithWeight ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get first related object & weight of relation pointing from/to an array.

Template Parameters
TThe class of objects to or from which the relation points.
nameThe name of the store array to or from which the relation points. If empty the default store array name for class T will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type T are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
Pair of first related object and the relation weight, or (NULL, 1.0) if none found.

Definition at line 331 of file RelationsObject.h.

333 {
335 T::Class(), name, namedRelation);
336 return std::make_pair(static_cast<T*>(entry.object), entry.weight);
337 }

◆ getRelationsFrom()

RelationVector< FROM > getRelationsFrom ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the relations that point from another store array to this object.

Template Parameters
FROMThe class of objects from which the relations point.
nameThe name of the store array from which the relations point. If empty the default store array name for class FROM will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type FROM are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
A vector of relations.

Definition at line 212 of file RelationsObject.h.

214 {
216 m_cacheArrayIndex, FROM::Class(), name, namedRelation));
217 }
RelationVector< T > getRelationsWith(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const
Get the relations between this object and another store array.

◆ getRelationsTo()

RelationVector< TO > getRelationsTo ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the relations that point from this object to another store array.

Template Parameters
TOThe class of objects to which the relations point.
nameThe name of the store array to which the relations point. If empty the default store array name for class TO will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type TO are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
A vector of relations.

Definition at line 197 of file RelationsObject.h.

198 {
200 m_cacheArrayIndex, TO::Class(), name, namedRelation));
201 }

◆ getRelationsWith()

RelationVector< T > getRelationsWith ( const std::string &  name = "",
const std::string &  namedRelation = "" 
) const

Get the relations between this object and another store array.

Relations in both directions are returned.

Template Parameters
TThe class of objects to or from which the relations point.
nameThe name of the store array to or from which the relations point. If empty the default store array name for class T will be used. If the special name "ALL" is given all store arrays containing objects of type T are considered.
namedRelationAdditional name for the relation, or "" for the default naming
A vector of relations.

Definition at line 230 of file RelationsObject.h.

231 {
233 m_cacheArrayIndex, T::Class(), name, namedRelation));
234 }

◆ getRunGain()

double getRunGain ( ) const

Return the run gain for this track.

Definition at line 142 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

142{ return m_runGain; }

◆ getScaleFactor()

double getScaleFactor ( ) const

Return the scale factor for this track.

Definition at line 145 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

145{ return m_scale; }

◆ getSimulatedDedx()

double getSimulatedDedx ( ) const

Get the track-level MC dE/dx mean for this track.

Definition at line 154 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

154{ return m_simDedx; }

◆ getTimeMean()

double getTimeMean ( ) const

Return the injection gain for this track.

Definition at line 148 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

148{ return m_timeGain; }

◆ getTimeReso()

double getTimeReso ( ) const

Return the injection reso for this track.

Definition at line 151 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

151{ return m_timeReso; }

◆ getTwoDCorrection()

double getTwoDCorrection ( int  i) const

Return the 2D correction for this hit.

Definition at line 260 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

260{ return m_hTwodCor[i]; }

◆ getWeightKaonHypo()

double getWeightKaonHypo ( int  i) const

Return the max weights from KalmanFitterInfo using kaon hypothesis.

Definition at line 273 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

273{ return m_hWeightKaonHypo[i]; }

◆ getWeightPionHypo()

double getWeightPionHypo ( int  i) const

Return the max weights from KalmanFitterInfo using pion hypothesis.

Definition at line 270 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

270{ return m_hWeightPionHypo[i]; }

◆ getWeightProtonHypo()

double getWeightProtonHypo ( int  i) const

Return the max weights from KalmanFitterInfo using proton hypothesis.

Definition at line 276 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

276{ return m_hWeightProtHypo[i]; }

◆ getWire()

int getWire ( int  i) const

Return the sensor ID for this hit: wire number for CDC (0-14336)

Definition at line 206 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

206{ return m_hWire[i]; }

◆ getWireGain()

double getWireGain ( int  i) const

Return the wire gain for this hit.

Definition at line 257 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

257{ return m_hWireGain[i]; }

◆ getWireInLayer()

int getWireInLayer ( int  i) const

Return the sensor ID for this hit: wire number in the layer.

Definition at line 203 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

203{ return m_hLWire[i]; }

◆ getWireLongestHit()

int getWireLongestHit ( int  i) const

Return the wire number of the longest hit per layer.

Definition at line 183 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

183{ return m_lWireLongestHit[i]; }

◆ setDedx() [1/2]

void setDedx ( double  mean)

Set the dE/dx truncated average for this track.

Definition at line 157 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

157{ m_dedxAvgTruncated = mean; }

◆ setDedx() [2/2]

void setDedx ( int  i,
double  dedx 

Set the dE/dx value for this hit.

Definition at line 288 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

288{ m_hDedx[i] = dedx; }

◆ setDedxError()

void setDedxError ( double  error)

Set the error on the dE/dx truncated mean for this track.

Definition at line 163 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

163{ m_dedxAvgTruncatedErr = error; }

◆ setDedxMean()

void setDedxMean ( double  mean)

Set the dE/dx mean for this track.

Definition at line 166 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

166{ m_dedxAvg = mean; }

◆ setDedxNoSat()

void setDedxNoSat ( double  mean)

Set the dE/dx truncated average without the saturation correction for this track.

Definition at line 160 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

160{ m_dedxAvgTruncatedNoSat = mean; }

◆ setLayerDedx()

void setLayerDedx ( int  i,
double  dedx 

Set the total dE/dx for this layer.

Definition at line 195 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

195{ m_lDedx[i] = dedx; }

◆ setSimulatedDedx()

void setSimulatedDedx ( double  dedx)

Set the track level MC dE/dx mean for this track.

Definition at line 169 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

169{ m_simDedx = dedx; }

◆ size()

int size ( ) const

Return the number of hits for this track.

Definition at line 200 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

200{ return m_hDedx.size(); }

◆ trackID()

double trackID ( ) const

Return the track ID.

Definition at line 97 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

97{ return m_track; }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ CDCDedxCorrectionModule

friend class CDCDedxCorrectionModule

Definition at line 28 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ CDCDedxPIDModule

friend class CDCDedxPIDModule

Definition at line 26 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ CDCDedxScanModule

friend class CDCDedxScanModule

Definition at line 27 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_cacheArrayIndex

int m_cacheArrayIndex

Cache of the index in the TClonesArray to which this object belongs.

Definition at line 432 of file RelationsObject.h.

◆ m_cacheDataStoreEntry

DataStore::StoreEntry* m_cacheDataStoreEntry

Cache of the data store entry to which this object belongs.

Definition at line 429 of file RelationsObject.h.

◆ m_cdcChi

double m_cdcChi[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]

chi values for each particle type

Definition at line 329 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_cdcLogl

double m_cdcLogl[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]

log likelihood for each particle, not including momentum prior

Definition at line 330 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_charge

int m_charge

particle charge from tracking (+1 or -1)

Definition at line 294 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_cosCor

double m_cosCor

calibration cosine correction

Definition at line 312 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_cosEdgeCor

double m_cosEdgeCor

calibration cosine edge correction

Definition at line 313 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_cosTheta

double m_cosTheta

cos(theta) for the track

Definition at line 295 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_cosThetaTrue

double m_cosThetaTrue

MC true cos(theta)

Definition at line 307 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_dedxAvg

double m_dedxAvg

dE/dx mean value per track

Definition at line 325 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_dedxAvgTruncated

double m_dedxAvgTruncated

dE/dx truncated mean per track

Definition at line 326 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_dedxAvgTruncatedErr

double m_dedxAvgTruncatedErr

standard deviation of m_dedxAvgTruncated

Definition at line 328 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_dedxAvgTruncatedNoSat

double m_dedxAvgTruncatedNoSat

dE/dx truncated mean per track without the saturation correction

Definition at line 327 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hADCBaseCount

std::vector<int> m_hADCBaseCount

adcCount base count (uncorrected) per hit

Definition at line 348 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hADCCount

std::vector<int> m_hADCCount

adcCount per hit

Definition at line 347 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hCellHalfWidth

std::vector<double> m_hCellHalfWidth

half-width of the CDC cell

Definition at line 363 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hCellHeight

std::vector<double> m_hCellHeight

height of the CDC cell

Definition at line 362 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hdE

std::vector<double> m_hdE

charge per hit

Definition at line 353 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hDedx

std::vector<double> m_hDedx

charge per path length (dE/dx)

Definition at line 346 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hDoca

std::vector<double> m_hDoca

distance of closest approach to sense wire

Definition at line 349 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hDocaRS

std::vector<double> m_hDocaRS

distance of closest approach to sense wire after rescalling cell L=W

Definition at line 351 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hDriftD

std::vector<double> m_hDriftD

drift distance for each hit

Definition at line 355 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hDriftDRes

std::vector<double> m_hDriftDRes

drift distance resolution for each hit

Definition at line 356 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hDriftT

std::vector<int> m_hDriftT

drift time for each hit

Definition at line 354 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hEnta

std::vector<double> m_hEnta

entrance angle in CDC cell

Definition at line 350 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hEntaRS

std::vector<double> m_hEntaRS

entrance angle in CDC cell after rescalling cell L=W

Definition at line 352 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hFoundByTrackFinder

std::vector<int> m_hFoundByTrackFinder

the 'found by track finder' flag for the given hit

Definition at line 357 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hLayer

std::vector<int> m_hLayer

layer number

Definition at line 344 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hLWire

std::vector<int> m_hLWire

wire ID within the layer

Definition at line 342 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hOnedCor

std::vector<double> m_hOnedCor

calibration 1-D correction (indexed on number of hits)

Definition at line 320 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hPath

std::vector<double> m_hPath

path length in the CDC cell

Definition at line 345 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hTwodCor

std::vector<double> m_hTwodCor

calibration 2-D correction (indexed on number of hits)

Definition at line 319 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hWeightKaonHypo

std::vector<double> m_hWeightKaonHypo

weight for kaon hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo

Definition at line 359 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hWeightPionHypo

std::vector<double> m_hWeightPionHypo

weight for pion hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo

Definition at line 358 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hWeightProtHypo

std::vector<double> m_hWeightProtHypo

weight for proton hypothesis from KalmanFitterInfo

Definition at line 360 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hWire

std::vector<int> m_hWire

continuous wire ID in the CDC

Definition at line 343 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_hWireGain

std::vector<double> m_hWireGain

calibration hit gain (indexed on number of hits)

Definition at line 318 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_injring

double m_injring

injection ring type of track's event

Definition at line 299 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_injtime

double m_injtime

time since last injection of track's event

Definition at line 300 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_lDedx

std::vector<double> m_lDedx

extracted dE/dx (arb.

units, detector dependent)

Definition at line 339 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_length

double m_length

total distance travelled by the track

Definition at line 298 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_lLayer

std::vector<int> m_lLayer

layer id corresponding to dedx

Definition at line 337 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_lNHitsCombined

std::vector<int> m_lNHitsCombined

number of hits combined in the layer

Definition at line 335 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_lNHitsUsed

int m_lNHitsUsed

number of hits on this track used for truncated mean

Definition at line 334 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_lPath

std::vector<double> m_lPath

distance flown through active medium in current segment

Definition at line 338 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_lWireLongestHit

std::vector<int> m_lWireLongestHit

wire id for the longest hit in the layer

Definition at line 336 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_mcmass

double m_mcmass

MC PID mass.

Definition at line 304 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_motherPDG

double m_motherPDG

MC PID of mother particle.

Definition at line 305 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_p

double m_p

momentum at the IP

Definition at line 296 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_pCDC

double m_pCDC

momentum at the inner layer of the CDC

Definition at line 297 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_pdg

double m_pdg


Definition at line 303 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_predmean

double m_predmean[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]

predicted dE/dx truncated mean

Definition at line 321 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_predres

double m_predres[Const::ChargedStable::c_SetSize]

predicted dE/dx resolution

Definition at line 322 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_pTrue

double m_pTrue

MC true momentum.

Definition at line 306 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_runGain

double m_runGain

calibration run gain

Definition at line 314 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_scale

double m_scale

scale factor to make electrons ~1

Definition at line 311 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_simDedx

double m_simDedx

track level MC dE/dx truncated mean

Definition at line 308 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_timeGain

double m_timeGain

calibration injection time gain

Definition at line 315 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_timeReso

double m_timeReso

calibration injection time gain

Definition at line 316 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

◆ m_track

int m_track

ID number of the Track.

Definition at line 293 of file CDCDedxTrack.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: