Separate Scripts for the Snakemake Workflow#
For completeness, we here provide the separate analysis scripts called by the snakemake workflow. Existing scripts can be implemented with the script:
directive in the snakefile with minimal adaptations. The input and output file paths, as well as the parameters for the corresponding rule can be retrieved in the scripts with snakemake.input
, snakemake.output
and snakemake.params
# @cond
import uproot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
output_file = {"Mbc": snakemake.output.mbc_plot, "deltaE": snakemake.output.deltaE_plot}
BBdata = snakemake.input.data_BB
QQdata = snakemake.input.data_QQ
treeName = 'BtoPiDtoKPiPi'
some_variables = ["Mbc", "deltaE"]
BBtuple ="{BBdata}:{treeName}")
QQtuple ="{QQdata}:{treeName}")
for var in some_variables:
plt.hist([QQtuple[var].array(), BBtuple[var].array()], label=["uudd Continuum", "mixed B mesons"], stacked=True)
plt.xlabel(f"{var} [GeV]")
plt.savefig(output_file[var], dpi=100)
# @endcond
# @cond
import json
import basf2 as b2
import modularAnalysis as ma
import vertex as vx
runningOnMC = snakemake.params.runningOnMC
inputjson = snakemake.input.inputfileList
outname = snakemake.output[0]
mypath = b2.create_path()
with open(inputjson) as f:
inputMdstList = json.load(f)
ma.inputMdstList(filelist=inputMdstList, path=mypath)
ma.fillParticleList(decayString='K+:my', cut="dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance and kaonID > 0.01", path=mypath)
ma.fillParticleList(decayString='pi+:my', cut="dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance", path=mypath)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D-:K2Pi -> K+:my pi-:my pi-:my", cut="1.844 < M < 1.894", path=mypath)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='B0:PiD-toK2Pi -> D-:K2Pi pi+:my', cut='5.0 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 1.0', path=mypath)
vx.treeFit('B0:PiD-toK2Pi', 0, path=mypath, updateAllDaughters=False, ipConstraint=True, massConstraint=[411])
ma.matchMCTruth(list_name='B0:PiD-toK2Pi', path=mypath)
some_variables = ['Mbc', 'deltaE']
ma.variablesToNtuple(decayString='B0:PiD-toK2Pi', variables=some_variables,
filename=outname, path=mypath, treename='BtoPiDtoKPiPi')
# @endcond
# @cond
import json
skimfiles = json.loads(open(snakemake.input.skim_dirs, "r").read())
outputfiles = snakemake.output
BatchesPerSkim = snakemake.params.BatchesPerSkim
binwidth = int(len(skimfiles)/BatchesPerSkim)
if(binwidth < 1.):
raise ValueError("Attempting to batching with binwidth smaller 1. Decrease the number of batches!")
batches = {}
for batch in range(BatchesPerSkim):
if(batch == BatchesPerSkim - 1):
batches.update({outputfiles[batch]: list(skimfiles[binwidth*batch:])})
batches.update({outputfiles[batch]: list(skimfiles[binwidth*batch:binwidth*(batch+1)])})
for key, file_list in batches.items():
with open(key, "w") as f:
# @endcond
When using our provided wrapper:
for submitting gbasf2 jobs to the grid, the steering file does not need any specific adaptations.
# @cond
import basf2 as b2
import modularAnalysis as ma
import vertex as vx
from extravariables import runningOnMC, outputfile
import udst
gbasf2_dataset = [] # gbasf2 will figure this out
mypath = b2.create_path()
ma.inputMdstList(filelist=gbasf2_dataset, path=mypath, entrySequences=['0:10'])
ma.fillParticleList(decayString='K+:my', cut="dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance and kaonID > 0.01", path=mypath)
ma.fillParticleList(decayString='pi+:my', cut="dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance", path=mypath)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D-:K2Pi -> K+:my pi-:my pi-:my", cut="1.5 < M < 2.2", path=mypath)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='B0:PiD-toK2Pi -> D-:K2Pi pi+:my', cut='5.0 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 1.0', path=mypath)
vx.treeFit('B0:PiD-toK2Pi', 0, path=mypath, updateAllDaughters=False, ipConstraint=True, massConstraint=[411])
ma.applyCuts('B0:PiD-toK2Pi', '5.2 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 0.5', path=mypath)
# dump in UDST format
# @endcond