22.5. SVD Utility Functions#
- svd.__init__.add_svd_reconstruction(path, isROIsimulation=False, createRecoDigits=False, applyMasking=False)[source]
Adds the SVD reconstruction to the path.
Reconstruction starts with SVDShaperDigits and SVDEventInfo and provides SVDClusters and SVDSpacePoints.
- Parameters:
path – add the modules to this basf2 path.
isROIsimulation – SVD reconstruction can be run during simulation in order to simulate the PXD Data Reduction with ROI finding.
createRecoDigits – if True, SVDRecoDigits are created.
applyMasking – if True, hot strips found in SVDHotStripsCalibration are masked.
- svd.__init__.add_svd_SPcreation(path, isROIsimulation=False)[source]#
Adds the SVD SpacePoint Creator to the path.
- Parameters:
path – add the modules to this basf2 path.
isROIsimulation – SVD reconstruction can be run during simulation in order to simulate the PXD Data Reduction with ROI finding.
- svd.__init__.add_svd_create_recodigits(path, recocreatorName='SVDRecoDigitCreator', shaperDigitsName='')[source]
Adds the strip reconstruction to the path.
Produce SVDRecoDigits from SVDShaperDigits.
- Parameters:
path – add the modules to this basf2 path.
recocreatorName – name of the module.
shaperDigitsName – name of the SVDShaperDigits StoreArray.
- svd.__init__.add_rel5_svd_reconstruction(path, isROIsimulation=False, applyMasking=False)[source]#
Adds the old (up to release-05) SVD reconstruction to the path.
Reconstruction starts with SVDShaperDigits and SVDEventInfo and provides SVDClusters and SVDSpacePoints.
- Parameters:
path – add the modules to this basf2 path.
isROIsimulation – SVD reconstruction can be run during simulation in order to simulate the PXD Data Reduction with ROI finding.
applyMasking – if True, hot strips found in SVDHotStripsCalibration are masked.
- svd.__init__.add_svd_unpacker(path)[source]#
Adds the SVD Unpacker to the path.
The unpacker produces SVDShaperDigits and SVDEventInfo.
- Parameters:
path – add the modules to this basf2 path.
- svd.__init__.add_svd_unpacker_simulate3sampleDAQ(path, latencyShift=-1, relativeShift=-1)[source]#
Adds the SVD Unpacker to the path, emulating the 3-sample mode from the 6-sample mode.
- Parameters:
path – add the modules to this basf2 path.
latencyShift – relative time shift between the 3-sample and the 6-sample mode, in APV clocks. 0 <= latencyShift <=3
relativeShift – relative time shift between the 3-sample and the 6-sample mode, in units of 1/4 of APV clock. 0 <= relativeShift <=12
at least one between
should be set (different from -1).
- svd.__init__.add_svd_simulation(path, useConfigFromDB=False, daqMode=2, relativeShift=9)[source]
Adds the SVD simulation to the path.
Simulation ends with SVDShaperDigits and SVDEventInfo.
- Parameters:
path – add the modules to this basf2 path.
useConfigFromDB – if True, read the SVD configuration from SVDGlobalConfigParameters.
daqMode – = 2 for the default 6-sample mode, = 1 for the 3-sample mode, = 3 for the 3-mixed-6 sample mode.
relativeShift – relative time shift between the 3-sample and the 6-sample mode in units of 1/4 of APV clock. If
is True, the value of this parameter is overwritten.
- svd.__init__.add_svd_packer(path)[source]#
Adds the SVD Packer to the path.
- Parameters:
path – add the modules to this basf2 path.
22.5.1. event skim utils#
To use these skim modules, first import it:
svd.skim_utils import skimOutRNDTrgModule
then use it:
skimRNDtrg = skimOutRNDTrgModule()
emptypath = create_path()
- svd.skim_utils.skimOutRNDTrgModule()[source]#
returns True if the event is NOT a random triggered event
- svd.skim_utils.skimSVDBurstEventsModule()[source]#
returns True if the event is a Burst event (number of strips > max number of strips) use
to set the max number of strips of a non-burst event, default isnMaxStrips=5000
- svd.skim_utils.skim6SampleEventsPyModule()[source]#
returns True if the event is acquired with 6 samples
- svd.skim_utils.skimSVDTriggerBinEventsPyModule()[source]#
returns True if TriggerBin of the event is the selected one, use
to set the value of the selected TriggerBin (0,1,2,3)
- svd.skim_utils.skimFineTRGEventsPyModule()[source]#
returns True if the event has a fine trigger from TRGSummary
- svd.skim_utils.skimLowHighEventT0EventsPyModule()[source]#
returns True if (
is smaller than a selected value that can be set withset_maxAbsEventT0(evtT0max)
) AND (abs(EventT0)
is larger than a selected value that can be set withset_minAbsEventT0(evtT0min)
# select events with |EventT0| < maxAbsEvtT0 and |EventT0| > minAbsEvtT0
maxAbsEvtT0 = 25 # in ns
minAbsEvtT0 = -1 # in ns
skim = b2.register_module(skimLowHighEventT0EventsPyModule())
skim.set_maxAbsEventT0( maxAbsEvtT0 )
skim.set_minAbsEventT0( minAbsEvtT0 )
emptypath = b2.create_path()
22.5.2. calibration validation utils#
please check svd/scripts/svd/validation_utils.py
22.5.3. background overlay utils#
These functions are not part of the official background overlay tools. Use them only if you know what you are doing!
- svd.overlay_utils.prepare_svd_overlay(path, inputFiles, outputFileTag='overlay')[source]#
This function reads a list of input files and prepare them to be used in overlay_svd_data
- Parameters:
inputFiles – list of input files to be processed
outputFileTag – tag added just before the .root
- svd.overlay_utils.overlay_svd_data(path, datatype='randomTrigger', overlayfiles='')[source]#
This function overlay events from data to the standard simulation
- Parameters:
datatype – must be chosen among {xTalk, cosmics,randomTrigger, randomTriggerZS5, user-defined}
overlayfiles – if the datatype is user-defiled, the user can specify rootfiles to be overlaied to simulation