7.9. Full list of analysis modules#
The Belle II physics analysis software follows the logic of the general Belle II Analysis Software Framework (basf2
) where independent modules solve relatively small problems, where practically all communication between modules happens in the form of data objects. Modules are executed in a linear fashion inside a module path, and can make objects available “downstream” by saving them in the DataStore.
Typical physics analysis performed at B factories can be separated into well defined analysis actions. For example, in a measurement of time-dependent CP violation in B0 → φKS0 decays we need to execute the following actions:
create list of charged kaon candidates,
create list of φ candidates by making combinations of two oppositely charged kaons,
create list of KS0 candidates,
create list of B0 candidates by making combinations of φ and KS0 candidates,
calculate continuum suppression variables,
determine the flavor of B0 candidates,
determine the decay vertex of B0 candidates,
determine the decay vertex of the other B meson in the event,
write out all relevant info to ntuple for offline analysis.
A measurement of time-dependent CP violation in B0 decays to a different final state, e.g.
- AllParticleCombiner#
This module combines all particles of the provided list to one mother particle.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- cut (str, default=’’)
Selection criteria for the output ParticleList
- inputListNames (list(str), default=[])
List of ParticleLists which are supposed to be combined
- outputListName (str, default=’’)
Name of the output list created by the combination of all particles in the input lists.
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- AnalysisConfiguration#
This is a supplementary module designed to configure other modules
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- mcMatchingVersion (str, default=’BelleII’)
Specifies what version of mc matching algorithm is going to be used. Possibilities are: BelleII (default) and Belle. The latter should be used when analysing Belle MC. The difference between the algorithms is only in the treatment (identification) of FSR photons. In Belle II MC it is possible to identify FSR photons via special flag set by the generator, while in case of Belle MC such information is not available.
- tupleStyle (str, default=’default’)
This parameter defines style of variables written by all other ntuples tools. Possible styles on example of PX variable of pi0 from D in decay B -> (D -> pi0 pi) pi0:
“default”: B_D_pi0_PX
“semilaconic”: D_pi0_PX
“laconic”: pi01_PX
- BelleBremRecovery#
Takes the charged particle from the given charged particle list (
) and copies it to the output list (outputListName
). The 4-vector of the nearest (all) photon(s) fromgammaListName
(considered as radiative) is added to the charged particle, if it is found inside the cone around the charged particle with the given maximum angle (angleThreshold
).- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- gammaListName (str)
The gammas list containing possibly radiative gammas, should already exist.
- inputListName (str)
The initial charged particle list containing the charged particles to correct, should already exist.
- outputListName (str)
The output charged particle list containing the corrected charged particles.
- Parameters:
- angleThreshold (float, default=0.05)
The maximum angle in radians between the charged particle and the (radiative) gamma to be accepted.
- multiplePhotons (bool, default=True)
If only the nearest photon to add then make it False otherwise true
- usePhotonOnlyOnce (bool, default=False)
If false, a photon is used for correction of the closest charged particle in the inputList. If true, a photon is allowed to be used for correction multiple times. WARNING: One cannot use a photon twice to reconstruct a composite particle. Thus, for example, if e+ and e- are corrected with a gamma, they cannot form a J/psi -> e+ e- candidate.
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
Set to true if you want to write out the output list to a root file
- BelleNbarMVA#
Apply nbarMVA for Belle I, a DNN trained with ECLCluster variables for discrimination of anti-neutrons against photons. Anti-neutron-like particles have scores closer to 1; photon-like particles have scores closer to 0.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- identifier (str, default=’’)
Identifier of the MVA
- particleList (str, default=’’)
ParticleList to apply the MVA
- BestCandidateSelection#
Sort particles by the value of a given
in the input list and optionally remove particles after the nth position.Per default particles are sorted in descending order but it can be switched to an ascending order by setting
. The convenience functionsmodularAnalysis.rankByHighest
set this parameter automatically based on their names.Particles will receive an extra-info field containing their rank as an integer starting at 1 (best). The name of this extra-info field defaults to
but can be chosen freely using theoutputVariable
parameter.The ranking also takes antiparticles into account, so there will only be one B+- candidate with
. The remaining list is sorted from best to worst candidate (each charge, e.g. B+/B-, separately). The sorting is guaranteed to be stable between particle and anti particle list: particles with the same value forvariable
will keep their relative order. That is, a particle “A” which was before another particle “B” in the same list and has the same value forvariable
will also stay before “B” after sorting.If
(the default) candidates with same value ofvariable
will have different ranks. IfallowMultiRank=True
they will share the same rank.IF
only candidates with this rank or better will remain in the output list. IfallowMultiRank=True
that means that there can be more thannumBest
candidates in the output list if they share ranks.- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- outputVariable (str)
Name for created variable, which contains the rank for the particle. If not provided, the standard name
is used.
- particleList (str)
Name of the ParticleList to rank for best candidate
- variable (str)
Variable which defines the candidate ranking (see
for ordering)
- Parameters:
- allowMultiRank (bool, default=False)
If true, candidates with identical values get identical rank
- cut (str, default=’’)
Only candidates passing the cut will be ranked. The others will have rank -1.
- numBest (int, default=0)
Keep only particles with this rank or better. If
this is identical to the maximum amount of candidates left in the list. Otherwise there may be more candidates if some share the same rank (0: keep all)
- overwriteRank (bool, default=False)
If true, the extraInfo of rank is overwritten when the particle has already the extraInfo.
- selectLowest (bool, default=False)
If true, candidate with lower values of
are better, otherwise higher is better
- BremsFinder#
This module copies each particle in the
to theoutputList
and uses the results of the eclTrackBremFinder module to look for possible bremsstrahlung photons; if these photons exist, it adds their four momentum to the particle in theoutputList
. It also adds the original particle and these photons as daughters of the new, corrected particle. Track and PID information of the original particle are copied onto the new one to facilitate their access in the analysis scripts.The eclTrackBremFinder module uses the lepton track PXD and SVD hits and extrapolates them to the ECL; then looks for ECL clusters with energies between 0.02 and 1 times the track energy and without associated tracks, and checks if the normalized distance between each of these clusters and the extrapolated hit is smaller than 0.05. If it is, a Bremsstrahlung weighted relation between said cluster and the track is established. The weight is determined as
and are the azimuthal and polar angles of the ECL cluster and the extrapolated hit, and represents the uncertainty of the value . The details of the calculation of these quantities are here. By default, only relations with a weight smaller than 3.0 are stored. The user can further reduce the maximally allowed value of this weight to remove unwanted photons from the bremsstrahlung correction.This module looks for photons in the
whose clusters have a Bremsstrahlung relation with the track of one of the particles in theinputList
, and adds their 4-momentum to the particle’s one. It also stores the value of each relation weight asextraInfo
of the corrected particle, under the name"bremsWeightWithPhotonN"
, where N is the index of the photon as daughter of the corrected particle; thus"bremsWeightWithPhoton0"
gives the weight of the Bremsstrahlung relation between the new, corrected particle, and the first photon daughter.Warning
Even in the event of no bremsstrahlung photons found, a new particle is still created, and the original one is still added as its daughter.
Studies have shown that the requirements that the energy of the photon must be between 0.2 and 1 times the track energy and that only track-photon relations with a weight below three are considered, are too tight. Until these are relaxed and a new processing is done (MC15 and proc 13) it might be better to use the alternative
module.See also
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- gammaList (str)
The photon list containing the preselected bremsstrahlung candidates. It should already exist and the particles in the list must be photons
- inputList (str)
The initial particle list name containing the particles to correct. It should already exist and the particles must have an associated track.
- outputList (str)
The output particle list name.
- Parameters:
- maximumAcceptance (float, default=3.0)
The maximum value of the relation weight between a bremsstrahlung cluster and a particle track
- multiplePhotons (bool, default=False)
If true, use all possible photons to correct the particle’s 4-momentum
- usePhotonOnlyOnce (bool, default=False)
If true, each brems candidate is used to correct maximum 1 particle (the one with the lowest relation weight among all in the
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output
will be saved byRootOutput
. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- BtubeCreator#
BtubeCreator : This module creates Btube object, an object geometrically similar to a very long ellipsoid along a particular direction and can be used as a constraint in vertexing B particles. Upsilon4S decays to two Bs. the user selects one B with a ^ in decaystring. The order of daughters in reconstructdecay of Upsilon4S and this decaystring should be same. Using selected B as reference, the module calculates the direction in which the other B should fly and constructs a Btube object along that direction. In semi-leptonic analyses, the selected B is usually the fully reconstructed one, while for time dependent studies, the selected B is usually signal B which can be partially reconstructed
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- associateBtubeToBselected (bool, default=False)
whether to associate the Btube with the selected B
- confidenceLevel (float, default=0.001)
Confidence level to accept the fit.
- decayString (str, default=’’)
decay string of the mother particle, the selected daughter specifies which daughter will be used as reference to create Btube
- listName (str, default=’’)
name of mother particle list
- verbosity (bool, default=True)
print statements
- ChargedPidMVA#
This module evaluates the response of an MVA trained for binary charged particle identification between two hypotheses, S and B. For a given input set of (S,B) mass hypotheses, it takes the Particle objects in the appropriate charged stable particle’s ParticleLists, calculates the MVA score using the appropriate xml weight file, and adds it as ExtraInfo to the Particle objects.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- bkgHypoPDGCode (int, default=0)
The input background mass hypothesis’ pdgId.
- chargeIndependent (bool, default=False)
Specify whether to use a charge-independent training of the MVA.
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
The input list of DecayStrings, where each selected (^) daughter should correspond to a standard charged ParticleList, e.g. [‘Lambda0:sig -> ^p+ ^pi-’, ‘J/psi:sig -> ^mu+ ^mu-‘]. One can also directly pass a list of standard charged ParticleLists, e.g. [‘e+:my_electrons’, ‘pi+:my_pions’]. Note that charge-conjugated ParticleLists will automatically be included.
- payloadName (str, default=’ChargedPidMVAWeights’)
The name of the database payload object with the MVA weights.
- sigHypoPDGCode (int, default=0)
The input signal mass hypothesis’ pdgId.
- useECLOnlyTraining (bool, default=False)
Specify whether to use an ECL-only training of the MVA.
- ChargedPidMVAMulticlass#
This module evaluates the response of a multi-class MVA trained for global charged particle identification.. It takes the Particle objects in the input charged stable particles’ ParticleLists, calculates the MVA per-class score using the appropriate xml weight file, and adds it as ExtraInfo to the Particle objects.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- chargeIndependent (bool, default=False)
Specify whether to use a charge-independent training of the MVA.
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
The input list of DecayStrings, where each selected (^) daughter should correspond to a standard charged ParticleList, e.g. [‘Lambda0:sig -> ^p+ ^pi-’, ‘J/psi:sig -> ^mu+ ^mu-‘]. One can also directly pass a list of standard charged ParticleLists, e.g. [‘e+:my_electrons’, ‘pi+:my_pions’]. Note that charge-conjugated ParticleLists will automatically be included.
- payloadName (str, default=’ChargedPidMVAWeights’)
The name of the database payload object with the MVA weights.
- useECLOnlyTraining (bool, default=False)
Specify whether to use an ECL-only training of the MVA.
- ContinuumSuppressionBuilder#
Creates for each Particle in the given ParticleLists a ContinuumSuppression dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- ROEMask (str, default=’all’)
ROE mask
- particleList (str, default=’’)
Name of the ParticleList
- CurlTagger#
Curl Tagger is a tool designed to identify and tag extra tracks caused by low pt particles curling around the detector. For further documentation please see ‘tagCurlTracks’ in modularAnalysis.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str))
input particle lists to check for curls or use for training
- Parameters:
- belle (bool, default=False)
flag to distinuguish Belle (true) from Belle II (false) data
- mcTruth (bool, default=False)
additionally bundles the particles using their genParticleIndex and tags them with extraInfo(isTruthCurl) and extraInfo(truthBundleSize).
- ptCut (float, default=0.5)
Preselection pt cut. Only consider tracks below threshold as candidates for curlers.
- responseCut (float, default=0.5)
minimum allowed selector response for a match. If usePayloadCut is true the value will be overwritten with the cut stored in the payload.
- selectorType (str, default=’cut’)
the name of the selector to use when deciding if two reconstructed particles are the same true particle, available : ‘cut’, ‘mva’
- train (bool, default=False)
flag for training the MVA or other methods if needed
- trainFilename (str, default=’CurlTagger_Training.root’)
EXPERT: the name of the output root file created when running in training mode.
- usePayloadCut (bool, default=True)
flag for using the optimised cut value stored in the payload.
- DistanceCalculator#
Calculates distance between two vertices, distance of closest approach between a vertex and a track, distance of closest approach between two tracks, distance of closest approach between a vertex/track and Btube
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
decayString (str, default=’’)
listName (str, default=’’)
- mode (str, default=’vertextrack’)
Specifies how the distance is calculated: vertextrack: calculate the distance of closest approach between a track and a vertex, taking the first candidate as vertex, default trackvertex: calculate the distance of closest approach between a track and a vertex, taking the first candidate as track, 2tracks: calculates the distance of closest approach between two tracks, 2vertices: calculates the distance between two vertices, vertexbtube: calculates the distance of closest approach between a vertex and a Btube, trackbtube: calculates the distance of closest approach between a track and a Btube
- DuplicateVertexMarker#
Identify duplicate vertices (distinct particles, but built from the same daughters) and mark the one with best chi2. Only works if the particle has exactly two daughters. Mainly used to deal when merging V0 vertices with hand-built ones.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Input ParticleList name
- Parameters:
- extraInfoName (str, default=’highQualityVertex’)
Extra-info field added to all particles in the input list. 1 for the best vertex, 0 for lower ranked ones.
- prioritiseV0 (bool, default=True)
If a vertex is a V0, select it over its duplicate even if chi2 is worse.
- EnergyBiasCorrection#
Module to modify energy from the lists. Include in your code as
mypath.add_module("EnergyBiasCorrection", particleLists=['gamma:cut'], scale=tableName_Weight)
The module modifies the input particleLists by scaling energy as given by the scale in the LookUpTable
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str))
input particle lists
- tableName (str)
ID of table used for reweighing
- EventKinematics#
Module to compute global event kinematic attributes like missing momentum and energy.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
List of the ParticleLists
- usingMC (bool, default=False)
is built using generated particles
- EventShapeCalculator#
Module to compute event shape attributes starting from particlelists. The core algorithms are not implemented in this module, but in dedicated basf2 classes.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- checkForDuplicates (bool, default=False)
Enables the check for duplicates in the input list. If a duplicate entry is found, the first one is kept.
- enableAllMoments (bool, default=False)
Enables the calculation of FW and harmonic moments from 5 to 8
- enableCleoCones (bool, default=True)
Enables the calculation of the CLEO cones.
- enableCollisionAxis (bool, default=True)
Enables the calculation of the quantities related to the collision axis.
- enableFoxWolfram (bool, default=True)
Enables the calculation of the Fox-Wolfram moments.
- enableHarmonicMoments (bool, default=True)
Enables the calculation of the Harmonic moments.
- enableJets (bool, default=True)
Enables the calculation of jet-related quantities.
- enableSphericity (bool, default=True)
Enables the calculation of the sphericity-related quantities.
- enableThrust (bool, default=True)
Enables the calculation of thrust-related quantities.
- particleListNames (list(str), default=[])
List of the ParticleLists to be used for the calculation of the EventShapes.
- ExtraInfoPrinter#
Prints the names of all ExtraInfo set for each particle in the event. Useful for debugging and development.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Name of the particle list (an empty string prints the EventExtraInfo)
- Parameters:
- printOnce (bool, default=True)
Print for the first event, or for all events (default true)
- ExtraInfoRemover#
Deletes the ExtraInfo from each particle in the given ParticleLists.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
List of ParticleLists
- removeEventExtraInfo (bool, default=False)
If True, also eventExtraInfo will be removed
- FlavorTaggerInfoBuilder#
Initializes the FlavorTaggerInfo DataObject that will be used during the Flavor Tagging. Filling is done in the FlavorTagger.py script
- Package:
- Library:
- FlavorTaggerInfoFiller#
Creates a new flavorTaggerInfoMap DataObject for the specific methods. Saves there all the relevant information of the flavorTagger.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- DNNmlp (bool, default=False)
Sets if DNN Tagger output will be saved or not
- FANNmlp (bool, default=False)
Sets if FANN Combiner output will be saved or not
- TMVAfbdt (bool, default=False)
Sets if FANN Combiner output will be saved or not
- eventLevelParticleLists (list(tuple(str, str, str)), default=[])
Used Flavor Tagger eventLevel Categories of the lists
- istrueCategories (bool, default=False)
Sets if individual MC truth for each category is saved or not
- qpCategories (bool, default=False)
Sets if individual categories output will be saved or not
- targetProb (bool, default=False)
Sets if individual Categories output will be saved or not
- trackLevelParticleLists (list(tuple(str, str)), default=[])
Used Flavor Tagger trackLevel Categories of the lists
- trackPointers (bool, default=False)
Sets if track pointers to target tracks are saved or not
- HelixErrorScaler#
scale the error of helix parameters
Creates a new charged particle list whose helix errors are scaled by constant factors. Different sets of scale factors are defined for tracks with/without a PXD hit. For tracks with a PXD hit, in order to avoid severe underestimation of d0 and z0 errors, lower limits (best resolution) can be set in a momentum-dependent form. The module also accepts a V0 Kshort particle list as input and applies the error correction to its daughters. Note the difference in impact parameter resolution between V0 daughters and tracks from IP, as V0 daughters are free from multiple scattering through the beam pipe.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- d0MomentumThreshold (float, default=0.0)
d0 best resolution is kept constant below this momentum.
- d0ResolutionParameters (list(float), default=[0.0, 0.0])
d0 best resolution parameters
- inputListName (str, default=’’)
The name of input particle list (charged stable or V0 Kshort)
- outputListName (str, default=’’)
The name of output charged particle list
- scaleFactors_PXD (list(float), default=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
vector of five scale factors for helix parameter errors (for tracks with a PXD hit)
- scaleFactors_noPXD (list(float), default=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
vector of five scale factors for helix parameter errors (for tracks without a PXD hit)
- z0MomentumThreshold (float, default=0.0)
z0 best resolution is kept constant below this momentum.
- z0ResolutionParameters (list(float), default=[0.0, 0.0])
z0 best resolution parameters
- InclusiveBtagReconstruction#
Inclusive Btag reconstruction
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- inputListsNames (list(str))
List of names of the ParticleLists which are used to reconstruct Btag from
- Parameters:
- bsigListName (str, default=’’)
Name of the Bsig ParticleList
- btagListName (str, default=’’)
Name of the Btag ParticleList
- upsilonListName (str, default=’Upsilon(4S)’)
Name of the ParticleList to be filled with Upsilon(4S) -> B:sig anti-B:tag
- InclusiveDstarReconstruction#
Inclusive Dstar reconstruction by estimating the four vector using slow pions
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- DstarCut (str, default=’’)
Cut for Dstar
- decayString (str, default=’’)
Input DecayDescriptor string
- slowPionCut (str, default=’useCMSFrame(p) < 0.2’)
Cut for slow pions
- KlongDecayReconstructorExpert#
This module is used to employ kinematic constraints to determine the momentum of Klongs for two body B decays containing a K_L0 and something else. The module creates a list of K_L0 candidates whose K_L0 momentum is reconstructed by combining the reconstructed direction (from either the ECL or KLM) of the K_L0 and kinematic constraints of the initial state.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- decayString (str)
Input DecayDescriptor string.
- Parameters:
- cut (str, default=’’)
Selection criteria to be applied
- decayMode (int, default=0)
User-specified decay mode identifier (saved in ‘decayModeID’ extra-info for each Particle)
- maximumNumberOfCandidates (int, default=10000)
Don’t reconstruct channel if more candidates than given are produced.
- recoList (str, default=’_reco’)
Suffix attached to the original K_L input list to identify the output list of the FindKlongMomentum module; this is the input for this module, if not defined it is set to ‘_reco’
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- KlongMomentumCalculatorExpert#
This module is used to employ kinematic constraints to determine the momentum of Klongs for two body decays containing a K_L0 and something else. The module creates a list of K_L0 candidates whose K_L0 momentum is reconstructed by combining the reconstructed direction of the K_L0 (either from the ECL or the KLM cluster) and kinematic constraints of the initial state.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- decayString (str)
Input DecayDescriptor string.
- Parameters:
- maximumNumberOfCandidates (int, default=10000)
Don’t reconstruct channel if more candidates than given are produced.
- recoList (str, default=’_reco’)
Suffix attached to the output K_L list, if not defined it is set to ‘_reco’
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- KlongMomentumUpdaterExpert#
This module calculates and updates the kinematics of two body B decays including one Klong
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- listName (str, default=’’)
name of particle list
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- LowEnergyPi0IdentificationExpert#
Low-energy pi0 identification.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- Belle1 (bool, default=False)
Belle 1 data analysis.
- Pi0ListName (str, default=’pi0’)
Pi0 particle list name.
- identifier (str, default=’LowEnergyPi0Identification’)
Database identifier or file used to load the weights.
- LowEnergyPi0VetoExpert#
Low-energy pi0 veto.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- Belle1 (bool, default=False)
Belle 1 data analysis.
- GammaListName (str, default=’gamma’)
Gamma particle list name.
- Pi0ListName (str, default=’pi0’)
Pi0 particle list name.
- VetoPi0Daughters (bool, default=False)
Veto for pi0 daughters (maximum over all pairs excluding this pi0).
- identifier (str, default=’LowEnergyPi0Veto’)
Database identifier or file used to load the weights.
- MCDecayFinder#
Find decays in MCParticle list matching a given DecayString and create Particles from them.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- decayString (str)
DecayDescriptor string.
- listName (str)
Name of the output particle list
- Parameters:
- appendAllDaughters (bool, default=False)
If true, all daughters of the matched MCParticle will be added in the order defined at the MCParticle. If false, only the daughters described in the given decayString will be appended to the output particle.
- skipNonPrimaryDaughters (bool, default=True)
If true, the secondary MC daughters will be skipped to append to the output particles. Default: true
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- MCMatcherParticles#
Performs MC matching (sets relation Particle->MCParticle) for all particles (and its (grand)^N-daughter particles) in the ParticleList. The relation can be used in conjunction with MCMatching::MCErrorFlags flags, e.g. using the isSignal or mcPDG & mcErrors variables.
In addition to the usual mc matching algorithm the module can run also loose mc matching. The difference between loose and normal mc matching algorithm is that the loose algorithm will find the common mother of the majority of daughter particles while the normal algorithm finds the common mother of all daughters. The results of loose mc matching algorithm are stored to the following extraInfo items:
looseMCMotherPDG: PDG code of most common mother
looseMCMotherIndex: 1-based StoreArray<MCParticle> index of most common mother
looseMCWrongDaughterN: number of daughters that don’t originate from the most common mother
looseMCWrongDaughterPDG: PDG code of the daughter that doesn’t originate from the most common mother (only if looseMCWrongDaughterN = 1)
looseMCWrongDaughterBiB: 1 if the wrong daughter is Beam Induced Background Particle
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- listName (str)
Name of the input ParticleList.
- Parameters:
- looseMCMatching (bool, default=False)
Perform loose mc matching
- NeutralHadron4MomentumCalculator#
Calculates 4-momentum of a neutral hadron in a given decay chain e.g. B0 -> J/Psi K_L0, or anti-B0 -> p+ K- anti-n0.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- allowAnyParticleSource (bool, default=False)
Whether allow the selected particle to be from any ParticleSource
- allowGamma (bool, default=False)
Whether allow the selected particle to be gamma
- decayString (str, default=’’)
Decay string for which one wants to perform the calculation
- NeutralHadronMatcher#
Perform geometrical match between MC neutral hadron (given by mcPDG) and ECL clusters from the particleLists
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str))
Input particle list
- Parameters:
- distanceCut (float, default=15.0)
Matching distance
- efficiencyCorrection (float, default=0.83)
data/mc efficiency ratio
- ignoreClustersWithPDGcodes (list(int), default=[22])
Do not attempt to match clusters that are already matched with specific codes
- mcPDGcode (int, default=130)
MC PDG code of the neutral hadron
- OnlyWriteOutParticleLists#
Marks all objects in DataStore except those of type ParticleList as WriteOut=False. Intended to run before outputting an index file to remove unnecessary arrays.
- Package:
- Library:
- PIDCalibrationWeightCreator#
Creates the calibration weight matrix
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- experimentHigh (int)
Interval of validity, ex.high
- experimentLow (int)
Interval of validity, ex.low
- matrixName (str)
Name of the WeightMatrix
- runHigh (int)
Interval of validity, run high
- runLow (int)
Interval of validity, run low
- weightMatrix (list(list(float)))
6x6 WeightMatrix
- PIDNeuralNetworkParametersCreator#
Module that creates PID neural network parameters and uploads them to the DB
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- description (str)
Description of the neural network
- experimentHigh (int)
Interval of validity, exp high
- experimentLow (int)
Interval of validity, exp low
- handleMissingInputs (list(tuple(unsigned long int, float)))
List of indices and values set if the variable defined by the index is NaN
- inputNames (list(str))
List of name of input variables in the required order
- inputsToCut (list(tuple(unsigned long int, unsigned long int, float, float, float)))
List of input values that are cut if another input value is in a given range
- meanValues (list(float))
List of mean values of input variables for normalization
- modelDefinition (str)
Keras string encoding the neural-network model and parameters
- neuralNetworkParametersName (str)
Name of the set of parameters
- outputSpeciesPdg (list(int))
List of PDG codes of the hypotheses that correspond to the neural network output probabilities
- runHigh (int)
Interval of validity, run high
- runLow (int)
Interval of validity, run low
- standardDeviations (list(float))
List of standard deviations of input variables for normalization
- ParticleCombiner#
Makes particle combinations
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- decayString (str)
Input DecayDescriptor string (see DecayString).
- Parameters:
- allowChargeViolation (bool, default=False)
If true the decay string does not have to conserve electric charge
- chargeConjugation (bool, default=True)
If true, the charge-conjugated mode will be reconstructed as well
- cut (str, default=’’)
Selection criteria to be applied
- decayMode (int, default=0)
User-specified decay mode identifier (saved in ‘decayModeID’ extra-info for each Particle)
- ignoreIfTooManyCandidates (bool, default=True)
Don’t reconstruct channel if more candidates than given by ‘maximumNumberOfCandidates’ are produced.
- maximumNumberOfCandidates (int, default=10000)
Max. number of candidates reconstructed. By default, if the limit is reached no candidates will be produced. This behaviour can be changed by ‘ignoreIfTooManyCandidates’ flag.
- recoilParticleType (int, default=0)
If not equal 0, the mother Particle is reconstructed in the recoil against the daughter particles. In the case of the following decay chain M -> D1 D2 … Dn and
- recoilParticleType = 1:
the mother momentum is given by: p(M) = p(e+e-) - p(D1) - p(D2) - … - p(DN)
D1, D2, …, DN are attached as daughters of M
- recoilParticleType = 2:
the mother momentum is given by: p(M) = p(D1) - p(D2) - … - p(DN)
D1, D2, …, DN are attached as daughters of M
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- ParticleCombinerFromMC#
Makes particle combinations
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- decayString (str)
Input DecayDescriptor string (see DecayString).
- Parameters:
- chargeConjugation (bool, default=True)
If true, the charge-conjugated mode will be reconstructed as well
- cut (str, default=’’)
Selection criteria to be applied
- decayMode (int, default=0)
User-specified decay mode identifier (saved in ‘decayModeID’ extra-info for each Particle)
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- ParticleCopier#
Replaces each Particle in the ParticleList with its copy. Particle’s (grand)^n-daughter Particles are copied as well. The existing relations of the original Particle (or it’s (grand-)^n-daughters) are copied as well.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- inputListNames (list(str), default=[])
list of input ParticleList names
- ParticleExtractorFromROE#
Extract Particles that belong to the ROE and fill them into ParticleLists.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- maskName (str, default=’all’)
List of all mask names for which the info will be printed.
- outputListNames (list(str), default=[])
list of ParticleList names to be created
- signalSideParticleListName (str, default=’’)
Name of signal side ParticleList. It is required if the function is called in the main path.
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- ParticleKinematicFitter#
Kinematic fitter for modular analysis
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- alternateMassHypos (list(int))
integer list of pdg values for particles where different mass hypothesis is used in the fit
- Parameters:
- add3CPhoton (bool, default=False)
Add one photon with unmeasured energy (-1C).
- addUnmeasuredPhoton (bool, default=False)
Add one unmeasured photon (-3C).
- debugFitter (bool, default=False)
Switch on/off internal debugging output if available.
- debugFitterLevel (int, default=10)
Internal debugging output level if available.
- decayString (str, default=’’)
Specifies which daughter particles are included in the kinematic fit.
- decayStringForAlternateMassParticles (str, default=’’)
DecayString specifying the particles where an alternate mass hypothesis is used
- decayStringForDirectionOnlyParticles (str, default=’’)
DecayString specifying the particles to use only direction information in the fit
- decayStringForNeutronVsAntiNeutron (str, default=’’)
DecayString specifying the charged particle used to tag whether n or nbar. If tag particle has negative charge, PDG sign of n/nbar is flipped from default given in alternateMassHypos
- fixUnmeasuredToHER (bool, default=False)
fix the momentum of the unmeasured photon to HER (+2C).
- fixUnmeasuredToLER (bool, default=False)
fix the momentum of the unmeasured photon to LER (+2C).
- invMass (float, default=0.0)
Invariant mass in GeV. Mass constraint only.
- kinematicFitter (str, default=’OrcaKinFit’)
Available: OrcaKinFit.
- liftPhotonTheta (bool, default=False)
Lift theta constraint of 3CPhoton. Valid when add3CPhoton is true.
- listName (str, default=’’)
Name of particle list.
- orcaConstraint (str, default=’HardBeam’)
OrcaKinFit constraint: HardBeam, RecoilMass.
- orcaFitterEngine (str, default=’OPALFitterGSL’)
OrcaKinFit engine: NewFitterGSL, NewtonFitterGSL, OPALFitterGSL.
- orcaTracer (str, default=’None’)
OrcaKinFit tracer: None, Text.
- recoilMass (float, default=0.0)
Recoil mass in GeV. RecoilMass constraint only.
- updateDaughters (bool, default=False)
Update the daughter kinematics.
- updateMother (bool, default=True)
Update the mother kinematics.
- variablePrefix (str, default=’’)
Prefix attached to extra info variables.
- ParticleListManipulator#
Manipulates ParticleLists: copies/merges/performs particle selection
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- outputListName (str)
Output ParticleList name
- Parameters:
- cut (str, default=’’)
Selection criteria to be applied
- ignoreMotherFlavor (bool, default=False)
If true, the flavor of the mother particle is ignored.
- inputListNames (list(str), default=[])
list of input ParticleList names
- preferLowest (bool, default=True)
If true, duplicate with lowest value of
is accepted, otherwise higher one.
- variable (str, default=’mdstIndex’)
Variable which defines the best duplicate (see
for ordering)
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- ParticleLoader#
Loads MDST dataobjects as Particle objects to the StoreArray<Particle> and collects them in specified ParticleList.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- addDaughters (bool, default=False)
If true, the particles from the bottom part of the selected particle’s decay chain will also be created in the datastore and mother-daughter relations are recursively set
- decayStrings (list(str), default=[])
List of decay strings (see DecayString for syntax) that specify all output ParticleLists to be created by the module.
- dummyCovMatrix (float, default=10000.0)
Diagonal value of covariance matrix to use for dummy particle
- dummyMDSTIndex (int, default=0)
mdst index to use for dummy particle
- dummyTreatAsInvisible (bool, default=True)
Should treeFitter treat the particle as invisible?
- enforceFitHypothesis (bool, default=False)
If true, a Particle is only created if a track fit with the particle hypothesis passed to the ParticleLoader is available.
- loadChargedCluster (bool, default=False)
Load neutral Particles from the clusters being matched with the track of the sourceParticleList
- roeMaskName (str, default=’all’)
ROE mask name to load
- skipInitial (bool, default=True)
If true, initial MCParticles will be skipped (default). If false, initial MCParticles will be included.
- skipNonPrimary (bool, default=False)
If true, the secondary MC particle will be skipped, default is false
- skipNonPrimaryDaughters (bool, default=False)
If true, the secondary MC daughters will be skipped, default is false
- sourceParticleListName (str, default=’’)
Particle list name from which we need to get ROEs
- trackHypothesis (int, default=0)
Track hypothesis to use when loading the particle. By default, use the particle’s own hypothesis.
- useDummy (bool, default=False)
Use Dummy instead of reconstructed MDST dataobjects (tracks, ECL, KLM, clusters, V0s, …)
- useMCParticles (bool, default=False)
Use MCParticles instead of reconstructed MDST dataobjects (tracks, ECL, KLM, clusters, V0s, …)
- useMissing (bool, default=False)
If true, the Particle List will be filled with missing momentum from the ROE and signal particle.
- useOnlyMostEnergeticECLCluster (bool, default=True)
If true, the most energetic ECLCluster among ones matching with the Track is used. If false, all matched ECLCluster are used. This option is checked only when loadChargedCluster=True.
- useROEs (bool, default=False)
Use ROE instead of reconstructed MDST dataobjects (tracks, ECL, KLM, clusters, V0s, …)
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- ParticleMCDecayString#
Creates the Monte Carlo decay string of a Particle and its daughters. The MC decay string of the particle is hashed and saved as a 32bit pattern in the extra info field decayHash of the particle. The MC decay string of the particle + its daughters is hashed as well and saved as another 32bit pattern in the extra info field decayHashExtended of the particle. The mapping hash <-> MC decay string in saved in a TTree by this module. The 32bit pattern must be saved as a float (because our extra info field, variable manager and ntuple output only supports float) but they just represent 32 bits of a hash! The MC decay string can also be stored in an analysis ROOT file using the MCDecayString NtupleTool. Details on the MC decay string format can be found here: MC decay string
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- listName (str)
Particles from these ParticleList are used as input.
- Parameters:
- conciseString (bool, default=False)
If set to true, the code will use a more concise format for the string.
- fileName (str, default=’’)
Filename in which the hash strings are saved, if empty the strings are not saved
- identifiers (str, default=’abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz’)
Identifiers used to identify particles in the concise format.
- treeName (str, default=’hashtable’)
Tree name in which the hash strings are saved
- ParticleMassHypothesesUpdater#
This module updates the mass hypothesis of particleList to pdgCode. The module creates a new particle list containing copies of the original particles, with updated mass hypotheses. The newly created particle list is named after the input one plus the suffix
and the old mass hypothesis, e.g.e+:mylist
to pdgCode = 13 becomesmu+:mylist_converted_from_e
. The only supported mass hypotheses are electrons, muons, kaons, pions and protons (for both input and output lists).- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- particleList (str, default=’’)
Input ParticleList
- pdgCode (int, default=11)
Target PDG code for mass reference.
- writeOut (bool, default=False)
If true, the output ParticleList will be saved by RootOutput. If false, it will be ignored when writing the file.
- ParticleMassUpdater#
This module replaces the mass of the particles inside the given particleLists with the invariant mass of the particle corresponding to the given pdgCode.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
List of ParticleLists
- pdgCode (int, default=22)
PDG code for mass reference
- ParticleMomentumUpdater#
This module replaces the momentum of the particles in the selected target particle list by p(beam) - p(selected daughters). The momentum of the mother particle will not be changed.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Name of particle list with reconstructed particles.
- Parameters:
- decayStringDaughters (str, default=’’)
DecayString specifying the daughter particles used to replace the momentum of the target particle by p(beam)-p(daughters)
- decayStringTarget (str, default=’’)
DecayString specifying the target particle whose momentum will be updated
- ParticlePrinter#
Prints specified variables for all particles in the specified particle list to screen (useful for debugging). Event-based variables can be printed by not specifying the particle list (empty string).
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- fullPrint (bool, default=True)
execute Particle’s internal print() function
- listName (str, default=’’)
name of ParticleList
- variables (list(str), default=[])
names of variables to be printed (see Variable::Manager)
- ParticleSelector#
Removes Particles from given ParticleList that do not pass specified selection criteria.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- decayString (str)
Input ParticleList name (see DecayString).
- Parameters:
- cut (str, default=’’)
Selection criteria to be applied, see Cut strings and selections
- ParticleStats#
Make a summary of specific ParticleLists.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- outputFile (str, default=’’)
Name of output file
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
List of ParticleLists
- printPassMatrix (bool, default=True)
Should we also calculate and print the pass matrix?
- ParticleVertexFitter#
Vertex fitter for modular analysis
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- confidenceLevel (float, default=0.001)
Confidence level to accept the fit. Particle candidates with p-value less than confidenceLevel are removed from the particle list. If set to -1, all candidates are kept; if set to 0, the candidates failing the fit are removed.
- decayString (str, default=’’)
specifies which daughter particles are included in the kinematic fit
- fitType (str, default=’vertex’)
type of the kinematic fit (vertex, massvertex, mass)
- listName (str, default=’’)
name of particle list
- massConstraintList (list(int), default=[])
Type::[int]. List of daughter particles to mass constrain with int = pdg code. (only for MassFourCKFit)
- recoilMass (float, default=0.0)
recoil invariant mass (GeV)
- smearing (float, default=0.002)
smear IP tube width by given length
- updateDaughters (bool, default=False)
true: update the daughters after the vertex fit
- vertexFitter (str, default=’KFit’)
KFit or Rave
- withConstraint (str, default=’’)
additional constraint on vertex: ipprofile, iptube, mother, iptubecut, pointing, btube
- ParticleWeighting#
Append weights from the database into the extraInfo of Particles.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Name of the ParticleList to reduce to the best candidates
- tableName (str)
ID of table used for reweighing
- Parameters:
- allowToSkip (bool, default=False)
If False (default), the basf2 process stops when the payload is not available. If True, this module is skipped.
- selectedDaughters (str, default=’’)
Daughters for which one wants to append weights
- ParticleWeightingLookUpCreator#
Creates test LookUp table
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- experimentHigh (int)
Interval of validity, ex.high
- experimentLow (int)
Interval of validity, ex.low
- outOfRangeWeight (dict(str -> float))
Weight info for out-of-range partiles
- runHigh (int)
Interval of validity, run high
- runLow (int)
Interval of validity, run low
- tableName (str)
Name of the LookUp table
- Parameters:
- tableIDNotSpec (list(tuple(dict(str -> float), dict(str -> tuple(float, float)))), default=[])
Bin:weight info map without specific bin-numbering scheme
- tableIDSpec (list(tuple(tuple(dict(str -> float), dict(str -> tuple(float, float))), float)), default=[])
Bin:weight info map with specific bin-numbering scheme
- PhotonEfficiencySystematics#
Module to include data/MC weights for photon detection efficiency. Include in your code as
mypath.add_module("PhotonEfficiencySystematics", particleLists=['gamma:cut'], tableName=tableName_Weight)
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str))
input particle lists
- tableName (str)
ID of table used for reweighing
- Pi0VetoEfficiencySystematics#
Includes data/MC weights for pi0 veto efficiency as extraInfo for a given particle list. One must call writeP0EtaVeto function in advance. Weights and their errors will be provided for given mode and threshold.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- decayString (str, default=’’)
decay string
- mode (str, default=’’)
pi0 veto option name
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
input particle lists
- suffix (str, default=’’)
suffix of extrainfo
- tableName (str, default=’’)
table name of the payloads
- threshold (float, default=0.0)
threshold of pi0 veto
- PostMergeUpdater#
Synchronize parts of the events post merge/embedding. Used in the signal embedding pipeline. Uses kinematic information for the tag / simulated decay stored in eventExtraInfo.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- Mixing (bool, default=False)
Mixing (true) or embedding (false) corrections
- isCharged (bool, default=True)
Charged (true) or neutral (false) B mesons
- PrintMCParticles#
Print an MCParticle List
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- maxLevel (int, default=-1)
Show only up to specified depth level, -1 means no limit
- onlyPrimaries (bool, default=True)
Show only primary particles
- showMomenta (bool, default=False)
Show also the particle momenta
- showProperties (bool, default=False)
Show the basic particle properties
- showStatus (bool, default=False)
Show extendend status information of the particle
- showVertices (bool, default=False)
Show also the particle production vertices and times
- storeName (str, default=’’)
Name of the StoreArray to print
- suppressPrint (bool, default=False)
Suppress print the information
- PseudoVertexFitter#
Pseudo fitter adds a covariance matrix which is sum of the daughter covariance matrices.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- listName (str, default=’’)
name of particle list
- RemoveParticlesNotInLists#
Removes all Particles that are not in one of the given ParticleLists (or daughters of Particles in the lists). All relations from/to Particles, daughter indices, and other ParticleLists are fixed. Note that this does not currently touch any data used to create final state particles, which might make up a large fraction of the total file size.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str))
Keep the Particles and their daughters in these ParticleLists.
- RestOfEventBuilder#
Creates for each Particle in the given ParticleList a RestOfEvent dataobject and makes basf2 relation between them.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Name of the ParticleList
- Parameters:
- createNestedROE (bool, default=False)
A switch to create nested ROE
- fromMC (bool, default=False)
A switch to create MC ROE
- mostLikely (bool, default=True)
whether input particle lists contain most-likely lists
- nestedROEMask (str, default=’’)
A switch to create nested ROE
- particleListsInput (list(str), default=[])
List of the particle lists, which serve as a source of particles
- useKLMEnergy (bool, default=False)
A switch to create ROE with KLM energy included
- RestOfEventInterpreter#
Creates a mask (vector of boolean values) for tracks and clusters in RestOfEvent.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Name of the ParticleList
- Parameters:
- ROEMasks (list(tuple(str, str, str, str)), default=[])
List of (maskName, trackSelectionCut, eclClusterSelectionCut) tuples that specify all ROE masks of a specific particle to be created.
- update (bool, default=False)
Set true for updating a-priori charged stable fractions used in calculation of ROE 4-momentum
- RestOfEventPrinter#
Prints basic or detailed RestOfEvent info to screen. It is possible to print out ROEMasks for specific mask names as well.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- fullPrint (bool, default=False)
If true, print whole masks content.
- maskNames (list(str), default=[])
List of all mask names for which the info will be printed.
- unpackComposites (bool, default=True)
If true, replace composites by their daughters
- RestOfEventUpdater#
Updates an existing mask (map of boolean values) for tracks or eclClusters in RestOfEvent with an available property (e.g. after performing training).
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Name of the ParticleList which contains information that will be used for updating
- Parameters:
- cutString (str, default=’’)
Cut string which will be used for updating masks
- discard (bool, default=False)
Update the ROE mask by passing or discarding particles in the provided particle list, default is to pass
- updateMasks (list(str), default=[])
List of all mask names which will be updated
- SelectDaughters#
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- decayString (str, default=’’)
specifies which daughter particles will remain
- listName (str, default=’’)
name of particle list
- SignalSideParticleFilter#
The module returns true if the current RestOfEvent object is related to any of the Particles from the input ParticleList and passes selection criteria. The module should be executed only in the for_each ROE path.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
Input ParticleList name
- selection (str, default=’’)
Additional selection criteria
- SignalSideParticleListCreator#
The module creates a ParticleList and fills it with one of the daughter Particles.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- decayString (str, default=’’)
DecayString specifying the daughter Particle to be included in the ParticleList
- particleListName (str, default=’’)
Name of the ParticleList to be created and filled with signal side daughter Particle
- SignalSideVariablesToDaughterExtraInfo#
The module writes properties (values of specified variables) of the particle related to the current ROE as an ExtraInfo to the single particle in the input ParticleList. This module is intended to be executed only in for_each ROE path.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- overwrite (int, default=0)
-1/0/1/2: Overwrite if lower / don’t overwrite / overwrite if higher / always overwrite, in case if extra info with given name already exists
- particleListName (str, default=’’)
The input particleList name. This list should contain at most 1 particle
- variablesToExtraInfo (dict(str -> str), default={})
Dictionary of variables and extraInfo names to save in the extra-info field.
- SignalSideVariablesToExtraInfo#
The module writes property (value of specified variable) of single particle found in the input ParticleList as an ExtraInfo to the Particle related to the current ROE. This module is intended to be executed only in for_each ROE path.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- particleListName (str, default=’’)
The input particleList name. This list should either contain at most 1 particle or all requested variables should be event-based.
- variableToExtraInfo (dict(str -> str), default={})
Dictionary of variables and extraInfo names to save in the extra-info field.
- SkimFilter#
Filter based on ParticleLists, by setting return value to true if at least one of the given lists is not empty.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
List of ParticleLists
- TagUniqueSignal#
Mark true (target=1) candidates from input list via extra-info field. Only the first true candidate associated with an MCParticle is marked.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Input ParticleList name
- Parameters:
- extraInfoName (str, default=’uniqueSignal’)
Extra-info field added to all particles in the input list. 1 for unique signal, 0 for background or duplicates.
- target (str, default=’isSignal’)
Variable which defines signal and background.
- TagVertex#
Tag side Vertex Fitter for modular analysis
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- MCAssociation (str, default=’breco’)
‘’: no MC association. breco: use standard Breco MC association. internal: use internal MC association
- askMCInformation (bool, default=False)
TRUE when requesting MC Information from the tracks performing the vertex fit
- confidenceLevel (float, default=0.001)
required confidence level of fit to keep particles in the list. Note that even with confidenceLevel == 0.0, errors during the fit might discard Particles in the list. confidenceLevel = -1 if an error occurs during the fit
- constraintType (str, default=’tube’)
Choose the type of the constraint: noConstraint, IP (tag tracks constrained to be within the beam spot), tube (long tube along the BTag line of flight, only for fully reconstruced B rec), boost (long tube along the Upsilon(4S) boost direction), (breco)
- fitAlgorithm (str, default=’KFit’)
Fitter used for the tag vertex fit: Rave or KFit
- kFitReqReducedChi2 (float, default=5.0)
The required chi2/ndf to accept the kFit result, if it is higher, iteration procedure is applied
- listName (str, default=’’)
name of particle list
- maskName (str, default=’all’)
Choose ROE mask to get particles from
- reqPXDHits (int, default=0)
Minimum number of PXD hits for a track to be used in the vertex fit
- trackFindingType (str, default=’standard_PXD’)
Choose how to reconstruct the tracks on the tag side: standard, standard_PXD
- useRollBack (bool, default=False)
Use rolled back non-primary tracks
- useTruthInFit (bool, default=False)
Use the true track parameters in the vertex fit
- TauDecayMarker#
Module to identify generated tau pair decays, using MCParticle information. Each tau lepton decay channel is numbered following the order in the default KKMC decay table. Using this module, the channel number will be stored in the variables
, andtauMinusMCMode
. Further details and usage can be found at Tau decay MC modes.- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- printDecayInfo (bool, default=False)
Print information of the tau pair decay from MC.
- TauDecayMode#
Module to identify generated tau pair decays, using MCParticle information. By default, each tau decay is numbered as TauolaBelle2DecayMode [Ref: BELLE2-NOTE-PH-2020-055]
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- file_minus (str, default=’’)
Path for an alternative mapping for tau- decays
- file_plus (str, default=’’)
Path for an alternative mapping for tau+ decays
- printmode (str, default=’default’)
Printout more information from each event
- TrackFitResultEstimator#
Create a TrackFitResult from the momentum of the Particle assuming it originates from the IP and make a relation between them. The covariance, detector hit information, and fit-related information (pValue, NDF) are assigned meaningless values. The input Particles must not have already Track or TrackFitResult and thus are supposed to be composite particles, recoil, dummy particles, and so on. Since the source type is not overwritten as Track, not all track-related variables are guaranteed to be available.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- inputListName (str, default=’’)
The name of input ParticleList.
- TrackIsoCalculator#
Calculate track isolation variables on the charged stable particles, or selected charged daughters, of the input ParticleList.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- decayString (str)
The name of the input charged stable particle list, e.g.
, or a composite particle w/ charged stable daughters for which distances are to be calculated, e.g.D0 -> ^K- pi+
. Note that in the latter case we allow only one daughter to be selected in the decay string per module instance.
- particleListReference (str)
The name of the input ParticleList of reference tracks. Must be a charged stable particle as defined in Const::chargedStableSet.
- Parameters:
- detectorNames (list(str), default=[])
The list of names of the detectors at whose (cylindrical) surface(s) we extrapolate each helix’s polar and azimuthal angle. Allowed values: {CDC, TOP, ARICH, ECL, KLM}.
- excludePIDDetWeights (bool, default=False)
If set to true, will not use the PID detector weights for the score definition.
- payloadName (str, default=’PIDDetectorWeights’)
The name of the database payload object with the PID detector weights.
- useHighestProbMassForExt (bool, default=False)
If this option is set, the helix extrapolation for the target and reference particles will use the track fit result for the most probable mass hypothesis, namely, the one that gives the highest chi2Prob of the fit.
- TrackingEfficiency#
Module to remove tracks from the lists at random. Include in your code as
mypath.add_module("TrackingEfficiency", particleLists=['pi+:cut'], frac=0.01)
The module modifies the input particleLists by randomly removing tracks with the probability frac.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str))
input particle lists
- Parameters:
- frac (float, default=0.0)
probability to remove the particle
- TrackingEnergyLossCorrection#
Module to modify Energy of tracks from the lists. Include in your code as
mypath.add_module("TrackingEnergyLossCorrection", particleLists=['pi+:cut'], correction=0.001)
The module modifies the input particleLists by subtracting the correction value to the track energy and rescaling the momenta
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str))
input particle lists
- Parameters:
- correction (float, default=nan)
correction value to be subtracted from the particle energy
- correctionName (str, default=’’)
Label for the correction in the look up table
- payloadName (str, default=’’)
ID of table used for reweighing
- TrackingMomentumScaleFactors#
Module to modify momentum of tracks from the lists. Include in your code as
mypath.add_module("TrackingMomentumScaleFactors", particleLists=['pi+:cut'], scale=0.999)
The module modifies the input particleLists by scaling track momenta as given by the parameter scale
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str))
input particle lists
- Parameters:
- payloadName (str, default=’’)
ID of table used for reweighing
- scale (float, default=nan)
scale factor to be applied to 3-momentum
- scalingFactorName (str, default=’’)
Label for the scale factor in the look up table
- smearingFactorName (str, default=’’)
Label for the smearing factor in the look up table
- TreeFitter#
Tree Fitter module. Performs simultaneous fit of all vertices in a decay chain. Can also be used to just fit a single vertex.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Type::[string]. Input mother of the decay tree to fit. For example ‘B0:myB0particleList’.
- Parameters:
- autoSetGeoConstraintAndMergeVertices (bool, default=True)
Type::bool, shall vertices of strong resonance be merged with their mothers? Can the particles vertex be constraint geometrically?
- confidenceLevel (float, default=0.0)
Type::[double]. Confidence level to accept fitted decay tree. Candidates with < confidenceLevel will be removed from the particle list! Typical Values: -1: keep all particle candidates, 0: remove all that fail the fit, 0.001: standard cut, 0.1: (too) tight cut. Optimise using a figure of merit (for example S/(sqrt{S+B}) ) for your analysis.
- convergencePrecision (float, default=0.01)
Type::[double]. Fractional upper limit for chi2 fluctuations to accept result. Larger value = less signal rejection but also less background rejection. Optimized for FOM on different topologies - don’t touch unless you REALLY want this.
- customOriginConstraint (bool, default=False)
Type::[bool]. Use a custom vertex as the production point of the highest hierarchy particle (register this as the mother of the list you specify). Like the beam constraint but you can specify the position its covariance yourself.
- customOriginCovariance (list(float), default=[0.0048, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.003567, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.04])
Type::[double]. List vertex covariance elements used in the custom origin constraint (as a vector). Default is meant for B0 decays and is taken from 100k generated B0 to mumu events.
- customOriginVertex (list(float), default=[0.001, 0.0, 0.0116])
Type::[double]. List of vertex coordinates to be used in the custom origin constraint.
- expertBeamConstraintPDG (int, default=0)
Type int, default 0. The 4-momentum of particles with the given PDG will be constrained to the 4-momentum of the initial e+e- system.
- expertMassConstraintType (int, default=0)
Type::[int]. False(0): use particles parameters in mass constraint; True: use sum of daughter parameters for mass constraint. WAARNING not even guaranteed that it works.
- expertRemoveConstraintList (list(str), default=[])
Type::[string]. List of constraints that you do not want to be used in the fit. WARNING don’t use if you don’t know exactly what it does.
- geoConstraintList (list(int), default=[])
Type::[int], if ‘autoSetGeoConstraintAndMergeVertices==False’ you can manually set the particles that will be geometrically constrained here.
- ignoreFromVertexFit (str, default=’’)
Type::[string]. Decay string to select particles that will be ignored to determine the vertex position while kept for kinematics determination.
- inflationFactorCovZ (int, default=1)
Inflate the covariance of the beamspot by this number so that the 3d beam constraint becomes weaker in Z.And: thisnumber->infinity : dim(beamspot constr) 3d->2d.
- ipConstraint (bool, default=False)
Type::[bool]. Use the IP as the origin of the tree. This registers an internal IP particle as the mother of the list you give. Or in other words forces the PRODUCTION vertex of your particle to be the IP and its covariance as specified in the database.
- massConstraintDecayString (str, default=’’)
Type::[string]. Decay string to select which particles’ mass should be constrained to their nominal value. Note that the variables ‘M’: fit result for the particle and ‘InvM’: calculated from the daughter momenta, will look different (especially if you don’t update the daughters!).
- massConstraintList (list(int), default=[])
Type::[int]. List of particles to mass constrain with int = pdg code. Note that the variables ‘M’: fit result for the particle and ‘InvM’: calculated from the daughter momenta, will look different (especially if you don’t update the daughters!).
- massConstraintMassValues (list(float), default=[])
Type::[double]. List of invariant masses to be used for the mass constraints of the particles selected via the decay string massConstraintDecayString
- originDimension (int, default=3)
Type int, default 3. If origin or ip constraint used, specify the dimension of the constraint 3->x,y,z; 2->x,y. This also changes the dimension of the geometric constraints! So you might want to turn them off for some particles. (That means turn auto off and manually on for the ones you want to constrain)
- sharedVertexList (list(int), default=[])
Type::[int], if ‘autoSetGeoConstraintAndMergeVertices==False’ you can manually set the particles that share the vertex with their mother here.
- treatAsInvisible (str, default=’’)
Type::[string]. Decay string to select one particle that will be ignored in the fit.
- updateAllDaughters (bool, default=False)
Type::[bool]. Update all daughters (vertex position and momenta) in the tree. If not set only the 4-momenta for the head of the tree will be updated. We also update the vertex position of the daughters regardless of what you put here, because otherwise the default when the particle list is created is {0,0,0}.
- TwoBodyISRPhotonCorrector#
This module corrects the energy and momentum of high energy ISR photons in single ISR events based on the beam energy, photon direction, and mass of the recoil particle. The corrected photons are stored in a new list, the original photon kinematics can be accessed via the originalParticle() metavariable.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- inputGammaList (str)
Name of photon list containing the ISR gammas to be corrected
- massiveParticlePDGCode (int)
Name of the massive particle participating in the two body decay with the ISR gamma.
- outputGammaList (str)
Name of photon list containing the corrected ISR gammas
- UdstListFilter#
Filter udst file content based on a particle list. As a result of the module, all object which are (not) associated with the list are removed. The module is used for signal embedding.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- keepNotInList (bool, default=False)
if true, keep mdst objects which are not used in the particle list, otherwise keep objects which are used in the list.
- listName (str, default=’’)
name of particle list.
- V0DaughterMassUpdater#
This module replaces the mass of two daughters of the selected V0 particles inside the given particleLists with masses of given pdgCode. The particle in selected particleList has to have 2 daughters.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- particleLists (list(str), default=[])
List of ParticleLists
- pdgCodeOfV0negDaughter (int, default=11)
PDG code of daughter with negative charge
- pdgCodeOfV0posDaughter (int, default=11)
PDG code of daughter with positive charge
- VariableToReturnValue#
Calculate event-based variable specified by the user and sets return value of the module accordingly.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- variable (str, default=’’)
Variable taken from Variable::Manager, see output of ‘basf2 variables.py’.
- VariablesToEventBasedTree#
Calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into a TTree. The Tree is event-based, meaning that the variables of each candidate for each event are saved in an array of a branch of the Tree.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- event_variables (list(str), default=[])
List of variables (or collections) to save for each event. Variables are taken from Variable::Manager, and are identical to those available to e.g. ParticleSelector. Only event-based variables are allowed here.
- fileName (str, default=’VariablesToEventBasedTree.root’)
Name of ROOT file for output. Can be overridden using the -o argument of basf2.
- fileNameSuffix (str, default=’’)
The suffix of the output ROOT file to be appended before
- ignoreCommandLineOverride (bool, default=False)
Ignore override of file name via command line argument -o. Useful if you have multiple output modules in one path.
- maxCandidates (unsigned int, default=100)
The maximum number of candidates in the ParticleList per entry of the Tree.
- particleList (str, default=’’)
Name of particle list with reconstructed particles. An empty ParticleList is not supported. Use the VariablesToNtupleModule for this use-case
- sampling (tuple(str, dict(int -> unsigned int)), default=(‘’, {}))
Tuple of variable name and a map of integer values and inverse sampling rate. E.g. (signal, {1: 0, 0:10}) selects all signal events and every 10th background event. Variable must be event-based.
- storeEventType (bool, default=True)
If true, the branch __eventType__ is added. The eventType information is available from MC16 on.
- treeName (str, default=’tree’)
Name of the NTuple in the saved file.
- variables (list(str), default=[])
List of variables (or collections) to save for each candidate. Variables are taken from Variable::Manager, and are identical to those available to e.g. ParticleSelector.
- VariablesToEventExtraInfo#
For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an event-extra-info field with the given name. Can be used to save MC truth information, for example, in a ntuple of reconstructed particles.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Name of particle list with reconstructed particles.
- Parameters:
- overwrite (int, default=0)
-1/0/1/2: Overwrite if lower / don’t overwrite / overwrite if higher / always overwrite, in case if extra info with given name already exists
- variables (dict(str -> str), default={})
Dictionary of variables and extraInfo names to save in the event-extra-info field. Variables are taken from Variable::Manager, and are identical to those available to e.g. ParticleSelector.
- VariablesToExtraInfo#
For each particle in the input list the selected variables are saved in an extra-info field with the given name. Can be used when wanting to save variables before modifying them, e.g. when performing vertex fits.
- Package:
- Library:
- Required Parameters:
- particleList (str)
Name of particle list with reconstructed particles.
- Parameters:
- decayString (str, default=’’)
DecayString specifying the daughter Particle to be included in the ParticleList
- overwrite (int, default=0)
-1/0/1/2: Overwrite if lower / don’t overwrite / overwrite if higher / always overwrite, in case if extra info with given name already exists
- variables (dict(str -> str), default={})
Dictionary of variables and extraInfo names to save in the extra-info field. Variables are taken from Variable::Manager, and are identical to those available to e.g. ParticleSelector.
- VariablesToHistogram#
Calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into one or two dimensional histograms.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- directory (str, default=’’)
Directory for all histograms inside the file to allow for histograms from multiple particlelists in the same file without conflicts
- fileName (str, default=’VariablesToHistogram.root’)
Name of ROOT file for output. Can be overridden using the -o argument of basf2.
- fileNameSuffix (str, default=’’)
The suffix of the output ROOT file to be appended before
- ignoreCommandLineOverride (bool, default=False)
Ignore override of file name via command line argument -o. Useful if you have multiple output modules in one path.
- particleList (str, default=’’)
Name of particle list with reconstructed particles. If no list is provided the variables are saved once per event (only possible for event-type variables)
- variables (list(tuple(str, int, float, float)), default=[])
List of variables to save. Variables are taken from Variable::Manager, and are identical to those available to e.g. ParticleSelector.
- variables_2d (list(tuple(str, int, float, float, str, int, float, float)), default=[])
List of variable pairs to save. Variables are taken from Variable::Manager, and are identical to those available to e.g. ParticleSelector.
- VariablesToNtuple#
Calculate variables specified by the user for a given ParticleList and save them into a TNtuple. The TNtuple is candidate-based, meaning that the variables of each candidate are saved into separate rows.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- basketSize (int, default=1600)
Size of baskets in Output NTuple in bytes.
- dataDescription (dict(str -> str), default={})
Additional dictionary of name->value pairs to be added to the file metadata to describe the data
- fileName (str, default=’VariablesToNtuple.root’)
Name of ROOT file for output. Can be overridden using the -o argument of basf2.
- fileNameSuffix (str, default=’’)
The suffix of the output ROOT file to be appended before
- ignoreCommandLineOverride (bool, default=False)
Ignore override of file name via command line argument -o. Useful if you have multiple output modules in one path.
- particleList (str, default=’’)
Name of particle list with reconstructed particles. If no list is provided the variables are saved once per event (only possible for event-type variables)
- sampling (tuple(str, dict(int -> unsigned int)), default=(‘’, {}))
Tuple of variable name and a map of integer values and inverse sampling rate. E.g. (signal, {1: 0, 0:10}) selects all signal candidates and every 10th background candidate.
- signalSideParticleList (str, default=’’)
Name of signal-side particle list to store the index of the signal-side particle when one calls the module in a for_each loop over the RestOfEvent
- storeEventType (bool, default=True)
If true, the branch __eventType__ is added. The eventType information is available from MC16 on.
- treeName (str, default=’ntuple’)
Name of the NTuple in the saved file.
- useFloat (bool, default=False)
Use float type for floating-point numbers.
- variables (list(str), default=[])
List of variables (or collections) to save. Variables are taken from Variable::Manager, and are identical to those available to e.g. ParticleSelector.