Reconstruction on KEKcc Batch System#
Let us now look at the reconstruction, which produces the reconstructed nTuples required by the MergeFiles
# @cond
import b2luigi as luigi
from b2luigi.basf2_helper import Basf2PathTask, Basf2nTupleMergeTask
import json
import basf2 as b2
import modularAnalysis as ma
import vertex as vx
from skim import BatchesToTextFile
class ReconstructBatch(Basf2PathTask):
queue = "s"
looper = luigi.IntParameter()
projectName = luigi.Parameter()
skim = luigi.Parameter(hashed=True)
runningOnMC = luigi.BoolParameter()
def requires(self):
yield BatchesToTextFile(
runningOnMC=self.runningOnMC, projectName=self.projectName, skim=self.skim
def output(self):
yield self.add_to_output("reco.root")
def create_path(self):
mypath = b2.create_path()
with open(self.get_input_file_names()[f"batch{self.looper}.json"][0]) as f:
inputMdstList = json.load(f)
ma.inputMdstList(filelist=inputMdstList, path=mypath)
cut="dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance and kaonID > 0.01",
ma.fillParticleList(decayString='pi+:my', cut="dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance", path=mypath)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D-:K2Pi -> K+:my pi-:my pi-:my", cut="1.844 < M < 1.894", path=mypath)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString='B0:PiD-toK2Pi -> D-:K2Pi pi+:my', cut='5.0 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 1.0', path=mypath)
vx.treeFit('B0:PiD-toK2Pi', 0, path=mypath, updateAllDaughters=False, ipConstraint=True, massConstraint=[411])
ma.matchMCTruth(list_name='B0:PiD-toK2Pi', path=mypath)
some_variables = ['Mbc', 'deltaE']
ma.variablesToNtuple(decayString='B0:PiD-toK2Pi', variables=some_variables,
filename=self.get_output_file_name("reco.root"), path=mypath, treename='BtoPiDtoKPiPi')
return mypath
class ReconstructionWrapper(Basf2nTupleMergeTask):
batch_system = 'local'
projectName = luigi.Parameter()
skim = luigi.Parameter(hashed=True)
def requires(self):
for looper in range(BatchesToTextFile.NumBatches):
yield self.clone(ReconstructBatch, runningOnMC=True,
looper=looper, projectName=self.projectName, skim=self.skim)
# @endcond
The reconstruction task ReconstructBatch
employs b2luigi.basf2_helper.tasks.Basf2PathTask
to run a minimal steering script on the input mdst list produced by the BatchesToTextFile
task. The reconstruction tasks are the only tasks not marked as local
and will therefore be scheduled to the KEKcc batch system. The ReconstructionWrapper
task merges all reconstructed batches of a skim.