PXD ROI Finding

23.8. PXD ROI Finding#


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23.8.1. PXD Data Reduction Modules#


This module performs the reduction of the PXD data output





  • PXDInterceptListName (str, default=’’)

    name of the list of interceptions

  • ROIFindingForDQM (bool, default=False)

    Is this ROI finding for DQM? If false, create PXDIntercepts by extrapolating tracks in both directions. If true, only extrapolate backwards.

  • ROIListName (str, default=’’)

    name of the list of ROIs

  • maxWidthU (float, default=0.5)

    Upper limit on width of the ROI in the U local coordinate (cm). Will only be used if overrideDBROICalculation is set to True.

  • maxWidthV (float, default=0.5)

    Upper limit on width of the ROI in the V local coordinate (cm). Will only be used if overrideDBROICalculation is set to True.

  • numSigmaTotU (float, default=10.0)

    Number of sigmas (total) in the U local coordinate. Will only be used if overrideDBROICalculation is set to True.

  • numSigmaTotV (float, default=10.0)

    Number of sigmas (total) in the V local coordinate. Will only be used if overrideDBROICalculation is set to True.

  • overrideDBROICalculation (bool, default=False)

    Override the parameters from DB for testing or debugging. Required to be True to use the other ROI calculation parameters.

  • recoTrackListName (str, default=’’)

    name of the list of the fitted tracks

  • sigmaSystU (float, default=0.025)

    Systematic sigma in the u local coordinate. Will only be used if overrideDBROICalculation is set to True.

  • sigmaSystV (float, default=0.025)

    Systematic sigma in the V local coordinate. Will only be used if overrideDBROICalculation is set to True.

  • tolerancePhi (float, default=0.15)

    Tolerance by finding sensor in phi coordinate (radians). Will only be used if overrideDBROICalculation is set to True.

  • toleranceZ (float, default=0.5)

    Tolerance by finding sensor in Z coordinate (cm). Will only be used if overrideDBROICalculation is set to True.