22.4. SVD Tools#

22.4.1. b2svd-run-simul-recon#

Tool to run SVD-only simulation and reconstruction. No output is produced unless –root_output is used.

usage: b2svd-run-simul-recon [-h] [-n EVENTS] [--no_bkg] [--exp EXP]
                             [--run RUN] [--prepend_gt [GTs ...]]


-n, --events

number of events


flag to remove beam background from simulation


experiment number you want to simulate


run number you want to simulate


Global Tags to be prepended


add this option to append the RootOuput module

22.4.2. b2svd-create-time-calib-sample#

Tool to create the MC sample to calibrate the hit time in MC. The tool creates the rootfile to be used as input file for the caf_svd_time.py time calibration script. For the time calibration you will need 80k events, you can produce in parallel several samples, and then input all of them to caf_svd_time.py

usage: b2svd-create-time-calib-sample [-h] [-n EVENTS] [--add_bkg] [--exp EXP]
                                      [--run RUN] [--prepend_gt [GTs ...]]
                                      --timeAlgorithm TIME_ALGORITHM
                                      --filename OUTPUT


-n, --events

number of events


flag to add beam background from simulation


experiment number you want to simulate


run number you want to simulate


Global Tags to be prepended


time algorithm


output filename

22.4.3. b2svd-import-CoGOnlyPositionError#

SVD CoGOnly Position Error Formulas importer: json files can be found in the svd_cdb_json repository (B2SVD).

usage: b2svd-import-CoGOnlyPositionError [-h] [-j JSON]


-j, --json

input json file

22.4.4. b2svd-create-posErrScaleFactors#

Tool used to generate cluster position error scale factors payload, for the desired algorithm (supported: CoGOnly, OldDefault)

usage: b2svd-create-posErrScaleFactors [-h] --posAlgorithm POSITION_ALGORITHM
                                       [-n EVENTS] [--prepend_gt [GTs ...]]
                                       [--no_outliers] [--no_bkg] [--exp EXP]
                                       [--max_pulls MAX (MIN=-MAX)]
                                       [--nBins_pulls NBINS]



position algorithm

-n, --events

number of events


Global Tags to be prepended


flag to remove outliers from the computation of the scale factors


flag to remove beam background from simulation


experiment number you want to simulate


max (min = -max) of the pulls distribution


number of bins of the pulls distribution