22.6. SVD DQM#
The SVD DQM modules produce plots to assess the quality of the data.
Only SVDUnpackerDQM
is executed on HLT, the rest of the modules are executed on ExpressReco on a fraction of events.
22.6.1. DQM Modules#
This is a list of the svd
dqm modules.
- SVDDQMClustersOnTrack#
SVD DQM module for clusters related to tracks.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- Clusters (str, default=’’)
SVDCluster StoreArray name.
- EventInfo (str, default=’’)
SVDEventInfo StoreArray name.
- RecoDigits (str, default=’’)
SVDRecoDigits StoreArray name.
- ShaperDigits (str, default=’’)
SVDShaperDigits StoreArray name.
- TriggerBin (int, default=-1)
select events for a specific trigger bin, if -1 then no selection is applied (default)
- desynchronizeSVDTime (bool, default=False)
if True, svd time back in SVD time reference
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDClsTrk’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- samples3 (bool, default=False)
if True 3 samples histograms analysis is performed
- skipHLTRejectedEvents (bool, default=True)
If True, skip events rejected by HLT.
The SVD dose-monitoring DQM module. Fills histograms of the SVD’s instantaneous occupancy and of SVD occupancy vs time since last injection and time in beam revolution cycle.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- eventTypeFilter (unsigned int, default=7)
Types of events to include in the plots (1 = less than noInjectionTimeout after HER injection, 2 = less than noInjectionTimeout after LER injection, 4 = more than noInjectionTimeout after any injection; bitwise or combinations are possible; see SVDDQMDoseModule::EEventType).
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDDose’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed in the ROOT file.
- noInjectionTimeout (float, default=30000.0)
Time (microseconds) since last injection after which an event is considered “No Injection”. Also the limit for the x axis of the 2D histograms.
- offlineZSShaperDigits (str, default=’SVDShaperDigitsZS5’)
Name of the SVDShaperDigits to use for computing occupancy (default is SVDShaperDigitsZS5).
- trgTypes (list(int), default=[13])
Trigger types for event selection. Empty to select everything. Default is only Poisson w/o inj. veto.
- SVDDQMEfficiency#
Create basic histograms to compute the average sensor efficiency.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- Clusters (str, default=’’)
name of StoreArray with SVD cluster.
- Intercepts (str, default=’’)
name of StoreArray with SVDIntercepts.
- binsU (int, default=4)
histogram bins in u direction.
- binsV (int, default=6)
histogram bins in v direction.
- fiducialU (float, default=0.5)
Fiducial Area, U direction.
- fiducialV (float, default=0.5)
Fiducial Area, V direction.
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDEfficiency’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- maxHalfResidU (float, default=0.05000000074505806)
half window for cluster search around intercept, U direction.
- maxHalfResidV (float, default=0.05000000074505806)
half window for cluster search around intercept, V direction.
- minCDCHits (unsigned int, default=20)
Number of CDC hits required in a track to be considered.
- minSVDHits (unsigned int, default=1)
Number of SVD hits required in a track to be considered.
- momCut (float, default=0.0)
Set a cut on the track momentum.
- pValCut (float, default=0.0)
Set a cut on the track p-value.
- ptCut (float, default=1.0)
Set a cut on the track transverse momentum.
- samples3 (bool, default=False)
if True 3 samples histograms analysis is performed
- saveExpertHistos (bool, default=False)
if True, save additional histograms.
- SVDDQMExpressReco#
Original SVD DQM module for ExpressReco.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- Clusters (str, default=’SVDClusters’)
Cluster StoreArray name.
- CutSVDCharge (float, default=0.0)
minimum charge (ADC) to fill the strip-hitmap histogram.
- CutSVDClusterCharge (float, default=0.0)
minimum charge (in e-) to fill the cluster-hitmap histogram.
- ShaperDigits (str, default=’SVDShaperDigits’)
not zero-suppressed ShaperDigits StoreArray name.
- ShowAllHistos (int, default=0)
Flag to show all histos in DQM, default = 0.
- additionalPlots (bool, default=False)
Flag to produce additional plots
- desynchronizeSVDTime (bool, default=False)
if True, svd time back in SVD time reference.
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDExpReco’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- offlineZSShaperDigits (str, default=’SVDShaperDigitsZS5’)
ShaperDigits StoreArray name - usually ZS5 strips.
- samples3 (bool, default=False)
if True 3 samples histograms analysis is performed
- skipHLTRejectedEvents (bool, default=True)
If True, skip events rejected by HLT.
- SVDDQMHitTime#
Make data quality monitoring plots for SVD Hit Time for bhabha, mu mu, and hadron samples seeded by different trigger times (ECL, CDC).
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- Clusters (str, default=’’)
SVDCluster StoreArray name.
- EventInfo (str, default=’’)
SVDEventInfo StoreObjPtr name.
- desynchronizeSVDTime (bool, default=False)
if True, svd time back in SVD time reference
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDHitTime’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- samples3 (bool, default=False)
if True 3 samples histograms analysis is performed
- SVDDQMInjection#
Monitor SVD Occupancy after Injection.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- ShaperDigits (str, default=’’)
Name of SVD ShaperDigits to count occupancy - usually ZS5 strips.
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDInjection’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
- SVDUnpackerDQM#
DQM Histogram of the SVD Raw Data format.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- DAQDiagnostics (str, default=’’)
Name of DAQDiagnostics Store Array.
- EventInfo (str, default=’’)
Name of SVDEventInfo object.
- histogramDirectoryName (str, default=’SVDUnpacker’)
Name of the directory where histograms will be placed.
22.6.2. DQM Analysis Modules#
- DQMHistAnalysisSVDDose#
Monitoring of SVD Dose with events from Poisson trigger w/o inj. veto. See also SVDDQMDoseModule.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- deltaTPVSuffix (str, default=’Occ:Pois:UpdateInterval’)
Suffix for the PV that monitors the update interval of the PVs.
- epicsUpdateSeconds (float, default=1000.0)
Minimum interval between two successive PV updates (in seconds).
- pvPrefix (str, default=’DQM:SVD:’)
Prefix for EPICS PVs.
- pvSuffix (str, default=’:Occ:Pois:Avg’)
Suffix for EPICS PVs.
- statePVSuffix (str, default=’Occ:Pois:State’)
Suffix for the PV with the state of the monitoring.
- DQMHistAnalysisSVDEfficiency#
DQM Analysis Module that computes the average SVD sensor efficiency.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- ColzMax (int, default=-1111)
Maximum of Colz histogram
- ColzMin (int, default=0)
Minimum of Colz histogram
- PVPrefix (str, default=’SVD:’)
PV Prefix
- effLevel_Error (float, default=0.9)
Efficiency error (%) level (red)
- effLevel_Warning (float, default=0.94)
Efficiency WARNING (%) level (orange)
- samples3 (bool, default=False)
if True 3 samples histograms analysis is performed
- setColzRange (bool, default=False)
If true you can set the range of the histogram in Z with ‘ColzMax’ and ‘ColzMin’ parameters.
- statThreshold (float, default=100.0)
minimal number of tracks per sensor to set green/red alert
- DQMHistAnalysisSVDGeneral#
DQM Analysis Module that produces colored canvas for a straightforward interpretation of the SVD Data Quality.
- Package:
- Library:
- Parameters:
- PVPrefix (str, default=’SVD:’)
PV Prefix
- RefHistoFile (str, default=’SVDrefHisto.root’)
Reference histrogram file name
- additionalPlots (bool, default=False)
Flag to produce additional plots
- occLevel_Empty (float, default=0.0)
Maximum Occupancy (%) for which the sensor is considered empty
- occLevel_Error (float, default=5.0)
Maximum Occupancy (%) allowed for safe operations (red)
- occLevel_Warning (float, default=3.0)
Occupancy (%) at WARNING level (orange)
- onlineOccLevel_Empty (float, default=0.0)
Maximum OnlineOccupancy (%) for which the sensor is considered empty
- onlineOccLevel_Error (float, default=10.0)
Maximum OnlineOccupancy (%) allowed for safe operations (red)
- onlineOccLevel_Warning (float, default=5.0)
OnlineOccupancy (%) at WARNING level (orange)
- printCanvas (bool, default=False)
if True prints pdf of the analysis canvas
- refMCTC (float, default=0.0)
Mean of the signal time peak from Cosmic reference run
- refMCTP (float, default=0.0)
Mean of the signal time peak from Physics reference run
- samples3 (bool, default=False)
if True 3 samples histograms analysis is performed
- statThreshold (float, default=10000.0)
Minimal number of events to compare histograms
- timeThreshold (float, default=6.0)
Acceptable difference between mean of central peak for present and reference run
- unpackerErrorLevel (float, default=1e-05)
Maximum bin_content/ # events allowed before throwing ERROR
- DQMHistAnalysisSVDOnMiraBelle#
DQM Analysis Module that extracts monitoring variables from SVD DQM histograms and provides input to MiraBelle.
- Package:
- Library: