#!/usr/bin/env python3
# disable doxygen check for this file
# @cond
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
This module contains various utility functions for the CAF and Job submission Backends to use.
from basf2 import B2INFO, B2WARNING, B2DEBUG
import os
import glob
from collections import deque
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import namedtuple
from collections import defaultdict
import pathlib
import json
from functools import singledispatch, update_wrapper
import contextlib
import enum
import shutil
import itertools
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import ROOT
from ROOT.Belle2 import CalibrationAlgorithm, IntervalOfValidity
#: A newline string for B2INFO that aligns with the indentation of B2INFO's first line
b2info_newline = "\n" + (7 * " ")
def B2INFO_MULTILINE(lines):
lines (list[str]): Lines to be printed in a single call to B2INFO
Quick little function that creates a string for B2INFO from a list of strings.
But it appends a newline character + the necessary indentation to the following line
so that the B2INFO output is nicely aligned.
Then it calls B2INFO on the output.
log_string = b2info_newline.join(lines)
def grouper(n, iterable):
n (int): Maximum size of the list that gets returned.
iterable (list): The original list that we want to return groups of size 'n' from.
it = iter(iterable)
while True:
chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it, n))
if not chunk:
yield chunk
def pairwise(iterable):
Iterate through a sequence by pairing up the current and next entry.
Note that when you hit the last one you don't get a (last, null), the
final iteration gives you (last-1, last) and then finishes. If you only
have one entry in the sequence this may be important as you will not get any
iterable (list): The iterable object we will loop over
a, b = itertools.tee(iterable)
next(b, None)
return zip(a, b)
def find_gaps_in_iov_list(iov_list):
Finds the runs that aren't covered by the input IoVs in the list. This cannot find missing
runs which lie between two IoVs that are separated by an experiment e.g. between
IoV(1,1,1,10) => IoV(2,1,2,5) it is unknown if there were supposed to be more runs than run
number 10 in experiment 1 before starting experiment 2. Therefore this is not counted as a gap
and will not be added to the output list of IoVs
iov_list (list[IoV]): A SORTED list of Non-overlapping IoVs that you want to check for 'gaps'
i.e. runs that aren't covered.
list[IoV]: The IoVs corresponding to gaps in the input list of IoVs
gaps = []
previous_iov = None
for current_iov in iov_list:
if previous_iov:
previous_highest = ExpRun(previous_iov.exp_high, previous_iov.run_high)
current_lowest = ExpRun(current_iov.exp_low, current_iov.run_low)
iov_gap = previous_highest.find_gap(current_lowest)
if iov_gap:
B2DEBUG(29, f"Gap found between {previous_iov} and {current_iov} = {iov_gap}.")
previous_iov = current_iov
return gaps
class ExpRun(namedtuple('ExpRun_Factory', ['exp', 'run'])):
Class to define a single (Exp,Run) number i.e. not an IoV.
It is derived from a namedtuple created class.
We use the name 'ExpRun_Factory' in the factory creation so that
the MRO doesn't contain two of the same class names which is probably fine
but feels wrong.
KeyWord Arguments:
exp (int): The experiment number
run (int): The run number
def make_iov(self):
IoV: A simple IoV corresponding to this single ExpRun
return IoV(self.exp, self.run, self.exp, self.run)
def find_gap(self, other):
Finds the IoV gap between these two ExpRuns.
lower, upper = sorted((self, other))
if lower.exp == upper.exp and lower.run != upper.run:
if (upper.run - lower.run) > 1:
return IoV(lower.exp, lower.run + 1, lower.exp, upper.run - 1)
return None
return None
class IoV(namedtuple('IoV_Factory', ['exp_low', 'run_low', 'exp_high', 'run_high'])):
Python class to more easily manipulate an IoV and compare against others.
Uses the C++ framework IntervalOfValidity internally to do various comparisons.
It is derived from a namedtuple created class.
We use the name 'IoV_Factory' in the factory creation so that
the MRO doesn't contain two of the same class names which is probably fine
but feels wrong.
Default construction is an 'empty' IoV of -1,-1,-1,-1
e.g. i = IoV() => IoV(exp_low=-1, run_low=-1, exp_high=-1, run_high=-1)
For an IoV that encompasses all experiments and runs use 0,0,-1,-1.
def __new__(cls, exp_low=-1, run_low=-1, exp_high=-1, run_high=-1):
The special method to create the tuple instance. Returning the instance
calls the __init__ method.
return super().__new__(cls, exp_low, run_low, exp_high, run_high)
def __init__(self, exp_low=-1, run_low=-1, exp_high=-1, run_high=-1):
Called after __new__.
self._cpp_iov = IntervalOfValidity(self.exp_low, self.run_low, self.exp_high, self.run_high)
def contains(self, iov):
Check if this IoV contains another one that is passed in.
return self._cpp_iov.contains(iov._cpp_iov)
def overlaps(self, iov):
Check if this IoV overlaps another one that is passed in.
return self._cpp_iov.overlaps(iov._cpp_iov)
class AlgResult(enum.Enum):
Enum of Calibration results. Shouldn't be very necessary to use this
over the direct CalibrationAlgorithm members but it's nice to have
something pythonic ready to go.
#: OK Return code
ok = CalibrationAlgorithm.c_OK
#: not enough data Return code
not_enough_data = CalibrationAlgorithm.c_NotEnoughData
#: iteration required Return code
iterate = CalibrationAlgorithm.c_Iterate
#: failure Return code
failure = CalibrationAlgorithm.c_Failure
IoV_Result = namedtuple('IoV_Result', ['iov', 'result'])
class LocalDatabase():
Simple class to hold the information about a basf2 Local database.
Does a bit of checking that the file path entered is valid etc.
filepath (str): The file path of the database.txt file of the localdb
Keyword Arguments:
payload_dir (str): If the payload directory is different to the directory containing the filepath, you can set it here.
db_type = "local"
def __init__(self, filepath, payload_dir=''):
f = pathlib.Path(filepath)
if f.exists():
self.filepath = f.resolve()
if not payload_dir:
self.payload_dir = pathlib.Path(self.filepath.parent)
p = pathlib.Path(payload_dir)
if p.exists():
self.payload_dir = p.resolve()
raise ValueError(f"The LocalDatabase payload_dir: {p} does not exist.")
raise ValueError(f"The LocalDatabase filepath: {f} does not exist.")
class CentralDatabase():
Simple class to hold the information about a bas2 Central database.
Does no checking that a global tag exists.
This class could be made much simpler, but it's made to be similar to LocalDatabase.
global_tag (str): The Global Tag of the central database
db_type = "central"
def __init__(self, global_tag):
self.global_tag = global_tag
def split_runs_by_exp(runs):
runs (list[ExpRun]): Ordered list of ExpRuns we want to split by Exp value
list[list[ExpRun]]: Same as original list but sublists are generated for each Exp value
split_by_runs = []
current_exp = runs[0].exp
exp_list = []
for exprun in runs:
if exprun.exp != current_exp:
exp_list = [exprun]
current_exp = exprun.exp
return split_by_runs
def runs_overlapping_iov(iov, runs):
Takes an overall IoV() object and a list of ExpRun
and returns the set of ExpRun containing only those runs that overlap
with the IoV.
iov (IoV): IoV to compare overlaps with
runs (list[ExpRun]): The available runs to check if them overlap with the IoV
overlapping_runs = set()
for run in runs:
# Construct an IOV of one run
run_iov = run.make_iov()
if run_iov.overlaps(iov):
return overlapping_runs
def iov_from_runs(runs):
Takes a list of (Exp,Run) and returns the overall IoV from the lowest ExpRun to the highest.
It returns an IoV() object and assumes that the list was in order to begin with.
if len(runs) > 1:
exprun_low, exprun_high = runs[0], runs[-1]
exprun_low, exprun_high = runs[0], runs[0]
return IoV(exprun_low.exp, exprun_low.run, exprun_high.exp, exprun_high.run)
def iov_from_runvector(iov_vector):
Takes a vector of ExpRun from CalibrationAlgorithm and returns
the overall IoV from the lowest ExpRun to the highest. It returns
an IoV() object. It assumes that the vector was in order to begin with.
import copy
exprun_list = [list(ExpRun(iov.first, iov.second)) for iov in iov_vector]
if len(exprun_list) > 1:
exprun_low, exprun_high = exprun_list[0], exprun_list[-1]
exprun_low, exprun_high = exprun_list[0], copy.deepcopy(exprun_list[0])
return IoV(exprun_low.exp, exprun_low.run, exprun_high.exp, exprun_high.run)
def vector_from_runs(runs):
Convert a sequence of `ExpRun` to a std vector<pair<int,int>>
runs (list[ExpRun]): The runs to convert
exprun_type = ROOT.pair(int, int)
run_vec = ROOT.vector(exprun_type)()
for run in runs:
run_vec.push_back(exprun_type(run.exp, run.run))
return run_vec
def runs_from_vector(exprun_vector):
Takes a vector of `ExpRun` from CalibrationAlgorithm and returns
a Python list of (exp,run) tuples in the same order.
exprun_vector (``ROOT.vector[ROOT.pair(int,int)]``): Vector of expruns for conversion
return [ExpRun(exprun.first, exprun.second) for exprun in exprun_vector]
def find_run_lists_from_boundaries(boundaries, runs):
Takes a list of starting ExpRun boundaries and a list of available ExpRuns and finds
the runs that are contained in the IoV of each boundary interval. We assume that this
is occurring in only one Experiment! We also assume that after the last boundary start
you want to include all runs that are higher than this starting ExpRun.
Note that the output ExpRuns in their lists will be sorted. So the ordering may be
different than the overall input order.
boundaries (list[ExpRun]): Starting boundary ExpRuns to tell us where to start an IoV
runs (list[ExpRun]): The available runs to chunk into boundaries
boundary_iov_to_runs = {}
# Find the boundary IoVs
for start_current, start_next in pairwise(boundaries):
# We can safely assume the run-1 because we aren't doing this across multiple experiment numbers
boundary_iov = IoV(*start_current, start_next.exp, start_next.run-1)
boundary_runs = sorted(runs_overlapping_iov(boundary_iov, runs))
boundary_iov_to_runs[boundary_iov] = boundary_runs
# The final boundary start won't get iterated above because there's no 'next' boundary. So we add the remaining runs here
boundary_iov = IoV(*boundaries[-1], boundaries[-1].exp, -1)
boundary_runs = sorted(runs_overlapping_iov(boundary_iov, runs))
boundary_iov_to_runs[boundary_iov] = boundary_runs
return boundary_iov_to_runs
def find_sources(dependencies):
Returns a deque of node names that have no input dependencies.
# Create an OrderedDict to make sure that our sources are
# in the same order that we started with
in_degrees = OrderedDict((k, 0) for k in dependencies)
for node, adjacency_list in dependencies.items():
for future_node in adjacency_list:
in_degrees[future_node] += 1
# We build a deque of nodes with no dependencies
sources = deque([])
for name, in_degree in in_degrees.items():
if in_degree == 0:
return sources
def topological_sort(dependencies):
Does a topological sort of a graph (dictionary) where the keys are the
node names, and the values are lists of node names that depend on the
key (including zero dependencies). It should return the sorted
list of nodes.
>>> dependencies = {}
>>> dependencies['c'] = ['a','b']
>>> dependencies['b'] = ['a']
>>> dependencies['a'] = []
>>> sorted = topological_sort(dependencies)
>>> print(sorted)
['c', 'b', 'a']
# We find the in-degree (number of dependencies) for each node
# and store it.
in_degrees = {k: 0 for k in dependencies}
for node, adjacency_list in dependencies.items():
for future_node in adjacency_list:
in_degrees[future_node] += 1
# We build a deque of nodes with no dependencies
sources = deque([])
for name, in_degree in in_degrees.items():
if in_degree == 0:
order = []
while sources: # Keep adding and removing from this until solved
source = sources.pop() # Pick a node with no dependencies
order.append(source) # Add it to our ordered nodes
for node in dependencies[source]: # Remove vertices from adjacent nodes
in_degrees[node] -= 1
if in_degrees[node] == 0: # If we've created a new source, add it.
if len(order) == len(dependencies): # Check if all nodes were ordered
return order # If not, then there was a cyclic dependence
B2WARNING("Cyclic dependency detected, check CAF.add_dependency() calls.")
return []
def all_dependencies(dependencies, order=None):
Here we pass in a dictionary of the form that is used in topological sort
where the keys are nodes, and the values are a list of the nodes that depend
on it.
However, the value (list) does not necessarily contain all of the future nodes
that depend on each one, only those that are directly adjacent in the graph.
So there are implicit dependencies not shown in the list.
This function calculates the implicit future nodes and returns an OrderedDict
with a full list for each node. This may be expensive in memory for
complex graphs so be careful.
If you care about the ordering of the final OrderedDict you can pass in a list
of the nodes. The final OrderedDict then has the same order as the order parameter.
full_dependencies = OrderedDict()
def add_out_nodes(node, node_set):
This is a recursive function that follows the tree of adjacent future nodes
and adds all of them to a set (so that we have unique items)
for out_node in dependencies[node]:
add_out_nodes(out_node, node_set)
if not order:
order = dependencies.keys()
# Loop over the nodes in the order and recursively head upwards through explicit
# adjacent nodes.
for node in order:
node_dependencies = set()
add_out_nodes(node, node_dependencies)
full_dependencies[node] = list(node_dependencies)
return full_dependencies
def past_from_future_dependencies(future_dependencies):
past_dependencies = defaultdict(list)
for node, deps in future_dependencies.items():
for dep in deps:
return past_dependencies
def decode_json_string(object_string):
Simple function to call json.loads() on a string to return the
Python object constructed (Saves importing json everywhere).
return json.loads(object_string)
def method_dispatch(func):
Decorator that behaves exactly like functools.singledispatch
but which takes the second argument to be the important one
that we want to check the type of and dispatch to the correct function.
This is needed when trying to dispatch a method in a class, since the
first argument of the method is always 'self'.
Just decorate around class methods and their alternate functions:
>>> @method_dispatch # Default method
>>> def my_method(self, default_type, ...):
>>> pass
>>> @my_method.register(list) # Registers list method for dispatch
>>> def _(self, list_type, ...):
>>> pass
Doesn't work the same for property decorated class methods, as these
return a property builtin not a function and change the method naming.
Do this type of decoration to get them to work:
>>> @property
>>> def my_property(self):
>>> return self._my_property
>>> @my_property.setter
>>> @method_dispatch
>>> def my_property(self, input_property):
>>> pass
>>> @my_property.fset.register(list)
>>> def _(self, input_list_properties):
>>> pass
dispatcher = singledispatch(func)
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
return dispatcher.dispatch(args[1].__class__)(*args, **kw)
wrapper.register = dispatcher.register
update_wrapper(wrapper, func)
return wrapper
def temporary_workdir(path):
"""Context manager that changes the working directory to the given
path and then changes it back to its previous value on exit.
prev_cwd = os.getcwd()
def merge_local_databases(list_database_dirs, output_database_dir):
Takes a list of database directories and merges them into one new directory,
defined by the output_database_dir.
It assumes that each of the database directories is of the standard form:
-> database.txt
-> <payload file name>
-> <payload file name>
-> ...
database_file_path = os.path.join(output_database_dir, 'database.txt')
with open(database_file_path, 'w') as db_file:
for directory in list_database_dirs:
if not os.path.exists(directory):
B2WARNING(f"Database directory {directory} requested by collector but it doesn't exist!")
# Get only the files, not directories
listdir, isfile, join = os.listdir, os.path.isfile, os.path.join
file_names = [file_name for file_name in listdir(directory) if isfile(join(directory, file_name))]
# Now we need the absolute paths to all of the payload files so we can copy them across
file_names = [os.path.join(directory, file_name) for file_name in file_names[:]]
for file_name in file_names:
shutil.copy(file_name, output_database_dir)
# Now grab all the IoV stuff from each database.txt files and merge it.
with open(os.path.join(directory, 'database.txt')) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
def get_iov_from_file(file_path):
Returns an IoV of the exp/run contained within the given file.
Uses the b2file-metadata-show basf2 tool.
import subprocess
metadata_output = subprocess.check_output(['b2file-metadata-show', '--json', file_path])
m = json.loads(metadata_output.decode('utf-8'))
return IoV(m['experimentLow'], m['runLow'], m['experimentHigh'], m['runHigh'])
def get_file_iov_tuple(file_path):
Simple little function to return both the input file path and the relevant IoV, instead of just the IoV.
B2INFO(f"Finding IoV for {file_path}.")
return (file_path, get_iov_from_file(file_path))
def make_file_to_iov_dictionary(file_path_patterns, polling_time=10, pool=None, filterfalse=None):
Takes a list of file path patterns (things that glob would understand) and runs b2file-metadata-show over them to
extract the IoV.
file_path_patterns (list[str]): The list of file path patterns you want to get IoVs for.
Keyword Arguments:
polling_time (int): Time between checking if our results are ready.
pool: Optional Pool object used to multprocess the b2file-metadata-show subprocesses.
We don't close or join the Pool as you might want to use it yourself, we just wait until the results are ready.
filterfalse (`function`): An optional function object that will be called on each absolute filepath found from your
patterns. If True is returned the file will have its metadata returned. If False it will be skipped. The filter function
should take the filepath string as its only argument.
dict: Mapping of matching input file paths (Key) to their IoV (Value)
absolute_file_paths = find_absolute_file_paths(file_path_patterns)
# Optionally filter out files matching our filter function
if filterfalse:
import itertools
absolute_file_paths = list(itertools.filterfalse(filterfalse, absolute_file_paths))
file_to_iov = {}
if not pool:
for file_path in absolute_file_paths:
B2INFO(f"Finding IoV for {file_path}.")
file_to_iov[file_path] = get_iov_from_file(file_path)
import time
results = []
for file_path in absolute_file_paths:
results.append(pool.apply_async(get_file_iov_tuple, (file_path,)))
while True:
if all(map(lambda result: result.ready(), results)):
B2INFO("Still waiting for IoVs to be calculated.")
for result in results:
file_iov = result.get()
file_to_iov[file_iov[0]] = file_iov[1]
return file_to_iov
def find_absolute_file_paths(file_path_patterns):
Takes a file path list (including wildcards) and performs glob.glob()
to extract the absolute file paths to all matching files.
Also uses set() to prevent multiple instances of the same file path
but returns a list of file paths.
Any non "file" type urls are taken as absolute file paths already and are simply
passed through.
existing_file_paths = set()
for file_pattern in file_path_patterns:
file_pattern_uri = parse_file_uri(file_pattern)
if file_pattern_uri.scheme == "file":
input_files = glob.glob(file_pattern_uri.path)
if not input_files:
B2WARNING(f"No files matching {file_pattern} can be found, it will be skipped!")
for file_path in input_files:
file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
B2INFO(f"Found a non-local file pattern {file_pattern} it will not be checked for validity.")
abs_file_paths = list(existing_file_paths)
return abs_file_paths
def parse_raw_data_iov(file_path):
For as long as the Raw data is stored using a predictable directory/filename structure
we can take advantage of it to more quickly infer the IoV of the files.
file_path (str): The absolute file path of a Raw data file on KEKCC
`IoV`: The Single Exp,Run IoV that the Raw data file corresponds to.
Path = pathlib.Path
file_path = Path(file_path)
# We'll try and extract the exp and run from both the directory and filename
# That will let us check that everything is as we expect
reduced_path = file_path.relative_to("/hsm/belle2/bdata/Data/Raw")
# Second try for the calibration data path
except ValueError:
reduced_path = file_path.relative_to("/group/belle2/dataprod/Data/Raw")
path_exp = int(reduced_path.parts[0][1:])
path_run = int(reduced_path.parts[1][1:])
split_filename = reduced_path.name.split(".")
filename_exp = int(split_filename[1])
filename_run = int(split_filename[2])
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Wrong file path: {file_path}.") from e
if path_exp == filename_exp and path_run == filename_run:
return IoV(path_exp, path_run, path_exp, path_run)
raise ValueError(f"Filename and directory gave different IoV after parsing for: {file_path}.")
def create_directories(path, overwrite=True):
Creates a new directory path. If it already exists it will either leave it as is (including any contents),
or delete it and re-create it fresh. It will only delete the end point, not any intermediate directories created.
# Delete if overwriting and it exists
if (path.exists() and overwrite):
# If it never existed or we just deleted it, make it now
if not path.exists():
def find_int_dirs(dir_path):
If you previously ran a Calibration and are now re-running after failure, you may have iteration directories
from iterations above your current one. This function will find directories that match an integer.
dir_path(`pathlib.Path`): The directory to search inside.
list[`pathlib.Path`]: The matching Path objects to the directories that are valid ints
paths = []
all_dirs = [sub_dir for sub_dir in dir_path.glob("*") if sub_dir.is_dir()]
for directory in all_dirs:
except ValueError:
return paths
def parse_file_uri(file_uri):
A central function for parsing file URI strings. Just so we only have to change it in one place later.
file_uri (str)
return urlparse(file_uri, scheme="file", allow_fragments=False)
UNBOUND_EXPRUN = ExpRun(-1, -1)
# @endcond