#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
pdg - access particle definitions
This module helps to access particle definitions. When the software is loaded a
list of known particles is read from the EvtGen particle definition file
:file:`framework/particledb/data/evt.pdl`. This file contains all well-known
standard-model particles and their properties: mass, width or lifetime, charge,
This module allows to easily access this information (see `get`) or if necessary
add new particles using `add_particle` and even replace the whole particle
definition list using `load`.
It also provides simple getters to convert `PDG codes`_ into particle names and
vice versa for use with modules which require a list of PDG codes for the
particles to generate. See `from_name`, `from_names`, `to_name` and `to_names`
.. _PDG codes: http://pdg.lbl.gov/2020/reviews/rpp2020-rev-monte-carlo-numbering.pdf
import re
import basf2
from fractions import Fraction
def _get_instance():
Function to return an instance of the EvtGenDatabasePDG class.
# Always avoid the top-level 'import ROOT'.
from ROOT import Belle2 # noqa
instance = Belle2.EvtGenDatabasePDG.Instance()
return instance
def get(name):
Function to return particle information (TParticlePDG) from ROOT Database.
'name' can be either the name of the particle, or a pdg code.
Will throw an LookupError of no such particle exists.
p = _get_instance().GetParticle(name)
if not p:
raise LookupError(f"No particle with name '{name}'")
return p
def from_name(name):
Function to return pdg code for the given particle name.
>>> pdg.from_name("pi+")
return get(name).PdgCode()
def from_names(names):
for a list/tuple of particle names, return list of pdg codes.
>>> pdg.from_names(["e+","e-","gamma"])
[-11, 11, 22]
assert not isinstance(names, str), 'Argument is not a list!'
return [from_name(n) for n in names]
def to_name(pdg):
Return particle name for given pdg code.
>>> pdg.to_name(321)
return get(pdg).GetName()
def to_names(pdg_codes):
for a list/tuple of pdg codes, return list of particle names.
>>> pdg.to_names([11, -11, -211, 3212])
['e-', 'e+', 'pi-', 'Sigma0']
assert not isinstance(pdg_codes, int), 'Argument is not a list!'
return [to_name(pdg) for pdg in pdg_codes]
def conjugate(name):
Function to return name of conjugated particle
return to_name(-from_name(name))
except LookupError:
return name
def load(filename):
Read particle database from given evtgen pdl file
def load_default():
"""Read default evt.pdl file"""
def add_particle(name, pdgCode, mass, width, charge, spin, max_width=None, lifetime=0, pythiaID=0,
Add a new particle to the list of known particles.
The name cannot contain any whitespace character.
name (str): name of the particle
pdgCode (int): pdg code identifiert for the particle
mass (float): mass of the particle in GeV
width (float): width of the particle in GeV
charge (float): charge of the particle in e
spin (float): spin of the particle
max_width (float): max width, if omitted 3*width will be used
lifetime (float): lifetime in ns, should be 0 as geant4 cannot handle it correctly otherwise
pythiaID (int): pythiaID of the particle (if any), if omitted 0 will be used
define_anti_particle (bool): if True, an anti-particle with the default name anti-{name} is defined and added.
if lifetime > 0:
basf2.B2WARNING("Userdefined particle with non-zero lifetime will not be simulated correctly")
if max_width is None:
# FIXME: is 3 a good default?
max_width = width * 3
particle = _get_instance().AddParticle(name, name, mass, False, width, charge * 3, "userdefined",
pdgCode, 0, 0, lifetime, spin, max_width, pythiaID)
if particle:
f"Adding new particle '{name}' (pdg={int(pdgCode)}, mass={mass:.3g} GeV, width={width:.3g} GeV, " +
f"charge={int(charge)}, spin={Fraction(spin)})")
if define_anti_particle:
anti_particle = _get_instance().AddParticle(
f'anti-{name}', f'anti-{name}', mass, False, width, -charge * 3, "userdefined", -pdgCode, 0, 0,
lifetime, spin, max_width, pythiaID
basf2.B2INFO(f"Adding new particle 'anti-{name}' as anti-particle of '{name}'")
return True
return False
def search(name=None, min_mass=None, max_mass=None, name_regex=False, include_width=False):
Search for a particles by name or mass or both.
This function allows to search for particle by name or mass and will return
a list of all particles which match the given criteria.
By default all searches for the name are case insensitive but if ``name``
starts with "~" the search will be case sensitive. The "~" will not be part
of the search.
If ``name_regex=True`` the name will be interpreted as a python
:py:mod:`regular expression <re>` and the function will return all particles
whose names match the expression. If ``name_regex=False`` the function will
return a list of all particles containing the given pattern as substring
ignoring case with two special cases:
- if ``name`` begins with "^", only particles beginning with the pattern
will be searched. The "^" will not be part of the search.
- if ``name`` ends with "$" the pattern will only be matched to the end
of the particle name. The "$" will not be part of the search.
If ``include_width=True`` the search will include all particles if their
(mass ± width) is within the given limit. If ``include_width`` is a positive
number then the particle will be returned if :math:`m ± n*\Gamma` is within the
required range where n is the value of ``include_width`` and :math:`\Gamma` the
width of the particle.
Return a list of all particles
>>> search()
Search for all particles containing a "pi" somewhere in the name and ignore the case
>>> search("pi")
Search for all particles beginning with K or k
>>> search("^K")
Search for all particles ending with "+" and having a maximal mass of 3 GeV:
>>> search("+$", max_mass=3.0)
Search for all particles which contain a capital D and have a minimal mass of 1 GeV
>>> search("~D", min_mass=1.0)
Search for all partiles which contain a set of parenthesis containing a number
>>> search(r".*\(\d*\).*", name_regex=True)
Search all particles whose mass ± width covers 1 to 1.2 GeV
>>> search(min_mass=1.0, max_mass=1.2, include_width=True)
Search all particles whose mass ± 3*width touches 1 GeV
>>> search(min_mass=1.0, max_mass=1.0, include_width=3)
name (str): Search pattern which will either be matched as a substring
or as regular expression if ``name_regex=True``
min_mass (float): minimal mass for all returned particles or None for no limit
max_mass (float): maximal mass for all returned particles or None for no limit
name_regex (bool): if True then ``name`` will be treated as a regular expression
include_width (float or bool): if True or >0 include the particles if
(mass ± include_width*width) falls within the mass limits
pattern = None
if name:
options = re.IGNORECASE
if name[0] == "~":
name = name[1:]
options = 0
if not name_regex:
if name[0] == "^" and name[-1] == "$":
name = f"^{re.escape(name[1:-1])}$"
elif name[0] == "^":
name = f"^{re.escape(name[1:])}.*"
elif name[-1] == "$":
name = f".*{re.escape(name[:-1])}$"
name = f".*{re.escape(name)}.*"
pattern = re.compile(name, options)
if include_width is True:
include_width = 1
if include_width < 0:
include_width = 0
result = []
for p in _get_instance().ParticleList():
if pattern is not None and not pattern.match(p.GetName()):
m = p.Mass()
w = p.Width() * include_width
if min_mass is not None and min_mass > (m + w):
if max_mass is not None and max_mass < (m - w):
return result