#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
Skim list building functions for charm analyses.
.. Note::
The Hp, Hm and Jm in the function name represent arbitrary charged particles with
positive or negative charge. The Hp and Jm in `XToD0_D0ToHpJm`, mean a positive particle
and a negative particle that could be either conjugate or non-conjugate. The Hp and Hm
in `EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0`, mean a positive particle and a negative particle that
must be conjugate.
.. Note::
Although reconstructDecay() would automatically include charged conjugate channel, and D0
is not distinguishable from anti-D0 in XToD0 skim, both :math:`D^0 \\to f` and :math:`D^0 \\to \\overline{f}`
mode should be written explicitly in XToD0 skim, because later in the DstToD0Pi skim, the D0 decay strings
in XToD0 skim would be directly combined with pi+. For example, if one only include D0 -> K+ pi- in XToD0_D0ToHpJm
skim, then in DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJm skim, only the D*+ -> [D0 -> K+ pi-] pi+ would be included, and
D*+ -> [D0 -> K- pi+] pi+ would not be included.
from functools import lru_cache
import modularAnalysis as ma
import variables as va
from skim import BaseSkim, fancy_skim_header
from skim.standardlists.lightmesons import loadStdWideOmega
from stdCharged import stdK, stdPi, stdCharged
from stdPhotons import loadStdSkimPhoton
from stdPi0s import loadStdSkimPi0, stdPi0s
from stdV0s import stdKshorts, stdLambdas
from variables import variables as vm
__liaison__ = "Jaeyoung Kim <jaeyoung_kim@yonsei.ac.kr>"
_VALIDATION_SAMPLE = "mdst16.root"
@lru_cache # Avoid loading the list multiple time on the same path
def charm_skim_std_charged(particle_type, path):
Provides a list of charged particles to be used by charm skims named
``<particle_type>+:charmSkim``, with basic cuts applied:
``dr < 1 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance``.
if particle_type not in ['pi', 'K', 'p', 'e', 'mu']:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown particle type {particle_type!r}")
stdCharged(particle_type, 'all', path=path)
f"{particle_type}+:charmSkim", f"{particle_type}+:all",
"dr < 1 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance", path=path)
@lru_cache # Avoid loading the list multiple time on the same path
def charm_skim_sigma(path):
Provides a list of charged sigma baryons for charm skims with these basic
cuts applied: ``1.166 < M < 1.211 and significanceOfDistance > 2``. The
proton daughters must fulfil a loose proton PID requirement vs pions and
kaons and the pi0 daughters are standard skim pi0s with an invariant mass
in the range 0.12 - 0.145 GeV/c^2.
vm.addAlias('trinaryID', 'formula(protonID/(pionID+kaonID+protonID))')
ma.fillParticleList('p+:Sigma_charmSkim', 'trinaryID > 0.2', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('pi0:charmSkim', 'pi0:skim', '0.120 < InvM < 0.145', True, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('Sigma+:charmSkim -> p+:Sigma_charmSkim pi0:charmSkim',
cut='1.166 < M < 1.211 and significanceOfDistance > 2', path=path)
class XToD0_D0ToHpJm(BaseSkim):
Skims :math:`D^0`'s reconstructed by `XToD0_D0ToHpJm.D0ToHpJm`.
__authors__ = ["Dinura Hettiarachchi"]
__description__ = "Skim list for inclusive D0 two body decays."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
# Cached static method, so that its contents are only executed once for a single path.
# Factored out into a separate function here, so it is available to other skims.
def D0ToHpJm(path):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{0} \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^-`,
* :math:`D^{0} \\to K^+ \\pi^-`,
* :math:`D^{0} \\to K^- \\pi^+`,
* :math:`D^{0} \\to K^+ K^-`,
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged
* ``1.70 < M(D0) < 2.00, pcms(D0) > 2.0``
* `` K/pi binary ID > 0.2``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
ma.cutAndCopyList('K+:D0ToHpJm', 'K+:charmSkim', 'binaryPID(321, 211) > 0.2', path=path)
D0Cuts = "1.70 < M < 2.00 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
D0Channels = ["pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim",
"pi+:charmSkim K-:D0ToHpJm",
"K+:D0ToHpJm pi-:charmSkim",
"K+:D0ToHpJm K-:D0ToHpJm",
D0List = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, D0Cuts, chID, path=path)
D0List.append("D0:HpJm" + str(chID))
return D0List
def build_lists(self, path):
"""Builds :math:`D^0` skim lists defined in `XToD0_D0ToHpJm.D0ToHpJm`."""
return self.D0ToHpJm(path)
class XToD0_D0ToNeutrals(BaseSkim):
Skims :math:`D^0`'s reconstructed by `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals.D0ToNeutrals`.
__authors__ = ["Giulia Casarosa"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D0 to neutral FSPs."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
# Cached static method, so that its contents are only executed once for a single path
# Factored out into a separate function here, so it is available to other skims.
def D0ToNeutrals(path):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{0}\\to \\pi^{0} \\pi^{0}`
* :math:`D^{0}\\to K_{S} \\pi^{0}`
* :math:`D^{0}\\to K_{S} K_{S}`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* Use :math:`K_{S}` from `stdV0s.stdKshorts`
* ``1.62 < M(D0) < 2.1, pcms(D0) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
* (Maybe in the future, we can add a loose ECL cluster timing cut
to :math:`\\pi^{0}` in this skim.)
* path (basf2.Path): Skim path to be processed.
* List of D0 particle list names.
charmcuts = "1.6 < M < 2.1 and useCMSFrame(p)>2.0"
ma.cutAndCopyList('pi0:D0To2N', 'pi0:skim', 'p>0.4', path=path)
D0_Channels = ["pi0:D0To2N pi0:D0To2N",
"K_S0:merged pi0:D0To2N",
"K_S0:merged K_S0:merged",
D0List = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:2Nbdy" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, charmcuts, chID, path=path)
D0List.append("D0:2Nbdy" + str(chID))
return D0List
def build_lists(self, path):
"""Builds :math:`D^0` skim lists defined in `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals.D0ToNeutrals`."""
return self.D0ToNeutrals(path)
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToRare(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\gamma \\gamma`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to ee`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to e^+ \\mu^-`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to e^- \\mu^+`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\mu \\mu`,
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^-`,
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use photons from `stdPhotons.loadStdSkimPhoton`
* Use electrons, muons, and pions from the `charm_skim_std_charged`
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06``
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``0 < Q < 0.02``
* ``pcms(D*) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Jaeyoung Kim", "Doris Yangsoo Kim", "Jaeyeon Kim"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to rare decay."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('e', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('mu', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
charmcuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06"
Dstcuts = "0 < Q < 0.02 and 2.0 < useCMSFrame(p)"
D0_Channels = ["gamma:skim gamma:skim",
"e+:charmSkim e-:charmSkim",
"e+:charmSkim mu-:charmSkim",
"e-:charmSkim mu+:charmSkim",
"mu+:charmSkim mu-:charmSkim",
"pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim"]
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:Rare" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, charmcuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:Rare" + str(chID) + " -> pi+:all D0:Rare" + str(chID),
Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:Rare" + str(chID))
return DstList
class XToDp_DpToKsHp(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to K_{S} \\pi^+`,
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to K_{S} K^+`,
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks not from :math:`K_{S}`: ``abs(dr) < 1, abs(dz) < 3,
* Use :math:`K_{S}` from `stdV0s.stdKshorts` and require
``flightDistance/flightDistanceErr > 2``
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Guanda Gong"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D_(s)+ to Ks h+."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdK("all", path=path)
stdPi("all", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(dr) < 1 and abs(dz) < 3"
mySel += " and thetaInCDCAcceptance"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:DpToKsHp", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:DpToKsHp", mySel, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('K_S0:DpToKsHp', 'K_S0:merged', 'formula(flightDistance/flightDistanceErr) > 2', path=path)
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.17 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
Dp_Channels = ["K_S0:DpToKsHp pi+:DpToKsHp",
"K_S0:DpToKsHp K+:DpToKsHp",
DpList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dp_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:KsHp" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Dpcuts, chID, path=path)
DpList.append("D+:KsHp" + str(chID))
return DpList
class DpToPipEpEm(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^+ \\to \\pi^+ e^- e^+`,
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm lists in `charm_skim_std_charged`
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0`` and loose cuts for ee
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Andrej Lozar"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D+ to pi+ e+ e-."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged("pi", path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged("e", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("e+:DpToPipEE", "e+:charmSkim", "electronID > 0.01", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.17 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
DpList = []
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:DpToPipEE -> pi+:charmSkim e+:DpToPipEE e-:DpToPipEE", Dpcuts, 1, path=path)
return DpList
class DpToPipMupMum(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^+ \\to \\pi^+ \\mu^- \\mu^+`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm lists in `charm_skim_std_charged`
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0`` and loose cuts for mumu
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Andrej Lozar"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D+ to pi+ mu+ mu-."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged("pi", path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged("mu", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("mu+:DpToPipMuMu", "mu+:charmSkim", "muonID > 0.01", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.17 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
DpList = []
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:DpToPipMuMu -> pi+:charmSkim mu+:DpToPipMuMu mu-:DpToPipMuMu", Dpcuts, 1, path=path)
return DpList
class DpToPipKpKm(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^+ \\to \\pi^+ K^- K^+`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm lists in `charm_skim_std_charged`
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0`` and loose cuts for KK
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Andrej Lozar"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D+ to pi+ K+ K-."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged("pi", path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged("K", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("K+:DpToPipKpKm", "K+:charmSkim", "kaonID > 0.1", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.17 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
DpList = []
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:PipKpKm -> pi+:charmSkim K+:DpToPipKpKm K-:DpToPipKpKm", Dpcuts, 1, path=path)
return DpList
class XToDp_DpToHpHmJp(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^+`,
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- K^+`,
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to \\pi^+ K^- K^+`,
* :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to K^+ K^- K^+`,
* For :math:`D^+_{(S)} \\to K_{S} h^+`, which includes a :math:`K_{S}` vertex,
please check `XToDp_DpToKsHp`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use traacks from the `charm_skim_std_charged`
* Additional cut: global PID > 0.5(Temporary solution for Run1 re-skimming campaign. It might need to be modified.)
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Jaeyoung Kim", "Aman Sangal"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D_(s)+ to h+ h- j+."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.17 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:HpHmJp', 'pi+:charmSkim', 'pionID > 0.5', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('K+:HpHmJp', 'K+:charmSkim', 'kaonID > 0.5', path=path)
Dp_Channels = ["pi+:HpHmJp pi-:HpHmJp pi+:HpHmJp",
"pi+:HpHmJp pi-:HpHmJp K+:HpHmJp",
"pi+:HpHmJp K-:HpHmJp K+:HpHmJp",
"K+:HpHmJp K-:HpHmJp pi+:HpHmJp",
DpList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dp_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:HpHmJp" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Dpcuts, chID, path=path)
DpList.append("D+:HpHmJp" + str(chID))
return DpList
class DstToDpPi0_DpToHpPi0(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^{0} D^{+}, D^+ \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^0`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks: ``abs(dr) < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance``
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.07, pcms(D+) > 2.0``
* ``0 < Q < 0.018``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Johannes Brand"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to D+ pi0, D+ to h+ pi0."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(dr) < 1 and abs(dz) < 3"
mySel += " and thetaInCDCAcceptance"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:hppi0", mySel, path=path)
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.07 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
Dp_Channels = ["pi+:hppi0 pi0:skim",
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dp_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:HpPi0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, Dpcuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpPi0" + str(chID) + " -> D+:HpPi0" + str(chID) + " pi0:skim", "0 < Q < 0.018", path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:HpPi0" + str(chID))
return DstList
class DpToHpPi0(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^+ \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^0`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks: ``dr < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance, pcms(\\pi^{+}) > 0.5``
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s` require ``pcms(\\pi^{0}) > 0.5``
* ``1.57 < M(D+) < 2.17, pcms(D+) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Yifan Jin"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D+ to h+ pi0 without D* tag."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
# loadStdSkimPi0(path=path)
stdPi0s(listtype='eff50_May2020Fit', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:HpPi0', 'pi+:charmSkim', 'pt > 0.1 and useCMSFrame(p) > 0.5', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('pi0:HpPi0', 'pi0:eff50_May2020Fit', 'useCMSFrame(p) > 0.5', path=path)
Dpcuts = "1.57 < M < 2.17 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
DList = []
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:HpPi0 -> pi+:HpPi0 pi0:HpPi0", Dpcuts, path=path)
return DList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJm(XToD0_D0ToHpJm):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to D^{0} \\pi^+`, where :math:`D^{0}` is reconstructed by `XToD0_D0ToHpJm.D0ToHpJm`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Apply the cuts in `XToD0_D0ToHpJm`
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``0 < Q < 0.018``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = "Giulia Casarosa"
__description__ = "Same as `XToD0_D0ToHpJm`, but requiring the D0 is from D*+ -> D0 pi+ process."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdK("all", path=path)
stdPi("all", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
D0List = self.D0ToHpJm(path)
Dstcuts = '0 < Q < 0.018'
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0List):
ma.reconstructDecay('D*+:HpJm' + str(chID) + ' -> D0:HpJm' + str(chID) + ' pi+:all', Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append('D*+:HpJm' + str(chID))
return DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**: :math:`D^{*\\pm}\\to D^{0} \\pi^\\pm` with
* :math:`D^{0}\\to K^\\mp \\pi^\\pm \\pi^0` (and CC)
* :math:`D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^0` (and CC)
* :math:`D^{0}\\to K^+ K^- \\pi^0` (and CC)
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks: ``charmSkim`` lists from `charm_skim_std_charged`
* Pions: ``pionID > 0.1``
* Kaons: ``kaonID > 0.1``
* :math:`\\pi^{0}`: from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* ``1.70 < M(D0) < 2.10``
* ``M(D*)-M(D0) < 0.16``
* ``pCM(D*) > 2.0``
__authors__ = ["Ludovico Massaccesi", "Emma Oxford"]
__description__ = (
"Skim list for D*-tagged D0 to pi0 and two charged hadrons"
" (any combination of kaons and pions)."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
D0_cuts = "1.70 < M < 2.10"
Dst_cuts = "massDifference(0) < 0.16 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2"
ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:HpJmPi0', 'pi+:charmSkim', 'binaryPID(321, 211) < 0.9', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('K+:HpJmPi0', 'K+:charmSkim', 'binaryPID(321, 211) > 0.1', path=path)
Dst_lists = []
for h1, h2 in [('pi', 'pi'), ('pi', 'K'), ('K', 'K')]:
lst = f"{h1}{h2}Pi0"
ma.reconstructDecay(f"D0:{lst} -> {h1}+:HpJmPi0 {h2}-:HpJmPi0 pi0:skim", D0_cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(f"D*+:{lst}_RS -> D0:{lst} pi+:HpJmPi0", Dst_cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(f"D*-:{lst}_WS -> D0:{lst} pi-:HpJmPi0", Dst_cuts, path=path)
ma.copyLists(f"D*+:{lst}", [f"D*+:{lst}_RS", f"D*+:{lst}_WS"], path=path)
return Dst_lists
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToKsOmega(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^{0}`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks from :math:`D^{0}`:
``abs(dr) < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance``
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`, then require ``0.11 < M(pi0) < 0.15, p(pi0) > 0.25``
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06, pcms(D0) > 2.0``
* ``Q < 0.018``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = []
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to Ks pi+ pi- pi0."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(dr) < 1 and abs(dz) < 3"
mySel += " and thetaInCDCAcceptance"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:KsOmg", mySel, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi0:D0ToKsOmg", "pi0:skim", "0.11 < M < 0.15 and p > 0.25 ", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("omega:3pi -> pi+:KsOmg pi-:KsOmg pi0:D0ToKsOmg", "", path=path)
charmcuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:KsOmega -> K_S0:merged omega:3pi", charmcuts, path=path)
DstList = []
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:KsOmega -> D0:KsOmega pi+:all", "0 < Q < 0.018", path=path)
return DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmHpJm(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^+ K^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- K^+ K^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\pi^+ K^- K^+ K^-`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks from :math:`D^{0}`:
``abs(dr) < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance``
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06``
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``Q < 0.022, pcms(D*+) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Kavita Lalwani, Chanchal Sharma"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to K- pi+ pi- pi+."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
stdK("all", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(dr) < 1 and abs(dz) < 3"
mySel += " and thetaInCDCAcceptance"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:HpHmHpJm", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:HpHmHpJm", mySel, path=path)
D0_Channels = [
"pi+:HpHmHpJm pi-:HpHmHpJm pi+:HpHmHpJm pi-:HpHmHpJm",
"pi+:HpHmHpJm pi-:HpHmHpJm pi+:HpHmHpJm K-:HpHmHpJm",
"pi+:HpHmHpJm pi-:HpHmHpJm K+:HpHmHpJm K-:HpHmHpJm",
"pi+:HpHmHpJm K-:HpHmHpJm K+:HpHmHpJm K-:HpHmHpJm",
D0cuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06"
Dstcuts = "0 < Q < 0.022 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpHmHpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, D0cuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpHmHpJm" + str(chID) + " -> pi+:all D0:HpHmHpJm" + str(chID), Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:HpHmHpJm" + str(chID))
return DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToNeutrals(XToD0_D0ToNeutrals):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}`, where the :math:`D^{0}` is reconstructed
by `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals.D0ToNeutrals`.
**Selection Criteria**:
* Apply the cuts in `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals`
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``deltaM<0.2``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Giulia Casarosa", "Emma Oxford"]
__description__ = "Same as `XToD0_D0ToNeutrals`, but requiring that the D0 is from D* decay."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
D0List = self.D0ToNeutrals(path)
Dstcuts = "daughterMotherDiffOf(1,M)<0.2"
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0List):
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:2Nbdy" + str(chID) + " -> pi+:all " + channel, Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:2Nbdy" + str(chID))
return DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmKs(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} \\pi^+ K^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} K^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to K_{S} K^+ K^-`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Tracks from :math:`D^{0}`:
``abs(dr) < 1, abs(dz) < 3, thetaInCDCAcceptance``
* Use :math:`K_{S}` from `stdV0s.stdKshorts`
* ``1.66 < M(D0) < 2.06``
* No cut on the slow pion
* ``Q < 0.022``
* ``pcms(D*) > 2.0``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Yeqi Chen"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D*+ to pi+ D0, D0 to Ks and two conjugate charged FSPs."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(dr) < 1 and abs(dz) < 3"
mySel += " and thetaInCDCAcceptance"
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:hpjmks", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:hpjmks", mySel, path=path)
D0cuts = "1.66 < M < 2.06"
Dstcuts = "0 < Q < 0.022 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
D0_Channels = ["pi-:hpjmks pi+:hpjmks K_S0:merged",
"K-:hpjmks pi+:hpjmks K_S0:merged",
"pi-:hpjmks K+:hpjmks K_S0:merged",
"K-:hpjmks K+:hpjmks K_S0:merged",
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpJmKs" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, D0cuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpJmKs" + str(chID) + " -> pi+:all D0:HpJmKs" + str(chID), Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:HpJmKs" + str(chID))
return DstList
class EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0(BaseSkim):
Cut criteria are not finally decided, and could be changed. Please check the
code in the master branch to get up-to-date information.
__authors__ = []
__description__ = "An special version of `DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpJmPi0` to deal with Early Data."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 1.0" # IP cut, tighter than previous skims
mySel += " and thetaInCDCAcceptance" # CDC acceptance cut
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:myhjp0", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:myhjp0", mySel, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi0:myhjp0", "pi0:skim", "", path=path) # see analysis/scripts/stdPi0s.py for cuts
D0cuts = "1.70 < M < 2.10"
Dstcuts = "massDifference(0) < 0.160 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
eventcuts = "nCleanedTracks(abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 1.0) >= 3"
path = self.skim_event_cuts(eventcuts, path=path)
DstList = []
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpJmPi0 -> K-:myhjp0 pi+:myhjp0 pi0:myhjp0", D0cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpJmPi0RS -> D0:HpJmPi0 pi+:myhjp0", Dstcuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*-:HpJmPi0WS -> D0:HpJmPi0 pi-:myhjp0", Dstcuts, path=path)
ma.copyLists("D*+:HpJmPi0", ["D*+:HpJmPi0RS", "D*+:HpJmPi0WS"], path=path)
return DstList
class EarlyData_DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0(BaseSkim):
Cut criteria are not finally decided, and could be changed. Please check the
code in the master branch to get up-to-date information.
__authors__ = []
__description__ = "A special version of ``DstToD0Pi_D0ToHpHmPi0`` to deal with Early Data."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
def build_lists(self, path):
mySel = "abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 1.0" # IP cut, tighter than previous skims
mySel += " and thetaInCDCAcceptance" # CDC acceptance cut
ma.fillParticleList("pi+:myhhp0", mySel, path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("K+:myhhp0", mySel, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi0:myhhp0", "pi0:skim", "", path=path) # see analysis/scripts/stdPi0s.py for cuts
D0cuts = "1.70 < M < 2.10"
Dstcuts = "massDifference(0) < 0.160 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
eventcuts = "nCleanedTracks(abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 1.0) >= 3"
path = self.skim_event_cuts(eventcuts, path=path)
D0_Channels = ["pi+:myhhp0 pi-:myhhp0 pi0:myhhp0",
"K+:myhhp0 K-:myhhp0 pi0:myhhp0",
DstList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_Channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, D0cuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + " -> D0:HpHmPi0" + str(chID) + " pi+:myhhp0",
Dstcuts, chID, path=path)
DstList.append("D*+:HpHmPi0" + str(chID))
return DstList
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToVGamma(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\phi \\gamma`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\rho^{0} \\gamma`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\bar K^{*0} \\gamma`
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to \\pi^+ D^{0}, D^{0}\\to \\omega \\gamma`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm lists in `charm_skim_std_charged`
* Use :math:`\\gamma` from `stdPhotons.loadStdSkimPhoton`
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* Cut on :math:`\\phi`:
``abs(dM) < 0.03``
* Cut on :math:`\\rho^{0}`:
``abs(dM) < 0.3675``
* Cut on :math:`\\bar K^{*0}`:
``abs(dM) < 0.33``
* Cut on :math:`\\omega`:
``abs(dM) < 0.045``
* Cut on :math:`D^{0}`:
``abs(dM) < 0.225 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2``
* Cut on :math:`D^{*+}`:
``massDifference(0) < 0.160``
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Jaeyoung Kim"]
__description__ = "A select of DstToD0Pi_D0ToVGamma, V is the vector meson, including phi, rho0, anti-K*0 and omega."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
omegacut = "abs(dM) < 0.045"
phicut = "abs(dM) < 0.03"
rhocut = "abs(dM) < 0.3675"
antiKstarcut = "abs(dM) < 0.33"
D0cuts = "abs(dM) < 0.225 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2"
Dstcuts = "massDifference(0) < 0.160"
DstList = []
# Omega mode
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="omega:D0ToOmgGam -> pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim pi0:skim", cut=omegacut, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D0:D0ToOmgGam -> omega:D0ToOmgGam gamma:loose", cut=D0cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D*+:D0ToOmgGam -> D0:D0ToOmgGam pi+:charmSkim", cut=Dstcuts, dmID=1, path=path)
# Phi mode
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="phi:D0ToPhiGam -> K+:charmSkim K-:charmSkim", cut=phicut, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D0:D0ToPhiGam -> phi:D0ToPhiGam gamma:loose", cut=D0cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D*+:D0ToPhiGam -> D0:D0ToPhiGam pi+:charmSkim", cut=Dstcuts, dmID=2, path=path)
# Rho0 mode
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="rho0:D0ToRhoGam -> pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim", cut=rhocut, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D0:D0ToRhoGam -> rho0:D0ToRhoGam gamma:loose", cut=D0cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D*+:D0ToRhoGam -> D0:D0ToRhoGam pi+:charmSkim", cut=Dstcuts, dmID=3, path=path)
# anti-K*0 mode
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="anti-K*0:D0ToKstGam -> K-:charmSkim pi+:charmSkim", cut=antiKstarcut, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D0:D0ToKstGam -> anti-K*0:D0ToKstGam gamma:loose", cut=D0cuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay(decayString="D*+:D0ToKstGam -> D0:D0ToKstGam pi+:charmSkim", cut=Dstcuts, dmID=4, path=path)
eventCuts = "nParticlesInList(D*+:D0ToVGam) > 0"
path = self.skim_event_cuts(eventCuts, path=path)
return DstList
class LambdacTopHpJm(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to p \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to p \\pi^+ K^-`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to p K^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to p K^+ K^-`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged
* ``2.2 < M(Lambda_c) < 2.4, pcms(Lambda_c) > 2.0``
* K/pi binary ID > 0.2, p/K/pi trinary ID > 0.2
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Suravinda Kospalage"]
__description__ = "Skim list for Lambda_c+ three body decays including a proton."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('p', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
va.variables.addAlias('trinaryID', 'formula(protonID/(pionID+kaonID+protonID))')
ma.cutAndCopyList('K+:LcTopHpJm', 'K+:charmSkim', 'binaryPID(321, 211) > 0.2', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('p+:LcTopHpJm', 'p+:charmSkim', 'trinaryID > 0.2', path=path)
LambdacCuts = "2.2 < M < 2.4 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
LambdacChannels = ["p+:LcTopHpJm pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim",
"p+:LcTopHpJm pi+:charmSkim K-:LcTopHpJm",
"p+:LcTopHpJm K+:LcTopHpJm pi-:charmSkim",
"p+:LcTopHpJm K+:LcTopHpJm K-:LcTopHpJm",
LambdacList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(LambdacChannels):
ma.reconstructDecay("Lambda_c+:pHpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, LambdacCuts, chID, path=path)
LambdacList.append("Lambda_c+:pHpJm" + str(chID))
return LambdacList
class LambdacToSHpJm(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to \\Sigma^+ \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to \\Sigma^+ \\pi^+ K^-`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to \\Sigma^+ K^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to \\Sigma^+ K^+ K^-`
* :math:`\\Lambda_c^+ \\to \\Sigma^+ K_S`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged
* ``2.2 < M(Lambda_c) < 2.4, pcms(Lambda_c) > 2.0``
* K/pi binary ID > 0.2, p/K/pi trinary ID > 0.2
* loose mass window for :math:`\\pi^{0}` and skim selections from stdPi0s
* ``0.44 < M(K_s) < 0.55, significanceOfFlightDistance > 2.0``
* :math:`\\pm 3\\sigma` mass windows for :math:`\\Sigma^+`
* lower bound on significance of distance for :math:`\\Sigma^+` > 2
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Suravinda Kospalage"]
__description__ = "Skim list for Lambda_c+ three body decays including a Sigma+."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
va.variables.addAlias('significanceOfFlightDistance', 'formula(flightDistance/flightDistanceErr)')
ma.cutAndCopyList('K+:LcToSHpJm', 'K+:charmSkim', 'binaryPID(321, 211) > 0.2', path=path)
'significanceOfFlightDistance > 2.0',
LambdacCuts = "2.2 < M < 2.4 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
LambdacChannels = ["Sigma+:charmSkim pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim",
"Sigma+:charmSkim pi+:charmSkim K-:LcToSHpJm",
"Sigma+:charmSkim K+:LcToSHpJm pi-:charmSkim",
"Sigma+:charmSkim K+:LcToSHpJm K-:LcToSHpJm",
"Sigma+:charmSkim K_S0:LcToSHpJm",
LambdacList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(LambdacChannels):
ma.reconstructDecay("Lambda_c+:SHpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, LambdacCuts, chID, path=path)
LambdacList.append("Lambda_c+:SHpJm" + str(chID))
return LambdacList
class XicpTopHpJm(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to p \\pi^+ K^-`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged
* ``2.3 < M(Xi_c) < 2.65, pcms(Xi_c) > 2.0``
* K/pi binary ID > 0.2, p/K/pi trinary ID > 0.2
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Suravinda Kospalage"]
__description__ = "Skim list for Xi_c+ three body decays including a proton."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm, cascade"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('p', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
va.variables.addAlias('trinaryID', 'formula(protonID/(pionID+kaonID+protonID))')
ma.cutAndCopyList('K+:XicTopHpJm', 'K+:charmSkim', 'binaryPID(321, 211) > 0.2', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('p+:XicTopHpJm', 'p+:charmSkim', 'trinaryID > 0.2', path=path)
XicCuts = "2.2 < M < 2.4 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
XicChannels = ["p+:XicTopHpJm pi+:charmSkim K-:XicTopHpJm",
XicList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(XicChannels):
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi_c+:pHpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, XicCuts, chID, path=path)
XicList.append("Xi_c+:pHpJm" + str(chID))
return XicList
class XicpToLKsHp(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to Lambda K_S^0 \\pi^+`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to Lambda K_S^0 K^+`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to \\Xi^- \\pi^+ \\pi^+`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to \\Xi^- \\pi^+ K^+`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to \\Omega^- \\pi^+ K^+`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged
* ``2.35 < M(Xi_c) < 2.59, pcms(Xi_c) > 2.0``
__authors__ = ["Longke Li"]
__description__ = "Skim list for Xi_c+ decaying to Lambda Ks h+, Xi- pi+ h+, Omega- pi+ K+."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm, Xi_c"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
stdPi("all", path=path)
stdK("all", path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
va.variables.addAlias('trinaryID', 'formula(protonID/(pionID+kaonID+protonID))')
ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:Xic2LKsHp', 'pi+:charmSkim', 'binaryPID(321, 211) < 0.9', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('K+:Xic2LKsHp', 'K+:charmSkim', 'binaryPID(321, 211) > 0.2', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('Lambda0:Xic2LKsHp', 'Lambda0:merged', '1.10 < M < 1.13 and daughter(0,trinaryID) > 0.2', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('K_S0:Xic2LKsHp', 'K_S0:merged', '0.46 < M < 0.54', path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi-:Xic2LKsHp -> Lambda0:Xic2LKsHp pi-:all", cut="1.295 < M < 1.35", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("Omega-:Xic2LKsHp -> Lambda0:Xic2LKsHp K-:all", cut="1.622 < M < 1.722", path=path)
XicCuts1 = "2.20 < M < 2.60 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
XicCuts2 = "2.35 < M < 2.60 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
XicList = []
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi_c+:LKsHp1 -> Lambda0:Xic2LKsHp K_S0:Xic2LKsHp pi+:Xic2LKsHp", XicCuts1, 1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi_c+:LKsHp2 -> Lambda0:Xic2LKsHp K_S0:Xic2LKsHp K+:Xic2LKsHp", XicCuts1, 2, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi_c+:XiPiHp1 -> Xi-:Xic2LKsHp pi+:Xic2LKsHp pi+:Xic2LKsHp", XicCuts2, 3, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi_c+:XiPiHp2 -> Xi-:Xic2LKsHp pi+:Xic2LKsHp K+:Xic2LKsHp", XicCuts2, 4, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi_c+:OmgPiHp1 -> Omega-:Xic2LKsHp pi+:Xic2LKsHp K+:Xic2LKsHp", XicCuts2, 5, path=path)
return XicList
class XicToXimPipPim(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to \\Sigma^+ \\pi^+ K^-`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to \\Sigma^+ K^+ K^-`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to \\Sigma^+ \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to \\Xi^- \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^+ \\to \\Xi^0 \\pi^+ \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
**Selection Criteria**
* standard track quality constraints on final state particles from charm_skim_std_charged
* K/pi binary ID > 0.2, p/K/pi trinary ID > 0.2
* :math:`\\pm 3\\sigma` mass windows for all intermediate hyperons
* :math:`\\pm 3\\sigma` mass window for pi0 and skim selections from stdPi0s
* lower bound on significance of (flight) distance for all intermediate hyperons, 40% of expected value to be used in analysis
* loose mass window and lower bound to pCMS for Xic+
* lower bound to p for pi0s originating from a Sigma+
__authors__ = ["Paul Gebeline"]
__description__ = "Skim for Xi_c+ to hyperons."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm, cascade"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
stdPi("all", path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
va.variables.addAlias('trinaryID', 'formula(protonID/(pionID+kaonID+protonID))')
va.variables.addAlias('significanceOfFlightDistance', 'formula(flightDistance/flightDistanceErr)')
ma.cutAndCopyList('K+:XicToSHpJm', 'K+:charmSkim', 'binaryPID(321, 211) > 0.2', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('Sigma+:XicToSHpJm', 'Sigma+:charmSkim', 'daughter(1, p) > 0.1', path=path)
'1.114 < M < 1.118 and significanceOfFlightDistance > 3 and daughter(0,trinaryID) > 0.2',
"Xi-:XicToSHpJm -> Lambda0:XicToSHpJm pi-:all",
cut="1.318 < M < 1.325 and significanceOfDistance > 1.4",
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi0:XicToSHpJm -> Lambda0:XicToSHpJm pi0:charmSkim",
cut="1.294 < M < 1.335 and significanceOfDistance > 2", path=path)
XicCuts = "2.3 < M < 2.65 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
XicChannels = ["Sigma+:XicToSHpJm pi+:charmSkim K-:XicToSHpJm",
"Sigma+:XicToSHpJm pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim",
"Sigma+:XicToSHpJm K+:XicToSHpJm K-:XicToSHpJm",
"Xi-:XicToSHpJm pi+:charmSkim pi+:charmSkim",
"Xi0:XicToSHpJm pi+:charmSkim pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim"
XicList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(XicChannels):
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi_c+:HpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, XicCuts, chID, path=path)
XicList.append("Xi_c+:HpJm" + str(chID))
return XicList
class Xic0ToLHpJm(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`\\Xi_c^0 \\to \\Lambda^0 \\pi^+ K^-`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^0 \\to \\Lambda^0 \\pi^+ \\pi^-`
* :math:`\\Xi_c^0 \\to \\Lambda^0 K^+ K^-`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Use tracks from the charm_skim_std_charged
* ``2.3 < M(Xi_c) < 2.65, pcms(Xi_c) > 2.0``
* p/K/pi trinary ID
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Saroj Pokharel"]
__description__ = "Skim list for three-body Xi_c0 decays including a Lambda0"
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm, cascade"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
va.variables.addAlias('trinaryID', 'formula(protonID/(pionID+kaonID+protonID))')
va.variables.addAlias('significanceOfFlightDistance', 'formula(flightDistance/flightDistanceErr)')
'1.114 < M < 1.118 and significanceOfFlightDistance > 3 and daughter(0,trinaryID) > 0.2',
XicCuts = "2.3 < M < 2.65 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
XicChannels = ["Lambda0:XicToLHpJm pi+:charmSkim K-:charmSkim",
"Lambda0:XicToLHpJm pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim",
"Lambda0:XicToLHpJm K+:charmSkim K-:charmSkim",
Xic0List = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(XicChannels):
ma.reconstructDecay("Xi_c0:LHpJm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, XicCuts, chID, path=path)
Xic0List.append("Xi_c0:LHpJm" + str(chID))
return Xic0List
class DstToD0Pi_D0ToGeneric(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to D^{0} \\pi^{+}` (signal side)
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to D^0 \\pi^{+}` and :math:`D^{*+}\\to D^{+} \\pi^{0}` (tag side)
* :math:`D^{*0}\\to D^0 \\pi^{0}` and :math:`D^{*0}\\to D^{0} \\gamma` (tag side)
* :math:`D_s^{*+}\\to D_s^{+} \\gamma` (tag side)
* 15 hadronic channels for tag :math:`D^{0}` reconstruction
* 11 hadronic channels for tag :math:`D^{+}` reconstruction
* 10 hadronic channels for tag :math:`D_{s}^{+}` reconstruction
* 19 hadronic channels for tag :math:`\\Lambda_{c}^{+}` reconstruction
**Selection Criteria**:
* Cut on :math:`\\pi^{+}, K^{+}` : charm_skim_std_charged pion and kaon with PIDNN > 0.1
* Cut on :math:`p^{+}` : abs(dr) < 1.0 and abs(dz) < 3.0 and protonID > 0.1
* Cut on :math:`\\gamma` : E > 0.05
* Cut on :math:`\\pi^{0}\\to \\gamma \\gamma` : 0.115 < M < 0.160
* Cut on tag side :math:`D^{0}` : 1.72 < M < 2.02 and p* > 2.0
* Cut on tag side :math:`D^{+}` : 1.72 < M < 2.02 and p* > 2.0
* Cut on tag side :math:`D_{s}^{+}` : 1.82 < M < 2.12 and p* > 2.0
* Cut on tag side :math:`\\Lambda_{c}^{+}` : 2.18 < M < 2.38 and p* > 2.0
* 0.135 < massDifference(0) < 0.155 on decay with :math:`\\pi_{s}^{+}` on :math:`D_{tag}^{*}`
* 0.130 < massDifference(0) < 0.160 on decay with :math:`\\pi^{0}` on :math:`D_{tag}^{*}`
* 0.120 < massDifference(0) < 0.165 on decay with :math:`\\gamma` on :math:`D_{tag}^{*}`
* 1.81 < M < 2.21 on signal side :math:`D^{*+}`
* 0.08 < :math:`M_{D^{*}}` - :math:`M_{D}` < 0.27 and p* > 2.0 on signal side :math:`D^{0}`
vm.addAlias('reco_px', 'formula(daughter(0,pxRecoil)-daughter(1,px))')
vm.addAlias('reco_py', 'formula(daughter(0,pyRecoil)-daughter(1,py))')
vm.addAlias('reco_pz', 'formula(daughter(0,pzRecoil)-daughter(1,pz))')
vm.addAlias('reco_E', 'formula(daughter(0,eRecoil)-daughter(1,E))')
vm.addAlias('reco_p', 'formula((reco_px^2 + reco_py^2 + reco_pz^2)^0.5)')
vm.addAlias('reco_M', 'formula((reco_E^2-reco_p^2)^0.5)')
vm.addAlias('DelM', 'formula(daughter(0,mRecoil)-reco_M)')
vm.addAlias('cms_p', 'useCMSFrame(reco_p)')
__authors__ = ["Chanho Kim"]
__description__ = "Skim list for Inclusive D0 from charm tagger"
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
Ks_sel = '[0.468 < M < 0.506] and goodBelleKshort == 1'
L0_sel = '[1.111 < M < 1.121] and [dr > 0.1] and [extraInfo(chiSquared) < 100]' + \
' and [cosAngleBetweenMomentumAndVertexVectorInXYPlane > 0.99]'
ma.applyCuts('K_S0:merged', Ks_sel, path=path)
ma.applyCuts('Lambda0:merged', L0_sel, path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:hadtag', 'pi+:charmSkim', 'pionID > 0.01', path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList('K+:hadtag', 'K+:charmSkim', 'kaonID > 0.1', path=path)
ma.fillParticleList("p+:hadtag", "protonID > 0.1 and abs(dr) < 1.0 and abs(dz) < 3.0", path=path)
ClusterCut = 'abs(clusterTiming) < 200 and abs(formula(clusterTiming/clusterErrorTiming)) < 2.0 and E > 0.1'
ma.fillParticleList("gamma:tag", "E > 0.05", path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("pi0:hadtag -> gamma:tag gamma:tag", "0.115 < M < 0.160", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("gamma:hadtag", "gamma:tag", ClusterCut, path=path)
d0cuts = "1.72 < M < 2.02 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
# tag charm hadrons reconstruction (D0/D+/Lambda_c+/D_s+/D*0/D*+/D_s*+)
D0_channels = [
"K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"pi-:hadtag pi+:hadtag",
"pi-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"pi-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"pi-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged pi0:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag K+:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag K+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag K+:hadtag K_S0:merged"]
D0List = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(D0_channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:skimDm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, d0cuts, chID, path=path)
D0List.append("D0:skimDm" + str(chID))
Dp_channels = [
"K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag K+:hadtag pi+:hadtag",
"K-:hadtag K+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged pi+:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"K+:hadtag K_S0:merged K_S0:merged"]
dpcuts = "1.72 < M < 2.02 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
DpList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dp_channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:skimDm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, dpcuts, chID, path=path)
DpList.append("D+:skimDm" + str(chID))
ma.reconstructDecay("Sigma+:hadtag -> p+:hadtag pi0:hadtag", "1.08 < M < 1.3", path=path)
LC_channels = [
"p+:hadtag K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag",
"p+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi+:hadtag",
"p+:hadtag K-:hadtag K+:hadtag",
"p+:hadtag K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"p+:hadtag K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"p+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"p+:hadtag K_S0:merged",
"p+:hadtag K_S0:merged pi0:hadtag",
"p+:hadtag K_S0:merged pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"Lambda0:merged pi+:hadtag",
"Lambda0:merged pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"Lambda0:merged pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi+:hadtag",
"Sigma+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"Sigma+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"Sigma+:hadtag pi0:hadtag"]
LCcuts = "2.18 < M < 2.38 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
LambdacList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(LC_channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("Lambda_c+:skimDm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, LCcuts, chID, path=path)
LambdacList.append("Lambda_c+:skimDm" + str(chID))
Ds_channels = [
"K+:hadtag K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag",
"K+:hadtag K_S0:merged",
"K_S0:merged K_S0:merged pi+:hadtag",
"K+:hadtag K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged K+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged pi+:hadtag",
"K_S0:merged pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag",
"K+:hadtag K-:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag"]
DScuts = "1.82 < M < 2.12 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
DsList = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Ds_channels):
ma.reconstructDecay("D_s+:skimDm" + str(chID) + " -> " + channel, DScuts, chID, path=path)
DsList.append("D_s+:skimDm" + str(chID))
ma.copyLists("D0:skim", D0List, path=path)
ma.copyLists("D+:skim", DpList, path=path)
ma.copyLists("Lambda_c+:skim", LambdacList, path=path)
ma.copyLists("D_s+:skim", DsList, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:skim1 -> D0:skim pi+:hadtag", "0.135 < massDifference(0) < 0.155", 1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:skim2 -> D+:skim pi0:hadtag", "0.130 < massDifference(0) < 0.160", 2, path=path)
ma.copyLists("D*+:skim", ["D*+:skim1", "D*+:skim2"], path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*0:skim1 -> D0:skim pi0:hadtag", "0.130 < massDifference(0) < 0.160", 1, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*0:skim2 -> D0:skim gamma:hadtag", "0.120 < massDifference(0) < 0.165", 2, path=path)
ma.copyLists("D*0:skim", ["D*0:skim1", "D*0:skim2"], path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D_s*+:skim -> D_s+:skim gamma:hadtag", "0.120 < massDifference(0) < 0.165", path=path)
# ==============================================================================================
# ============================ fragmentation part ==============================================
# ==============================================================================================
DstP_Xfrag = [
"", "pi0:hadtag", "pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag", "pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi0:hadtag"]
sigCuts = "1.81 < mRecoil < 2.21"
sigDst_fromDstP = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(DstP_Xfrag):
n = len(DstP_Xfrag)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:dsp_" + str(chID) + " -> D*+:skim " + channel, sigCuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:dsp_" + str(chID + n) + " -> D*+:skim " + channel +
" K+:hadtag K-:hadtag", sigCuts, chID + n, path=path)
sigDst_fromDstP.append("D*+:dsp_" + str(chID))
sigDst_fromDstP.append("D*+:dsp_" + str(chID + n))
ma.copyLists("D*+:fromDstP", sigDst_fromDstP, path=path)
sigDst_fromDp = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(DstP_Xfrag):
n = len(DstP_Xfrag)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:dp_" + str(chID) + " -> D+:skim " + channel, sigCuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:dp_" + str(chID + n) + " -> D+:skim " + channel +
" K+:hadtag K-:hadtag", sigCuts, chID + n, path=path)
sigDst_fromDp.append("D*+:dp_" + str(chID))
sigDst_fromDp.append("D*+:dp_" + str(chID + n))
ma.copyLists("D*+:fromDp", sigDst_fromDp, path=path)
Dst0_Xfrag = [
"pi+:hadtag", "pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag", "pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi+:hadtag"]
sigDst_fromDst0 = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dst0_Xfrag):
n = len(Dst0_Xfrag)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:dsz_" + str(chID) + " -> D*0:skim " + channel, sigCuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:dsz_" + str(chID + n) + " -> D*0:skim " + channel +
" K+:hadtag K-:hadtag", sigCuts, chID + n, path=path)
sigDst_fromDst0.append("D*+:dsz_" + str(chID))
sigDst_fromDst0.append("D*+:dsz_" + str(chID + n))
ma.copyLists("D*+:fromDstz", sigDst_fromDst0, path=path)
sigDst_fromD0 = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(Dst0_Xfrag):
n = len(Dst0_Xfrag)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:dz_" + str(chID) + " -> D0:skim " + channel, sigCuts, chID, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:dz_" + str(chID + n) + " -> D0:skim " + channel +
" K+:hadtag K-:hadtag", sigCuts, chID, path=path)
sigDst_fromD0.append("D*+:dz_" + str(chID))
sigDst_fromD0.append("D*+:dz_" + str(chID + n))
ma.copyLists("D*+:fromDz", sigDst_fromD0, path=path)
LC_Xfrag = [
"pi+:hadtag anti-p-:hadtag",
"pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag anti-p-:hadtag",
"pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi+:hadtag anti-p-:hadtag"]
sigDst_fromLC = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(LC_Xfrag):
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:LC" + str(chID) + " -> Lambda_c+:skim " + channel, sigCuts, chID, path=path)
sigDst_fromLC.append("D*+:LC" + str(chID))
ma.copyLists("D*+:fromLC", sigDst_fromLC, path=path)
DstS_Xfrag = [
"K_S0:merged", "pi0:hadtag K_S0:merged",
"pi+:hadtag K-:hadtag", "pi+:hadtag pi0:hadtag K-:hadtag",
"pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag K_S0:merged", "pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi0:hadtag K_S0:merged",
"pi+:hadtag pi-:hadtag pi+:hadtag K-:hadtag"]
sigDst_fromDstS = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(DstS_Xfrag):
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:Dsts" + str(chID) + " -> D_s*+:skim " + channel, sigCuts, chID, path=path)
sigDst_fromDstS.append("D*+:Dsts" + str(chID))
ma.copyLists("D*+:fromDstS", sigDst_fromDstS, path=path)
sigDst_fromcDS = []
for chID, channel in enumerate(DstS_Xfrag):
ma.reconstructDecay("D*+:Ds" + str(chID) + " -> D_s+:skim " + channel, sigCuts, chID, path=path)
sigDst_fromcDS.append("D*+:Ds" + str(chID))
ma.copyLists("D*+:fromDs", sigDst_fromcDS, path=path)
sigDstList = ["D*+:fromDstP", "D*+:fromDstz", "D*+:fromLC", "D*+:fromDstS", "D*+:fromDp", "D*+:fromDz", "D*+:fromDs"]
ma.copyLists("D*+:skimSig", sigDstList, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D0:skimSig -> D*+:skimSig pi-:hadtag", "cms_p > 2.0 and 0.08 < DelM < 0.27", path=path)
sigDzList = ["D0:skimSig"]
return sigDzList
class DpToHpOmega(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{+}\\to K^{+} \\omega` (and CC)
* :math:`D^{+}\\to \\pi^+ \\omega` (and CC)
* :math:`\\omega\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^0`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Track cuts are `charm_skim_std_charged` pion and Kaon with ``PID > 0.1``
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* ``p(pi0) > 0.25 and 0.11 < InvM(pi0) < 0.15``
* ``0.71 < M(omega) < 0.85``
* ``1.67 < M(D+) < 2.07``
* ``p*(D+) > 2.0``
__authors__ = ["Yongheon Ahn"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D+ to h+ omega, omega to pi+ pi- pi0."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi+:DpToHpOmg", "pi+:charmSkim", "pionID>0.1", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("K+:DpToHpOmg", "K+:charmSkim", "kaonID>0.1", path=path)
Dpcuts = "1.67 < M < 2.07 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:DpToKpOmg -> K+:DpToHpOmg omega:wide", Dpcuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D+:DpToPipOmg -> pi+:DpToHpOmg omega:wide", Dpcuts, path=path)
DList = []
return DList
class DspToHpOmega(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D_{s}^{+}\\to K^{+} \\omega` (and CC)
* :math:`D_{s}^{+}\\to \\pi^+ \\omega` (and CC)
* :math:`\\omega\\to \\pi^+ \\pi^- \\pi^0`
**Selection Criteria**:
* Track cuts are `charm_skim_std_charged` pion and Kaon with ``PID > 0.1``
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* ``p(pi0) > 0.25 and 0.11 < InvM(pi0) < 0.15``
* ``0.71 < M(omega) < 0.85``
* ``1.77 < M(D_s+) < 2.17``
* ``p*(D_s+) > 2.0``
__authors__ = ["Yongheon Ahn"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D_s+ to h+ omega, omega to pi+ pi- pi0."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = True
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
charm_skim_std_charged('K', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
ma.cutAndCopyList("pi+:Ds2HpOmg", "pi+:charmSkim", "pionID>0.1", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList("K+:Ds2HpOmg", "K+:charmSkim", "kaonID>0.1", path=path)
Dspcuts = "1.77 < M < 2.17 and useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0"
ma.reconstructDecay("D_s+:DspToKpOmg -> K+:Ds2HpOmg omega:wide", Dspcuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay("D_s+:DspToPipOmg -> pi+:Ds2HpOmg omega:wide", Dspcuts, path=path)
DsList = []
return DsList
class DpToEtaHp(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* :math:`D^{+}\\to \\eta \\pi^+` (and CC)
* :math:`D^{+}\\to \\eta \\K^+` (and CC)
**Selection Criteria**:
* Track cuts are `charm_skim_std_charged` pion and Kaon
* Use :math:`\\pi^{0}` from `stdPi0s.loadStdSkimPi0`
* :math:`0.4 < M(\\eta_{\\gamma\\gamma} < 0.6`
* :math:`0.48 < M(\\eta_{\\pi^{+}\\pi^{-}\\pi^{0}} < 0.6`
* :math:`p(\\eta) > 0.4`
* :math:`1.6 < M(D^{+}) < 2.1`
* :math:`p*(D^{+})>2.2`
__authors__ = ["Jaeyoung Kim"]
__description__ = "Skim list for D+ to eta h+"
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
charm_skim_std_charged('pi', path=path)
def build_lists(self, path):
eta_gamma_cut = "[[clusterNHits>1.5] and thetaInCDCAcceptance]"
eta_gamma_cut += " and [[clusterReg==1 and E>0.05] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.05] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.075]]"
ma.fillParticleList("gamma:DpToEtaHp", eta_gamma_cut, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('eta:DpToEtaHp_2Gam -> gamma:DpToEtaHp gamma:DpToEtaHp', '[0.4 < M < 0.6] and [p>0.4]', path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('eta:DpToEtaHp_3Pi -> pi+:charmSkim pi-:charmSkim pi0:skim', '[0.48 < M < 0.6] and [p>0.4]', path=path)
charmcuts = "1.6 < M < 2.1 and useCMSFrame(p)>2.2"
ma.reconstructDecay('D+:DpToEtaHp_2Gam -> eta:DpToEtaHp_2Gam pi+:charmSkim', charmcuts, path=path)
ma.reconstructDecay('D+:DpToEtaHp_3Pi -> eta:DpToEtaHp_3Pi pi+:charmSkim', charmcuts, path=path)
DpList = []
return DpList
class LambdacToGeneric(BaseSkim):
**Decay Modes**:
* Inclusive :math:`\\Lambda_{c}^{+}` is identified in mass recoiling against
:math:`D^{(*)-} \\bar{p} \\pi^{+}`, :math:`D_{s}^{(*)-} \\bar{p} K^{+}`, and :math:`D^{(*)0} \\bar{p}`.
* The tag side :math:`D` is reconstructed in the following decay modes:
* :math:`D^{*+}\\to D^0 \\pi^{+}` and :math:`D^{*+}\\to D^{+} \\pi^{0}` (tag side)
* :math:`D^{*0}\\to D^0 \\pi^{0}` and :math:`D^{*0}\\to D^{0} \\gamma` (tag side)
* :math:`D_s^{*+}\\to D_s^{+} \\gamma` (tag side)
* 6 hadronic channels for tag :math:`D^{0}` reconstruction
* 6 hadronic channels for tag :math:`D^{+}` reconstruction
* 5 hadronic channels for tag :math:`D_{s}^{+}` reconstruction
**Selection Criteria**:
* Cut on :math:`\\pi^{+}` : abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2.0
* Cut on :math:`K^{+}` : abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2.0 and kaonID > 0.2
* Cut on :math:`p` : abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2.0 and protonID > 0.2
* Cut on :math:`\\gamma` : E > 0.10
* Cut on :math:`\\pi^{0}\\to \\gamma \\gamma`: pi0:skim
* Cut on tag side :math:`D^{0}` : channel dependent mass window wider than :math:`3 \\sigma` and :math:`p^{*} > 1.8`
* Cut on tag side :math:`D^{+}` : channel dependent mass window wider than :math:`3 \\sigma` and :math:`p^{*} > 1.8`
* Cut on tag side :math:`D_{s}^{+}` : channel dependent mass window wider than :math:`3 \\sigma` and :math:`p^{*} > 1.8`
* 0.120 < massDifference(0) < 0.176 on decay with :math:`\\pi_{s}^{+}` on :math:`D_{tag}^{*}`
* 0.114 < massDifference(0) < 0.176 on decay with :math:`\\pi^{0}` on :math:`D_{tag}^{*}`
* 0.104 < massDifference(0) < 0.190 on decay with :math:`\\gamma` on :math:`D_{tag}^{*}`
* 1.4 < M < 3.4 and :math:`p^{*} > 1.8` on signal side :math:`\\Lambda_{c}^{+}`
* For more details, please check the source code of this skim.
__authors__ = ["Lukas Bierwirth"]
__description__ = "Skim list for inclusive Lambda_c+ decays."
__contact__ = __liaison__
__category__ = "physics, charm"
NoisyModules = ["ParticleLoader", "RootOutput"]
ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
def load_standard_lists(self, path):
def build_lists(self, path):
def batchReconstructDecays(
channels, outputList=None, allowChargeViolation=False, path=None
for key in channels:
if outputList:
ma.copyLists(outputList, list(channels.keys()), path=path)
return 0
class Channel:
def __init__(self, decay_string, cut):
self.decay_string = decay_string
self.cut = cut
suffix = "_Lambdac_inc_skim"
dummy = f"Lambda_c+:dummy{suffix}"
antiDummy = f"anti-Lambda_c-:dummy{suffix}"
p_cms = 1.8
dummy, mdstIndex=0, covMatrix=-1, treatAsInvisible=False, path=path
"""[[clusterNHits>1.5] and [0.2967< clusterTheta<2.6180]] and
[[clusterReg==1 and E>0.080] or [clusterReg==2 and E>0.030] or [clusterReg==3 and E>0.060]]""",
ipCut = "[dr < 0.5] and [abs(dz) < 2]"
gammaCut = "[E > 0.10]"
ma.fillParticleList(f"pi+:noPID{suffix}", "", path=path)
ma.fillParticleList(f"K+:pidOnly{suffix}", "[kaonID > 0.1]", path=path)
ma.fillParticleList(f"p+:pidOnly{suffix}", "[protonID > 0.1]", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList(f"pi+:ip{suffix}", f"pi+:noPID{suffix}", ipCut, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList(f"K+:ip{suffix}", f"K+:pidOnly{suffix}", ipCut, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList(f"p+:ip{suffix}", f"p+:pidOnly{suffix}", ipCut, path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList(f"pi+:base{suffix}", f"pi+:ip{suffix}", "", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList(f"K+:base{suffix}", f"K+:ip{suffix}", "kaonID > 0.2", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList(f"p+:base{suffix}", f"p+:ip{suffix}", "protonID > 0.2", path=path)
ma.cutAndCopyList(f"pi0:tag{suffix}", "pi0:skim", "", path=path)
f"K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} -> pi+ pi-", "0.25 < M < 0.84", path=path
massCut = {
'D_s*+:D_s+gamma': f'[1.732 < M < 2.566] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D_s+:K_S0K-pi+pi+': f'[1.615 < M < 2.386] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D_s+:K+K-pi+pi0': f'[1.613 < M < 2.389] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D_s+:K_S0K_S0pi+': f'[1.601 < M < 2.401] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D_s+:K_S0K+': f'[1.612 < M < 2.393] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D_s+:K+K-pi+': f'[1.628 < M < 2.375] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D*+:D+pi0': f'[1.647 < M < 2.437] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D*+:D0pi+': f'[1.642 < M < 2.442] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D+:K+K-pi+': f'[1.548 < M < 2.258] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D+:K_S0pi+pi+pi-': f'[1.530 < M < 2.275] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D+:K_S0pi+pi0': f'[1.508 < M < 2.286] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D+:K_S0pi+': f'[1.525 < M < 2.280] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D+:K-pi+pi+pi0': f'[1.525 < M < 2.274] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D+:K-pi+pi+': f'[1.542 < M < 2.262] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D*0:D0gamma': f'[1.635 < M < 2.438] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D*0:D0pi0': f'[1.643 < M < 2.438] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D0:K_S0pi+pi-pi0': f'[1.517 < M < 2.274] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D0:K_S0pi+pi-': f'[1.521 < M < 2.268] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D0:K-pi+pi+pi-pi0': f'[1.530 < M < 2.263] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D0:K-pi+pi+pi-': f'[1.538 < M < 2.256] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D0:K-pi+pi0': f'[1.512 < M < 2.274] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D0:K-pi+': f'[1.538 < M < 2.262] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D_s+:allChannels': f'[1.620 < M < 2.387] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D*+:allChannels': f'[1.642 < M < 2.442] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D+:allChannels': f'[1.529 < M < 2.274] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D*0:allChannels': f'[1.639 < M < 2.438] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
'D0:allChannels': f'[1.521 < M < 2.268] and [useCMSFrame(p) > {p_cms}]',
massDifferenceCut = {
"D*+:D0pi+": "[0.120 < massDifference(0) < 0.176]",
"D*0:D0pi0": "[0.114 < massDifference(0) < 0.176]",
"D*0:D0gamma": "[0.104 < massDifference(0) < 0.204]",
"D*+:D+pi0": "[0.114 < massDifference(0) < 0.176]",
"D_s*+:D_s+gamma": "[0.104 < massDifference(0) < 0.204]",
channelsDzero = {
f"D0:K-pi+{suffix}": Channel(
f"D0:K-pi+{suffix} -> K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix}", massCut["D0:K-pi+"]
f"D0:K-pi+pi0{suffix}": Channel(
f"D0:K-pi+pi0{suffix} -> K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi0:tag{suffix}", massCut["D0:K-pi+pi0"]
f"D0:K-pi+pi+pi-{suffix}": Channel(
f"D0:K-pi+pi+pi-{suffix} -> K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi-:base{suffix}",
f"D0:K-pi+pi+pi-pi0{suffix}": Channel(
f"D0:K-pi+pi+pi-pi0{suffix} -> K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi-:base{suffix} pi0:tag{suffix}",
f"D0:K_S0pi+pi-{suffix}": Channel(
f"D0:K_S0pi+pi-{suffix} -> K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi-:base{suffix}",
f"D0:K_S0pi+pi-pi0{suffix}": Channel(
f"D0:K_S0pi+pi-pi0{suffix} -> K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi-:base{suffix} pi0:tag{suffix}",
channelsDplus = {
f"D+:K-pi+pi+{suffix}": Channel(
f"D+:K-pi+pi+{suffix} -> K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix}", massCut["D+:K-pi+pi+"]
f"D+:K-pi+pi+pi0{suffix}": Channel(
f"D+:K-pi+pi+pi0{suffix} -> K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi0:tag{suffix}",
f"D+:K_S0pi+{suffix}": Channel(
f"D+:K_S0pi+{suffix} -> K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} pi+:base{suffix}", massCut["D+:K_S0pi+"]
f"D+:K_S0pi+pi0{suffix}": Channel(
f"D+:K_S0pi+pi0{suffix} -> K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi0:tag{suffix}",
f"D+:K_S0pi+pi+pi-{suffix}": Channel(
f"D+:K_S0pi+pi+pi-{suffix} -> K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi-:base{suffix}",
f"D+:K+K-pi+{suffix}": Channel(
f"D+:K+K-pi+{suffix} -> K+:base{suffix} K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix}", massCut["D+:K+K-pi+"]
channelsDstrangeplus = {
f"D_s+:K+K-pi+{suffix}": Channel(
f"D_s+:K+K-pi+{suffix} -> K+:base{suffix} K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix}", massCut["D_s+:K+K-pi+"]
f"D_s+:K_S0K+{suffix}": Channel(
f"D_s+:K_S0K+{suffix} -> K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} K+:base{suffix}", massCut["D_s+:K_S0K+"]
f"D_s+:K_S0K_S0pi+{suffix}": Channel(
f"D_s+:K_S0K_S0pi+{suffix} -> K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} pi+:base{suffix}",
f"D_s+:K+K-pi+pi0{suffix}": Channel(
f"D_s+:K+K-pi+pi0{suffix} -> K+:base{suffix} K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi0:tag{suffix}",
f"D_s+:K_S0K-pi+pi+{suffix}": Channel(
f"D_s+:K_S0K-pi+pi+{suffix} -> K_S0:pi+pi-{suffix} K-:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix} pi+:base{suffix}",
channelsDstarzero = {
f"D*0:D0pi0{suffix}": Channel(
f"D*0:D0pi0{suffix} -> D0:allChannels{suffix} pi0:tag{suffix}",
massCut["D*0:D0pi0"] + "and" + massDifferenceCut["D*0:D0pi0"],
f"D*0:D0gamma{suffix}": Channel(
f"D*0:D0gamma{suffix} -> D0:allChannels{suffix} gamma:ECut{suffix}",
massCut["D*0:D0gamma"] + "and" + massDifferenceCut["D*0:D0gamma"],
channelsDstarplus = {
f"D*+:D0pi+{suffix}": Channel(
f"D*+:D0pi+{suffix} -> D0:allChannels{suffix} pi+:base{suffix}",
massCut["D*+:D0pi+"] + "and" + massDifferenceCut["D*+:D0pi+"],
f"D*+:D+pi0{suffix}": Channel(
f"D*+:D+pi0{suffix} -> D+:allChannels{suffix} pi0:tag{suffix}",
massCut["D*+:D+pi0"] + "and" + massDifferenceCut["D*+:D+pi0"],
channelsDstrangestarplus = {
f"D_s*+:D_s+gamma{suffix}": Channel(
f"D_s*+:D_s+gamma{suffix} -> D_s+:allChannels{suffix} gamma:ECut{suffix}",
massCut["D_s*+:D_s+gamma"] + "and" + massDifferenceCut["D_s*+:D_s+gamma"],
channelsDzeroFragmentation = {
f"Xsd:p+{suffix}": Channel(f"@Xsd:p+{suffix} -> p+:base{suffix}", ""),
channelsDplusFragmentation = {
f"Xsd:p+pi-{suffix}": Channel(f"@Xsd:p+pi-{suffix} -> p+:base{suffix} pi-:base{suffix}", ""),
channelsDstrangeplusFragmentation = {
f"Xsd:p+K-{suffix}": Channel(f"@Xsd:p+K-{suffix} -> p+:base{suffix} K-:base{suffix}", ""),
channelsZzero = {
f"Xsd:D0p+{suffix}": Channel(f"@Xsd:D0p+{suffix} -> D0:allChannels{suffix} Xsd:p+like{suffix}", ""),
f"Xsd:D+p+pi-{suffix}": Channel(
f"@Xsd:D+p+pi-{suffix} -> D+:allChannels{suffix} Xsd:p+pi-like{suffix}", ""
f"Xsd:D_s+p+K-{suffix}": Channel(
f"@Xsd:D_s+p+K-{suffix} -> D_s+:allChannels{suffix} Xsd:p+K-like{suffix}", ""
f"Xsd:D*0p+{suffix}": Channel(f"@Xsd:D*0p+{suffix} -> D*0:allChannels{suffix} Xsd:p+like{suffix}", ""),
f"Xsd:D*+p+pi-{suffix}": Channel(
f"@Xsd:D*+p+pi-{suffix} -> D*+:allChannels{suffix} Xsd:p+pi-like{suffix}", ""
f"Xsd:D_s*+p+K-{suffix}": Channel(
f"@Xsd:D_s*+p+K-{suffix} -> D_s*+:allChannels{suffix} Xsd:p+K-like{suffix}", ""
batchReconstructDecays(channelsDzero, outputList=f"D0:allChannels{suffix}", path=path)
batchReconstructDecays(channelsDplus, outputList=f"D+:allChannels{suffix}", path=path)
channelsDstrangeplus, outputList=f"D_s+:allChannels{suffix}", path=path
ma.cutAndCopyLists(f"gamma:ECut{suffix}", f"gamma:tag{suffix}", gammaCut, path=path)
ma.applyCuts(f"Xsd:tagSide{suffix}", f"daughter(0,useCMSFrame(p))>{p_cms}", path=path)
f"Z0:inc1{suffix} -> {antiDummy} Xsd:tagSide{suffix}",
f"^Z0:inc1{suffix} -> {antiDummy} Xsd:tagSide{suffix}",
f" Z0:inc1{suffix} -> {antiDummy} Xsd:tagSide{suffix}",
f"Z0:inc1 -> ^{antiDummy} Xsd:tagSide{suffix}",
f"Z0:inc1 -> {antiDummy} ^Xsd:tagSide{suffix}",
cut="1.4 < daughter(0,M) < 3.4",
f"Z0:inc1{suffix}", cut=f"daughter(0,useCMSFrame(p)) > {p_cms}", path=path
DList = [f"Z0:inc1{suffix}",]
return DList