Source code for terminal_utils
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see #
# @cond dont_want_no_doxygen_warnings_this_is_sphinxed
terminal_utils - Helper functions for input from/output to a terminal
This module contains modules useful to deal with output on the terminal:
* `Pager`, a class to provide paginated output with less similar to other
popular tools like ``git diff``
* `InputEditor`, a class to open an editor window when requesting longer inputs
from users, similar to ``git commit``
import sys
import subprocess
import os
import io
import shutil
import tempfile
import shlex
import enum
class ANSIColors(enum.Enum):
Simple class to handle color output to the terminal.
This class allows to very easily add color output to the terminal
>>> from terminal_utils import ANSIColors as ac
>>> print(f"{ac.fg('red')}Some text in {ac.color(underline=True)}RED{ac.reset()}")
The basic colors can be specified by name (case insensitive) or by enum value.
Custom colors can be supplied using hex notation like ``#rgb`` or ``#rrggbb``
(Hint: ``matplotlib.colors.to_hex`` might be useful here). As an example to
use the viridis colormap to color the output on the terminal::
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex
from terminal_utils import ANSIColors as ac
# sample the viridis colormap at 16 points
for i in range(16):
# convert i to be in [0..1] and get the hex color
color = to_hex(cm.viridis(i/15))
# and print the hex color in the correct color
print(f"{i}. {ac.fg(color)}{color}{ac.reset()}")
If the output is not to a terminal color output will be disabled and nothing
will be added to the output, for example when redirecting the output to a
RED = 1
BLUE = 4
CYAN = 6
def supported():
Check whether the output is a terminal.
If this is False, the methods `color`, `fg`, `bg` and `reset` will only
return an empty string as color output will be disabled
return sys.stdout.isatty()
def convert_color(cls, color):
"""Convert a color to the necessary ansi code. The argument can either bei
* an integer corresponding to the ansi color (see the enum values of this class)
* the name (case insensitive) of one of the enum values of this class
* a hex color code of the form ``#rgb`` or ``#rrggbb``
KeyError: if the argument is a string not matching to one of the known colors
if isinstance(color, str):
if color[0] == '#':
if len(color) == 4:
r, g, b = (int(e, 16)*17 for e in color[1:])
r, g, b = (int(color[i:i+2], 16) for i in [1, 3, 5])
return f"2;{r};{g};{b}"
color = cls[color.upper()].value
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError(f"Unknown color: '{color}'") from e
return f"5;{color}"
def color(cls, foreground=None, background=None, bold=False, underline=False, inverted=False):
Change terminal colors to the given foreground/background colors and attributes.
This will return a string to be printed to change the color on the terminal.
To revert to default print the output of `reset()`
foreground (int or str): foreground color to use, can be any value accepted by `convert_color`
If None is given the current color will not be changed.
background (int or str): background color to use, can be any value accepted by `convert_color`.
If None is given the current color will not be changed.
bold (bool): Use bold font
underline (bool): Underline the text
inverted (bool): Flip background and foreground color
if not cls.supported():
return ""
codes = []
if foreground is not None:
if background is not None:
if bold:
if underline:
if inverted:
if not codes:
return ""
return f"\x1b[{';'.join(map(str, codes))}m"
def fg(cls, color):
"""Shorthand for `color(foreground=color) <color>`"""
return cls.color(foreground=color)
def bg(cls, color):
"""Shorthand for `color(background=color) <color>`"""
return cls.color(background=color)
def reset(cls):
"""Reset colors to default"""
return '\x1b[0m' if cls.supported() else ''
class Pager:
Context manager providing page-wise output using ``less``, similar to how
git handles long output of for example ``git diff``. Paging will only be
active if the output is to a terminal and not piped into a file or to a
different program.
To be able to see `basf2` log messages like `B2INFO() <basf2.B2INFO>`
on the paged output you have to set
`basf2.logging.enable_python_logging = True
.. versionchanged:: release-03-00-00
the pager no longer waits until all output is complete but can
incrementally show output. It can also show output generated in C++
You can set the environment variable ``$PAGER`` to an empty string or to
``cat`` to disable paging or to a different program (for example ``more``)
which should retrieve the output and display it.
>>> with Pager():
>>> for i in range(30):
>>> print("This is an example on how to use the pager.")
prompt (str): a string argument allows overriding the description
provided by ``less``. Special characters may need escaping.
Will only be shown if paging is used and the pager is actually ``less``.
quit_if_one_screen (bool): indicating whether the Pager should quit
automatically if the content fits on one screen. This implies that
the content stays visible on pager exit. True is similar to the
behavior of :program:`git diff`, False is similar to :program:`git
def __init__(self, prompt=None, quit_if_one_screen=False):
""" constructor just remembering the arguments """
#: pager program to use
self._pager = os.environ.get("PAGER", "less")
# treat "cat" as no pager at all
if self._pager == "cat":
self._pager = ""
#: prompt string
self._prompt = prompt
#: flag indicating whether the pager should automatically exit if the
# content fits on one screen
self._quit_if_one_screen = quit_if_one_screen
#: Pager subprocess
self._pager_process = None
#: Original file descriptor for stdout before entering the context
self._original_stdout_fd = None
#: Original file descriptor for stderr before entering the context
self._original_stderr_fd = None
#: Original sys.__stdout__ before entering the context
self._original_stdout = None
#: Original sys.__stderr__ before entering the context
self._original_stderr = None
#: Original sys.stdout.isatty
self._original_stdout_isatty = None
#: Original sys.stderr.isatty
self._original_stderr_isatty = None
def __enter__(self):
""" entering context """
if not sys.stdout.isatty() or self._pager == "":
# save old sys.__stderr__ and sys.__stdout__ objects
self._original_stderr = sys.__stderr__
self._original_stderr = sys.__stdout__
# and duplicate the current output file descriptors
self._original_stdout_fd = os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno())
self._original_stderr_fd = os.dup(sys.stderr.fileno())
except AttributeError:
# jupyter notebook stdout/stderr objects don't have a fileno so
# don't support paging
# This is a bit annoying: Usually in python the sys.__stdout__ and
# sys.__stderr__ objects point to the original stdout/stderr on program start.
# However we modify the file descriptors directly so these objects will
# also be redirected automatically. The documentation for
# sys.__stdout__ says it "could be useful to print to the actual
# standard stream no matter if the sys.std* object has been
# redirected". Also, querying the terminal size looks at
# sys.__stdout__ which would no longer be pointing to a tty.
# So lets provide objects pointing to the original file descriptors so
# that they behave as expected, i.e. as if we would only have
# redirected sys.stdout and sys.stderr ...
sys.__stdout__ = io.TextIOWrapper(os.fdopen(self._original_stdout_fd, "wb"))
sys.__stderr__ = io.TextIOWrapper(os.fdopen(self._original_stderr_fd, "wb"))
# also monkey patch the isatty() function of stdout to actually keep
# returning True even if we moved the file descriptor
self._original_stdout_isatty = sys.stdout.isatty
sys.stdout.isatty = lambda: True
self._original_stderr_isatty = sys.stderr.isatty
sys.stderr.isatty = lambda: True
# fine, everything is saved, start the pager
pager_cmd = [self._pager]
if self._pager == "less":
if self._prompt is None:
self._prompt = '' # same as default prompt
self._prompt += ' (press h for help or q to quit)'
pager_cmd += ['-R', '-Ps' + self._prompt.strip()]
if self._quit_if_one_screen:
pager_cmd += ['-F', '-X']
self._pager_process = subprocess.Popen(pager_cmd + ["-"], restore_signals=True,
# and attach stdout to the pager stdin
pipe_fd = self._pager_process.stdin.fileno()
# and if stderr was a tty do the same for stderr
os.dup2(pipe_fd, sys.stdout.fileno())
if sys.stderr.isatty():
os.dup2(pipe_fd, sys.stderr.fileno())
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
""" exiting context """
# no pager, nothing to do
if self._pager_process is None:
# otherwise let's try to flush whatever is left
except BrokenPipeError:
# apparently pager died before we could flush ... so let's move the
# remaining output to /dev/null and flush whatever is left
devnull =, os.O_WRONLY)
os.dup2(devnull, sys.stdout.fileno())
# restore output
os.dup2(self._original_stdout_fd, sys.stdout.fileno())
os.dup2(self._original_stderr_fd, sys.stderr.fileno())
# and the original __stdout__/__stderr__ object just in case. Will also
# close the copied file descriptors
sys.__stderr__ = self._original_stderr
sys.__stdout__ = self._original_stdout
# and clean up our monkey patch of isatty
sys.stdout.isatty = self._original_stdout_isatty
sys.stderr.isatty = self._original_stderr_isatty
# wait for pager
# and if we exited due to broken pipe ... then ignore it
return exc_type == BrokenPipeError
class InputEditor():
Class to get user input via opening a temporary file in a text editor.
It is an alternative to the python commands ``input()`` or ``sys.stdin.readlines`` and is
similar to the behaviour of ``git commit`` for editing commit messages. By using an editor
instead of the command line, the user is motivated to give expressive multi-line input,
leveraging the full text editing capabilities of his editor. This function cannot be used for
example in interactive terminal scripts, whenever detailed user input is required.
Heavily inspired by the code in this blog post:
editor_command: Editor to open for user input. If ``None``, get
default editor from environment variables. It should be the name
of a shell executable and can contain command line arguments.
initial_content: Initial string to insert into the temporary file that
is opened for user input. Can be used for default input or to
insert comment lines with instructions.
commentlines_start_with: Optionally define string with which comment
lines start
def __init__(self,
editor_command: str = None,
initial_content: str = None,
commentlines_start_with: str = "#"):
# Use provided editor command or editor command from environment variables
editor_command_string = editor_command or self._default_environment_editor()
#: command line for the editor, split to separate executable name command line arguments
self.editor_command_list = shlex.split(editor_command_string, posix=True)
# check if editor executable exists and if not, prompt for new editor command
if shutil.which(self.editor_command_list[0]) is None:
#: initial content of the editor window
self.initial_content = initial_content
#: string which starts comments in the file
self.comment_string = commentlines_start_with
def input(self):
Get user input via editing a temporary file in an editor. If opening the editor fails, fall
back to command line input
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+') as tmpfile:
if self.initial_content:
subprocess.check_call(self.editor_command_list + [])
input_string =
input_string = self._remove_comment_lines(input_string)
except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
# If editor not found or other problem with subprocess call, fall back to terminal input
print(f"Could not open {self.get_editor_command()}.")
print("Try to set your $VISUAL or $EDITOR environment variables properly.\n")
return input_string
def get_editor_command(self):
"""Get editor shell command string used for user input."""
# Construct string from list which holds the executable and args
return " ".join(self.editor_command_list)
def _remove_comment_lines(self, a_string):
Remove lines from string that start with a comment character and return modified version.
if self.comment_string is not None:
a_string = "\n".join(
[line for line in a_string.splitlines()
if not line.startswith(self.comment_string)]).strip()
return a_string
def _default_environment_editor(self):
Return editor from environment variables. If not existing, return vi(m) as default.
editor_command = (os.environ.get('VISUAL') or os.environ.get('EDITOR') or
'vim' or 'vi')
return editor_command
def _prompt_for_editor(self):
Ask user to provide editor command
# Prompt user for editor command until one is found which exists in PATH
while True:
new_editor_command_string = input("Use editor: ")
new_editor_command_list = shlex.split(new_editor_command_string, posix=True)
if shutil.which(new_editor_command_list[0]) is not None:
self.editor_command_list = new_editor_command_list
return self.editor_command_list
print(f"Editor '{self.editor_command_list[0]}' not found in $PATH.")
# @endcond