Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 C__range__impl_prj< T1, T2, Prj_T >
 CAAFHInterfaceClass to inferface AAFH/DIAG36 Generator written in Fortran
 CAbsBFieldAbstract Interface to magnetic fields in GENFIT
 CAbsFinitePlaneAbstract base class for finite detector planes
 CAbsFitterAbstract base class for fitters
 CAbsMeasurementProducer< measurement_T >Abstract interface class for MeasurementProducer
 CAbsMeasurementProducer< genfit::AbsMeasurement >
 CAbstractBooleanNode< AVariableManager >A parsed cut-string naturally has a tree shape which incorporates the infomation of operator precedence and evaluation order of the statements
 CAbstractExpressionNode< AVariableManager >AbstractExpressionNode Superclass for all nodes which host expressions
 CAbstractInterfaceAbstract Interface to third-party MVA libraries
 CCountContainer::AcceptRejectPairSimple struct for counting accepted and rejected cases
 CActiveSector< StaticSectorType, HitType >The ActiveSector Class
 CActiveSector< Belle2::StaticSector, Belle2::TrackNode >
 Cadc_searchFunctions to search in the sorted list of tuples
 CadcAsicTupleTuple to store ADC,Channel -> 8 asicChannels
 CadcChannelPairPair ADC, channel
 CEclConfiguration::adccounts_tStruct for the ADC count
 CEclConfigurationPure::adccountspure_tStruct for the fit parameters for the pure CsI calorimeter
 CADCCountTranslatorBaseAbstract Base class for the ADC count translator
 CEclConfiguration::algoparams_tStruct for the parameters of the algorithm
 CAlgoritmTypeSmall class for classifying types of analyzing algorithms
 CTOPAlignmentAlgorithm::AlignDataData structure
 CAlignmentCheckerClass for EKLM alignment checking
 CAlignmentGeneratorConfigBasf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) # Author: The Belle II Collaboration # # See git log for contributors and copyright holders
 CAlternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >Generic functor to try to functors and choose the first to be applicable
 CAnalizerTCInfoSimple class storing infos relevant for a TC for analizing it
 CAnalysisConfigurationSingleton class keeping configurables of analysis components
 CAnalyzingAlgorithmBase< DataType, TCInfoType, VectorType >Base class for storing an algorithm determining the data one wants to have
 CAngleUtilUtility functions to be used with angular quantities
 CBFieldComponentQuad::ApertPointAperture data structure
 CSVDPackerModule::APVHeaderImplementation of APV Header
 CSVDUnpackerModule::APVHeaderImplementation of APV Header
 CARICHBtestGeometryParThe Class for ARICH Beamtest Geometry Parameters
 CARICHCalibrationCheckerARICH calibration checker
 CARICHDatabaseImporterARICH database importer
 CARICHGeometryParThe Class for ARICH Geometry Parameters
 CARICHReconstructionInternal ARICH track reconstruction
 CARICHTrackingBeamtest ARICH Geometry Tracking Class
 CARICHTreeStructure of a flat ntuple
 CDisplayData::ArrowStores data associated with an arrow
 CasicChannelRecord to be used to store ASIC info
 CVarSet< AVarNames >::AssignFinite< AFloat >Helper construct to assign a finite value to float variables
 CTOPTrack::AssumedEmissionAssumed photon emission point in local frame
 CAtomVery small (few mins) calibration interval which cannot be further divided : Atom
 CAutomatonCellCell used by the cellular automata
 CAxialLegendreLeafProcessor< ANode >Predicate class that is feed the nodes in a WeightedHoughTree walk It decides if a node should be further expanded and extracts items from nodes that are considered as leafs to build tracks
 CAxialTrackUtilUtility structure gathering heuristic functions used during the axial track finding
 CAxisThis class unites some parameters for Factory which describe one axis of histogram
 CB2Vector3< DataType >A fast and root compatible alternative to TVector3
 CB2Vector3< double >
 CB2Vector3< float >
 CBabayagaNLOC++ Interface for the Fortran Bhabha and exclusive two photon generator BABAYAGA.NLO
 CBackgroundInfo::BackgroundDescrStructure for background description
 CBackgroundPDFParametrization of background PDF in pixels of single module
 CRaytracerBase::BarSegmentBar segment data in module local frame
 CBaseAngleClass to compare if two angles are compatible withing a given error range
 CBaseCandidateReceiverBase class that receives candidates found by quadtree
 CBaseConstraintAbstract base class for constraints of kinematic fits
 CBaseFitterAbstract base class for fitting engines of kinematic fits
 CBaseJetPairingAbstract base class for jet pairings
 CBaseMeasurementCreatorBase class for all measurement creators
 CBaseTracerAbstract base class for trace objects of kinematic fits
 CBBBremGenerator for low scattering angle radiative Bhabha events (Beam-Beam Bremsstrahlung)
 CBeamBGTypesClass to define BG types and to convert between BG types and tags or v.v
 CBeamlineFieldMapInterpolationThe BeamlineFieldMapInterpolation class
 CBeamParametersFitterFitter calculating BeamParameters from CollisionBoostVector and CollisionInvariantMass
 CBEASTTree_v5Structure for the input of the data BEAST (TTree "Data_BEAST")
 CBeginRecBegin record structure for the beamtest data
 CReaderSAD::bendingElementSensitive Element
 CBestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator >Multiple entries can be added, but only the one will be kept, which has the best quality estimator
 CBFieldComponentAbsThe BFieldComponentAbs class
 CBFieldManagerBfield manager to obtain the magnetic field at any point
 CBFieldMapThis class represents the magnetic field of the Belle II detector
 CBFieldComponentKlm1::BFieldPointTrivial struct representing rz coordinate
 CBFieldComponentRadial::BFieldPointMagnetic field data structure
 CBHWideC++ Interface for the Fortran Bhabha scattering generator BHWide
 CBinningBinning of a data distribution Provides PDF and CDF values of the distribution per bin
 CBitStreamBit stream struct
 CBeamBkgMixerModule::BkgFilesStructure to hold samples of a particular background type
 CBeamBkgMixerModule::BkgHitsAn input event buffer definition for background SimHits
 CBkgNeutronWeightThe class to get the weighting factor for a 1-MeV-equivalent neutron flux on silicon
 CBKLMDatabaseImporterThis module writes BKLM data to database
 CBKLMElementNumbersBKLM element numbers
 CBKLMStatusBKLM hit status
 CBKLMTrackFinderTrack finding procedure
 CBKLMTrackFitterTrack fitting procedure
 CBoostPythonModuleProxyProxy class to register python modules (the things you can 'import')
 CBorderedBandMatrix(Symmetric) Bordered Band Matrix
 CBoundingBoxA two dimensional rectangle that keeps track of the extend of a drawing
 CARICHGeoSupport::boxStruct to hold parameters of box volumes (examples, scintilators for cosmic test)
 CBox< ATypes >The base class for all boxes
 CBox< AFirstType, ASubordinaryTypes... >Box Base class specification without a first and subordinary types which can be used to "stack" various template until the full box is described correctly
 CBox< ASubordinaryTypes... >
 CBox< DiscreteP, DiscreteQ >
 CBox< DiscreteZ0, DiscreteTanL >
 CBox<>Box Base class specification without any template arguments
 CBoxDivisionHoughTree< AItemPtr, AHoughBox, divisions >A fast hough algorithm with rectangular boxes, which are split linearly by a fixed number of divisions in each coordinate up to a maximal level
 CBoxDivisionHoughTree< AHitPtr, AInBoxAlgorithm::HoughBox, divisionX, divisionY >
 CBoxDivisionHoughTree< AHitPtr, AInBoxAlgorithm::HoughBox, divisionX, divisionY, divisionZ >
 CBoxDivisionHoughTree< AHitPtr, InBox::HoughBox, divisions... >
 CBranchInterface< ValueType >Simple struct for interfacing the Branch
 CBremFindingMatchComputeModule to compute if an extrapolation to the ECL matches the position of an secondary ECLCLuster to find bremsstrahlung clusters
 CBundleClass to contain particles identified to come from the same actual/mc particle
 CCACellThe CACell class This Class stores all relevant information one wants to have stored in a cell for a Cellular automaton
 CMetadataProvider::PayloadMetadataCache::CacheEntryEach cache entry
 Ccachezr_tCached z-r struct
 Ccal_scale_error_func_set_tStructure type cal_scale_error_func_set_t
 CCalcMeanCov< N, RealType >Class to calculate mean and and covariance between a number of parameters on running data without storing the actual values, also for weighted entries
 CCalcMeanCov< 2, value_type >
 CCalibObjManagerManager class for collector registered data. Handles much of the TDirectory/TObject manipulation
 CCalibParsThe parameters related to single calibration interval
 CECLDigitizerModule::calibration_tCalibration constants per channel
 CCalibrationAlgorithmBase class for calibration algorithms
 CCalibrationDataParameters and data relevant for single calibration interval
 CCALoggerSimple logger for CA algorithm
 CCandidateStructure containing variables relevant to the B-candidate
 CCaptureStreamAbortHandlerSmall class to handle std::abort() calls by external libraries
 CCAValidator< CellType >Validation tool for CA algorithm
 CCDCAxialSegmentPairClass representing a pair of reconstructed axial segements in adjacent superlayer
 CCDCAxialStereoFusionUtility class implementing the Kalmanesk combination of to two dimensional trajectories to one three dimensional trajectory
 CCDCBFieldUtilHelper functions to interact with the magnetic field
 CCDCCKFStateDefine states for CKF algorithm, which can be seed track or CDC wire hit
 CCDCCKFStateCreator::CDCCKFWireHitCacheStore basic wire info for faster access
 CCDCDatabaseImporterCDC database importer
 CCDCDedxDatabaseImporterDE/dx database importer
 CCDCDedxMeanPredClass to hold the prediction of mean as a function of beta-gamma (bg)
 CCDCDedxSigmaPredClass to hold the prediction of resolution depending dE/dx, nhit, and cos(theta)
 CCDCGeoControlParThe Class for CDC Geometry Control Parameters
 CCDCGeometryLoaderLoad the CDC geometry from the conditions database
 CCDCGeometryParThe Class for CDC Geometry Parameters
 CCDCGeometryTranslatorBaseAbstract Base class for the geometry translator
 CCDCMCCloneLookUpClass providing information whether a PR CDC track is the best match or a clone
 CCDCMCHitCollectionLookUp< ACDCHitCollection >Interface class to the Monte Carlo information for collections of hits
 CCDCMCHitCollectionLookUp< CDCSegment2D >
 CCDCMCHitCollectionLookUp< CDCSegment3D >
 CCDCMCHitCollectionLookUp< CDCTrack >
 CCDCMCHitLookUpInterface class to the Monte Carlo information for individual hits
 CCDCMCManagerClass to organize and present the monte carlo hit information
 CCDCMCMapClass to organize and present the monte carlo hit information
 CCDCMCSegmentLookUpLegacy for python : interface to obtain the two dimensional segment mc lookup
 CCDCMCTrackStoreClass to organize and present the monte carlo hit information
 CCDCObservations2DClass serving as a storage of observed drift circles to present to the Riemann fitter
 CCDCRecoHit2DClass representing a two dimensional reconstructed hit in the central drift chamber
 CCDCRecoHit3DClass representing a three dimensional reconstructed hit
 CCDCRLWireHitClass representing an oriented hit wire including a hypotheses whether the causing track passes left or right
 CCDCRLWireHitPairA pair of oriented wire hits
 CCDCRLWireHitTripleClass representing a triple of neighboring wire hits
 CCDCRobustSZFitterUtility class implementing robust versions of linear sz trajectory line fits
 CCDCSegmentPairClass representing a pair of one reconstructed axial segement and one stereo segment in adjacent superlayer
 CCDCSegmentTripleClass representing a triple of reconstructed segements in adjacent superlayer
 CCDCSimControlParThe Class for CDC Simulation Control Parameters
 CCDCSimHitLookUpSingletone class to gather local information about the hits
 CCDCSimpleSimulationClass providing a simple simulation of the CDC mainly for quick unit test checks
 CCDCSVGPlotterHelper class to generated the svg image from the various tracking objects
 CCDCSZFitterClass implementing the z coordinate over travel distance line fit
 CCDCSZObservationsClass serving as a storage of observed sz positions to present to the sz line fitters
 CCDCTrajectory2DParticle trajectory as it is seen in xy projection represented as a circle
 CCDCTrajectory3DParticle full three dimensional trajectory
 CCDCTrajectorySZLinear trajectory in sz space
 CCDCTriggerHoughCandHough Candidates class
 CCDCWireClass representing a sense wire in the central drift chamber
 CCDCWireHitClass representing a hit wire in the central drift chamber
 CCDCWireTopologyClass representating the sense wire arrangement in the whole of the central drift chamber
 CCellularAutomaton< ACellHolder >Implements the weighted cellular automaton algorithm
 CCellularAutomaton< AHit >
 CCellularAutomaton< AState >
 CCellularPathFollower< ACellHolder >Implements to pick up of the highest value path in neighborhood Following high value paths can be done two ways
 CInverseRaytracer::CerenkovAngleSine and cosine of Cerenkov angle
 CChannelGroupChannel group
 CChannelMapperProvides mapping between electronic channels and pixels
 CCharBufferDynamic character buffer that knows its size
 CChebFitterUnbinned Maximum Likelihood fitter with a possibility to use Chebyshev interpolation
 CChi2MinimumFinder1DMinimum finder using tabulated chi^2 values in one dimension
 CSVDOnlineToOfflineMap::ChipIDClass to hold FADC+APV25 numbers
 CSVDOnlineToOfflineMap::ChipInfoStruct to hold data about an APV25 chip
 CCircle2D2D circle
 CCircle2DA two dimensional circle in its natural representation using center and radius as parameters
 CCKFResult< ASeed, AHit >Object for temporary storage of a CKF tree search result
 CCKFResult< RecoTrack, SpacePoint >
 CCKFState< ASeed, AHit >State object to store one step in the CKF algorithm together with its parent (the state before), the hit (e.g
 CCKFState< RecoTrack, SpacePoint >
 CClearFunctor to get the .clear() from an abitrary objects
 CCleoConesClass to calculate the Cleo clone variables
 CClosedLowerBoundedSet< MinType >Represents a closed lower bounded set of arithmetic types
 CClosedRange< MinType, MaxType >Represents a closed set of arithmetic types
 CClosedUpperBoundedSet< MaxType >Represents an upper bounded set of arithmetic types
 CCluster_tStruct to hold variables for PXD clusters
 CClusterCacheClass to remember recently assigned clusters This class will remember the current and the last pixel row to allow fast finding of the correct cluster a pixel belongs to
 CClusterCandidateClass representing a possible cluster during clustering of the PXD It supports merging of different clusters and keeps track of the highest charge inside the cluster
 CConst::ClusterDetectorsA class that defines the valid set of Cluster detectors
 CClusterizendClustering module
 CClusterProjectionHelper struct to collect information about the 1D projection of a Pixel cluster
 CClustersOnSensorSmall struct for storing all clusters of the same sensor in one container
 CClusterUtilsClass to provide momentum-related information from ECLClusters
 CDQMHistComparitorModule::CMPNODEThe struct for reference histogram comparison
 CColorsUtility functions related to colors
 CColumnFillerStruct to fill the different columns in a sqlite result row into a std::tuple
 CCommon< AFunctor >Adapter of a category function to find the common category of several objects
 CCompactSecIDsThis class provides a computer convenient numbering scheme for the sectors in the sector map and for the N sectors combinations
 CCompareCDCTracksFunctor which which decides which of two tracks to declare as best match
 CcompFirstSmall helper functor to find a pair in a container of pairs, where .first matches the passed integer COULDDO: make this templated to take any arguments to the pair, instead of only ints and shorts
 CcompMCIdSmall helper functor to get the MCVXDPurityInfo with the passed ParticleId from a container of MCVXDPurityInfos
 CComposition< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >Functor factory from the functional composition of two functors
 CConditionalGaussGeneratorClass implementing n-dimensional random number generator from Gaussian distribution where the first component of the vector is generated first (using some external source) and the remaining components are generated based on the value of the first component
 CConfigurationClass to enable configuration of the conditions database access in C++ and python
 CConnectionSimple wrapper for a SQLite database connection
 CConstThis class provides a set of constants for the framework
 Cvector< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 CConstant< T >Generic functor to wrap a constant as a function
 CConstraintClass to manage the order of constraints and their filtering
 CContinuousValue< T, ATag >Type to have values not based on discrete positions from an array
 CVXDMomentumEstimation< ClusterType >::CorrectionFitParametersStruct holding the parameters of the correction function to map them median of the estimation function to 0
 CCountContainerContainer for counting accepted and rejected stuff, just delivers some interfaces to make the code more readable
 Ccounter< T >Small class counting usage
 Ccounter< T >Tiny counter class for counting stuff
 Ccounter< T >Tiny counter class for counting stuff
 CcounterMC< T >Tiny counter class for counting stuff retrieved from MC-bla
 CCovarianceMatrixUtilCollection of functions related to covariance matrices
 CCovariancePackedStruct to keep upper triangle of the covariance matrix
 CTRGCDCLpar::CparPrivate class cpar
 Ccplacement_tPlacement struct
 CCppOrPyListWrapper class for a list of strings to either be held in a std::vector or in a python list
 CCreatorBasePure virtual base class for all geometry creators
 CCreatorFactory< T >Very simple class to provide an easy way to register creators with the CreatorManager
 CCreatorManagerClass to manage all creators and provide factory access
 CCRYC++ Interface for the generator CRY
 CCryostatElementThe struct for CryostatElement
 CECLGeometryPar::CrystalGeom_tCrystal geometry
 CcrystalInfoStruct to hold relavent Crystal information
 CECLDigitizerModule::crystallinks_tIndices in arrays with info on ECL channels
 CECLDigitizerPureCsIModule::crystallinks_tIndices in arrays with info on ECL channels
 CCsiGeometryParThe Class for CSI Geometry Parameters
 Ccurl_tCurl struct
 CCurlSessionStruct encapsulating all the state information needed by curl
 CCurvBinsSpecStrategy to construct discrete curv points from discrete overlap specifications
 CCurvWithArcLength2DCacheClass representing a curvature value that also caches two dimensional arc length to each layer in the CDC
 CCellularAutomaton< ACellHolder >::CycleExceptionType for the very basic exception signal used in the detection of cycles
 CSVDPackerModule::data_AImplementation of the first data word
 CSVDUnpackerModule::data_AImplementation of the first data word
 CSVDPackerModule::data_BImplementation of the second data word
 CSVDUnpackerModule::data_BImplementation of the second data word
 CDataArrayHelper class for getting data words from a finesse buffer Keeps checksum counter for each extracted data word and calculates tcp checksum on request
 CDatabaseSingleton base class for the low-level interface to the database
 CVXDHoughState::DataCacheCache containing the most important information of this state which will often be needed
 CDataFlowVisualizationClass to visualize data flow between modules
 CSVDPackerModule::DataInfo6 samples and APV channel struct
 CDatasetAbstract base class of all Datasets given to the MVA interface The current event can always be accessed via the public members of this class
 CDataStoreIn the store you can park objects that have to be accessed by various modules
 CDataStoreStreamerStream/restore DataStore objects to/from EvtMessage
 CDATCONSVDClusterCandidateStruct containing a cluster candidate for easier handling
 CDBAccessorBaseBase class for DBObjPtr and DBArray for easier common treatment
 CDBImportBaseBase class for importing objects to the database
 CDatabase::DBImportQueryStruct for bulk write queries
 CDBPointer< T, KEY, METHOD, NAME >Class for pointing to an element in an array stored in the database
 CDQMHistAnalysisECLSummaryModule::dbr_sts_long_arrayStructure to get an array of long values from EPICS
 CDBStoreSingleton class to cache database objects
 CDBStoreEntryClass to hold one entry from the ConditionsDB in the DBStore
 CDecayChainThis class does a lot of stuff: Build decaytree structure allowing to index particles and handle the filtering of constraints across the tree
 CDecayDescriptorThe DecayDescriptor stores information about a decay tree or parts of a decay tree
 CDecayDescriptorParticleRepresents a particle in the DecayDescriptor
 CDecayForestContains several DecayTree objects, which belong all to the same candidate
 CDecayNodeDecayNode describes the decay of a particle identified by its pdg code, into list of daughters
 CDecayStringDecayHolds the information of a decay
 CDecayStringParticleHolds the information of a particle in the decay string
 CDecayTree< T >This is a helper class for the MCDecayFinderModule
 CDecorrelationMatrix< Ndims >Class holding a Matrix that can be used to decorrelate input data to Machine Learning classifiers
 CDecorrelationMatrix< 9 >
 CZMQLogger::DecrementorVisitor Helper for decrementing a numerical value
 CDedxDriftCellA class to hold the geometry of a cell
 CDedxLineA class to hold the endpoints and slope of a line
 CDedxPointA collection of classes that are useful for making a simple path length correction to the dE/dx measurement for each hit in a CDC cell
 CDefaultWaveA functor to provide a simple model of APV25 strip response
 CDeltaRayPDFParametrization of delta-ray PDF in pixels of single module
 CDependencyMapCollect information about the dependencies between modules
 CDeprecateProxyInternal class that registers a variable as deprecated
 CDerefFunctor to get the referenced object from an abitrary objects
 CDesSerA class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O
 CConst::DetectorSetFor sets of detector IDs in the form of EDetector values
 CDetectorSurfaceDetector surfaces information
 CDetSurfCylBoundariesSimple class to encapsulate a detector surface's boundaries in cylindrical coordinates
 Cdhc_commode_frameDHH common mode frame data struct
 Cdhc_dhe_end_frameDHE End frame data struct
 Cdhc_dhe_start_frameDHH start frame data struct
 Cdhc_direct_readout_frameDHC direct readout frame data struct
 Cdhc_end_frameDHC End frame data struct
 Cdhc_frame_header_word0DHC frame header word data struct
 Cdhc_framesDHC frame wrapper class
 Cdhc_ghost_frameDHC Ghost frame data struct
 Cdhc_onsen_roi_frameONSEN (debug) ROI frame data struct
 Cdhc_onsen_trigger_frameONSEN Trigger frame data struct
 Cdhc_start_frameDHC start frame data struct
 CDigitClass to represent the coordinates of one pixel
 CDigitValueClass representing the charge and particle contributions for one pixel
 CDirectedNode< EntryType, MetaInfoType >The Node-Class
 CDirectedNodeNetwork< EntryType, MetaInfoType >Network of directed nodes of the type EntryType
 CDirectedNodeNetwork< Belle2::ActiveSector< Belle2::StaticSector, Belle2::TrackNode >, Belle2::VoidMetaInfo >
 CDirectedNodeNetwork< Belle2::Segment< Belle2::TrackNode >, Belle2::CACell >
 CDirectedNodeNetwork< Belle2::TrackNode, Belle2::VoidMetaInfo >
 CDownloaderSimple class to encapsulate libcurl as used by the ConditionsDatabase
 CDQMCommonUtilsThe class collects utility functions for creating DQM histograms: prepared for PXD, SVD, VXD and Track DQM histograms
 CDQMEventProcessorBaseThe purpose of this class is to process one event() in DQMHistoModuleBase, which is a base for TrackDQMModule and AlignDQMModule
 CDriftLengthEstimatorHelper construct implementing the (re)estimation of the drift length for various hit objects
 CDriftTimeUtilStructure to expose some drift time and length functions from the CDCGeometryPar to Python
 CDualNumberSimple structure implementing dual numbers which are used for exact evaluation of the derivatives, see
 CDynTree< AProperties, ASubPropertiesFactory >This is the base class for all hough trees
 CDynTree< WithWeightedItems< ADomain, T >, ADomainDivsion >
 CDQMHistAnalysisECLSummaryModule::ECLAlarmTypeDefinition for different ECL alarm types
 CECLChannelMapperThis class provides access to ECL channel map that is either a) Loaded from the database (see ecl/dbobject/include/ECLChannelMap.h)
 CECLCompressAbstract class (interface) for ECL waveform compression/decompression to/from the BitStream storage
 CEclConfigurationSingleton class to hold the ECL configuration
 CEclConfigurationPureSingleton class to hold the ECL configuration for pure CsI calorimeter
 CECLCrystalDataClass for obtaining crystal details for a given crystal cell An evolved look-up table
 CEclDataThis class contains data for ECLSimHit's and provides several relevant conversion functions for better event display
 CECLDatabaseImporterECL database importer
 CECLDBToolThe ECLDBTool class is designed to read / write object from / to database
 CECLDspUtilitiesThis class contains static methods to make them accessible from pyROOT
 CECLGeometryParThe Class for ECL Geometry Parameters
 CECLLeakagePositionClass to get position information for a cluster for leakage corrections
 CECLLocalRunCalibAccECLLocalRunCalibAcc is the class designed to accumulate mean values, standard deviation and number of accepted events
 CECLLocalRunCalibUnitECLLocalRunCalibUnit is the class designed for the control of mean value and the standard deviation accumulators
 CEclNbrEclNbr class
 CECLNeighboursClass to get the neighbours for a given cell id
 CEclPainterPainter for EclData, parent class, created with EclPainterFactory
 CEclPainterFactoryClass that implements Factory pattern to create objects inherited from EclPainter
 CECLPedestalFitThis struct is returned by the pedestalFit method that fits the first 16 samples of the waveform (pedestal points) to find a peak there (that corresponds to background)
 CECLSampledShaperDigitisation shaper
 CECLShapeFitShaperDSP fit results from _lftda function
 CECLShowerIdClass to convert the shower id into CR, CS and Seed and vice versa
 CECLTimingUtilitiesClass to storing timing calibration functions
 CEDepInGasThe Class for Energy deposit in the gas
 CRelationIndexContainer< FROM, TO >::ElementElement type for the index
 CSVDWaveform::ElementaryWaveformType to store elementary waveform parameters
 CEVEVisualization::ElementGroupGroup of TEveElements, remembers wether user wants it visible or not
 CEmpiricalDistributionFunctionEmpirical distribution function object is basic for mainpulation of probabilities
 CEndRecEnd record structure for the beamtest data
 CEnergyLossEstimatorHelper struct to provide consistent energy loss estimation throughout the CDC track finding
 CEnergyLossForExtrapolatorCalculate energy loss, fluctuation, and multiple-scattering angle for extrapolator
 CEnergyMaskA mask for energy masking
 CEnvironmentThis class stores all environment information required to run the framework, such as module or data filepaths, number of processes to be used in parallel processing etc
 CEnvironmentVariablesUtility functions related to environment variables
 CEqualBinary functor for equality comparision of abitrary objects - equivalent to std::equal_to<> (c++14)
 CEqualVisitorSeperate Visitor struct for equal_to comparison of variant<double, int bool>
 CErrCodeAbstract errorocode be aware that the default is success
 CEvalVariadicStructure to serve as a placeholder for a variadic initializer list of statements to be evaluated
 CEventEvent containing two tracks
 CEventEvent containing two tracks
 CEKLMAlignmentAlongStripsAlgorithm::EventEvent: time, distance from hit to SiPM
 CEventStructure containing variables relevant for the hadronic B decays
 CEventEvent containing two tracks
 CKLMTimeAlgorithm::EventEvent data
 CEventDataPlotterA class that can plot event related data types
 CEventMetaDataSerializationHelper class for (de)serializing the event meta data used for the event backup transferral
 CEventProcessorCore event processing loop
 CEventRecEvent record structure for the beamtest data
 CEventT0::EventT0ComponentStructure for storing the extracted event t0s together with its detector and its uncertainty
 CEVEVisualizationProduces visualisation for MCParticles, simhits, genfit::Tracks, geometry and other things
 CEvtBSemiTauonicAmplitudeThe base class for the calculation of the spin dependent amplitudes for the BSemiTauonic model based on [M
 CEvtBSemiTauonicDecayRateCalculatorClass to calculate the differential decay rate, R(D), R(D*), polarizations of tau and D* using BSTD model based on [M
 CEvtBSemiTauonicHelicityAmplitudeCalculatorThe class calculates the helicity amplitude of semi-tauonic B decays including new physics effects based on [M
 CEvtGenDecaysA class to perform decays via the external EvtGen decay program, see, the program manual provided with the EvtGen distribution, and D
 CEvtGenInterfaceClass to interface EvtGen
 CEvtGenModelRegisterClass to keep a register of all Belle2 EvtDecayBases
 CEvtHeaderHeader structure of streamed object list
 CEvtMessageClass to manage streamed object
 CexceptionSTL class
 CCalibrationAlgorithm::ExecutionDataA class to hold all data that is needed ONLY for the most recent single execution of the algorithm
 CExpertAbstract base class of all Expert Each MVA library has its own implementation of this class, so all libraries can be accessed via this common interface
 CExporterEventInfoBundles information for a single event to be stored by NonRootDataExportModule
 CExporterHitInfoBundles information for a single hit to be stored by EventInfo (needed for HitExporter, which is needed by NonRootDataExportModule)
 CExporterTcInfoBundles information for a single track candidate to be stored by EventInfo (needed for HitExporter, which is needed by NonRootDataExportModule)
 CExpRunStruct containing exp number and run number
 CExpRunEvtStruct with expNum, runNum, evtNum
 CExtendedRiemannsMethodClass implementing the Riemann fit for two dimensional trajectory circle
 CExtManagerIt is the main interface for the user to define the setup and start the propagation
 CExtrapStepHelper for RKTrackRep
 CExtStateData structure to define extrapolation state
 CFacetFitterUtility class to fit hit triplet and relations of them
 CEvtGenModelRegister::Factory< MODEL >Helper Class to easily register new EvtDecayBases for Belle2
 CFactoryThis class is used for creating TH1F and TH2F objects
 CSVDPackerModule::FADCTrailerImplementation of FADC Trailer
 CSVDUnpackerModule::FADCTrailerImplementation of FADC Trailer
 CFarBeamLineElementThe struct for FarBeamLineElement
 CFBDTTrainSample< Ndims >Bundle together the classifier input and the target value into one struct for easier passing around
 CTOPRawWaveform::FeatureExtractionFeature extraction data
 CfieldCacheCache B field at a position
 CFieldManagerSingleton which provides access to magnetic field maps
 CFileCatalogThis class provides an interface to the file (metadata) catalog
 CFileSystemUtility functions related to filename validation and filesystem access
 CFilter< typePack >This class is used to select pairs, triplets..
 CFilter< Belle2::OperatorAnd, FilterA, FilterB, templateObserverType >Realization of the AND operator between two objects of the Filter class
 CFilter< Belle2::OperatorNot, someFilter, templateObserverType >Realization of a NOT operator for the Filter classes
 CFilter< Belle2::OperatorOr, FilterA, FilterB, templateObserverType >Realization of the OR operator between two objects of the Filter class
 CFilter< Variable, RangeType, Observer >Basic Filter ///
 CFilterExceptionsException which are thrown by members of the FilterClasses
 CFilterFactory< AFilter >Factory that can create apropriate filter instances from a name
 CFilterFactory< BaseAxialSegmentPairFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseCDCPathFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseCDCPathPairFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseCDCStateFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseClusterFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseFacetFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseFacetRelationFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BasePathFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BasePXDPairFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BasePXDResultFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BasePXDStateFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseRelationFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSegmentFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSegmentPairFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSegmentPairRelationFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSegmentRelationFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSegmentTrackFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSegmentTripleFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSegmentTripleRelationFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseStereoHitFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSVDPairFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSVDResultFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseSVDStateFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseTrackFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseTrackletFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseTrackRelationFilter >
 CFilterFactory< BaseWireHitFilter >
 CFilterIDClass to identify a filter type used by sectorFriends
 CFilterMill< PointType >Small class which stores the filters/selectionVariables to be used for a secMap and has an interface for applying them
 CFilterMill< Belle2::SecMapTrainerHit >
 CFilterParamMapVariant of types allowed to be forwarded to a filter selected at runtime
 CFiltersContainer< point_t >This class contains everything needed by the VXDTF that is not going to change during a RUN, i.e
 CFiltersContainer< Belle2::SpacePoint >
 CFilterValueDataSet< SecIDSetType >Relevant information needed for filling a TTree containing train-data for the secMap
 CFilterValueDataSet< Belle2::SecIDPair >
 CFilterValueDataSet< Belle2::SecIDTriplet >
 CFinalTriggerDecisionCalculatorHelper class to give the getFinalTriggerDecision to python
 CFirstOfPairInBox< AHitInBoxAlgorithm >Helper class to redirect only the first element in a pair to the child algorithm
 CFirstTypeImpl< ATypes >Helper type to take the first type of a variadic sequence of types
 CFirstTypeImpl< AType >Specialisation where there is exactly one type given
 CFirstTypeImpl< AType, ATypes... >Specialisation where there is more than one type given
 CFirstTypeImpl<>Specialisation where there is exactly one type given
 CFitManagerThis class
 CVXDMomentumEstimation< ClusterType >::FitParametersStruct holding the parameters of the estimation function which maps dEdX to p
 CFitParamsClass to store and manage fitparams (statevector)
 CEclConfiguration::fitparams_tStruct for the fit parameters
 CEclConfigurationPure::fitparamspure_tA struct for the fit parameters for a single channel of the pure CsI calorimeter (in the simulation, all calorimeter channels normally use the same set of fit parameters)
 CTOPTemplateFitter::FitResultStructure holding values from template fit
 CFitStatusClass where important numbers and properties of a fit can be stored
 CNewV0Fitter::FittedTrackStructure to save track data of the last successful iteration
 CFitter3DUtilityA class that holds functions for 3D tracking
 CFlightTimeEstimatorHelper struct to provide consistent flight time estimation throughout the CDC track finding
 CFormulaParserBaseBase class with the non-templated part of the formula parser
 CFourHitFiltersThe class 'FourHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 4 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds
 CFourHitVariablesClass that allows the calculation of simple variables to estimate the quality of two triplets of hits using four hits
 CFourVectorYet another four vector class, with metric +—
 CFoxWolframClass to calculate the Fox-Wolfram moments up to order 8
 CFpgaUtilityA class that holds FPGA related functions
 CFrameworkThis class combines all subsystems of the framework, and exports the main interface to Python
 CFrontEndMapperProvides mapping between electronics module position within a TOP module and SCROD ID, COPPER and Finesse slot
 CSVDPackerModule::FTBHeaderImplementation of FTB Header
 CSVDUnpackerModule::FTBHeaderImplementation of FTB Header
 CSVDPackerModule::FTBTrailerImplementation of FTB Trailer
 CSVDUnpackerModule::FTBTrailerImplementation of FTB Trailer
 CFullSecIDClass to identify a sector inside of the VXD
 CFunBoostFunctor to minimize median of residuals^2
 CSelectionVariable< templateArgumentType, Nargs, templateReturnType >::FunctionOf< n, returnType, parameterType, Ts >This struct is an internal utility
 CSelectionVariable< templateArgumentType, Nargs, templateReturnType >::FunctionOf< 0, returnType, parameterType, Ts... >This struct is an internal utility
 CFunctorTagTag class to facilitate marking of class as a functor in the sense of this code
 CG4MonopoleFieldSetupMonopole field setup singleton class, that takes care of switching between conventional particle transportation and monopole transportation
 CG4SafeNavigatorGuards against leaving the physical volume
 CG4TriangularPrismTriangular prism
 CTOPNominalTTS::GaussGaussian distribution parameters
 CTOPPDFCollection::GaussianParameters to describe a Gaussian
 CTOPPmtTTSPar::GaussianGaussian distribution parameters
 CDeltaRayPDF::GausXYNormal (Gaussian) distribution: an entry for the table
 CGblDataData (block) for independent scalar measurement
 CGblPointPoint on trajectory
 CGblTrackSegmentControllerTrackSegmentController for use with GblFitter
 CGblTrajectoryGBL trajectory
 CGenB0TagClass to determine generated decay mode of B0 and B0bar
 CGenBplusTagClass to determine generated decay modes of B+ and B-
 CGenBsTagClass to determine generated decay mode of Bs0 and Bs0bar
 CGenDTagClass to determine generated decay mode of D*, Ds, D0, D+, and their anti-particles
 CGeneralCut< AVariableManager >This class implements a common way to implement cut/selection functionality for arbitrary objects
 CGeneralizedCircleA generalized circle
 CGeneralVector< T >3-vector with members of arbitrary type, especially members can be dual numbers
 CGenericLockGuard< AMutex >Lock Guard for a Mutex instance
 CGenTauTagClass to determine generated decay mode of tau+ and tau-
 CGeoCacheClass to faciliate easy access to sensor information of the VXD like coordinate transformations or pitch size
 CGeometryManagerClass to manage the creation and conversion of the geometry
 CGeometryParProvides BKLM geometry parameters for simulation, reconstruction etc (from Gearbox or DataBase)
 CGeoToolsThe class collects utility functions for numbering layers, sensors snd chips based on current VXD geometry
 CGeoVXDAssemblyClass to group some Geant4 volumes and place them all at once with a given transformation matrix
 CGeoVXDRadiationSensorsClass to create the diamond radiation sensor geometry if defined
 CGet< I >Functor to get the I part (as of std::get<I>) from an abitrary objects
 CGetArcLengthHelper Functor to get the arc length of a given result
 CGetAutomatonCellGetter functor for the automaton cell of an object
 CGetEStereoKindGeneric functor to get the stereo kind from an object
 CGetILayerGeneric functor to get the superlayer id from an object
 CGetIndexInTuple< AType, ATuple >Looks up, at which index the given Type can be found in a tuple
 CGetISuperLayerGeneric functor to get the superlayer id from an object
 CGetLowerCurvFunctor to get the lower curvature bound of a hough box
 CGetUpperCurvFunctor to get the upper curvature bound of a hough box
 CGetWeightGeneric functor to get the weight from an object
 CGetWireHitGeneric functor to get the wire hit from an object
 CGFRaveVertexFactoryVertex factory for producing GFRaveVertex objects from Track objects
 CGlobalCalibrationManagerClass to hold hierarchy of whole Belle2
 CGlobalDerivativesClass for easier manipulation with global derivatives (and their labels)
 CGlobalDerivativesHierarchyClass for alignment/calibration parameter hierarchy & constraints
 CGlobalLabelClass to convert to/from global labels for Millepede II to/from detector & parameter identificators
 CGlobalNamesBundles filter methods using 2 hits
 CGlobalParamSetAccessBase accessor class to store different DBObjects e.g
 CGlobalParamTimeLineConvenient class to automatically create payloads from allowed time depedence of parameter, load their value from database, update te constants one by one usually from Millepde result) and output the final payloads (including EventDependencies) such that one can store them (updated) in the database
 CGlobalParamVectorThe central user class to manipulate any global constant in any DB object Used to retrieve global parameters from database and access the for update
 CGlobalProcHandlerA class to manage processes for parallel processing
 Cgreater< T1 >
 CGreaterBinary functor for greater comparision of abitrary objects - equivalent to std::greater<> (c++14)
 CTEclEnergyHit::greater_CellIdStruct greater_CellId
 CTEclEnergyHit::greater_EnergyStruct greater_Energy
 CGRLNeuroClass to represent the GRL Neuro
 Cgroup< T >
 CGroupProxyInternal class that registers a variable group with Manager when constructed
 CHarmonicMomentsClass to calculate the Harmonic moments up to order 8 with respect to a given axis
 Chas_type< T, Tuple >
 Chash< Belle2::SubGraphID >Customized hash-function for being able to use unordered_map
 Chash< std::set< int > >Hash function used by unordered_set
 CHelixHelix parameter class
 CHelixExtension of the generalized circle also caching the perigee coordinates
 CHelixHelperHelper class representing a helical track
 CHelixSwimmerUtility for propagation of a particle along helix
 CHelixUtilsUtility for helix<->x,p conversions
 Chepevt_typeHEPEVT common block of PYTHIA6
 CHepevtReaderClass to read Hepevt files and store the content in a MCParticle graph
 CHepMCReaderClass to read HepMC files and store the content in a MCParticle graph
 CHistDeltaClass to keep track of delta histograms
 CHistObjectClass to keep track of delta histograms
 CHistogramMappingUtility to store received histograms (hierarchical tree structures) from clients (as an event message), with a function to add multiple histogram trees together
 CHitStructure to hold some of the calpulse data
 CTimeDigitizer::HitHit data other than time
 CSensitiveDiode::hit_tSimple hit structure
 CKLMDQM2Module::HitDataHit data
 CKLMStripEfficiencyCollectorModule::HitDataHit data
 CTOPLaserHitSelectorModule::hitInfo_tStructure to hold hit information, used in double cal
 CHitInHyperBoxAn algorithm to check if a hit is contained in a hyperbolic cosine hough box
 CHitInQuadraticBoxPredicate class to check for the containment of hits in a p q hough space part
 CHitInZ0TanLambdaBoxPredicate class to check for the containment of hits in a z0 tan lambda hough space part
 CHitInZ0TanLambdaBoxUsingZPredicate class to check for the containment of hits in a z0 tan lambda hough space part using a different algorithm than normal
 CFilterMill< PointType >::HitPairSmall struct containing pointers to two hits
 CHitPatternCDCHit pattern of CDC hits within a track
 CHitPatternVXDHit pattern of the VXD within a track
 CFilterMill< PointType >::HitQuadrupletSmall struct containing pointers to four hits
 CHitRateBaseAbstract base class for monitoring beam background hit rates All the monitoring classes must inherit from this one
 CReattachCDCWireHitsToRecoTracksModule::HitToAddInfoInternal structure to store the information about a hit to be added
 CFilterMill< PointType >::HitTripletSmall struct containing pointers to three hits
 CHLTStreamHelperHelper class for data store serialization
 CHopfieldNetworkHopfield Algorithm with number based inputs
 CHough3DFinderA class to finded stereo TS hits related to 2D tracks
 CICalibrationParametersDerivativesAbstract base class to establish an interface between physical representation of the detector for alignment/calibration and (fitted) state on genfit::Track
 CIdGeneric identity functor
 CRelationArray::IdentityStruct for identity transformation on indices
 CIGlobalParamInterfaceSome tentative base class to allow to add functionality to the default behavior, like manipulate constants in DB objects after clibration is finished All methods to override have default implementaion which does nothing
 CImpactBinsSpecStrategy to construct discrete impact points from discrete overlap specifications
 CFilterParamMap::ImplDefine the implementation
 CMVAExpert::ImplImplementation of the class to interact with the MVA package
 CRecorder::ImplRecord the MVA variables
 CZMQLogger::IncrementorVisitor Helper for incrementing a numerical value
 CIndirectFunctor to get the indirection from an abitrary objects
 CSensitiveDetectorDebugHelper::infoStruct with all the branches needed
 CInitialParticleGenerationGenerate Collision
 CInPhi0BoxChecker if a position is contained in a family of curves over phi0
 CInPhi0CurvBoxChecker if a position is contained in a family of curves over phi0 and curvature
 CInPhi0CurvTanLBoxChecker if a position is contained in a family of curves over phi0 and tan lambda
 CInPhi0ImpactBoxChecker if a position is contained in a family of curves over phi0 and impact
 CInPhi0ImpactCurvBoxChecker if a position is contained in a family of curves over phi0, impact and curvature
 CInPhi0TanLBoxChecker if a position is contained in a family of curves over phi0 and tan lambda
 CTrgBit::InputBitPatternInput bit pattern class
 CInputContextClass representing a resource context for gearbox
 CInputControllerA static class to control supported input modules
 CInputHandlerClass to provide an InputContext for a given XML resource name
 CInputHandlerFactory< T >Helper class to easily register new input handlers
 CInterceptorScopeGuard< T >Simple RAII guard for output interceptor
 CInterceptOutput< STDOUT, STDERR >Class to intercept stdout and stderr and either capture, discard or keep them unmodified depending on the template arguments
 CInterfaceException to be thrown in case of an empty result
 CTRGTOPTRD2TTSConverterModule::interimTimeStampEvent number (according to L1/global)
 CIntersectionIntersection of muid-extrapolated track with a KLM layer
 CIntervalOfValidityA class that describes the interval of experiments/runs for which an object in the database is valid
 CInvariantMassMuMuIntegratorThe integrator aims to evaluate convolution of PDFgenLevel and resolution function
 CPDFConstructor::InverseRaytracerDirectStructure that enables defining a template function: direct photons
 CPDFConstructor::InverseRaytracerReflectedStructure that enables defining a template function: reflected photons
 Cios_baseSTL class
 CBFieldComponentQuad::irange_tStart and stop indicies to narrow search in array
 CIsNaNUnary functor for equality comparison to NAN
 CISuperLayerUtilThis is a utility class for the free ISuperLayer type
 CIWireUtilThis is a utility class for the free IWire type
 CJacobianMatrixUtilCollection of functions related to jacobian matrices
 CKalmanCalculatorDoes the calculation of the gain matrix, updates the cov and fitpars
 CKalmanStepper< Dimension >Class to bundle all algorithms needed for the kalman update procedure
 CKalmanStepper< 1 >
 CKalmanStepper< 2 >
 CKarimakisMethodClass implementing the Karimaki fit for two dimensional trajectory circle
 CKeepStreamDummy class which keeps the stream unmodified
 CKeyValBox< KeyType, ValueType >Minimal container storing a pair of < KeyType, ValueType>
 CKeyValBox< double >
 CKeyValBox< int >
 CKeyValBox< std::vector< double > >
 CKeyValBox< TTree * >
 CKeyValuePrinterCreate human-readable or JSON output for key value pairs
 CKFitBaseKFitBase is a base class for kinematical fitters
 CKFitConstKFitConst is a container of constant names
 CKFitErrorKFitError is a container of error codes and a macro function
 CKFitTrack::KFitPXEKFitPXE is a container of the track information (Lorentz vector, position, and error matrix)
 CKFitTrackKFitTrack is a container of the track information (Lorentz vector, position, and error matrix), and a set of macro functions to set/get the contents
 CKKGenInterfaceInterface class for using the KKMC generator
 CKLMCalibrationCheckerKLM calibration checker
 CKLMChannelIndexKLM channel index
 CKLMDatabaseImporterKLM database importer
 CKLMDisplacementGeneratorModule for generation of KLM displacement or alignment data
 CKLMElectronicsMapImporterKLM database importer
 CKLMElementArrayIndexKLM element array index
 CKLMElementNumbersKLM element numbers
 CKLMGeometryParWrapper class around bklm::GeometryPar and EKLM::GeometryData
 CKLMLikelihoodParametersImporterThis class imports KLMLikelihoodParameters into the database
 CKLMTimeKLM time conversion
 CKlongCalculatorUtilsUtility class to calculate the Klong kinematics
 CKoralWC++ interface for the FORTRAN 4-fermion final state generator KoralW
 CKsfwMomentsMoment-calculation of the k_sfw improved Super-Fox-Wolfram moments
 CLaserCalibratorFitA class do laser calibration fit provide different fitting method (under development)
 CARICHGeoAerogelPlane::layerStruct to hold aerogel layer parameters Only for averaged properties of the aerogel tiles/layers
 CLessBinary functor for less comparision of abitrary objects - equivalent to std::less<> (c++14)
 CTEclEnergyHit::less_CellIdStruct less_CellId
 CTEclEnergyHit::less_EnergyStruct less_Energy
 CLHEReaderClass to read LHE files and store the content in a MCParticle graph
 CLikelihoodsStructure for TOPLikelihood members
 CLine2D2D line
 CLine2DA two dimensional normal line
 CLinearDivision< ABox, divisions >Factory object that constructs sub boxes from a given box with optional overlaps
 CListIndexGeneratorListIndexGenerator is a generator for all the combinations of the sublists (FlavorSpecificParticle = 0, SelfConjugatedParticle = 1) of a set of particle lists
 CFileSystem::LockHelper class for locking a file
 CLogConfigThe LogConfig class
 CLogConnectionBaseAbstract base class for the different types of log connections
 CLogicalVolumesLogical volumes of EKLM
 CPDFConstructor::LogLUseful data type for returning the results of log likelihood calculation
 CLogLikelihoodsStructure for the output of PID log likelihoods to a flat ntuple
 CLogMessageThe LogMessage class
 CLogMethodThe LogMethod class
 CLogModRealmClass to modify the log level dependent on the execution realm
 CLogPythonInterfaceThin wrapper to expose a usable interface to the logging framework in python
 CLogSystemClass for logging debug, info and error messages
 CLogVarClass to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service
 CLogVariableStreamSpecialized implementation of an ostream-like class where the << operator can be used to insert values
 CLookupTable< T >Class which holds precomputed values of a function
 CLookupTable< Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::Vector2D >
 CLookupTable< float >
 CLowerBoundedSet< InfType >Represents a lower bounded set of arithmetic types
 CLowHitsAxialTrackUtilUtility structure gathering heuristic functions used during the search for non-helix or low hit count tracks
 CMagneticFieldComponentAbstract base class for BField components
 CMailsProvides functionality to send mails in case of failed scripts / validation plots
 CSVDPackerModule::MainHeaderImplementation of FADC Header
 CSVDUnpackerModule::MainHeaderImplementation of FADC Header
 CMakeMotherKFitMakeMotherKFit is a class to build mother particle from kinematically fitted daughters
 CMakeROOTCompatibleHelper class for converting strings into a ROOT-friendly format (e.g
 CManagerGlobal list of available variables
 CMap2VectorHelper class to make a vector of all possible combinations of int numbers contained in the input vectors (passed as values in a map)
 CMapping< T >Interface defining a mapping of objects to attribute values e.g. a color
 CMapping< const CDCHit >
 CMapping_tMapping class
 CRestOfEvent::MaskStructure of Rest of Event mask
 CMaterialEffectsStepper and energy loss/noise matrix calculation
 CMaterialsMaterials for EKLM
 CMaterialsThin wrapper around the Geant4 Material system
 CMatStepSimple struct containing MaterialProperties and stepsize in the material
 CMaximumPtTrackTemporary data structure holding the track(s) with the maximum pT
 CMCMatchingFunctions to perform Monte Carlo matching for reconstructed Particles
 CMCParticleGraphClass to build, validate and sort a particle decay chain
 CMCParticleInfoThis struct is used by the TrackingPerformanceEvaluation Module to save information of reconstructed tracks
 CEVEVisualization::MCTrackHold MC tracks and associated visualisation objects
 CMCTrackIdPurityPairStructure representing a matched Monte Carlo track id with the corresponding purity
 CMCTrajectoryPointSmall struct to encode a position/momentum without additional overhead
 CMCUtilClass bundling all helper functions for the MC information used in the PXD CKF
 CMCVXDPurityInfoThe MC VXD Purity info container class
 CMeasurementAdderAlgorithm class to translate the added detector hits (e.g
 CMeasurementCreatorFactory< BaseMeasurementCreatorType >This is the base class for all MeasurementCreatorFactories used in the MeasurementCreatorModule
 CMeasurementCreatorFactory< BaseMeasurementCreator >
 CMeasurementCreatorFactory< BKLMBaseMeasurementCreator >
 CMeasurementCreatorFactory< CDCBaseMeasurementCreator >
 CMeasurementCreatorFactory< EKLMBaseMeasurementCreator >
 CMeasurementCreatorFactory< PXDBaseMeasurementCreator >
 CMeasurementCreatorFactory< SVDBaseMeasurementCreator >
 CMeasurementFactory< measurement_T >Factory object to create AbsMeasurement objects from digitized and clustered data
 CMeasurementFactory< genfit::AbsMeasurement >
 CMemoryPool< T, chunkSize >Class to provide a constant access time memory pool for one kind of objects
 CMemoryPool< Belle2::MCParticleGraph::GraphParticle >
 CProfileModule::MemTimeAn internal struct to store pairs of memory usage and time
 CMetadataProviderBase class for a payload metadata provider
 CMetadataServiceThis class provides a service for writing metadata about the basf2 execution and about output files to a json file
 CMilleBinaryMillepede-II (binary) record
 CTOPTemplateFitter::MinimizationSumsVariables used during template fit minimization
 CChi2MinimumFinder1D::MinimumResult of minimum finder
 CMinMaxSmall class for storing min and max
 CMinMaxCollector< DataType >A container for collecting data, where min- and max-quantiles near q(0) and q(1) are to be found
 CMinMaxCollector< double >
 CRaytracerBase::MirrorSpherical mirror data in module local frame
 CMisalignmentCacheClass to hold misalignment information
 CSVDOnlineToOfflineMap::missingAPVStruct to hold missing APVs informations
 CMLRange< ClassifierType, Ndims, CutType >Range used for the Machine Learning assisted TrackFinding approach
 CModuleDefine the geometry of a BKLM module Each sector [octant] contains Modules
 CModuleAlignmentAlignment of a TOP module
 CModuleConditionWraps a condition set on a Module instance
 CModuleID_tIntermediate object generated to contain configurations in a sorted fashion
 CDependencyMap::ModuleInfoStores information on inputs/outputs of a module, as obtained by requireInput()/optionalInput()/registerEntry();
 CModuleManagerThe ModuleManager Class
 CModuleParamBaseBase class for module parameter
 CModuleParamInfoPythonClass to store basic information about a parameter
 CModuleParamListThe Module parameter list class
 CModuleProxyBaseThe base module proxy class is used to create new instances of a module
 CModuleStatisticsKeep track of time and memory consumption during processing
 CMRUCache< KEY, VALUE >Class implementing a generic Most Recently Used cache
 CMRUCache< std::string, Belle2::Gearbox::PathValue >
 CMRUCache< std::string, G4Material * >
 CMsgHandlerA class to encode/decode an EvtMessage
 CMuidBuilderBuild the Muid likelihoods starting from the hit pattern and the transverse scattering in the KLM
 CMuidElementNumbersMuid element numbers
 CMuidProbClass computes probability density for Muid calculation
 CMultipassCellularPathFinder< ACellHolder >Class to combine the run of the cellular automaton and the repeated path extraction
 CMultipassCellularPathFinder< const Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCFacet >
 CMultipassCellularPathFinder< const Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCSegment2D >
 CMultipassCellularPathFinder< const Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCSegment3D >
 CMultipassCellularPathFinder< const Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCSegmentPair >
 CMultipassCellularPathFinder< const Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCSegmentTriple >
 CMultipassCellularPathFinder< const Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::CDCTrack >
 CMultipassCellularPathFinder< const Belle2::TrackFindingCDC::WithAutomatonCell >
 CMultivariateNormalGeneratorClass to generate normal distributed, correlated random numbers given the mean values and the covariance matrix of all dimensions
 CMVAExpertClass to interact with the MVA package, based on class with same name in CDC package
 CMVAExpertClass to interact with the MVA package
 CNamed< T >A mixin class to attach a name to an object. Based on class with same name in CDC package
 CNamed< float * >
 CNamedFloatTupleAn abstract tuple of float value where each value has an associated name
 CndbinningDefault binning in a (7/32) phi-sector
 CNDFinderClass to represent the CDC NDFinder
 CNDFinderTrackStore track parameters of found tracks
 CNDFinder::ndparametersStruct of ndFinder parameters
 CCDCTriggerMLPData::NeuroSet< inLen, outLen >Struct to keep one set of training data for either training, validation or testing
 CNeuroTriggerClass to represent the CDC Neurotrigger
 CNewV0FitterImproved V0 fitter class
 CNNTParam< T >Class to represent a complete set to describe a Neurotrigger
 CNNTParam< bool >
 CNNTParam< double >
 CNNTParam< unsigned >
 CNNTParam< unsigned long >
 CNNTParam< unsigned short >
 CNNWaveFitterThe class uses a neural network to find a probability distribution of arrival times for a sextet of APX25 signal samples
 CNNWaveFitToolThe class holds arrays of bins and bin centers, and a wave generator object containing information on the waveform function
 CNodeCompatibilityCheckerBase< NodeType >Most trivial node compatibility checker, says always true
 CNodeCompatibilityCheckerCA< NodeType >Simple NodeCompatibilityChecker, which checks for compatible Neighboring states of passed nodes (does no extended validation check)
 CNodeCompatibilityCheckerPathCollector< NodeType >Simple NodeCompatibilityChecker, which checks for compatible Neighboring states of passed nodes (does no extended validation check)
 CNodeFactoryWrapper class for static node compile functions
 CNodeFamilyDefiner< ContainerType, NodeType, NeighbourContainerType >This class assigns a common family identifier to all CACells in the network that are connected
 CNodeFamilyDefiner< DirectedNodeNetwork< Belle2::Segment< Belle2::TrackNode >, Belle2::CACell >, Belle2::DirectedNode, Path >
 CNoiseMapBase Class to represent pixel dependent Noise Map
 CNoiseMapBase Class to represent strip-dependent noise map
 CNotFunctor to get the logical negation from an abitrary objects
 CNumberOfHitsGetterHelper Functor to get the Number of hits of a given result
 CObjectStatement< ObjectType, Columns >SQLite prepared statement wrapper
 CObjectStatement< Belle2::Conditions::PayloadMetadata, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, int, int, int, int, int >
 CObjectStatement< std::string >
 CObserverObserver base class which can be used to evaluate the VXDTF2's Filters
 CObserver3HitPrintResultsThis observer does simply print the name of the SelectionVariable and the result of its value-function as a Warning(if failed) or as an Info (if succeeded)
 CObserverCheckFiltersThis observer searches logs the response for each of SelectionVariables used in the filters If the pointer to the StoreArray is set the results will be put into the datastore
 CObserverCheckMCPurityThis observer searches for mcParticles attached to the hits given and stores the information found to be retrieved later
 CObserverPrintResultsThis observer does simply print the name of the SelectionVariable and the result of its value-function as a Warning(if failed) or as an Info (if succeeded)
 CTOPCalEventT0Offset::OffsetDataCalibration constants of a detector component
 COptionsAbstract base class of all Options given to the MVA interface
 CTrgBit::OutputBitPatternOutput bit pattern class
 COverlapMatrixCreatorCreates a vector of vectors, that knows which track is conflicting with which other
 COverlapResolverNodeInfoStruct for holding information needed by overlap resolving algorithms for one node
 CPackedAutoCovariancePacked covariance matrix
 CMultiHoughSpaceFastInterceptFinder::paircompareThis sorting makes sure the clusters can be searched from bottom left of the HS to top right normally, a C++ array looks like a matrix: (0, 0 ) ..
 CSingleHoughSpaceFastInterceptFinder::paircompareThis sorting makes sure the clusters can be searched from bottom left of the HS to top right normally, a C++ array looks like a matrix: (0, 0 ) ..
 CDisplayUI::ParameterWraps a module parameter that can be toggled from the UI
 CParameter< AType >This class represents a quantity which value can be set both permanently and temporarily
 CParameter< double >
 CParameter< int >
 CParameter< std::string >
 CParameterBinderBind the given parameter to the sqlite statement
 CPedeResult::parameterDataStruct to hold data for a parameter
 CParameterLine2DA line with a support point and tangential vector
 CGRLNeuro::ParametersStruct to keep neurotrigger parameters
 CNeuroTrigger::ParametersStruct to keep neurotrigger parameters
 CParticleGun::ParametersStruct to keep all necessary parameters for the particle gun
 CSGCosmic::ParametersStruct to keep all necessary parameters for the cosmic generator
 CParameterVectorUtilStructure to gather some utility functions for the ParameterVector
 CBFieldComponentQuad::ParamPoint3Quadrupole lense data structure
 CParticleAndWeightThis struct is used to store and sort the tag tracks
 CParticleBaseBase class for all particles
 CParticleGeneratorParticleGenerator is a generator for all the particles combined from the given ParticleLists
 CParticleGunClass to generate tracks in the particle gun and store them in a MCParticle graph
 CParticleIndexGeneratorParticleIndexGenerator is a generator for all the combinations of the particle indices stored in the particle lists
 CParticleListHelperClass to help managing creation and adding to ParticleLists
 CParticlePropertiesThis struct is used by the StandardTrackingPerformanceModule to save information of reconstructed tracks
 CParticlesArrayStructure for particle hypothesis dependent arrays
 CConst::ParticleSetA set of ParticleType objects, with defined order
 CMCParticleGraph::ParticleSorterClass to go over all the particles in the Graph an sort them in a sensible way
 CConst::ParticleTypeFor identifying different particle types
 CParticleWeightingAxisClass for handling LookUp tables
 CParticleWeightingBinLimitsJust pair of numbers - min and max values of bin border
 CParticleWeightingKeyMapClass for handling KeyMap
 CPathCollectorRecursive< ContainerType, NodeType, NeighbourContainerType, NodeCompatibilityCheckerType >Path finder for generic ContainerType
 CPathCollectorRecursive< DirectedNodeNetwork< Belle2::Segment< Belle2::TrackNode >, Belle2::CACell >, Belle2::DirectedNode, Path, Belle2::NodeCompatibilityCheckerBase< Belle2::DirectedNode > >
 CPathCollectorRecursive< DirectedNodeNetwork< Belle2::Segment< Belle2::TrackNode >, Belle2::CACell >, Belle2::DirectedNode, Path, Belle2::NodeCompatibilityCheckerPathCollector< Belle2::DirectedNode > >
 CPathElementBase for classes that can be elements of a Path
 CPathIteratorIterator over a Path (returning Module pointers)
 CGearbox::PathOverrideStruct to override a path in the XML file with a custom value
 CPathUtilsHelper utils for path arithmetics needed in the pEventProcessor
 CGearbox::PathValueStruct for caching results from the xml file
 CPayloadFileA wrapper class for payload files used by the Database and DBStore classes
 CPayloadProvider::PayloadLocationSimple struct to represent a lookup location
 CPayloadMetadataSimple struct to group all information necessary for a single payload
 CMetadataProvider::PayloadMetadataCacheSimple caching structure to keep the payload information for this and the last exp/run
 CPayloadProviderClass to find payload files in a list of locations
 CPCmsLabTransformClass to hold Lorentz transformations from/to CMS and boost vector
 CPDF1DimBinned one dimensional PDF (a projection of PDF to time axis)
 CTOPReconstructorModule::PDFCollectionA collection of PDF's of charged stable particles for a given track
 CPDFConstructorPDF construction and log likelihood determination for a given track and particle hypothesis
 CSignalPDF::PDFExtraExtra information about single PDF peak
 CSignalPDF::PDFPeakSingle PDF peak
 CTOPAssociatedPDF::PDFPeakParameters of a PDF peak
 CPedeApplicationClass interfacing Millepede solver (Pede)
 CPedeResultClass to process Pede result file(s)
 CTOPGeoPrism::PeelOffRegionParameters of peel-off cookie region (corresponds to 2x2 PMT's)
 CPerformanceEvaluationBaseClassThis module takes the MCParticles, the genfit Tracks, the genfit TrackCand, and the MCTrackCands input and produce a root file containing various histograms showing the performance of the tracking package: fitter, pattern recongnition algorithms
 CPerigeeCircleExtension of the generalized circle also caching the perigee coordinates
 CPhi0BinsSpecStrategy to construct discrete phi0 points from discrete overlap specifications
 CPhokharaC++ Interface for the Fortran generator PHOKHARA
 CScintillatorSimulator::PhotoelectronPhotoelectron data
 CPhotonStateState of the Cerenkov photon in the quartz optics
 CPIDCalibrationWeightUtilClass to call calibration weight matrix
 CConst::PIDDetectorsA class that defines the valid set of PID detectors
 CPIDNeuralNetworkClass to call PID neural network
 CPIDPriorsTableThis class holds the prior distribution for a single particle species
 CPIDTreeStructure for the output of PID log likelihoods + tracking info to a flat ntuple
 CPixelClass to represent one pixel, used in clustering for fast access
 CPixelPositions::PixelDataPosition and size of a pixel
 CPixelEfficienciesPixel relative efficiencies of a single module
 CPixelMasksPixel masks of a single module
 CPixelPositionsPixel positions and dimensions in module local frame
 CYScanner::PixelProjectionDown-stream projection of a pixel to prism entrance window w/ a clip on bar exit thickness
 CPlainMatrix< T, M, N >A matrix implementation to be used as an interface typ through out the track finder
 CPlainMatrixUtilUtility functions for the PlainMatrix
 CPlane_tStruct for plane
 CPlane_tDefine plane struct
 CPoint3D< T >
 CPoint3D< double >
 CPoint_tStruct for Point
 CPolygon2D2D polygon
 CPrecisionMatrixUtilCollection of functions related to precision matrices
 CPrecisionUtilUtility collection for functions to determine a curvature precision such at a hough box covers a certain percentage of hits in the legendre algorithms
 CPrimitivePlotterA base class for plots of primitive objects
 Cprint_s< N >
 CRaytracerBase::PrismPrism data in module local frame
 CPDFConstructor::PrismSolutionSolution of inverse raytracing in prism
 CProcessedEventBackupStorage item for the event backup storing the event message, the time stamp and the event meta data
 CProcessedEventsBackupListList-like structure for storing and retaining event backups
 CProcessingSignalListenerInterface for an algorithm part that needs to receive the module processing signals
 CProcessMonitorClass to monitor all started framework processes (input, workers, output), kill them if requested and handle the signals from the OS
 CProcessStatisticsPythonPython interface for ProcessStatistics
 CProcHandlerA class to manage processes for parallel processing
 CProduct< factors >Template class for compile time computation of products
 CECLShowerShapeModule::ProjectedECLDigitStruct used to hold information of the digits projected to a plane perpendicular to the shower direction
 CProjectionClass to store the projected residuals and the corresponding jacobian as well as the covariance matrix in the system of residuals
 CProxyInternal class that registers a variable with Manager when constructed
 CPruneFlagsInfo which information has been pruned from the Track
 CPDFConstructor::PullData type for storing photon pull w.r.t PDF peak
 CPulseHeightGeneratorGenerates pulse height according to distribution: P(x) = (x/x0)^p1 * exp(-(x/x0)^p2), p1 >= 0, p2 > 0 in the range 0 to xmax
 CPXDClusterPositionEstimatorSingleton class that estimates cluster positions taking into account the estimated track incidence angles into the sensor
 CPXDClusterShapeClass to correct estimation of cluster error and position base on its shape
 CPXDDAQDHCStatusThe PXD DAQ DHC Status class
 CPXDDAQDHEStatusThe PXD DAQ DHE Status class
 CPXDDAQDHPStatusThe PXD DAQ DHP Status class
 CPXDDAQPacketStatusThe PXD DAQ Packet Status class
 CPXDGainCalibratorSingleton class for managing gain corrections for the PXD
 CPXDIgnoredPixelsMapThis class provides a check for ignored (=cold, hot or otherwise deffective) pixels for the use in PXD data reconstruction
 CPXDInterceptorFills a StoreArray of PXDIntercepts that will be used to define the PXD ROIs
 CPXDKalmanStepperKalman stepper implementation for the PXD CKF
 CPXDLocalDAQFileA class to manage I/O for a chain of blocked files
 CPXDMappingLookupClass to make the mapping between u/v cell ID of pixels back to DCD drain lines, pixel row/col, DCD and Switcher IDs Details: Belle Note: BELLE2-NOTE-TE-2015-01 "The vertex detector numbering scheme" PXD WhiteBook 3.1.3 Sensor Design and Appendix #3
 CPXDPixelMaskerSingleton class for managing pixel masking for the PXD
 Cpydat2_typePYDAT2 common block of PYTHIA6
 CPyEstimatorClass to invoke a pretrained python estimator that follows the sklearn interface
 CPyStoreArrayA (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray
 CPyStoreObj(simplified) python wrapper for StoreObjPtr
 CPythonInitializerSingletonSingleton class which handles the initialization and finalization of Python and numpy
 CQuadTreeItem< AData >This class serves as a wrapper around all things that should go into a QuadTree
 CQuadTreeNode< AX, AY, AItem >Class which holds quadtree structure
 CQuadTreeProcessor< AX, AY, AData >This abstract class serves as a base class for all implementations of track processors
 CQuadTreeProcessor< long, float, const CDCWireHit >
 CQualityEstimationResultsContainer for complete fit/estimation results
 CQualityEstimatorBaseBaseClass for QualityEstimators
 CRandomNumbersThe class for handling the random number generation
 CRange< InfType, SupType >Represents a range of arithmetic types
 CBFieldComponentQuad::range_tRange data structure
 CRangeInBox< AHitInBoxAlgorithm >Predicate class to check for the containment of items in a rangeobject in a hough space part
 CRaveKinematicVertexFitterPart of the RaveInterface together with RaveSetup
 CRaveSetupPart of the RaveInterface together with RaveVertexFitter It holds all global options for the RaveVertexFitter and also takes care that stuff like the magnetic field is correctly set up in way Rave can access it
 CRaveVertexFitterPart of the RaveInterface together with RaveSetup
 CRawClusterClass representing a raw cluster candidate during clustering of the SVD
 CRawCOPPERPackerInfoStruct to contain header information used by RawCOPPERFormat::Packer()
 CRawDataKLM raw data
 CRawDataBlockFormatThe RawDataBlockFormat class Format information for rawdata handling
 CRawDataCollectedMinMaxTakes care of collecting raw data and staying below RAM-threshold
 CRawHeader_latestThe Raw Header class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the header of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting header info from RawCOPPER object
 CRawHeader_v0The Raw Header class ver.0 ( from August, 2013 to April, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the header of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting header info from RawCOPPER object
 CRawHeader_v1The Raw Header class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the header of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting header info from RawCOPPER object
 CRawHeader_v2The Raw Header class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the header of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting header info from RawCOPPER object
 CRawSecMapRootInterfaceTo be used as an interface to root-stuff
 CSegmentNetworkProducerModule::RawSectorDataSimple struct for collecting raw data for a single sector
 CRawTrailer_latestThe Raw Trailer class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the trailer of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting trailer info from RawCOPPER object
 CRawTrailer_v0The Raw Trailer class ver.0 ( from August, 2013 to April, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the trailer of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting trailer info from RawCOPPER object
 CRawTrailer_v1The Raw Trailer class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the trailer of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting trailer info from RawCOPPER object
 CRawTrailer_v2The Raw Trailer class ver.1 ( the latest version since May, 2014 ) This class defines the format of the trailer of RawCOPPER class data and used for extracting trailer info from RawCOPPER object
 CRaytracerBaseBase class with geometry data
 CRbTupleManagerClass to manage histograms defined in registered modules
 CReaderSADClass to read files that have been created by SAD and store their content in a MCParticle graph
 CRootInputModule::ReadStatsFor collecting statistics over multiple files
 CReattachCDCWireHitsToRecoTracksModule::ReconstructionResultsInternal structure to store the results of the reconstruction
 CRecorderClass to fill a tree from a set of variables
 CRecoTrackGenfitAccessThis class allows access to the genfit::Track of the RecoTrack
 CRecoTrackUtilStructure to summarize utility function to output a list of hits into a RecoTrack
 CReferenceFrameAbstract base class of all reference frames
 CRelationEntryStruct for relations
 CRelationFilterUtilName Structured creation of neighborhoods
 CRelationIndex< FROM, TO >Provides access to fast ( O(log n) ) bi-directional lookups on a specified relation
 CRelationIndexBaseBaseclass for all RelationIndexContainers
 CRelationIndexManagerManager to keep a cache of existing RelationIndexContainers
 CRelationVectorBaseBase class for RelationVector<T>
 CRelationArray::ReplaceMap< MapType >Struct to replace indices based on a map-like container
 CRelationArray::ReplaceVec< VecType >Struct to replace indices based on a sequential container
 CYScanner::ResultSingle PDF peak data
 CKLMChannelStatusAlgorithm::ResultsCalibration results
 CKLMStripEfficiencyAlgorithm::ResultsCalibration results or supplementary results calculated from the input data
 CRiemannsMethodClass implementing the Riemann fit for two dimensional trajectory circle
 CRingBufferClass to manage a Ring Buffer placed in an IPC shared memory
 CRingBufInfoInternal metadata structure for RingBuffer
 CRKMatrix< nRows, nCols >
 CRKMatrix< 1, 7 >
 CRKMatrix< 7, 7 >
 CRKStepHelper for RKTrackRep
 CROIGeometryThis class appends the PXDIntercept infos of a track to the list of intercepts
 CROIDQMModule::ROIHistoAccumulateAndFillStruct: histograms to be filled once per event + filling fucntion + accumulate function
 CSVDROIDQMModule::ROIHistoAccumulateAndFillStruct: histograms to be filled once per event + filling fucntion + accumulate function
 CROIinfoROIinfo contains the parameters that can be changed by the user in the python script
 CROIPixelTranslatorTranslator for ROI-geometry-information into a list of pixels
 CROIStripTranslatorTranslator for ROI-geometry-information into a list of pixels
 CRootFileCreationManagerThis single instance class takes track of all open ROOT files open in "create" mode, usually meant for all the ntuple output modules
 CRootFileInfoHelper class to factorize some necessary tasks when working with Belle2 output files
 CRootParameterTrackerProduction notes for RootParameterTracker:
 CCurlingTrackCandSplitterModule::RootVariablesInternal DataStore for ROOT output variables
 CPhaseSpaceAnalysisModule::RootVariablesHelper class to have all RootVariables assembled in one container
 CSegmentNetworkAnalyzerModule::RootVariablesKeep all the variables for rootoutput in one struct
 CSpacePoint2TrueHitConnectorModule::RootVariablesHelper struct to access root variables inside the module
 CBeamBkgGeneratorModule::SADTreeStructure of the TTree in the SAD file
 CSameSignCheckerSmall helper for checking the same sign of two, four or eight floats
 CScalar< T >Class wrapping a scalar type (for which std::is_scalar is true)
 CScalarToClassImpl< T, a_isScalar >Helper type function to replace a T with Scalar<T> when std::is_scalar<T>
 CScalarToClassImpl< T, true >Specialisation for scalar types
 CMaterialScan2D::ScanParamsHelper struct to Store Parameters of a Scan
 CScintillatorFirmwareFPGA fitter class
 CScintillatorSimulatorDigitize EKLMSim2Hits to get EKLM StripHits
 CScopeGuardSimple ScopeGuard to execute a function at the end of the object lifetime
 CScriptStatusEnumeration of the states a script can be during its execution cycle
 CScroogeExecutes greedy algorithm for vector of QITrackOverlap structs
 CSecIDPairAllows to set outer and inner secID
 CSecIDQuadrupletAllows to set outer, outerCenter, innerCenter and inner secID
 CSecIDTripletAllows to set outer, center and inner secID
 CSecMapTrainer< FilterFactoryType >This class contains all relevant tools for training a VXDTFFilters
 CSecMapTrainer< Belle2::SelectionVariableFactory< Belle2::SecMapTrainerHit > >
 CSecMapTrainer< Belle2::XHitFilterFactory< Belle2::SecMapTrainerHit > >
 CSecMapTrainerTCSimple Hit class used for sectorMap-training
 CSectoredLinearDivision< ABox, divisions >Factory object that constructs sub boxes from a given box with optional overlaps
 CSectorGraph< FilterType >All subgraphs
 CSectorsOnSensor< sectorID >This class associates to an ordered pairs of normalized local coordinates a compact sector id
 CSectorSupportLogicalVolumesSector support logical volumes
 CSectorSupportSolidsSector support solids
 CSeedGetterHelper Functor to get the Seed of a given result
 CSegment< HitType >The Segment class This class represents segments of track candidates needed for TrackFinderVXD-Modules
 CSegment< Belle2::TrackNode >
 CSegmentInPhi0CurvBoxPredicate class to check for the containment of segments in a phi0 curv hough space part
 CSegmentInZ0TanLambdaBoxPredicate class to check for the containment of hits in a z0 tan lambda hough space part
 CSelectedECLClusterTemporary data structure holding the ECL clusters used for this analysis
 CTOPTrack::SelectedHitSelected photon hit from TOPDigits
 CSelectionVariable< templateArgumentType, Nargs, templateReturnType >Base class of the selection variable objects used for pair filtering
 CSelectionVariable< PointContainerType, 0, int >
 CSelectionVariable< PointType, 2, double >
 CSelectionVariable< PointType, 3, B2Vector3< double > >
 CSelectionVariable< PointType, 3, double >
 CSelectionVariable< PointType, 3, int >
 CSelectionVariable< PointType, 3, std::array< double, 9 > >
 CSelectionVariable< PointType, 4, double >
 CSelectionVariable< spacePoint, 2, bool >
 CSelectionVariable< spacePoint, 2, float >
 CSelectionVariableFactory< PointType >The factory,as the name implies, does not implement at all the factory paradigm
 CSelectorAbstract base class for curl track selectors
 CSelectSubsetBaseType-independent implementation details of SelectSubset
 CSelVarHelper< PointType, DataType >Collection of functions and related stuff needed for SelectionVariables implementing 2-, 3- and 4-hitfilters
 CSemaphoreLockerHandles creation, locking and unlocking of System V semaphores
 CSensitiveDetectorDebugHelperSmall helper class to facilitate debugging of VXD::SensitiveDetector implementation
 CPXDBackgroundModule::SensorDataStruct to hold data of an PXD sensor
 CPXDBgTupleProducerModule::SensorDataStruct to hold data of an PXD sensor
 CPXDMCBgTupleProducerModule::SensorDataStruct to hold data of an PXD sensor
 CSVDBackgroundModule::SensorDataStruct to hold data of an SVD sensor
 CDQMHistAnalysisSVDDoseModule::SensorGroupA struct to define the sensors group we average over
 CSVDDQMDoseModule::SensorGroupA struct to define non-trivial histograms in a human-readable way
 CSVDOnlineToOfflineMap::SensorIDClass to hold numbers related to sensor
 CSVDOnlineToOfflineMap::SensorInfoStruct to hold data about a sensor
 CSensorInfoBaseBase class to provide Sensor Information for PXD and SVD
 CSensorTraversalClass to keep track of the traversal of the sensitive volume for one track
 CSensorTraversalClass to keep track of the traversal of the sensitive volume for one track
 CSeqFileA class to manage I/O for a chain of blocked files
 CSGCosmicClass to generate tracks in the cosmics generator and store them in a MCParticle graph
 CSHA3HashSimple interface to calculate SHA3 hash sum (FIPS 202 draft) with fixed size from given data inputs
 CShakeHashSimple interface to calculate SHAKE256 hash sum (FIPS 202 draft) with variable size from given data inputs
 CCDCRLWireHitTriple::ShapeType for the different shapes of a triple of neighboring wire hits
 CShaperDSP_tClass include function that calculate electronic response from energy deposit
 CSharedPlanePtrCreatorClass allowing to create a SharedPlanePtr from a DetPlane from Python
 CShieldLogicalVolumesShield logical volumes
 CEvtGenDecays::SignalMap of signal particle info
 CCDCDigitizerModule::SignalInfoStructure for saving the signal information
 CSignalInterpolation2Interpolation of signal shape using function values and the first derivative
 CSignalPDFParametrization of signal PDF in a single pixel
 CEclConfiguration::signalsample_tStruct for a signal sample
 CEclConfigurationPure::signalsamplepure_tStruct for a signal sample for the pure CsI calorimeter
 CsimpleBitfield< T >Helper class for setting up a bitfield that can be used to store several flags in one variable TODO: move this from this header (possibly to some helperStuff header) and make some tests!
 CSimpleClusterType for found clusters
 CSimpleClusterCandidateClass representing a cluster candidate during simple clustering of the SVD
 CCDCSimpleSimulation::SimpleSimHitStructure to accomdate information about the individual hits during the simluation
 CSimpleVariableRecorderClass to write collected variables into a root file, Used by VXDQETrainingDataCollectorModule
 CSinEqLineHelper class to calculate roots for the function f(x) = sin x - slope * x - intercept
 CSingleElementSet< Type >Represents a set containing a single element;
 CRunManager::SingletonDestroyerDestroyer class to delete the instance of the RunManager class when the program terminates
 CTRGCDCLpav::SingularException class, no covarience matrix
 CTRGCDCLpav::Singular_cException class, no covarience matrix_c
 CSizeFunctor to get the .size() from an abitrary objects
 CSizeT< size_t >Helper construct for TMP that provides an index at compile time to recurse through type lists
 CSliceFitClass to do the slice fit
 CSoftwareTriggerCalculationBase class for all calculation algorithms to be used when calculating the variables needed in the SoftwareTrigger modules for the cuts
 CSoftwareTriggerCutBaseBase class for the SoftwareTriggerCut and its DBRepresentation
 CSoftwareTriggerDBHandlerHelper class for performing up- and downloads of SoftwareTriggerCuts from the database
 CSoftwareTriggerVariableManager::SoftwareTriggerVariableClass which represents an abstract variable in the SoftwareTriggerVariableManager
 CSoftwareTriggerVariableManagerVariable Manager for the software trigger cuts
 CSolidsAll solids of EKLM
 CInverseRaytracer::SolutionSolution of inverse ray-tracing
 Csolution_tSolution struct
 CSpacePointTrackCandCreator< SPTCContainerType >Small class to take simple vectors of SpacePoints and convert them to real SpacePointTrackCands
 CSpacePointTrackCandCreator< Belle2::StoreArray< Belle2::SpacePointTrackCand > >
 CSpaceResolutionCalibrationClass for Space resolution calibration
 CSphericityEigenvaluesClass to calculate the Sphericity tensor eigenvalues and eigenvectors starting from an array of 3-momenta The tensor itself is not stored, only its eigenvalues and eigenvectors are
 CSplineSpline structure for zero-order & linear splines
 CSplitterClass that allows to split runs into the intervals of intended properties given by the lossFunction
 CSpotParamStructure containing most of the beam spot parameters
 CSPTCSelectorXBestPerFamilyAlgorithm to collect the x best TrackCandidates per family based on a VXD Quality estimator method output
 CDQMHistDeltaHistoModule::SSNODEThe struct for the snapshots
 CDQMHistSnapshotsModule::SSNODEThe struct for the snapshots
 CStandaloneCosmicsCollectorTrack finding algorithm class for linear tracks produced by cosmics in the VXD without magnetic field
 CCKFState< ASeed, AHit >::stateCacheCache containing the most important information of this state which will often be needed
 CStateOnPlaneA state with arbitrary dimension defined in a DetPlane
 CStaticSector< HitType, Filter2sp, Filter3sp, Filter4sp >Class to describe a static sector of the sector map
 CStepInformationSimple struct to keep information about steps in the sensitive detector
 CStepLimitsHelper to store different limits on the stepsize for the RKTRackRep
 CStorageStreamHelperHelper class for data store serialization
 CStoreAccessorBaseBase class for StoreObjPtr and StoreArray for easier common treatment
 CStoreContentBasf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) # Author: The Belle II Collaboration # # See git log for contributors and copyright holders
 CStoreEntryWraps a stored array/object, stored under unique (name, durability) key
 CReaderSAD::straightElementCalculates the transformation matrix from local SAD to global geant4 space
 CStreamHelperHelper class for data store serialization
 CStreamInterceptorBase class with all necessary features to intercept output to a file descriptor
 CStringFormulaConstructorExample struct to be used with the FormulaParser to create a string representation of the formula, mainly for testing and debugging
 CStringToVectorConverts a given string to the std::vector<T>
 CEKLMDataCheckerModule::StripDataStrip data information
 CstripInClusterStructure containing the relevant informations of eachstrip of the cluster
 CStripInRawClusterStructure containing the relevant informations of each strip of the raw cluster
 CStyling< AObject >Interface for a mapping of object and an index to styling attributes
 CSubGraph< FilterType >All relevant stuff needed for dealing with a subGraph
 CSubGraphIDStores the ID of a subgraph, which is basically a chain of FullSecID coded as unsigned ints
 CSubTriggerEnum class SubTriggerType : unsigned char {Merger, TSF, T2D, T3D, Neuro, ETF};
 CSuperKEKBTreeStructure for the input of the data SUPERKEKB (TTree "Data_SUPERKEKB")
 CShaperDSP_t::sv123shift_tStruct to encapsulate the electronic response from energy deposit
 CSVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibrationsThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to correct the cluster time computed with the 3-sample CoG
 CSVD3SampleELSTimeCalibrationsThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to correct the cluster time computed with the 3-sample ELS
 CSVDCalibrationsBitmapClass for digital (0/1) calibration values per srtip
 CSVDCalibrationsScalar< T >Template class for scalar (one per side) calibrations
 CSVDCalibrationsVector< T >Template class for vector (one per strip) calibrations
 CSVDChargeSimCalSimulation calibration parameters
 CSVDChargeSimulationCalibrationsThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access SVD simulation calibrations; coupling constants and Geant4 electron weight
 CSVDClusterChargeAbstract Class representing the SVD cluster charge
 CSVDClusterCutsClustering parameters
 CSVDClusteringThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the calibration of the cluster reconstruction
 CSVDClusterPositionAbstract Class representing the SVD cluster position
 CSVDClusterTimeAbstract Class representing the SVD cluster time
 CSVDCoGOnlyErrorScaleFactorsThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the scaling factors for the CoGOnly position algorithm
 CSVDCoGOnlyPositionErrorThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD position error parameters and provide the position error for the CoGOnly algorithm
 CSVDCoGTimeCalibrationsThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to correct the strip time computed with the CoG
 CSVDCrossTalkStripsCalibrationsThis class defines the dbobject and the method to access strips which are masked at FADC level
 CSVDDatabaseImporterThis class import to the database the dbobjects SVDNoiseCalibrations and SVDPulseShapeCalibrations
 CSVDDetectorConfigurationImporterThis class import to the database the dbobjects SVDGlobalConfigParameters and SVDLocalConfigParameters
 CSVDFADCMaskedStripsThis class defines the dbobject and the method to access strips which are masked at FADC level
 CSVDHitTimeSelectionThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the calibration of the cluster reconstruction
 CSVDHotStripsCalibrationsThis class defines the wrapper to retrieve the the list of the hot strips flgged offline
 CSVDIgnoredStripsMapThis class provides a list of ignored (=cold, hot or otherwise deffective) strips for the use in SVD data reconstruction
 CSVDInterceptorThis Class implements the interceptor of the SVD tracks on the PXD layers
 CSVDKalmanStepperKalman stepper implementation for the SVD CKF
 CSVDLocalCalibrationsImporterThis class import to the database the dbobjects storing the SVD Local Calibrations
 CSVDMaxSumAlgorithmClass implementing the MaxSum algorithm
 CSVDMCClusterPositionFudgeFactorThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD cluster position fudge factors for the SVDClusterizer module
 CSVDMCClusterTimeFudgeFactorThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD time fudge factors for MC reconstruction
 CSVDModeByteClass to store SVD mode information
 CSVDNoiseCalibrationsThis class defines the dbobject and the method to access SVD calibrations from the noise local runs
 CSVDOccupancyCalibrationsThis class defines the dbobject and the method to access SVD calibrations from the noise local runs
 CSVDOldDefaultErrorScaleFactorsThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the scaling factors for the OldDefault position algorithm
 CSVDOnlineToOfflineMapThis class implements the methods to map raw SVD hits to basf2 SVD hits
 CSVDPedestalCalibrationsThis class defines the dbobject and the method to access SVD calibrations from the noise local runs
 CSVDPosErrScaleFactorsScaling factors for the cluster position error
 CSVDPulseShapeCalibrationsThis class defines the dbobject and the methods to access the SVD calibrations from the local runs providing the constants needed to calibrate the SVDShaperDigit: the charge, the ADC counts, the peaking time and the width
 CSVDRecoChargeFactoryCluster Charge Factory Class
 CSVDReconstructionBaseClass to check whether the reconstruction algorithms are available or not
 CSVDRecoPositionFactoryCluster Position Factory Class
 CSVDRecoTimeFactoryCluster Time Factory Class
 CSVDROIGeometryThis class appends the SVDIntercept infos of a track to the list of intercepts
 CSVDStripCalAmpParameter of the APV pulse
 CSVDStripNoiseMapStrip noise map
 CSVDTriggerTypeClass to store Trigger Type information
 CSVDWaveformThe SVD waveform class
 CSweepBoxImpl< ANewType, ABox >Function to add a new dimension to a box It sweeps the original box over a finite range in the new dimension
 CSweepBoxImpl< ANewType, ABox< AOldTypes... > >Actual implementation pasting together the new dimension with the original box
 CDataStore::SwitchableDataStoreContentsEncapsulates DataStoreContents, but allows transparently switching between different versions ('DataStore IDs')
 CSZLineA line in the sz space
 CT0CorrectionClass for T0 Correction
 CYScanner::TableA table of equidistant entries
 CYScanner::TableEntryTable entry
 CCurlingTrackCandSplitterModule::TaggedUVPosStruct for easier handling of getting U- & V-position of SpacePoints and some difficulties that arise within this task
 CTauEncoderEncoder/decoder for neural network tau values
 CAnalyzingAlgorithmBase< DataType, TCInfoType, VectorType >::TcPairMinimal struct for keeping track which tc is which
 CTCTypeSmall class for classifying types of reconstructed track candidates
 CTDCCountTranslatorBaseBase class for translation of Drift Time into Drift Length
 CTeacherAbstract base class of all Teachers Each MVA library has its own implementation of this class, so all libraries can be accessed via this common interface
 CTEclEnergyHitDefine class TEclEnergyHit
 CTeeggC++ Interface for the Fortran generator TEEGG
 CTempDirCreatorChanges working directory into a newly created directory, and removes it (and contents) on destruction
 CTOPTemplateFitter::TemplateParametersParameters of the template function
 CtessellatedSolidStrStructure which holds apexes of the tessellation volumes
 CTestingPayloadStorageClass to store and retrieve temporary payloads
 CTestParticleFactoryThis is a class, which generates DataStore particles, according to the provided decay string e.g
 CTestSpacePointHelper struct for SpacePoint Tests
 CLogMessage::TextHasherHelper struct to hash and compare messages only by log level and message content
 CThreeHitFiltersThe class 'ThreeHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 3 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds
 CThreeHitVariablesClass that allows the calculation of simple variables to estimate the quality of a triplet of hits
 CThrustClass to calculate the thrust axis
 CARICHGeoAerogelPlane::tilestrStruct to hold individual aerogel tile parameters layer : 0 - up layer : 1 - down
 ChitXP::timeCompareThis structure allows to compare times of 2 hitXP point input (first hit, second hit) output (boolean: true if time of the hit1< time of hit2)
 CTimeDigitizerTime digitization of simulated hits in a single electronic channel
 CTimeExtractionUtilsHelper class to perform all kind of track extrapolations using the methods from arXiv:0810.2241
 CGlobalLabel::TimeIntervalStruct to hold intervals of validity
 CTimeItResultClass to capture the time a repeated execution took
 CTOPDigitizerModule::TimeOffsetUtility structure for time offset
 CTimerSmall helper class that prints its lifetime when destroyed
 CTOPBunchFinderModule::TimeSeedStructure to hold the time seed from a chosen detector component
 CTimeWalkCalibrationClass for Time walk calibration
 CTMatrixConversionConvert between TMatrix and CovarianceMatrix representations
 CTNielTNiel - the class providing values for NIEL factors
 CZMQLogger::toJSONVisitor Helper for converting a variant value into a JSON string
 CTokenCast< Desired_t >Generic template for TokenCast<T>
 CTokenCast< double >Double specialization of TokenCast<T> the decimal point is set to '
 CTokenCast< int >Integer specialization of TokenCast<T>
 CTokenCast< ModuleID_t >ModuleID_t specialization of TokenCast<T> the decimal point is set to '
 CTOPDatabaseImporterTOP database importer
 CTOPGeometryParSingleton class for TOP Geometry Parameters
 CTOPPulseHeightParStruct holding the pulse height parameterizations for the TOP counter
 CTOPRecoManagerSingleton class providing pre-constructed reconstruction objects
 CTOPTemplateFitterClass to perform template fit on TOP waveform data Minimzation method is described here
 CTOPTrackReconstructed track at TOP
 CTOPTreeStructure of a flat ntuple
 CTouschekReaderTURTLEClass to read Touschek files and store their content in a MCParticle graph
 CFindlet< AIOTypes >::ToVectorImpl< T >Forward a range of mutable objects
 CFindlet< AIOTypes >::ToVectorImpl< const T >Specialisation to only forward a range for immutable types
 CTrackTrack parameters (neglecting curvature)
 CTrackTrack parameters (neglecting curvature)
 CTrackTrack parameters (neglecting curvature)
 CtrackAndStateSimple struct containing a Track pointer and a MeasuredStateOnPlane
 CTOPTrack::TrackAnglesSine and cosine of track polar and azimuthal angles at assumed photon emission
 CTrackBase_t< TTrackCluster >Struct to hold variables from a track which contains a vector of data type like TrackCluster
 CTrackBuilderTrackBuilder class to create the Track/TrackFitResult mdst output from the RecoTrack
 CTrackCluster_tStruct to hold variables for track clusters
 CTrackerAlgorithmBase< ContainerType, ValidatorType >Base class for TrackerAlgorithms. shall allow a common base for algorithms like the cellular automaton
 CTrackExtrapolateG4eGeant4e-based track extrapolation
 CTrackFitterAlgorithm class to handle the fitting of RecoTrack objects
 CTrackHitStructure for track parameters at ARICH
 CTrackHitStructure for track parameters at TOP
 CConst::TrackingDetectorsA class that defines the valid set of tracking detectors
 CTrackMatchLookUpClass to provide convenient methods to look up matching information between pattern recognition and Monte Carlo tracks
 CTrackNodeMinimal class to store combination of sector and spacePoint, since SpacePoint can not carry sectorConnection
 CTrackPoint_tStruct to hold variables for intersection points
 CTrackPointComparatorHelper class for TrackPoint sorting, used in Track::sort()
 CTrackQualityToolsTools to apply post corrections to a track after finding
 CTrackSelectorUtility for the track selection - used in various calibration modules
 CTRandomWrapperWrap TRandom to be useable as a uniform random number generator with STL algorithms like std::shuffle
 CTransformDataTransformation data
 CARICHHitRateCounter::TreeStructTree structure
 CCDCHitRateCounter::TreeStructTree structure
 CECLHitRateCounter::TreeStructTree structure
 CKLMHitRateCounter::TreeStructTree data structure
 CPXDHitRateCounter::TreeStructTree structure
 CSVDHitRateCounter::TreeStructTree structure
 CTOPHitRateCounter::TreeStructTree structure
 CTRG2DFinderTrackTRG 2DFinder Track
 CTRGArea2DA class to represent an 2D area
 CTrgBitA general interface to get a trigger response
 CTRGBitStreamA class to represent a bit stream
 CTRGBoardA class to represent a trigger board
 CTRGCDCThe instance of TRGCDC is a singleton
 CTRGCDCCellA class to represent a wire in CDC
 CTRGCDCCellHitA class to represent a wire hit in CDC
 CTRGCDCEventTimeA class of TRGCDC Event Time
 CTRGCDCFitterA class to fit a TRGCDCTrackBase object
 CTRGCDCFitter3DA class to fit tracks in 3D
 CTRGCDCHelixTRGCDCHelix parameter class
 CTRGCDCHough3DFinderClass of TRGCDCHough3DFinder
 CTRGCDCHoughFinderA class to find tracks using Hough algorithm
 CTRGCDCHoughPlaneBaseA class to represent a Hough parameter plane
 CTRGCDCHoughTransformationAn abstract class to represent a Hough transformation
 CTRGCDCJLUTA class to use LUTs for TRGCDC
 CTRGCDCJSignalA class to use Signals for TRGCDC 3D tracker
 CTRGCDCJSignalDataA class to hold common data for JSignals
 CTRGCDCLinkA class to relate TRGCDCCellHit and TRGCDCTrack objects
 CTRGCDCLUTA class to use LUTs for TRGCDC
 CTRGCDCPeakFinderA class to find peaks in Hough Plane
 CTRGCDCPerfectFinderA class to find 2D tracks using MC information
 CTRGCDCRelationA class to represent a wire in CDC
 CTRGCDCTrackBaseA class to represent a track object in TRGCDC
 CTRGCDCTrackMCA class to represent a GEN_HEPEVT particle in tracking
 CTRGCDCWireHitMCA class to represent a MC wire hit in CDC
 CTRGChannelA class to represent a serial link between trigger hardware modules
 CTRGClockA class to represent a digitized signal. Unit is nano second
 CTRGDebugA class for debugging of TSIM
 CTrgEclBeamBKGA Class of ECL Trigger clustering
 CTrgEclBhabhaA Class of ECL Trigger clustering
 CTrgEclClusterA Class of ECL Trigger clustering
 CTrgEclDataBaseClass TrgEclDataBase;
 CTrgEclDatabaseImporterDatabase importer of TRGECL
 CTrgEclMappingA class of TC Mapping
 CTrgEclMasterETM class
 CTrgEclTimingA Class of ECL Trigger clustering
 CTRGGDLThe instance of TRGGDL is a singleton
 CTRGGRLMatchA class to represent a matching candidate in TRGGRL A matching candidate consists of a TRGCDCTrack and TRGECLCluster
 CTRGNeuroTrackTRG Neuro track
 CTRGOpticalLinkA class to represent a serial link between trigger modules
 CTRGPoint2DA class to represent a point in 2D
 CTRGSignalA class to represent a digitized signal. Unit is nano second
 CTRGStateA class to represent a state of multi bits
 CTRGTimeA class to represent a signal timing in the trigger system
 CTRGUtilitiesA class to provide TRG utility functions
 Ctriangle_tStruct for a triangle
 Ctriangle_tTriangle structure
 CTriangularInterpolationThe TriangularInterpolation class
 CTrueHitInfoHelper struct that holds information that is needed for the registration of the relation between SpacePoint and TrueHit
 CARICHGeoSupport::tubeStruct to hold tube parameters
 CTupleGenerateImpl< AGenerator, AIndexSequence >Apply the template function F to each element of the index sequence
 CTupleGenerateImpl< AGenerator, std::index_sequence< Is... > >Specialisation for concrete indices
 CTwoHitFiltersThe class 'TwoHitFilters' bundles filter methods using 2 hits which are stored in B2Vector3Ds
 CTwoHitInBoxAlgorithm< AHitInBoxAlgorithm, AnotherHitInBoxAlgorithm >Predicate class to check for the containment of items in a hough space part with two algorithms
 CTwoHitVariablesClass that allows the calculation of simple variables to check whether a combination of two hits should be used or discarded in tracking
 CTwoTimesStructure to hold calpulse raw times expressed in samples since sample 0 of window 0
 CType< T >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< bool >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< boost::variant< Types... > >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< double >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< float >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< int >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< std::map< A, B > >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< std::optional< T > >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< std::set< T > >Convert a templeate arugment into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< std::shared_ptr< Path > >Some modules take a path as argument so let's add this as well
 CType< std::string >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< std::tuple< Types... > >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< std::vector< T > >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< unsigned int >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CType< unsigned long int >Converts a template argument into a string for corresponding Python type
 CUncertainHelixA general helix class including a covariance matrix
 CUncertainParameterLine2DA parameter line including including an line covariance matrix which is interpreted as located in the support point
 CUncertainParametersUtil< T, AEParameters >Utility struct to instantiate a couple of helper function related to a set of uncertain parameters
 CUncertainParametersUtil< HelixUtil, EHelixParameter >
 CUncertainParametersUtil< LineUtil, ELineParameter >
 CUncertainParametersUtil< PerigeeUtil, EPerigeeParameter >
 CUncertainParametersUtil< SZUtil, ESZParameter >
 CUncertainPerigeeCircleAdds an uncertainty matrix to the circle in perigee parameterisation
 CUncertainSZLineA line in sz where s is the transverse travel distance as seen in the xy projection with uncertainties in the slope and intercept of the line
 CTOPGeoPrism::UnfoldedWindowUnfolded prism exit window
 CUnitThe Unit class
 CUnknownParsStructure including all variables of interest with uncertainties from boot-strap
 CUnknowSplineSpline with uncertainty obtained from the boot-strap replicas
 CUnknowVarVariable with uncertainty from boot-strap replicas
 CUpperBoundedSet< SupType >Represents an upper bounded set of arithmetic types
 CInfoWidget::URIParsed URI
 CUseReferenceFrame< T >A template class to apply the reference frame
 CUtilityWrapper class for some utility functions
 CV0FitterV0Fitter class to create V0 mdst's from reconstructed tracks
 CValidationTreeStructCalibration validation tree structure
 CManager::VarBaseBase class for information common to all types of variables
 CVariableExtractorClass to extract individual variables
 CVariableFormulaConstructorStruct to construct new variable function objects from a name or a double value or to apply operations on these variable function objects
 CVariablesTTree< filterLeaves >Dump on a TTree the values of all the variables in a filter
 CVariablesTTree< Belle2::Filter< args ... > >
 CVariablesTTree< Belle2::Filter< argsA ... > >
 CVariablesTTree< Belle2::Filter< argsB ... > >
 CVariablesTTree<>Defines the interface using an empty template pack
 CVariableTBranch< Variable >This class contains
 CVariadicType< T, Types >Recursively convert multiple types to type names (used for tuples)
 CVariadicType< T >Recursively convert multiple types to type names (used for tuples)
 CVarNames< AObject >Class that specifies the names of the variables
 CVarNames< AFilter::Object >
 CVarNames< BaseCDCPathFilter::Object >
 CVarNames< BaseCDCStateFilter::Object >
 CVarNames< BasePXDStateFilter::Object >
 CVarNames< BaseSegmentTrackFilter::Object >
 CVarNames< BaseStereoHitFilter::Object >
 CVarNames< BaseSVDStateFilter::Object >
 CVarNames< CDCAxialSegmentPair >
 CVarNames< CDCSegment2D >
 CVarNames< CDCSegmentPair >
 CVarNames< CDCTrack >
 CVarNames< CDCWireHitCluster >
 CVarNames< CKFToPXDResult >
 CVarNames< CKFToSVDResult >
 CVarNames< const CDCFacet >
 CVarNames< Relation< const CDCFacet > >
 CVarNames< Relation< const CDCSegment2D > >
 CVarNames< Relation< const CDCSegmentPair > >
 CVarNames< Relation< const CDCTrack > >
 CECLChargedPidPDFs::VarTransfoSettingsClass to hold parameters needed to perform pre-processing of input variables (e.g., gaussianisation, decorrelation) to build a multi-dimensional likelihood model
 Cvector< T >STL class
 CVector2DA two dimensional vector which is equipped with functions for correct handeling
of orientation related issues in addition to the expected vector methods
 CVector3DA three dimensional vector
 Cvector_tStruct for a three vector
 CVectorVarStructure to store all bootstrap replicas
 CVerbosityClass< Verbosity >Should behave differently for different verbosity-levels given - class
 CVertexVectorNeed this container for exception-safe cleanup, GFRave's interface isn't exception-safe as is
 CVisitor< operation >This is a class template which takes a template class operation as template argument
 CVisualRepMapDefines a bidirectional (many to many) mapping between TObjects in DataStore and their visual representation
 CVMatrixSimple Matrix based on std::vector<double>
 CVoidFunctor returning void from an abitrary objects
 CVoidMetaInfoThe most CPU efficient MetaInfo for the DirectedNode-requirements (even if useless)
 CVoidObserverThe most CPU efficient Observer for the VXDTF filter tools (even if useless)
 CVolumeNumbersVolume numbers
 CVSymMatrixSimple symmetric Matrix based on std::vector<double>
 CVVectorSimple Vector based on std::vector<double>
 CConst::VXDDetectorsA class that defines the valid set of VXD detectors
 CVXDElectronDepositPacked class to represent energy deposit along a path in electrons
 CVXDGeoComponentClass holding all parameters for an VXD geometry component
 CVXDGeoLadderStruct containing all parameters of one ladder
 CVXDGeoPlacementClass holding all parameters to place a VXD geometry subcomponent
 CVXDGeoSensorPlacementStruct holding the information where a sensor should be placed inside the ladder
 CVXDHoughStateSimple container for hit information to be used during intercept finding
 CVxdIDClass to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD
 CVXDMomentumEstimation< ClusterType >Class doing the momentum estimation from dEdX for SVDClusters and PXDClusters
 CVXDMomentumEstimation< HitType >
 CVXDMomentumEstimationTools< ClusterType >Tools needed for the VXD momentum estimation to, e.g
 CVXDTFFilters< point_t >Class that contains all the static sectors to which the filters are attached
 CVXDTFFilters< Belle2::SpacePoint >
 CWaveFitterWaveform fitter class
 CWaveGeneratorWaveform generator This is a functor to calculate APV samples from waveform
 CARICHGeoSupport::wedgeStruct to hold wedge parameters
 CWeightedRelationUtil< AFrom, ATo >Utility structure with functions related to weighted relations
 CWeightfileSerializes all information about a training into an xml tree
 CPIDDetectorWeights::WeightsTableNested class acting as a container the per-detector weights
 Cwidth_tBit widths for the prefix coding to encode integers which are mainly concentrated around zero and probability density are decreasing for large absolute values
 CWireLineA three dimensional limited line represented by its closest approach to the z-axes (reference position ) and its skew parameter
 CWireNeighborKindType for the neighbor relationship from one wire to another
 CWrapArray2D< T >Class to replace POD 2D array to save stack usage since it just allocates memory dynamically
 CXHitFilterFactory< PointType >The factory serves as an interface between all x-hit-filters and a user only knowing their name (in string), but not their type
 CXTClass to perform fitting for each xt function
 CCDCCrossTalkAdderModule::XTalkInfoStructure for saving the x-talk information
 CCDCDigitizerModule::XTalkInfoStructure for saving the x-talk information
 CXTCalibrationClass to perform xt calibration for drift chamber
 CXTFunctionClass to perform fitting for each xt function
 Cxy_tA simple 2d vector stucture
 CZMQAddressUtilsSummary of some address helpers
 CZMQClientA helper class for communicating over ZMQ. Includes a multicast and (if needed) also a data socket
 CZMQLoggerBase class for the ZMQ connection to help monitor and log certain values
 CZMQMessageFactoryHelper class for creating new ID/No-ID messages
 CZMQMessageHelperInternal helper for creating ZMQ messages (should not be used otherwise)
 CZMQModuleMessage< AMessageFrameNumber >A general message with as many parts as given as template argument
 CZMQModuleMessage< 3 >
 CZMQModuleMessage< 4 >
 CZMQParentA helper class for creating ZMQ sockets keeping track of the ZMQ context and terminating it if needed
 CZMQStandardApp< AInputConnection, AOutputConnection >Generic base class for all standalone ZMQ applications
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQConfirmedInput, ZMQConfirmedOutput >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQConfirmedInput, ZMQDataAndROIOutput >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQConfirmedInput, ZMQHistoServerToFile >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQConfirmedInput, ZMQHistoServerToRaw >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQConfirmedInput, ZMQHistoServerToZMQ >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQConfirmedInput, ZMQLoadBalancedOutput >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQConfirmedInput, ZMQNullConnection >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQConfirmedInput, ZMQRawOutput >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQLoadBalancedInput, ZMQConfirmedOutput >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQLoadBalancedInput, ZMQNullConnection >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQLoadBalancedInput, ZMQRawOutput >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQRawInput, ZMQConfirmedOutput >
 CZMQStandardApp< ZMQRawInput, ZMQLoadBalancedOutput >
 Czr_tSimple struct with z and r coordinates